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Lung transplantation is an established treatment option that can improve quality of life and prolong survival for select patients diagnosed with end-stage lung disease. Given the gaps in organ donation and failures to make effective use of available organs, careful selection of candidates for lung transplant remains one of the most important considerations of the transplant community. Toward this end, we briefly reviewed recent trends in pretransplant evaluation, candidate selection, organ allocation, and organ preservation techniques. Since the latest consensus statement regarding appropriate selection of lung transplant candidates, many advances in the science and practice of lung transplantation have emerged and influenced our perspective of ‘contraindications’ to transplant. These advances have made it increasingly possible to pursue lung transplant in patients with risk factors for decreased survival—namely, older recipient age, increased body mass index, previous chest surgery, poorer nutritional status, and presence of chronic infection, cardiovascular disease, or extrapulmonary comorbid conditions. Therefore, we reviewed the updated evidence demonstrating the prognostic impact of these risk factors in lung transplant recipients. Lastly, we reviewed the salient evidence for current trends in disease-specific indications for lung transplantation, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, emphysema due to alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and pulmonary arterial hypertension, among other less common end-stage diseases. Overall, lung transplant remains an exciting field with considerable hope for patients as they experience remarkable improvements in quality of life and survival in the modern era.  相似文献   

Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) has proven a remarkably efficacious and safe therapy for patients with typical achalasia in preliminary, short-term, and intermediate-term reports. However, less is known about the feasibility and outcomes of POEM in patients with other hypercontractile motility disorders, prior failed conventional treatments, age extremes, end-stage achalasia, or significant comorbidities. We review the literature data regarding extended indications and contraindications of POEM. The scant data from the literature are augmented by extrapolating from data in the laparoscopic Heller myotomy literature where appropriate (as POEM is essentially a surgical Heller myotomy performed via a natural orifice). We also make limited use of data from an international POEM survey.  相似文献   

Stem cell transplantation preceded by reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) is based on the use of immunosuppressive agents as the sine qua non to ensure donor cell engraftment. It is a curative option for select patients suffering from haematological and non-haematological malignancies. The most beneficial results are observed when a full donor engraftment is achieved with 'tolerable' graft-vs-host disease (GVHD). To date, a vast amount of clinical data has been published, but in an uncontrolled manner. This review summarizes the currently known outcome of allogeneic transplants with RIC, with every disease category analysed separately. Unresolved problems include the optimal combination of immunosuppressive agents, the degree of infectious complications, and GVHD that may appear in some patients. Directions to overcome these complications are discussed. Despite the paucity of controlled clinical data, the current indications for RIC allogeneic transplantation are summarized based on the best-available phase II data.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Idiopathic portal hypertension is a rare clinical syndrome which may be associated with a spectrum of histological lesions, including nodular regenerative hyperplasia and incomplete septal cirrhosis. Here, we report eight adult patients with idiopathic portal hypertension who experienced an unusually severe clinical evolution characterized by the development of progressive hepatic failure requiring orthotopic liver transplantation. Our aims are: (a) to stress the distinctive clinical presentation of these patients, (b) to describe their biological and histopathological features, and (c) to evaluate the results of orthotopic liver transplantation in this rare indication. METHODS: Complete clinical charts and histological data were available in all patients. All patients were male. Their age at diagnosis ranged from 17 to 59 years. Complications of portal hypertension revealed the disease in all cases. Medical treatment was performed in all patients and portosystemic shunt in three. RESULTS: The development of progressive hepatic failure led to the indication of liver transplantation after a delay ranging from 3 to 10 years. Explanted livers showed pure nodular regenerative hyperplasia in three patients and incomplete septal cirrhosis in five. Recovery was uneventful. All patients are alive, without recurrence of the disease. CONCLUSIONS: This report points to the existence of severe cases of idiopathic portal hypertension occurring without underlying or associated systemic disease and characterized by a poor clinical course and requiring liver transplantation.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors discussed the absolute and relative contraindications to liver transplantation. These contraindications are not fixed, and may change with medical progress and experience. Certainly, the recent advent of adult-to-adult living related liver transplantation may somehow change the management of patients with relative contra-indications to cadaveric liver transplantation, as they may be potential candidates for living related liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Liver transplantation is an effective and widely used therapy for several patients with acute and chronic liver diseases. The discrepancy between the number of patients on the waiting list and available donors remains the key issue and is responsible for the high rate of waiting list mortality. The recent news is that the majority of patients with hepatitis C virus related liver disease will be cured by new antivirals therefore we should expect soon a reduction in the need of liver transplantation for these recipients. This review aims to highlight, in two different sections, the main open issues of liver transplantation concerning the current and future strategies to the best use of limited number of organs. The first section cover the strategies to increase the donor pool, discussing the use of older donors, split grafts, living donation and donation after cardiac death and mechanical perfusion systems to improve the preservation of organs before liver transplantation. Challenges in immunosuppressive therapy and operational tolerance induction will be evaluated as potential tools to increase the survival in liver transplant recipients and to reducing the need of re‐transplantation. The second section is devoted to the evaluation of possible new indications to liver transplantation, where the availability of organs by implementing the strategies mentioned in the first section and the reduction in the number of waiting transplants for HCV disease is realized. Among these new potential indications for transplantation, the expansion of the Milan criteria for hepatocellular cancer is certainly the most open to question.  相似文献   

