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Background This study examined the effect of anterior partial fundoplication on reflux symptoms and dysphagia in gastroesophageal reflux disease.Patients and methods Perioperative results in 249 patients were evaluated retrospectively for 93 conventional and prospectively for 156 laparoscopic procedures. The patients were followed up by standardized questionnaire. Median clinical follow-up period was 9 months (range 6–44) after laparoscopic and 88 months (range 15–194) following partial open fundoplication.Results The median operating time was 58 and 115 min for laparoscopic and open partial fundoplication. Intraoperative complications were rare (1%) for both approaches. After introduction of the laparoscopic procedure the morbidity rate was reduced (mean 3.2% vs. 1.3%) at a shorter postoperative hospital stay (10 vs. 5 days). No reflux symptoms were found in 71.4% patients after conventional and in 69% after laparoscopic partial fundoplication, dysphagia did not develop in 86% and 85%, respectively, and 66% and 82% received no medications. Among the patients with reflux symptoms 6.5% and 0.9% underwent revision surgery. Satisfaction with the surgical outcome was expressed by 78% and 85% of patients, respectively.Conclusions Anterior partial fundoplication achieves effective medium- and long-term control of reflux symptoms. Technically easy to perform and associated with few complications, the procedure is superior to fundoplication with respect to the development of postoperative dysphagia and therefore represents a viable alternative to fundoplication.  相似文献   

Background: Partial fundoplication has traditionally been indicated for patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) who have defective peristalsis (DP). Because partial fundoplication had been reported to be a less effective means of controlling acid reflux than total fundoplication, in 1997 we stopped performing partial fundoplication for patients with DP and switched to a floppy total fundoplication. This study analyzes the results of our new strategy and compares it to our former approach. Methods: We performed a partial fundoplication in 39 patients with DP (distal amplitude >40% of swallows) between 1994 and 1997 and a total fundoplication in 57 patients between 1997 and 2000. Symptoms scores derived from a standard questionnaire with a scale of 0–4 manometry, and 24-h pH monitoring were completed preoperatively in 86 patients and postoperatively in 40 patients. Results: Heartburn scores improved in both groups (preoperative, 2.8; postoperative, 0.65; p<0.05). Dysphagia was 1.1 preoperatively and 0.62 postoperatively (p=NS) in the partial fundoplication group and 1.2 preoperatively and 0.3 postoperatively (p<0.05) in the total fundoplication group. Furthermore, none of the patients in the total fundoplication group developed new dysphagia and none required dilatation. Distal esophageal acid exposure normalized in both groups after operative treatment (median DeMeester score:72.3 vs 11.3, p<0.05, For partial fundoplication; 57.1 vs 6.3, p<0.05, For total fundoplication). Distal esophageal amplitudes averaged 27.8 mmHg preoperatively and 35.6 mmHg (p = NS) in the partial fundoplication group, they averaged 28.2 mmHg preoperatively vs 49.0 mmHg postoperatively (p<0.005) in the total fundoplication group. Two patients with a previous partial fundoplication required a conversion to a total fundoplication. No postoperative dilation was required in either group. Conclusions: Our study shows that both a partial and a total fundoplication are effective in controlling the symptoms of GERD in patients with defective peristalsis. Dysphagia improves significantly after total fundoplication but not after partial fundoplication. Although both operations brought acid reflux to within normal limits, the effect was more pronounced with total fundoplication. Total, but not partial, fundoplication produced a significant increase in amplitude of esophageal peristalsis, which may explain the subjective improvement during deglution. Therefore, fundoplication should be the treatment of choice in patients with GERD and defective peristalsis.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic fundoplication controls heartburn and regurgitation, but the effects on the respiratory symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are unclear. Confusion stems from difficulty preoperatively in determining whether cough or wheezing is actually caused by reflux when reflux is found on pH monitoring. To date, there is no proven way to pinpoint a cause-and-effect relationship. The goals of this study were to assess the following: (1) the value of pH monitoring in establishing a correlation between respiratory symptoms and reflux; (2) the predictive value of pH monitoring on the results of surgical treatment; and (3) the outcome of laparoscopic fundoplication on GERD-induced respiratory symptoms. Between October 1992 and October 1998, a total of 340 patients underwent laparoscopic fundoplication for GERD. From the clinical findings alone, respiratory symptoms were thought possibly to be caused by GERD in 39 patients (11 %). These 39 patients had been symptomatic for an average of 134 months. They were all taking H-blocking agents (21 %) or proton pump inhibitors (79%). Seven patients (18%) were also being treated with bronchodilators, alone (3 patients) or in combination with prednisonc (4 patients). Median length of postoperative follow-up was 28 months. In 23 patients (59%) a temporal correlation was found during 24-hour pH monitoring between respiratory symptoms and episodes of reflux. Postoperatively heartburn resolved in 91% of patients, regurgitation in 90% of patients, wheezing in 64% of patients, and cough in 74% of patients. Cough resolved in 19 (83%) of 23 patients in whom a correlation between cough and reflux was found during pH monitoring, but in only 8 (57%) of 14 of patients when this correlation was absent. Cough persisted postoperatively in the two patients who did not cough during the study. These data show that pH monitoring helped to establish a correlation between respiratory symptoms and reflux, and it helped to identify the patients most likely to benefit from antircflux surgery. Following laparoscopic surgery, respiratory symptoms resolved in 83% of patients when a temporal correlation between cough and reflux was found on pH monitoring; heartburn and regurgitation resolved in 90%. Presented at the Fortieth Annual Meeting ot The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Orlando, Fla., May 16–19, 1999.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic fundoplication: A 10-year learning curve   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Background Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) has become the most common surgical treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Controversies still exist regarding the operative technique and the durability of the procedure. Methods A retrospective study of 808 patients undergoing 838 LNF for GERD at a tertiary referral center was undertaken. Demographic, perioperative, and follow-up data had been entered onto the unit database. Results During a median follow-up period of 60 months (range, 2–120 months), heartburn decreased to 3% of the patients (19/645) and regurgitation to 2% (11/582) (p < 0.01). Respiratory symptoms improved in 69 (85%) of 81 patients (p < 0.01). The incidence of postoperative dysphagia was unaffected by the use of an intraesophageal bougie (odds ratio [OR], 1.16; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.82–1.64; p = 0.41) or division of the short gastric vessels (OR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.42–1.07; p = 0.72). In the immediate postoperative period, the incidence of abdominal symptoms increased by 10% (p < 0.01) and dysphagia by 16% (p < 0.01). After 10 postoperative years, only 3% (30/484) were found to have abdominal symptoms, whereas the incidence of dysphagia declined to zero. Conclusion The findings show that LNF is a safe and effective procedure with long-term durability. Abdominal symptoms and dysphagia are the principal postoperative complaints, which improve with time. Personal preference should dictate the use of a bougie, division of the short gastric vessels, or both.  相似文献   

