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Eleven patients with chronic progressive sensory ataxic neuropathy were examined clinicopathologically. Three cases were associated with primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS-SAN) and the others were considered to be idiopathic (ISAN). The major clinical symptom in both was loss of proprioceptive and kinesthetic sensation with some impairment of superficial sensation, with multifocal and asymmetrical distribution and progression. The truncal and trigeminal nerves were frequently involved. The motor system was substantially preserved. These somatic sensory and motor symptoms did not differ between ISAN and SS-SAN, but autonomic nervous system signs were more frequent in SS-SAN. Polyclonal elevations of serum IgG and/or IgA were seen in 8 patients. One autopsied case with ISAN combined with previous reports suggested that systemic T-and B-cell infiltration into the nervous tissues, as well as a wide variety of the visceral organs, may be a common finding in ISAN and SS-SAN, and could participate in the cause of this neuropathy and polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia.  相似文献   

A 53-year old woman was admitted with of sensory disturbance and weakness of lower limbs which had progressed slowly in the previous ten years. A diagnosis of sensory ataxic neuropathy associated with Sj?gren's syndrome was made. A sural nerve biopsy showed marked loss of myelinated fibers. A muscle biopsy revealed atrophy of muscle fibers along with perivascular cellular infiltration. The dorsal root ganglia have been considered to be the main site affected in the ataxic neuropathy in Sj?gren's syndrome. However, the evidence for that was meager. The perivascular inflammatory change observed in the muscle may also have existed in the peripheral nervous system including the dorsal root ganglia.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive progressive external ophthalmoplegia is a mitochondrial disease characterized by accumulation of multiple large-scale deletions of mitochondrial DNA. We previously reported missense mutations in POLG, the gene encoding the mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma in two nuclear families compatible with autosomal recessive progressive external ophthalmoplegia. Here, we report a novel POLG missense mutation (R627W) in a sporadic patient and we provide genetic support that all these POLG mutations are actually causal and recessive. The novel patient presented with sensory ataxic neuropathy and has the clinical triad of sensory ataxic neuropathy, dysarthria and ophthalmoparesis (SANDO). This is the first finding of a genetic cause of Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy, Dysarthria and Ophthalmoparesis and it implies that this disorder may actually be a variant of autosomal recessive progressive external ophthalmoplegia. Sensory neuropathy is the initial feature in Belgian compound heterozygote autosomal recessive progressive external ophthalmoplegia patients, all carrying the POLG A467T mutation, which occurs at a frequency of 0.6% in the Belgian population.  相似文献   

High dose pyridoxine is neurotoxic. Previous case reports were sparse and little is known about the clinical and electrodiagnostic findings. Three patients with pyridoxine-induced sensory ataxic neuropathy were studied and a review of the involved literature was performed. Three patients, aged 80, 83 and 83 years old, presented with sensory ataxia for 3–8 months. Examination showed signs of polyneuropathy and sensory ataxia. Six hundred milligrams of pyridoxine was consumed each day for 3–10 years, in the form of vitamin B1-6-12 combination tablet. Investigations for other causes of neuropathy were unremarkable. Blood levels of vitamin B6 were markedly elevated at 104.6, 81.4 and 66.9 times of upper normal limits. Electrodiagnostic tests showed symmetric axonal sensory polyneuropathy in two patients. Two years after vitamin discontinuation, all patients showed no significant improvement in the neuropathy and gait. In conclusion, consumption of high dose pyridoxine can cause sensory neuronopathy and axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy, leading to sensory ataxia which may not be reversible.  相似文献   

Two patients of ataxic sensory neuropathy associated with silicosis were studied. Case 1 is a 53-year-old (in 1979) man who was a stonecutter for 40 years and diagnosed as silicosis in 1973. Case 2 is a 64-year-old (in 1984) man who was a glasscutter for 30 years and had been treated for silicosis from 1980 to 1982. Both patients developed dysesthesias in the hands, feet and face asymmetrically and gait ataxia over a few months. Vibratory and joint position senses were profoundly diminished but were accompanied by only mildly decreased pain and temperature sensations. Their muscle power was almost unchanged. Both had absent muscle power was almost unchanged. Both had absent muscle stretch reflexes. Sensory nerve conduction velocities were absent and motor nerve studies were almost normal. Nerve biopsy in case 2 showed a severe loss of large myelinaed fibers, and no inflammatory infiltrates and onion bulb formations. Although these findings suggested the carcinomatous neuropathy, we could not find any malignancy. Both patients had elevated polyclonal gamma-globulin levels and rheumatoid factors and, in case 2 an increase of IgG in serum. Cerebrospinal fluid showed an albumino-cytogenic dissociation and steroid therapy was successful in both patients. Case 1 died of pneumonia in 1989. Though an autopsy was not performed, his condition had continued to improve without signs of malignancy during 10 years. The condition of case 2 has also continued to improve, although ataxias remain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We described a 62-year-old man with a 10 years history of chronic sensory ataxic neuropathy. His laboratory investigations revealed elevated serum IgM with IgM kappa paraproteinemia, IgM antibody against b-series gangliosides including GD3, GD2, GD1b, GT1b, GQ1b, GQ1b alpha, and high titer of cold agglutinin. The clinical and serological features in our patient were compatible with the diagnosis of CANOMAD (chronic ataxic neuropathy with ophthalmoplegia, M-protein, agglutination, and disialosyl antibodies), proposed by Willison et al. IgM antibody against b-series gangliosides including GD1b appeared to play an essential role in developing autoimmune sensory ataxic neuropathy.  相似文献   

