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目的 分析探讨肋间神经移位修复桡神经肱三头肌肌支的长期随访疗效.方法 回顾性随访2004年至2008年于我院行肋间神经移位修复桡神经肱三头肌肌支的23例患者术后肱三头肌肌力的恢复情况.其中16例患者诊断为全臂丛神经根性撕脱伤,7例患者诊断为C5~G7根性撕脱伤合并下干损伤(非根性撕脱伤).患者受伤至接受肋间神经移位手术的时间间隔为5.7个月;平均随访时间48.7个月.结果 肱三头肌肌力恢复优良率(肌力恢复至M3及以上)为39.1%,肌力恢复至M2的患者占30.4%,肌力恢复至M1及以下占30.5%.G5~C7根性撕脱伤合并下干损伤患者肱三头肌肌力恢复优于全臂丛神经根性撕脱伤患者.使用2根或2根以上的肋间神经移位修复肱三头肌肌支术后疗效未见明显差异.结论 肋间神经移位修复桡神经肱三头肌肌支可使肱三头肌得到一定程度的恢复.  相似文献   

正中神经返支的解剖及临床研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 研究正中神经返支的解剖特点 ,提高腕管综合征的手术疗效。方法 通过应用解剖观察正中神经返支在走行过程中存在的易卡因素。 2 0 0 2 -2 0 0 4年 ,对 2 3例 3 4侧腕管综合征 ,在作正中神经松解时 ,同时探查及松解正中神经返支 ,并切除对返支形成卡压的拇短屈肌尺侧缘腱纤维束和致密的纤维弓。结果  3 4侧术中均发现正中神经返支存在易卡压解剖因素 ,其中 8侧受到纤维弓及腱纤维束的明显卡压。全部病例获得 2个月~ 1年随访。功能评定 :优 17侧 ,良 7侧 ,可 10侧 ,优良率为 70 .6%。结论 中、重度腕管综合征在松解正中神经时 ,应同时行返支松解术。  相似文献   

Introduction  Locked antegrade or retrograde nailing of humeral shaft and proximal humerus fractures is a well etablished treatment option. Anatomic-morphological studies revealed a potential high risk of axillary nerve injury within proximal interlocking screw insertion. However, clinical experiences do not seem to confirm this, as there is a lack of interlocking screw insertion associated axillary lesions in literature. Case report  We report about a 69-year-old man with a humeral shaft fracture (AO-type 12-A3) stabilized by a retrograde implanted interlocking nail. Proximal interlocking screw insertion was performed in a posterior-to-anterior direction. The fracture healed uneventfully. In a follow-up examination 2 years later, an atrophy and paralysis of the deltoid muscle were visible. Electrophysiological evaluation confirmed an isolated axillary nerve injury. Nevertheless, the patient showed good functional recovery with almost free range of motion. Conclusion  Even for clinical practise proximal interlocking screw insertion is associated with a substantial risk of axillary nerve injury. Particularly for posterior-to-anterior screw insertion anatomic conditions should be considered. In spite of axillary nerve lesion, recovery of almost full shoulder function is possible by compensating the loss of deltoid function by rotator cuff muscles.  相似文献   

目的 通过对桡神经旋后肌肌支和骨间后神经的显微解剖,为旋后肌肌支移位术提供解剖学依据,并设计旋后肌肌支移位术的最佳手术入路.方法 选择13侧甲醛固定成人上肢标本,解剖肘以远桡神经及各肌支,记录旋后肌肌支及骨间后神经的形态特征、分布情况和直径.结果 旋后肌肌支一般有3支,旋后肌Frohse弓近端2支,旋后肌肌管内1支,管外肌支恒定,可直接与骨间后神经缝合,且口径匹配.结论 旋后肌肌支可用来移位修复骨间后神经,为臂丛神经中下干损伤患者提供一种新的神经移位方式.  相似文献   