Background Gastric myoelectrical activity disorders play an essential role in the pathophysiology of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), although little is known about gastric motility following surgical treatment of the disease. The aim of present study was to analyze the impact of Nissen fundoplication on both gastric myoelectrical activity, measured using the transcutaneous electrogastrography technique (EGG), and change in digestive symptoms. Methods In 43 patients with GERD, EGG was recorded before and after the Nissen procedure and compared with the EGG obtained in eight healthy volunteers. Symptoms of epigastric pain, belching, regurgitation, heartburn, postprandial abdominal distension, and early satiety were recorded. At a three-week and a one-year postoperative follow-up, these tests were repeated. Results In fasted patients before the operation, the slow-wave frequency distribution (normogastria, 53.7%; bradygastria, 44.2%; dysrhythmia, 47.1%) was significantly different compared with that of controls (89.2%, 7.0%, and 10.4%, respectively). No major changes in slow-wave frequency distribution were observed after a meal in examined patients, besides a significant rise in tachygastria (12.4%). Three weeks following the Nissen fundoplication, the fasting slow-wave frequency distribution did not change significantly compared with the preoperative period, being 58.1% for normogastria, 43.2% for bradygastria, and 12.0% for tachygastria. The abnormal distribution of slow waves (bradygastria + tachygastria) was not significantly affected by Nissen fundoplication, being 47.1% before and 44.9% after the operation, respectively. At the same time and still one year after operation there was a significant improvement in all clinical symptoms measured. Conclusion EGG showed that Nissen fundoplication influenced and might improve the slow-wave generation in gastric pacemaker. Dyspeptic symptoms were also improved up to one year postoperatively.  相似文献   

Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of 138 cases of gastroesophageal reflux disease resolved laparoscopically with the Rossetti modification of the Nissen fundoplication and to compare them with findings from other studies in an effort to evaluate the procedure's ability to transfer from an academic setting to a community hospital setting. Methods: We performed laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication on 138 patients and followed them for up to 45 months. Measures included postoperative reflux persistence, complications, operating time, length of hospital stay, and others. These findings were compared, using the Fisher's exact test, chi-square test, and the two-sample t-test, with results from other studies using open and laparoscopic procedures. Results: No patient undergoing laparoscopic fundoplication experienced gastroesophageal reflux after surgery. Complications, not statistically significantly different from those in other studies, occurred in 15 (10.9%), and conversion to an open procedure was required in two (1.5%). The most common postoperative complaint has been dysphagia (21.7%). Operative time averaged 70.6 min, decreasing from an average of 236 min for the first 10 cases to 40.8 min for the last 10. This measure was statistically significantly lower than all other operative times to which it was compared, except one to which it was almost identical (69.9 min). Length of stay (LOS) averaged 2.3 days, ranging from a low of 7 h to a high of 9 days, which made it fall well within limits set by other studies. Overall, LOS fell from a 3.0-day average for the first 20 cases to a 1.9-day average for the last 20 cases. Conclusions: Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication resolved gastroesophageal reflux in all 138 patients, and measures for complications, operating time, and LOS were well within values reported by other studies, indicating the ability of this procedure to be successfully transferred from academic medical centers to the community hospital setting. Received: 7 October 1996/Accepted: 14 May 1997  相似文献   

Background It is known that laparoscopic antireflux surgery (LARS) can achieve an excellent surgical outcome including quality of life improvement in patients with erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD; EGD-positive). Less is known about the long-term surgical outcome in GERD patients who have no evidence of esophagitis (EGD-negative) before surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the surgical outcome in a well-selected group of EGD-negative patients compared to that of EGD-positive patients.Methods From a large sample of more than 500 patients who underwent LARS, 89 EGD-negative patients (mean age, 51 ± 6 years; 56 males) were treated surgically because of persistent reflux-related symptoms despite medical therapy. In all cases, preoperative 24-h pH monitoring showed pathological values. To perform a comparative analysis, a matched sample of EGD-positive patients (mean age, 54 ± 10 years; 58 males) was selected from the database. Surgical outcome included for all patients objective data (e.g., manometry and pH data and endoscopy), quality of life evaluation [Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI)] symptom evaluation, as well as patients’ satisfaction with surgery. The data of a complete 5-year follow-up are available.Results There were no significant differences in symptomatic improvement, percentage of persistent surgical side-effects, or objective parameters. In general, patients’ satisfaction with surgery was comparable in both groups: 95% rated long-term outcome as excellent or good and would undergo surgical treatment again if necessary, respectively. Quality of life improvement was significantly better (p < 0.05) in the EGD-negative group because of the fact that GIQLI was more impaired before surgery (preoperative GIQLI, 81.7 ± 11.6 points/EGD-negative vs 93.8 ± 10.3 points/EGD-positive). Five years after surgery, GIQLI in both groups (121.2 ± 8.5 for EGD-negative vs 120.9 ± 7.3 for EGD-positive) showed comparable values to healthy controls (122.6 ± 8.5).Conclusion We suggest that LARS is an excellent treatment option for well-selected patients with persistent GERD-related symptoms who have no endoscopic evidence of esophagitis.Poster presented at the 11th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, Glasgow, 2003  相似文献   