There is as yet no consensus for considering pure acute sensory ataxic neuropathy (ASAN) as a variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Reactivity against gangliosides sharing disialosyl epitopes has been reported in these patients. The aim of this study was to determine the spectrum of reactivity against gangliosides in ASAN and to define the clinical pattern. From our database we identified patients with suspicion of ASAN. We defined ASAN as the presence of ataxia of peripheral origin with loss of proprioception, and areflexia, absence of ophthalmoplegia and no or minimal muscle weakness. Patients who met these criteria were retrospectively reviewed for their spectrum of reactivity against gangliosides and clinical features. We identified 12 patients fulfilling pre-defined criteria for ASAN. Reactivity against gangliosides containing disialosyl epitopes was present in seven patients. Concomitant reactivity against other gangliosides was present in 6/7 patients. All patients presented good prognosis and an antecedent illness was present in nine. Our results support the previously described clinico-immunological association between ASAN and disialosyl specificity, and widen the spectrum of reactivity against gangliosides. The acute presentation with a monophasic course, and good prognosis in all cases, together with transient immunoglobulin G antiganglioside antibodies and infectious antecedent in 7/12 patients support the inclusion of ASAN as a GBS variant.  相似文献   

Sensory ataxic neuropathies (SANs) are characterized by loss of proprioceptive sensations and preservation of muscle strength. They may be idiopathic or associated with different toxic, infectious or autoimmune causes. Reactivity against gangliosides containing disialosyl groups, particularly GD1b, has been reported in isolated cases of acute and chronic idiopathic ataxic neuropathies (iSAN) and different experimental findings (in vivo animal models and in vitro preparations) suggest that antidisialosyl or antiGD1b antibodies could play a role in the pathogenesis of some ataxic neuropathies. We present the clinical, immunological and immunohistochemical characteristics of 17 patients who had a chronic iSAN without gammopathy. Patients were selected from a large group of 130 subjects with SAN: 93 with known etiology and 37 with iSAN. IgM and IgG antibodies to GM1, GM2, GM3, aGM1, GD1a, GD1b, GD3, GT1b and GQ1b were investigated by ELISA (INCAT protocol) and thin layer chromatography. Immunohistochemistry, using biotinylated Ig extracted from the patientś serum, was performed on human dorsal root ganglia (DRG), spinal cord, anterior and posterior roots, sural nerve and muscle tissue. The mean age of the 17 patients was 62 (37-80 years). The most disabling features were unsteadiness and severe ataxia of gait. Only one patient of this group was wheelchair-bound. The clinical data of these 17 patients were similar to those of the other patients with SAN, except that progression was slower. Antibodies to GD1b, GD3 and GT1b were found in 1/17. Two more patients (one with an acute iSAN and one with chronic iSAN and gammopathy), also had antibodies to disialosyl or GD1b. No immunohistochemical pattern of reactivity was found in any of the tissues tested with the 17 sera. In summary, this study demonstrates antidisialosyl or anti GD1b antibodies only in 3/37 (8.1p. cent) of patients with iSAN, either acute, chronic, or with gammopathy. However, their value seems to be reinforced by the negativity of antiganglioside antibodies in the large group of patients with SAN of known etiology (0/93). Further studies will be necessary to confirm the importance of target antigens containing disialosyl moieties in a subset of iSAN patients. However, the negativity of antiganglioside antibodies in most cases suggests that the pathology of the sensory neurons and/or axons is probably not humorally mediated in the majority of patients with iSAN.  相似文献   

Pan CL  Yuki N  Koga M  Chiang MC  Hsieh ST 《Neurology》2001,57(7):1316-1318
The authors describe two patients with acute sensory ataxic neuropathy. Both had a profound loss of proprioception and generalized areflexia. High titers of monospecific anti-GD1b IgG antibody were detected in their sera during the acute phase. Sensory ataxia resolved within 2 weeks after the onset. Taken together with the induction of experimental sensory ataxic neuropathy sensitized with GD1b ganglioside, GD1b may be a target molecule for autoantibody in some patients with acute sensory ataxic neuropathy.  相似文献   