特异性免疫治疗(SIT)是惟一可能影响变应性疾病自然进程的治疗方式,对过敏性鼻炎、哮喘等Ⅰ型变态反应性疾病的治疗效果已得到世界卫生组织(WHO)和世界变态反应组织(WAO)的充分肯定,现结合国内外SIT的临床实践,探讨SIT适应证、禁忌证及疗效评估方法。  相似文献   

The importance of the liver transplantation for the treatment of infaust liver diseases is nowadays regarded as undisputed. The results could be improved during the last years: on an average 40% of the patients still live one year after the transplantation. The control of the transplant rejection and the diminution of the ischaemic liver damage are preeminent pathophysiological problems. Clinical routine and experience essentially further the optimization of the results.  相似文献   

Liver transplantation (LT) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has progressed rapidly over the last decade from a futile therapy to the first choice therapy for suitable patients. Excellent outcomes of LT for HCC can be largely attributed to the use of the Milan Criteria, which have restricted LT to patients with early stage tumors. These criteria may be conservative, and it is likely that a subset of patients with tumors beyond these criteria can have acceptable outcomes. However, there is currently insufficient data to accept more liberal criteria as a standard of care, and a higher quality evidence base must be achieved to prevent poor utilization of valuable donor liver resources. In the future, it is probable that more sophisticated selection criteria will emerge incorporating aspects of tumor biology beyond tumor size and number. Dropout from the waiting list due to tumor progression remains a clinical challenge particularly in regions with prolonged waiting times. Priority allocation using HCC MELD points is a practical and transparent solution that has successfully reduced waitlist dropout for HCC patients. Further refinements of the HCC MELD point system are required to ensure equity of access to LT for non‐HCC patients and prioritization of HCC patients with the highest risk of dropout. Improving the evidence base for pre‐LT locoregional therapy to prevent waitlist dropout is an urgent and difficult challenge for the LT community. In the interim transplant clinicians must restrict the use of these therapies to those patients who are most likely to benefit from them.  相似文献   

Liver transplantation (LT) is the best option of cure for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Notwithstanding several alternatives, Milan Criteria remain the cornerstone for patient selection. Currently, expanded criteria patients are unsuitable for LT without taking downstaging approaches and response to therapies into consideration. Relative weight of HCC as indication to LT is increasing and that generates competition with MELD-described non-cancer indications. Allocation policies should be adjusted accordingly, considering principles of urgency and utility in the management of the waiting list and including transplant benefit to craft equitable criteria to deal with the limited resource of donated grafts. Maximization of cost-effectiveness of LT in HCC can be also pursued through changes in immunosuppression policies and multimodal management of post-transplant recurrences. This review is focused on those constantly mutating challenges that have to be faced by anyone dealing with the management of HCC in the context of liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Terlipressin is an analogue of vasopressin that has potent vasoactive properties and has been available for use in most countries for nearly two decades. It has both established roles and emerging indications in the management of complications of decompensated chronic liver disease. We explore historic and emerging literature regarding the use of terlipressin for a range of indications including hepatorenal syndrome, portal hypertensive bleeding, and disruptions in sodium homeostasis. Novel methods of infusion‐based terlipressin administration including the beneficial effect in reduction of adverse events are explored, in addition to new indications for the use of terlipressin in decompensated cirrhosis in an outpatient setting.  相似文献   

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