Anterior 90 degree partial fundoplication has been proposed as technique to minimize the risk of side-effects following surgery for gastro-oesophageal reflux. We have applied this approach for the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux and/or large hiatus hernias. Previous studies have shown that this type of procedure can achieve good control of reflux, with fewer side-effects. However, only short-term follow up has been reported. In this study, we determined later clinical outcomes in patients who have undergone this procedure. All patients who underwent a laparoscopic anterior 90 degree partial fundoplication surgery were identified from a database, which collected prospective clinical data. Patients completed a standardized questionnaire 3 months after surgery and then yearly to assess clinical symptoms of reflux and postoperative side-effects. Between February 1999 and January 2006, 246 patients underwent surgery--74 in conjunction with repair of a large hiatus hernia and 172 for reflux. Three patients underwent further surgery within 2 days of the original procedure (one for repair of a perforated oesophagus) and four underwent later surgical revision (reflux 3, dysphagia 1). Clinical follow-up data were available for 98% at 3-84 months (median 36). Most patients had effective relief of reflux symptoms at up to 3 years follow up. Dysphagia scores improved following surgery. The magnitude of this improvement was greater in patients with large hiatus hernias. More than 80% of the patients were able to belch normally at all time points after surgery and most were highly satisfied with the overall outcome. Satisfaction scores were higher following repair of a large hiatus hernia. The clinical results of laparoscopic anterior 90 degree fundoplication for either reflux or as part of repair of a large hiatus hernia are encouraging, although longer-term follow up is required to confirm durability of reflux control.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old girl with severe scoliosis and sliding esophageal hiatal hernia underwent laparoscopic fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux. Of various fundoplication procedures, anterior partial fundoplication (Thal fundoplication) was performed because it is effective, with less postoperative gas bloat syndrome. Laparoscopic fundoplication in severely scoliotic children could allow improved operative visibility and easier access to the hiatus in comparison with the open approach. In our “modified anterior partial fundoplication,” the sutures between the crura and the esophagus and the sutures on the left of esophageal wall with the fundus of the stomach could be exactly performed by laparoscopic surgical technique. The wrapping of the esophagus in fundoplication was done over the ventral 180° to 270°. Six months postoperatively, the patient did not develop gas bloat syndrome, distal esophageal obstruction from fundoplication, and delayed gastric emptying. Modified anterior partial fundoplication achieves effective control of reflux symptoms.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic fundoplication is the gold standard surgical treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease, although some patients develop recurrence or collateral symptoms related to surgery. The aims of this study were to describe the long-term symptoms control in patients undergoing laparoscopic fundoplication, to analyze the patterns of failure and to correlate postoperative symptoms with anatomic and physiologic findings. Extensive preoperative and postoperative work-up including symptom questionnaire, barium meal, endoscopy, manometry, and 24-hour pH-metry were performed in 130 consecutive patients undergoing laparoscopic fundoplication. Mean follow-up was 52 months. After laparoscopic fundoplication, 117 patients (90%) were asymptomatic with Visick grade I and II symptoms reported by 124 patients (95%). On evaluation, 119 (92%) patients were satisfied and willing to repeat surgery. Two failure patterns, anatomic abnormalities (wrap migration into the chest or down onto the stomach with or without repair disruption) and functional (incompetence of antireflux mechanism), were reported in 17 patients. Reflux can be controlled in up to 90% of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease with relatively few complications and a high degree of patient satisfaction. The most common cause of recurrent symptoms is an anatomic failure of the fundoplication. This work was supported in part by grant Red de Centros 02/03, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain.  相似文献   

Background and aims  Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are common in the general population. Although the results of laparoscopic fundoplication are well documented, there have been no reports on the operative outcome in patients refractory to or with only partial response to medical therapy for GERD. Patients–methods  Thirty-two patients with GERD, whose continuous high doses of medical treatment with proton-pump inhibitors produced no or only partial symptom relief, underwent laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. Symptoms were evaluated with a standardized questionnaire preoperatively and 12 months after surgery. Results  The complete follow-up evaluation was obtained in 30 out of the 32 patients. The main symptoms before surgery were regurgitation (93%), heartburn (60%), epigastric pain (47%), and globus sensation (47%). All patients were relieved from heartburn, vomiting, and globus sensation. Dysphagia was relieved in 75% of the patients and regurgitation in 86%. Dysphagia as a new symptom occurred in 9%. The overall morbidity rate was 16%. Patient satisfaction rate was 87%. Conclusion  Laparoscopic fundoplication seems to be an effective treatment for severe, drug-resistant GERD. The high patient satisfaction rate and the positive therapeutic response in 95% of patients justify this procedure in this strictly selected group of patients.  相似文献   