Some reports have called sensory ataxic neuropathy (SAN) associated with IgM antibody against b-series gangliosides a chronic form of Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS), but this has yet to be established. We examined five patients with SAN and eight patients with IgG anti-GQ1b-positive MFS. Only one patient with SAN complained of diplopia, whose ocular movement was not limited. The other four patients had neither diplopia nor limitation of ocular movement. All the SAN patients had severe deep sense impairment, whereas one patient with MFS showed only mild vibratory sense impairment. All sera from the SAN patients had remarkably high IgM antibody titers to the b-series gangliosides GD3, GD2, GD1b, GT1b, GQ1b, GQ1b alpha, fucosyl-GD1b, and alpha galactosyl [alpha fucosyl] GD1b. An absorption study confirmed that the anti-GQ1b antibodies cross-reacted with GD3, GD2, GD1b, and GT1b. In contrast, only two samples from the MFS patients had IgG antibody to GD3, and no sample reacted with GD2, GD1b, or GT1b. SAN has different clinical or serological features from MFS, and therefore is not a chronic form of it.  相似文献   

Although exercise therapy is considered part of the treatment of neuropathic patients, and somatosensory input is essential for motor learning, performance and neural plasticity, rehabilitation of patients with sensory ataxia has received little attention so far. The aim of this prospective pilot study was to explore the short‐ and medium‐term efficacy of a 3‐week intensive balance and treadmill exercise program in chronic ataxic neuropathy patients; 20 consecutive patients with leg overall disability sum score (ODSS‐leg) ≥2, absent/mild motor signs, clinical and therapeutic stability ≥4 months were enrolled. Evaluations were done at baseline, at the end of treatment and at 3‐ and 6‐month follow‐up. Outcome measurements included: ODSS‐leg, Berg balance scale, 6‐min walk distance, and the functional independence measure (FIM) scale. The short‐form‐36 health status scale (SF‐36) was used to measure health‐related quality of life (HRQoL). ODSS‐leg improved significantly compared with baseline, 3 weeks, 3 months (primary outcome), and 6 months follow‐up. A significant improvement in all functional secondary outcome measurements and in some SF‐36 subscales was also observed. This pilot study suggests that balance exercise is safe and well tolerated and might be effective in ameliorating disability and HRQoL in patients with chronic peripheral sensory ataxia.  相似文献   

目的研究核黄素反应性脂质沉积性肌病伴感觉共济失调性神经病的临床、电生理、病理和基因改变特点。方法 3例男性患者来自2个家系,其中2例为兄弟,发病年龄41~43岁,主要症状是四肢肌无力,伴随双足麻木和行走不稳。查体发现四肢近端肌力下降、末梢性感觉丧失和Romberg征阳性。3例患者的血尿代谢筛查均提示存在血多种脂酰肉碱水平升高和尿戊二酸水平增高。3例患者均进行了神经电生理、肌肉活检以及电子转移黄素蛋白脱氢酶(ETFDH)基因检查,2例进行腓肠神经活检。结果 3例患者的肌电图分别出现肌源性损害、可疑神经源性损害和无异常。3例患者的四肢感觉神经传导速度显著减慢或不能引出,运动神经传导速度仅在1例出现轻度减慢。3例患者的骨骼肌均可见肌纤维内脂肪滴显著增多,2例有个别破碎红纤维,2例出现小角状肌纤维。2例患者的腓肠神经均可见有髓神经纤维中-重度减少,伴随有髓神经纤维轴索变性和再生。3例患者均携带ETFDH基因的复合杂合突变,其中2兄弟为c.65A>G和c.242T>C,另1例为c.770A>G和c.1450 T>C。结论 ETFDH基因突变导致的核黄素反应性脂质沉积性肌病可以伴随感觉共济失调性神经病。  相似文献   

Three patients developed acute pure sensory ataxic neuropathy. Two of the three patients had a recent Campylobacter jejuni infection. Patient 1 had monospecific IgG anti-GD1b. Patients 2 and 3 had cross-reactive IgG anti-GQ1b and anti-GD1b and patient 2 also had IgG anti-GT1a. Motor nerve conduction studies were completely normal. Sensory conductions showed reduced amplitude or absent sensory nerve action potentials with normal or slightly slowed conduction velocities. In patient 2, serial electrophysiological studies showed reappearance and improvement of sensory nerve potential amplitudes in 4 weeks. All patients recovered completely in 2 months and sensory potential amplitudes normalized in 3-5 months. Our findings: (1) confirm the existence of a pure acute sensory ataxic neuropathy with cross-reactive IgG anti-GQ1b and anti-GD1b as a variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome; (2) expand the clinical presentation of Guillain-Barré syndrome after C. jejuni infection and suggest that molecular mimicry is at the basis of acute sensory ataxic neuropathy; and (3) indicate that, in acute sensory ataxic neuropathy with prompt recovery, the site of the lesion is not in the primary sensory neurons and the pathophysiological mechanism may be functional in nature.  相似文献   

We studied a patient with epidermoid carcinoma of the lung (treated surgically 1 year earlier) and an acute symmetric pure sensory neuropathy that regressed almost completely within 1 month. Superficial peroneal nerve biopsy 15 days after onset showed evidence of demyelination with perivascular endoneurial inflammation. On ultrastructural examination, lymphocytes were seen passing through endothelial cells of endoneurial capillaries.  相似文献   

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