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Multiple-region MRI (mrMRI) represents a generalization of the Shannon sampling theorem to permit sparse k-space sampling whenever the scanned object or its high-contrast edges are confined to multiple known regions. Use of an optimal mrMRI sampling pattern produces an image with root-mean-squared (RMS) noise over the supporting regions equal to the RMS noise in a conventional Fourier image with the same total area of support. Analytical solutions for such sampling patterns have been described previously for all arrangements of two or three (noncollinear) supporting regions. This work describes a robust numerical method for creating a library of optimal and near-optimal mrMRI sampling patterns for more complicated geometries. The average noise amplification over all sampling patterns in the demonstration library was only 4%, with 30% of the sampling patterns resulting in no noise amplification whatsoever.  相似文献   

With conventional Fourier transform (FT) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), it is difficult to perform contrast-enhanced three-dimensional (3D) MR angiography (MRA) with the temporal and spatial resolution necessary to depict the carotid arteries. However, locally focused (LF) MRI is a more efficient method that utilizes prior knowledge of the image content to reconstruct images from sparse k-space samples. In this paper, we show how LF MRI can be used to perform high-resolution gadolinium (Gd)-enhanced 3D carotid MRA in less than 10 seconds. First, the accuracy of the technique was demonstrated by comparing LF and conventional (FT) images of a vascular phantom. Then the method was used to perform Gd-enhanced 3D MRA of a patient's carotid arteries. Instead of using bolus timing, the arterial phase was retrospectively identified in a consecutive series of images, just as in X-ray angiography.  相似文献   

When the conventional Fourier transform (FT) algorithm is applied to reconstruct a magnetic resonance (MR) image from data sampled along a zig-zag trajectory in the Fourier space, the nonuniform sampling in the spatial frequency direction may give rise to artifacts. In this paper the nature of the artifacts is analyzed and an alternative reconstruction algorithm is developed to produce artifact-free images. Methods for reducing noise level in the reconstructed image are discussed. Our approach is compared with another method based on the interlace sampling theorem.  相似文献   

An approach is described in which the field of view (FOV) along the Y (right/left) phase encoding direction can be dynamically altered during a continuously moving table (CMT) coronal acquisition for extended FOV MRI. We hypothesize that with this method, regions of the anatomy exhibiting significantly different lateral widths can be imaged with a matching local FOV(Y), thereby improving local lateral spatial resolution. k-space raw data from the variable-FOV CMT acquisition do not allow simple Fourier reconstruction due to the presence of a mixture of phase encodes sampled at different Deltak(Y) intervals. In this work, we employ spline interpolation to reregister the mixed data set onto a uniformly sampled k-space grid. Using this interpolation scheme, we present phantom and peripheral contrast-enhanced MR angiography results demonstrating an approximate 45% improvement in local lateral spatial resolution for continuously moving table acquisitions.  相似文献   

Time-resolved contrast-enhanced 3D MR angiography (MRA) methods have gained in popularity but are still limited by the tradeoff between spatial and temporal resolution. A method is presented that greatly reduces this tradeoff by employing undersampled 3D projection reconstruction trajectories. The variable density k-space sampling intrinsic to this sequence is combined with temporal k-space interpolation to provide time frames as short as 4 s. This time resolution reduces the need for exact contrast timing while also providing dynamic information. Spatial resolution is determined primarily by the projection readout resolution and is thus isotropic across the FOV, which is also isotropic. Although undersampling the outer regions of k-space introduces aliased energy into the image, which may compromise resolution, this is not a limiting factor in high-contrast applications such as MRA. Results from phantom and volunteer studies are presented demonstrating isotropic resolution, broad coverage with an isotropic field of view (FOV), minimal projection reconstruction artifacts, and temporal information. In one application, a single breath-hold exam covering the entire pulmonary vasculature generates high-resolution, isotropic imaging volumes depicting the bolus passage.  相似文献   

A method is presented for acquiring 3D time-resolved MR images of an extended (>100 cm) longitudinal field of view (FOV), as used for peripheral MR angiographic runoff studies. Previous techniques for long-FOV peripheral MRA have generally provided a single image (i.e., with no time resolution). The technique presented here generates a time series of 3D images of the FOV that lies within the homogeneous volume of the magnet. This is achieved by differential sampling of 3D k-space during continuous motion of the patient table. Each point in the object is interrogated in five consecutive 3D image sets generated at 2.5-s intervals. The method was tested experimentally in eight human subjects, and the leading edge of the bolus was observed in real time and maintained within the imaging FOV. The data revealed differential bolus velocities along the vasculature of the legs.  相似文献   