From January 1992 to July 1994, 148 patients with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux and/or hiatal hernia underwent Nissen-Rossetti fundoplication by a laparoscopic approach. There was no conversion and no postoperative death. The main intraoperative complications were hemorrhage (n=12), pleural opening (n=5), and gastric perforation (seromuscular effraction) (n=1). Laparoscopic reoperation was necessary in two patients as a result of bleeding, and there were two cases of food impaction. The median hospital stay was 4.9 days; 117 patients were observed for follow-up for 3–31 months (median 6.2 months). Eleven cases of dysphagia extending beyond 2 months have been observed. In five of those cases, endoscopic dilatation provided effective treatment of dysphagia and in four others, a further laparoscopic intervention enabled a cure to be obtained. Eighty-four percent are satisfied with their decision to have the operation. The laparoscopic Nissen-Rossetti fundoplication can be carried out safely and effectively with positive results similar to those obtained with the open procedure and with all of the advantages of the minimally invasive approach.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜胃底折叠术联合胃袖状切除术(LFDSG)治疗肥胖合并胃食管反流病(GERD)的临床疗效。方法 前瞻性分析自2017年5月至2018年5月在新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院腹腔镜、腹壁疝外科收治的60例符合减重手术适应证的肥胖病人的临床资料。依据手术方式分为LSG组(30例)和LFDSG组(30例)。两组术后随访12个月,观察病人术后减重和抗反流效果。结果 两组术后12个月的BMI和多余体重减少百分比(%EWL)与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。与LSG组相比,LFDSG组GERD症状缓解评分(8~13分及14~18分)分布以及术后12个月酸反流(pH≤4)次数、食管近端酸反流(%)、DeMeester评分、食管下段括约肌残余压、食管远端收缩积分的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。LFDSG组治疗后抗反流有效率显著高于LSG组[28例(93.3%) vs. 21例(70.0%),P<0.05]。LFDSG组病人无并发症发生,LSG组病人住院期间1例发生并发症,出院后3例发生并发症。两组均无死亡病例。结论 LFDSG治疗肥胖合并GERD的效果较好,可达到抗反流与减重的双重目的,有效防治GERD的发生与发展。  相似文献   

Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication and proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy are both established treatments for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). We have performed a prospective randomized study comparing these two treatments and now have long-term follow-up data. Between July 1997 and August 2001, 183 patients in Norwich took part in a randomized controlled trial comparing laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication and PPI therapy for the treatment of GERD. In October 2005, patients were followed up and asked to complete a reflux symptom questionnaire. Ninety-one patients were randomized to have surgery and 92 to have optimized PPI therapy. After 12 months, those who had been randomized to PPI were offered the opportunity to have surgery. Fifty-four patients went on to have antireflux surgery; the remaining 38 did not. In all three groups, there was a significant improvement in symptom score after the initial 12 months (P<0.01; Mann-Whitney U test). However, those who later had surgery despite having had optimal PPI treatment beforehand experienced further symptomatic improvement (P<0.01) at long-term follow-up (median 6.9 years, range, 4.3–8.3). Both optimal PPI therapy and laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication are effective treatments for GERD. However, surgery offers additional benefit for those who have only partial symptomatic relief whilst on PPIs. Presented at the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Los Angeles, California, May 20–24, 2006 (oral presentation).  相似文献   