桡神经肱三头肌长头支修复腋神经的解剖和临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:介绍用肱三头肌长头支转位修复腋神经的解剖学特点和临床应用效果。方法:采用灌注成人尸体标本16具,常规解剖显露腋神经和肱三头肌长头支,观察各神经支的毗邻关系,测量各神经支的横径。根据解剖学特点临床应用6例,进行随访。结果:肱三头肌长头支与腋神经相隔于长头本身,转位方便,其横径与腋神经前、后支横径相近,便于吻合。临床应用6例,术后经随访6-16个月,M4以上肌力5例,M3肌力1例,伸肘无影响。结论:桡神经肱三头肌长头支转位修复腋神经,术式简便,容易操作,适用于臂丛部分损伤、肱三头肌正常的腋神经瘫的修复。  相似文献   

The posterior branch of the axillary nerve: an anatomic study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Surgery on the posterior aspect of the shoulder has become accepted practice for a number of pathological conditions affecting the scapula and the glenohumeral joint. Despite this trend, the anatomy of the posterior branch of the axillary nerve has not been well characterized. The purpose of the present study was to determine the innervation pattern and surgical relationships of the posterior branch of the axillary nerve. METHODS: Nineteen fresh-frozen human cadaveric forequarter amputation specimens were dissected through a posterior approach. The location of the posterior branch of the axillary nerve and its anatomical relationships with surrounding structures were documented and measured with use of digital calipers. RESULTS: The posterior branch separated from the main anterior circumflex branch of the axillary nerve immediately anterior to the origin of the long head of the triceps muscle at the six o'clock position on the glenoid. It coursed posteriorly, adjacent to the inferior aspect of the glenoid rim for an average distance of 10 mm (range, 2 to 17 mm) before dividing into the superior-lateral brachial cutaneous nerve and the nerve to the teres minor. The nerve to the teres minor coursed medially along the posterior aspect of the inferior part of the glenoid rim for an average distance of 18 mm (range, 11 to 25 mm) before entering the muscle at its inferior border. The superior-lateral brachial cutaneous nerve coursed inferiorly, deep to the posterior aspect of the deltoid. It became superficial by passing around the medial border of the muscle at an average of 8.7 cm (range, 6.3 to 10.9 cm) inferior to the posterolateral corner of the acromion. CONCLUSIONS: The posterior branch of the axillary nerve has an intimate association with the inferior aspects of the glenoid and shoulder joint capsule, which may place it at particular risk during capsular plication or thermal shrinkage procedures. The superior-lateral brachial cutaneous nerve and the nerve to the teres minor always arise from the posterior branch. Thus, loss of sensation over the deltoid may indicate loss of teres minor function. The posterior aspect of the deltoid has a more consistent supply from the anterior branch of the axillary nerve, necessitating caution when performing a posterior deltoid-splitting approach to the shoulder.  相似文献   

Object Nerve repair using motor fascicles of a different nerve was first described for the repair of elbow flexion (Oberlin technique). In this paper, the authors describe their experience with a similar method for axillary nerve reconstruction in cases of upper brachial plexus palsy. Methods Of 791 nerve reconstructions performed by the senior author (P.H.) between 1993 and 2011 in 441 patients with brachial plexus injury, 14 involved axillary nerve repair by fascicle transfer from the ulnar or median nerve. All 14 of these procedures were performed between 2007 and 2010. This technique was used only when there was a deficit of the thoracodorsal or long thoracic nerve, which are normally used as donors. Results Nine patients were followed up for 24 months or longer. Good recovery of deltoid muscle strength was seen in 7 (77.8%) of these 9 patients, and in 4 patients with less follow-up (14-23 months), for an overall success rate of 78.6%. The procedure was unsuccessful in 2 of the 9 patients with at least 24 months of follow-up. The first showed no signs of reinnervation of the axillary nerve by either clinical or electromyographic evaluation in 26 months of follow-up, and the second had Medical Research Council (MRC) Grade 2 strength in the deltoid muscle 36 months after the operation. The last of the group of 14 patients has had 12 months of follow-up and is showing progressive improvement of deltoid muscle function (MRC Grade 2). Conclusions The authors conclude that fascicle transfer from the ulnar or median nerve onto the axillary nerve is a safe and effective method for reconstruction of the axillary nerve in patients with upper brachial plexus injury.  相似文献   