A variable-density k-space sampling method is proposed to reduce aliasing artifacts in MR images. Because most of the energy of an image is concentrated around the k-space center, aliasing artifacts will contain mostly low-frequency components if the k-space is uniformly undersampled. On the other hand, because the outer k-space region contains little energy, undersampling that region will not contribute severe aliasing artifacts. Therefore, a variable-density trajectory may sufficiently sample the central k-space region to reduce low-frequency aliasing artifacts and may undersample the outer k-space region to reduce scan time and to increase resolution. In this paper, the variable-density sampling method was implemented for both spiral imaging and two-dimensional Fourier transform (2DFT) imaging. Simulations, phantom images and in vivo cardiac images show that this method can significantly reduce the total energy of aliasing artifacts. In general, this method can be applied to all types of k-space sampling trajectories.  相似文献   

Technical developments in MR angiography   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
CE MRA has evolved rapidly since the early studies by Prince et al [3]. Whereas many of the procedures in clinical use today rely heavily on the use of gadolinium contrast agents and standard. Fourier transform acquisition techniques, advances will have a significant impact on MRA by shortening the acquisition time, improving the reproducibility of the image-acquisition techniques, and improving spatial resolution or SNR. From a technical basis, shorter acquisition times associated with fast gradients are likely to improve spatial resolution and allow for acquisition of MR images over large FOVs. In addition, alternative k-space sampling techniques, such as parallel imaging and PR, are expected to further reduce acquisition time, while maintaining or improving spatial resolution. The approval and subsequent use of new contrast agents will also have a beneficial impact on the image quality of contrast-enhanced MRA applications. It is likely that these contrast agents will be coupled with advanced acquisition techniques to improve spatial resolution and technical success rates of MRA examinations.  相似文献   

MR images formed using extended FOV continuously moving table data acquisition can have signal falloff and loss of lateral spatial resolution at localized, periodic positions along the direction of table motion. In this work we identify the origin of these artifacts and provide a means for correction. The artifacts are due to a mismatch of the phase of signals acquired from contiguous sampling fields of view and are most pronounced when the central k-space views are being sampled. Correction can be performed using the phase information from a periodically sampled central view to adjust the phase of all other views of that view cycle, making the net phase uniform across each axial plane. Results from experimental phantom and contrast-enhanced peripheral MRA studies show that the correction technique substantially eliminates the artifact for a variety of phase encode orders.  相似文献   

Dephased MRI.     
In this work gradient dephasing is treated as a mechanism for manipulating contrast in otherwise conventional MR images. The paper provides a theoretical and experimental framework for this approach. It starts from the observation that dephasing gradients invoke a shift in k-space. From this it is inferred that the effects of in-plane and through-plane dephasing can be systematically explored in the context of any given imaging experiment by sampling k-space more widely and densely than dictated by the field of view (FOV) and the spatial resolution of the desired images. The oversampled k-space allows an ensemble of lower-resolution dephased images to be reconstructed in which the degree and direction of dephasing are determined by the off-center position of the reconstruction window. The efficacy of this approach is demonstrated for standard gradient-echo acquisitions in a phantom. The results indicate the potential of the proposed methodology for evaluating 3D image data and optimizing gradient dephasing in applications that rely on the exploitation of partial volume and susceptibility effects (e.g., tracking interventional devices and tracing magnetically labeled substances).  相似文献   

3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Safe, fast, accurate contrast arteriography can be obtained utilizing gadolinium (Gd) and 3D MR data acquisition for diagnosing vascular diseases. Optimizing contrast enhanced MRA (CE MRA), however, requires understanding the complex interplay between Gd injection timing, the Fourier mapping of 3D MR data acquisition and a multitude of parameters determining resolution, anatomic coverage, and sensitivity to motion artifacts. It is critical to time the bolus peak to coincide with central k-space data acquisition, which dominates image contrast. Oversampling the center of k-space allows reconstruction of multiple 3D acquisitions in rapid succession to time-resolve the passage of the contrast bolus. Parallel imaging increases resolution, shortens scan time and compresses the center of k-space into a shorter period of time, thereby minimizing motion and timing artifacts. Absence of ionizing radiation allows MRA to be repeated and combined with additional sequences to more fully characterize anatomy, flow, and physiology. Utilizing stepping table technology and thigh compression, whole body MRA is possible with a single contrast injection. As MR technology continues to advance, CE MRA becomes better and simpler to perform, increasing its efficacy in the diagnosis and management of vascular diseases.  相似文献   

A method is presented for 3D MRI in an extended field of view (FOV) based on continuous motion of the patient table and an efficient acquisition scheme. A gradient-echo MR pulse sequence is applied with lateral (left-right (L/R)) frequency-encoding direction and slab selection along the direction of motion. Compensation for the table motion is achieved by a combination of slab tracking and data alignment in hybrid space. The method allows fast k-space coverage to be achieved, especially when a short sampling FOV is chosen along the direction of table motion, as is desirable for good image quality. The method can be incorporated into different acquisitions schemes, including segmented k-space scanning, which allows for contrast variation with the use of magnetization preparation. Head-to-toe images of volunteers were obtained with good quality using 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequences. As an example of magnetization-prepared imaging, fat/water separated images were acquired using chemical shift selective (CHESS) presaturation pulses.  相似文献   

