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“聋健合一”康复训练模式为聋儿提供了融合性教育环境,有利于促进聋儿语言、智力和心理的同步发展。文章介绍了这一模式的实施策略和优势。并对实施过程中遇到的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

“聋健合一”的康复教育模式已推行多年,教育机会应该是均等的,“聋健合一”不是康复效果好的聋孩子的“专利”,而是每位聋孩子都能享有的权利。广州市聋人学校附属海印南苑幼儿园在实践中不断优化聋健合一的教育活动,努力完善融合教育模式。通过聋健同训、混龄活动、社会交往、社区活动、聋健家长交流等途径,让每个聋儿有丰富的交往渠道,从而学会交往、学会合作,学会生活、学会做人,达到全面康复的目标。  相似文献   

在学前聋健融合教育实践与研究在国内部分聋校及幼儿园已逐渐开展.笔者结合多年的教育实践,将学前聋健融合教育分为初期融合、半日融合、全日融合3种形态,从安置参考依据、安置形式、集体教学内容和个别化教育内容、融合教育指导策略等方面进行了阐述,旨在为学前聋健融合教育研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

一次意外爆震致聋的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一次意外爆震致聋的调查叶青,潘德才,周桂芬,刘贵爆震性听器损伤是一种较常见的致聋原因。作者对一次意外爆炸进行调查随访,报告如下。1资料与方法1.1资料1986年3月3日某地震队在野外工作中,炸药车上560公斤硝酸铵炸药发生意外爆炸,爆炸地点可见4×3...  相似文献   

1 导言长久以来,中度-极重度聋对于儿童发育的影响已经受到医务工作者和教育工作者的普遍重视.在过去的20年,儿童极轻度聋在国外也开始逐渐受到大家的普遍重视,有证据显示极轻度聋有导致言语发育延迟和影响学业的危险[1].本文简单阐述极轻度聋在国外的研究进展,以引起大家对极轻度聋的重视.  相似文献   

目的通过开展多种分组一合作教学模式,有效促进聋儿合作交往能力的发展,缩短聋儿合作交往能力培养的过程。方法运用行动研究法、调查法对8名聋儿一日活动行为举止进行全程记录.分析,寻找不同分组一合作教学模式,培养聋儿合作交往能力。结果开展多种分组一合作教学模式能增加聋健幼儿合作交往的机率,激发聋儿合作交往的欲望,帮助聋儿掌握合作交往的行为准则,促进其社会性发展,同时也能有效促进健听幼儿形成爱心和责任心。结论在分组一合作教学模式开展过程中,注重聋儿教师.普幼教师共同参与、分工合作,围绕“聋健融合”的目标创设新型教育模式,对于聋健双方教育具有一定的价值和意义。  相似文献   

聋儿经过早期康复训练之后,和正常儿童一样进入到普通学校接受九年义务教育,按照规定要求完成各学科的学习任务,我们把它称作随班就读,这是聋儿回归主流社会的标志之一。但是这种形式上的回归能说明聋生就不存在各种学习困难和问题了吗?显然不是。聋生在这个阶段存在的学习问题  相似文献   

目的考察听障儿童语言运用特点。方法使用调查法,以1名7岁听障儿童为对象,采用在自然游戏情境下与其互动对话的方式取得语言样本,分析其语言运用特点。结果①个案大多数时间在会话中担任主动角色,能根据语境采用恰当的方式发起话题,并遵守会话原则保持话题;②个案所发起的话题主题及细节内容与自身实际生活密切相关;③个案能够较自如地将非言语行为和言语行为结合;④个案语音清晰度不高是影响其会话效果的主要障碍。结论个案有一定的语言运用能力,这对其顺畅地与他人进行口语沟通有很大帮助。个案语音清晰度和礼貌教育的缺乏会影响其语用能力的持续性发展。  相似文献   

目的进一步了解聋校语文教学中师生沟通的现状,探讨提高聋校语文教学质量的策略。方法对某聋校6~9年级的聋生和语文教师分别进行问卷调查和访谈,分析当前语文教学中师生之间沟通与交往的现状。结果调查显示,语文教学中存在师生沟通障碍的情况,但沟通障碍对聋生学习语文的热情影响不大,且随着课改推进,师生间的沟通方式呈现多元化发展趋向。高年级聋生交往的频率呈下降趋势、教师使用课堂语言主观随意性较强、教师对教材中的“听(看)话·说话”内容不够重视。结论要有针对性地采取相应的对策以提高语文教学的质量,如加强对聋人自然手语的学习和研究、重视培养和提高聋生的沟通与交往能力、注重对教材进行合理化加工和处理等。  相似文献   