The authors report their experience in the treatment of common peroneal nerve (CPN) injuries using a one-stage procedure of nerve repair and tibialis posterior tendon transfer. A series of 45 patients with traumatic injury and graft repair of the CPN is presented. From 1988 to 1991, the six patients elected for surgery had only nerve repair: five ultimately did not recover, while muscle contraction in the remaining patient was graded M1-2. Since 1991, nerve surgery in our clinic was associated with tendon transfer procedures (39 cases) which were followed by a satisfactory reinnervation rate. Nerve transection and iatrogenic injuries, torsion/dislocation of the knee, complex biosseous fractures of the leg, and gunshot wounds showed excellent to fair results in decreasing order: in nerve sections, muscle recovery scored M3 or M4+ in all the patients, and in nerve ruptures due to severe dislocation of the knee, it was M3 or M4+ in 85% of cases. The association of microsurgical nerve repair and tendon transfer has changed the course of CPN injuries.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用带蒂示指固有伸肌支移位修复尺神经深支及鱼际支术式的可行性,为临床应用提供解剖依据。方法在放大10倍手术显微镜视下,观测18侧成人新鲜上肢标本中正中神经鱼际肌支、尺神经深支和骨间后神经示指固有伸肌支、终末支的神经束数目、直径、有髓神经纤维数、神经束间无损伤分离和强行分离长度。以带血管蒂骨间后神经终末支为桥接神经,模拟带血管蒂示指固有伸肌支移位术。结果示指固有伸肌支横径为[(1.10±0.24)mm,x±s,下同],有髓神经纤维数为(618±76)根;尺神经深支直径为(2.04±0.42)mm,有髓神经纤维数为(1 342±120)根;鱼际肌支直径为(1.62±0.36)mm,有髓神经纤维数为(1 088±95)根。示指固有伸肌支走行恒定,具有一定的横径和一定数目的有髓神经纤维,可携带血管移位修复尺神经深支及正中神经鱼际肌支。结论应用带血管蒂的示指固有伸肌支移位修复尺神经深支及鱼际肌支术式可行,为临床尺、正中神经高位损伤后手内在肌功能修复提供了一种新方法及可靠的解剖学依据。  相似文献   



While the Lasègue straight leg raising test is an established test for lumbar nerve root compression, an established equivalent for cervical nerve root compression is missing. The aim of this bi-modal study was to find the most effective way to stretch the cervical nerve roots anatomically in cadavers and to assess its value in the clinical setting.


Three positional maneuvers of the upper limb were tested on three cadavers to determine the displacement by stretch of the nerve roots C5, C6 and C7. The maneuver which was most efficient in nerve root displacement was applied in 24 patients with confirmed symptomatic cervical nerve root compression (cases) and 65 controls to assess the clinical value of the test.


The most efficient way to displace the cervical nerve roots by stretch was to apply dorsal pressure on the humeral head with the shoulder in 80° of abduction and 30° of extension, with slight elbow flexion while the head is facing the contralateral side. This maneuver produced 4–5 mm of nerve root displacement in cadavers. This test aggravated radicular symptoms in 79 % of the patients with cervical nerve root compression and was negative in 98 % of the controls.