Summary This report describes our preliminary experience with two surgical laparoscopic fundoplication procedures, the Nissen technique and the Toupet operation, in which the fundal wrap is reduced from 360° to 180–200°. Fourteen patients with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease who were refractory to pharmacologic and medical therapy underwent a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication; in an additional 14 patients, we performed a laparoscopic Toupet partial fundoplication. Our laparoscopic approach to the two procedures does not differ significantly from the traditional open methods and the effectiveness of the laparoscopic fundoplication procedures appears similar to that of the same conventional techniques. Oral feedings can be resumed on the first postoperative day and patients typically are discharged on the second day after surgery. Operative time for performing the Toupet procedure averaged just approximately 1.6 h and was shorter than that for the Nissen fundoplication, due to the use of a stapler to secure the fundal wrap. Confirming earlier observations, the laparoscopic Toupet 180–200° fundoplication was associated with a lower incidence of postoperative digestive complications, such as dysphagia, than was the laparoscopic Nissen operation. The laparoscopic fundoplication approach offers the advantages of clear visualization, adequate dissection and precise repair, along with the benefits associated with endoscopic surgery: diminished postoperative pain and discomfort, reduced hospitalization, and quicker return to normal activities. Our experience indicates that the Toupet fundoplication may be preferable to the Nissen technique for many patients requiring surgical treatment of their reflux disease.  相似文献   

目的通过对老年重度胃食管反流病(gasroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)患者行腹腔镜Nissen胃底折叠术(laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication,LNF)的长期随访结果和对照组对比分析,评价该方法远期的安全性和有效性。 方法回顾分析自2005年1月至2011年1月因重度GERD行LNF治疗的老年患者21例,与同期对照组44例对比,分析两组患者的远期治疗效果。 结果两组患者均成功行LNF治疗,术后早期症状均获得缓解,手术时间和术后短期并发症两组比较无明显差异,术后胃镜见食管炎症状均较术前有所好转。术后平均随访7.4年,两组复发率比较无统计学差异,老年组远期吞咽困难发生率高于对照组。 结论LNF治疗老年重度GERD安全、有效,但远期吞咽困难发生率较高于对照组。  相似文献   

目的系统评价达芬奇机器人辅助Nissen胃底折叠术(robot-assisted Nissen fundoplication,RAF)与传统腹腔镜Nissen胃底折叠术(conventional laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication, CLF)比较治疗成人胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)的有效性和安全性。 方法计算机系统检索Pubmed、EMbase、Cochrane Library、Web of science、CNKI、WanFang Data和CBM数据库,同时追溯相关文献的参考文献,查找RAF与CLF比较治疗成人GERD的随机对照研究和队列研究,检索时间均限定为从建库至2018年6月30日。由2位研究员独立筛选文献、提取资料并进行纳入研究的质量评价,采用Stata/SE 12进行Meta分析,通过I2统计量反映纳入研究的异质性。 结果共纳入11篇文献,累计683例患者,其中RAF组267例、CLF组416例。Meta分析结果表明,与CLF组相比,RAF组手术时间更长(WMD=28.83, 95%CI:12.89~44.76, P<0.05)、费用较高(P<0.05);两组围手术期并发症发生率、术中中转率、术后气胸发生率、术后吞咽困难发生率、再手术率、住院时间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论研究结果表明,RAF在治疗成人GERD中有着良好的安全性和有效性。然而,鉴于RAF更长的手术时间和更高的手术费用,使其在临床上应用受到限制。  相似文献   

Background: The laparoscopic approach has become increasingly popular for fundoplication over the last few years; however many surgeons are skeptical about its real advantages. Methods: We conducted a prospective comparative study of children operated on for gastroesophageal reflux (GER). Exclusion criteria included age <1 YEAR AND >14 years, previous surgery on the esophagus or stomach, and neurologic impairment. We compared two groups of patients who met the same inclusion/exclusion criteria. One group was treated via a laparotomic approach between January 1993 and December 1997; the other was treated via a laparoscopic approach between September 1998 and December 2000. A 360° wrap was performed in each group. Results: Group 1 (laparotomic approach) included 17 patients; mean operative time was 100 min and postoperative time was 7 days. Group 2 comprised 49 children operated on via a laparoscopic approach; mean operative time was 78 min and postoperative time was 48 hours. No major complications were encountered in either group. In postoperative period, two patients in group 1 had complications. One had a prolonged bout of gastroplegia, which required nasogastric drainage, and then recovered spontaneously after 20 days; the other had stenosis of the wrap, which required dilation. No relapses occurred during a follow-up of 6 months. Long-term follow-up data are not presented. Comparative analysis of the short-term functional results indicated that there were no differences between the two groups. Conclusion: This study confirms that the minimally invasive approach is safe and effective for the treatment of primary gastroesophageal reflux disease in children.  相似文献   

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