This study describes the development of the auditory, cognitive, linguistic, and social domains of a child deafened by meningitis at 20 months of age. He received a 3M/House cochlear implant at 27 months and is believed to be the youngest child to receive a cochlear implant. He was seen for intervention emphasizing audiometric conditioning and testing and language (speech and sign) stimulation for a period of 2:9 years (6 months pre-implant to 2:3 years post-implant). Videotapes of intervention; interviews with parents, teachers, and clinicians; test results; and medical and clinical reports were documented from pre-implant to two years post-implantation. The child regressed in all areas evaluated following his illness and subsequent deafness and cochlear implantation. At about one year after implantation, his social and cognitive skills began to improve. By two years after implantation (chronological age (CA) = 4:6), his abilities in all areas except auditory reception and speech had progressed to about the 4:0 age level. He communicates primarily through signs and seems to derive environmental sound and speech duration cues from the implant. Although it is difficult to separate the effects of the implant from maturational factors, he now willingly uses the implant simultaneously with his hearing aid on the non-implanted ear every day and seems to be functioning well with them. He responds inconsistently to his name when called, and consistently provides appropriate signed responses to questions. His imitative skills are improving; he can discriminate one- vs two-syllable words; and produces limited spontaneous speech. His cognitive and social abilities are at least age-appropriate and he signs 3- and 4-word combinations.  相似文献   

聋儿随班就读应具备哪些条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在1994年6月西班牙举行的“世界特殊需要教育大会”(《萨拉曼卡宣言》)就提出全纳性教育的问题,在我国可以理解为“随班就读”。随班就读在解决我国特殊儿童入学的问题上有积极的作用,但是随班就读并不是无条件的,而是有一定要求的,不然随班就读只能是“随班混读”或者“随班就坐”。本文谈了推广随班就读应该具备的条件:思想观念是前提条件,包括教育行政领导.教师.家长.孩子的观念都需要改变;助听设备是硬件条件,助听器是不可少的,还有更适合随班就读的助听设备;资源教师是软件条件,这是许多国家和地区随班就读工作取得成功的保证。只有这些条件得到相应的满足,随班就读工作才能真正落到实处。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Otolaryngologists play an important role in the evaluation of children with a hearing impairment. The group of unknown cause still has a high incidence. The purposes of this study were to determine the etiology of deafness in Afyon School for the Deaf in Turkey and to compare the results with the other studies from Turkey and other countries. METHODS: This study was a retrospective analysis of 130 deaf students, aged 5-16 years. Medical and family histories of the children were obtained. Clinical and laboratory examinations were carried out. RESULTS: Etiological groups showed the following distribution: febril convulsion, 26.9%; cause unknown, 26.1%; hereditary group, 23.8%; meningitis, 10%; measles, 6.1%; and miscellaneous, 6.6%. A total of 90.3% of the students with hereditary deafness were from consanguineous families. A marital consanguinity was noted in the parents of 64 (49.2%) of all children in the school and this rate was higher than the average in Turkey (P<0.05). Neither syndromic deafness nor maternal rubella was identified. A total of 27.6% of the cases were diagnosed after the age of 30 months. CONCLUSION: Febril convulsions and hereditary factors were the major causes of hearing loss in the present study. The high incidence of consanguineous marriage among the parents of the children with hereditary deafness seemed a strong evidence of genetic origin, indicating a close relationship between them. Congenital rubella syndrome did not appear as a significant etiology of deafness in Turkey.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the incidence of auditory neuropathy (AN) among the deaf school students that have severe hearing loss. METHOD: All students having severe hearing loss constituting a total of 75 at Deafness school in Afyon Province of Turkey were enrolled in the study. The etiological factors about the hearing loss were determined by performing an individual file survey and by interviewing the teachers and parents. First, all the children were subjected to an otolaryngologic examination. Then, auditory brainstem response (ABR) and transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) tests were done to all students enrolled in the study. RESULTS: The ages of the children were between 6 and 17 (mean age 11.9) and 32 (42.9%) of them were girls and 43 (57.1%) were boys. Three cases (4%) were diagnosed as AN in our study, however, no risk factors were determined in two of them. A history of hearing loss following a vaccination was found in only one patient. CONCLUSION: Our data show that the incidence of AN in the children with severe hearing loss is not negligible. Therefore, our results suggest that automatic ABR should be also used with OAE as a routine application in the neonatal screening programmes, since the solely use of OAE in the neonatal screening programmes may result in the delay of the diagnosis of the children with AN.  相似文献   

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