The described abduction extension test with posterior push on the humeral head creates a fulcrum over which the brachial plexus can be displaced to create stress on cervical nerve roots. This simple test is easy to perform clinically and aggravates radicular symptoms in most of the patients with cervical nerve root compression while it is negative in nearly all of the controls.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In multiple avulsions of the brachial plexus, the search for extraplexal donor nerves in the hope of achieving motor neurotization is a major goal. We explored the possibility of using the hypoglossal nerve as a transfer point to reanimate muscles in the upper limb. METHODS: The hypoglossal nerve was used as a donor nerve for neurotization in seven patients with avulsive injuries of the brachial plexus. The surgical technique--an end-to-side microsuture using approximately half of the nerve fascicles--is basically the same as that used in the hypoglossal nerve-facial nerve jump graft, which is a well-known technique in facial nerve reanimation. The recipient nerves were the suprascapular (two patients), the musculocutaneous (one patient), the posterior division of the upper trunk (two patients), and the medial contribution to the median nerve (two patients). RESULTS: In spite of a connection documented by electromyography and selective activation in three of seven patients, the functional results in our patients were extremely disappointing: no patient had an outcome better than M1 in the reinnervated muscles. CONCLUSION: This technique was of no help to the patients and thus has been abandoned at our institution.  相似文献   

High ulnar nerve lesions have a poor outcome; usually, there is some protective sensation and some recuperation of the forearm muscles but none of the intrinsic muscles. We report a case with a high ulnar nerve lesion and failed recovery, in which we transferred the anterior interosseous nerve (particularly the motor branch to the pronator quadratus muscle) to the motor branch of the ulnar nerve; this resulted in an excellent outcome.  相似文献   

乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结外科处理及其解剖学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解剖学是所有外科手术的基础.毫无疑问,解剖学的不断发展,促进了手术技术的进步,手术方式也出现相应的变化.随着相关疾病生物学特性认识的深入、外科治疗理念的进步以及非手术治疗手段的丰富,推动了外科手术方式的变革,使其更趋合理、更加人性化.  相似文献   

Brachial plexus avulsion injuries are devastating injuries to the upper limb, and nerve transfer remains the only option in reconstruction. Despite the encouraging results concerning recovery of shoulder and elbow function, no option is available for treatment of the paralytic hand. In rats, we sectioned the radial nerve in the elbow region and transferred it across the chest to reinnervate the lesioned contralateral medial cord of the brachial plexus. Rats were then evaluated for motor and sensory recovery, electrophysiologically, behaviorally and morphologically. Forepaw functional recovery was estimated to be 90%. In cadavers, the radial nerve and profunda brachii artery were dissected. It was observed that the radial nerve vascularized by the profunda brachii artery was able to reach the contralateral brachial plexus distal to the shoulder region without nerve grafts. After sectioning the radial nerve, sensory loss is minimal and motor palsy can be easily restored by tendon transfers. The results of tendon transfer for radial nerve palsy are better than for any other nerve. Cross-chest radial nerve transfer might be of clinical interest in the reconstruction of hand function in entire injury to the brachial plexus.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In C5 and C6 brachial plexus avulsion lesions, elbow flexion, shoulder abduction, and external rotation are the functions that need to be restored. Because the proximal stumps are not available for grafting, surgical repair is based on nerve transfers. The purpose of this study was to describe and report the results of the use of multiple nerve transfers in the reconstruction of these avulsion injuries. METHODS: Ten patients had multiple nerve transfers: cranial nerve XI to the suprascapular nerve, ulnar nerve fascicles to the biceps motor branch, and triceps long or lateral head motor branch to the axillary nerve. Triceps branch transfer was performed through a posterior arm incision. RESULTS: Two years after surgery, all the patients had recovered full elbow flexion; 7 scored M4 and 3 scored M3+ according to Medical Research Council scoring. All the patients had recovered active abduction and external rotation. Abduction recovery averaged 92 degrees (range, 65 degrees-120 degrees) and external rotation, measured from full internal rotation, averaged 93 degrees (range, 80 degrees-120 degrees). Shoulder abduction strength was graded M4 in 3 patients and M3 in the remaining 7 patients. Shoulder external rotation strength was graded M4 in 2 patients, M3 in 5 patients, and M2 in 3 patients. No donor site deficits were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed nerve transfers constitute a valid strategy in C5-C6 avulsion injury reconstruction.  相似文献   

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