The elliptical centric (EC) view order samples a 3DFT acquisition from the center of k-space outward, and when applied to contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) provides intrinsic venous suppression. This is because the veins enhance several seconds after the scan is initiated, and are thus encoded solely by noncentral k-space frequencies. A separate method, sensitivity encoding (SENSE), accelerates the k-space sampling rate by reducing the phase FOV or, equivalently, by increasing the k-space sampling interval, and has been used to increase spatiotemporal resolution. We hypothesized that by combining SENSE with EC, sampling of central k-space would be accelerated and the k-space radius at which the veins first showed contrast enhancement would be increased over a reference scan, thus providing improved venous suppression and spatial resolution without additional scan time. This hypothesis was studied with the use of phantom and carotid CE-MRA experiments, and the results demonstrated an approximate 25% reduction in venous signal when SENSE was used.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To present a new 4D method that is designed to provide high spatial resolution MR angiograms at subsecond temporal resolution by combining different techniques of view sharing with parallel imaging at 3.0T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the keyhole-based method, a central elliptical cylinder in k-space is repeated n times (keyhole) with a random acquisition (CENTRA), and followed by the readout of the periphery of k-space. 4D-MR angiography with CENTRA keyhole (4D-TRAK) was combined with parallel imaging (SENSE) and partial Fourier imaging. In total, a speed-up factor of 66.5 (6.25 [CENTRA keyhole] x 8 [SENSE] x 1.33 [partial Fourier imaging]) was achieved yielding a temporal resolution of 608 ms and a spatial resolution of (1.1 x 1.4 x 1.1) mm(3) with whole-brain coverage 4D-TRAK was applied to five patients and compared with digital subtraction angiography (DSA). RESULTS: 4D-TRAK was successfully completed with an acceleration factor of 66.5 in all five patients. Sharp images were acquired without any artifacts possibly created by the transition of the central cylinder and the reference dataset. MRA findings were concordant with DSA. CONCLUSION: 4D time-resolved MRA with keyhole (4D-TRAK) is feasible using a combination of CENTRA, keyhole, and SENSE at 3.0T and allows for more than 60 times accelerated MRA with high spatial resolution.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the image quality of the 3D TOF MRA acquired with a small FOV and low phase encodes with those MR angiographic images acquired with standard pulse sequence parameters. Twenty patients who were referred to our institution for MR imaging of the brain and strictly satisfied the selection criteria were included in this study. Apart from the routine protocol for MR imaging of the brain, 3D TOF MRA of the circle of Willis with a small FOV and a standard FOV were performed. The image quality of all MRA was evaluated by two independent observers who were blind to the pulse sequence parameters. From the standard FOV MRA, 22.5, 12.5, and 5% of the patients were graded as mild, moderate, and severe stenosis of the internal carotid artery, respectively. On the contrary, no apparent stenosis was observed from the small FOV MRA with low phase encodes. Regarding the reduction in MR artifacts and acquisition time achieved with the small FOV 3D TOF MRA with low phase encodes, this might be a useful MR angiographic technique to be used in routine clinical practice.  相似文献   

Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI is a powerful technique to probe an area of interest in the body. Here a temporally constrained reconstruction (TCR) technique that requires less k-space data over time to obtain good-quality reconstructed images is proposed. This approach can be used to improve the spatial or temporal resolution, or increase the coverage of the object of interest. The method jointly reconstructs the space-time data iteratively with a temporal constraint in order to resolve aliasing. The method was implemented and its feasibility tested on DCE myocardial perfusion data with little or no motion. The results obtained from sparse k-space data using the TCR method were compared with results obtained with a sliding-window (SW) method and from full data using the standard inverse Fourier transform (IFT) reconstruction. Acceleration factors of 5 (R = 5) were achieved without a significant loss in image quality. Mean improvements of 28 +/- 4% in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and 14 +/- 4% in the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were observed in the images reconstructed using the TCR method on sparse data (R = 5) compared to the standard IFT reconstructions from full data for the perfusion datasets. The method has the potential to improve dynamic myocardial perfusion imaging and also to reconstruct other sparse dynamic MR acquisitions.  相似文献   

Although the concept of receiving MR signal using multiple coils simultaneously has been known for over two decades, the technique has only recently become clinically available as a result of the development of several effective parallel imaging reconstruction algorithms. Despite the success of these algorithms, it remains a challenge in many applications to rapidly and reliably reconstruct an image from partially-acquired general non-Cartesian k-space data. Such applications include, for example, three-dimensional (3D) imaging, functional MRI (fMRI), perfusion-weighted imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), in which a large number of images have to be reconstructed. In this work, a systematic k-space-based reconstruction algorithm based on k-space sparse matrices (kSPA) is introduced. This algorithm formulates the image reconstruction problem as a system of sparse linear equations in k-space. The inversion of this system of equations is achieved by computing a sparse approximate inverse matrix. The algorithm is demonstrated using both simulated and in vivo data, and the resulting image quality is comparable to that of the iterative sensitivity encoding (SENSE) algorithm. The kSPA algorithm is noniterative and the computed sparse approximate inverse can be applied repetitively to reconstruct all subsequent images. This algorithm, therefore, is particularly suitable for the aforementioned applications.  相似文献   



We demonstrate the clinical use of an MR angiography sequence performed with sparse k-space sampling (MRA), as a method for dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI, and apply it to the assessment of sarcomas for treatment response.

Materials and methods

Three subjects with sarcomas (2 with osteosarcoma, 1 with high-grade soft tissue sarcomas) underwent MRI after neoadjuvant therapy/prior to surgery, with conventional MRI (T1-weighted, fluid-sensitive, static post-contrast T1-weighted sequences) and DCE-MRI (MRA, time resolution?=?7–10 s, TR/TE 2.4/0.9 ms, FOV 40 cm2). Images were reviewed by two observers in consensus who recorded image quality (1 = diagnostic, no significant artifacts, 2 = diagnostic, <25 % artifacts, 3 = nondiagnostic) and contrast enhancement characteristics by static MRI (presence/absence of contrast enhancement, percentage of enhancement) and DCE-MRI (presence/absence of arterial enhancement with time–intensity curves). Results were compared with histological response (defined as <5 % viable tumor [soft tissue sarcoma] or <10 % [bone sarcoma] following resection).


Diagnostic quality for all conventional and DCE-MRI sequences was rated as 1. In 2 of the 3 sarcomas, there was good histological response (≤5 % viable tumor); in 1 there was poor response (50 % viable tumor). By static post-contrast T1-weighted sequences, there was enhancement in all sarcomas, regardless of response (up to >75 % with good response, >75 % with poor response). DCE-MRI findings were concordant with histological response (arterial enhancement with poor response, no arterial enhancement with good response).


Unlike conventional DCE-MRI sequences, an MRA sequence with sparse k-space sampling is easily integrated into a routine musculoskeletal tumor MRI protocol, with high diagnostic quality. In this preliminary work, tumor enhancement characteristics by DCE-MRI were used to assess treatment response.  相似文献   

EPI image reconstruction with correction of distortion and signal losses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: To derive and implement a method for correcting geometric distortions and recovering magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signal losses caused by susceptibility-induced magnetic field gradients (SFGs) in regions with large static field inhomogeneities in echo-planar imaging (EPI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Factors to account for field inhomogeneities and SFGs were added in a traditional EPI equation that was a simple Fourier transform (FT) for expressing the actual k-space data of an EPI scan. The inverse calculation of this "distorted EPI" equation was used as a kernel to correct geometric distortions and reductions in intensity during reconstruction. A step-by-step EPI reconstruction method was developed to prevent complicated phase unwrapping problems. Some EPI images of phantom and human brains were reconstructed from standard EPI k-spaces. RESULTS: All images were reconstructed using the proposed multistep method. Geometric distortions were corrected and SFG-induced MRI signal losses were recovered. CONCLUSION: Results suggest that applying our method for reconstructing EPI images to reduce distortions and MRI signal losses is feasible.  相似文献   

k-space undersampling in PROPELLER imaging.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PROPELLER MRI (periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines with enhanced reconstruction) provides images with significantly fewer B(0)-related artifacts than echo-planar imaging (EPI), as well as reduced sensitivity to motion compared to conventional multiple-shot fast spin-echo (FSE). However, the minimum imaging time in PROPELLER is markedly longer than in EPI and 50% longer than in conventional multiple-shot FSE. Often in MRI, imaging time is reduced by undersampling k-space. In the present study, the effects of undersampling on PROPELLER images were evaluated using simulated and in vivo data sets. Undersampling using PROPELLER patterns with reduced number of samples per line, number of lines per blade, or number of blades per acquisition, while maintaining the same k-space field of view (FOV(k)) and uniform sampling at the edges of FOV(k), reduced imaging time but led to severe image artifacts. In contrast, undersampling by means of removing whole blades from a PROPELLER sampling pattern that sufficiently samples k-space produced only minimal image artifacts, mainly manifested as blurring in directions parallel to the blades removed, even when reducing imaging time by as much as 50%. Finally, undersampling using asymmetric blades and taking advantage of Hermitian symmetries to fill-in the missing data significantly reduced imaging time without causing image artifacts.  相似文献   

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