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采用扎根理论研究方法,探索中国乳腺癌病人坚强理论模型。经过研究问题的确立、资料的收集、资料的分析,以25名乳腺癌病人为研究对象,采用半结构式深入访谈和参与式观察法收集资料。运用开放式登录、关联式登录、核心式登录三级登录的方法,通过不断比较,形成关于中国乳腺癌病人坚强的理论模型,为扎根理论研究方法在护理科研和实践中的运用提供参考实例。  相似文献   

林岑  胡雁  钱序  黄嘉玲  陆箴琦 《护理研究》2010,24(8):2016-2019
[目的]本研究旨在探讨癌症病人坚强特质的促进因素和转归。[方法]采用扎根理论方法论进行研究,通过半结构式深入访谈和参与式观察法收集25例个案资料,采用开放式、关联式和核心式三级登录的方式对资料进行分析。[结果]坚强特质因个性、经历和信仰等个人因素,以及各种家庭社会支持而被激发或增强,能够促进病人达到与癌共存的状态,并促进个人的成长。[结论]医务人员可根据此结果,充分调动对于病人有效的各种促进因素,激发其坚强特质,加快正性转归。  相似文献   

[目的]本研究旨在探讨癌症病人坚强特质的促进因素和转归.[方法]采用扎根理论方法论进行研究,通过半结构式深入访谈和参与式观察法收集25例个案资料,采用开放式、关联式和核心式三级登录的方式对资料进行分析.[结果]坚强特质因个性、经历和信仰等个人因素,以及各种家庭社会支持而被激发或增强,能够促进病人达到与癌共存的状态,并促进个人的成长.[结论]医务人员可根据此结果,充分调动对于病人有效的各种促进因素,激发其坚强特质,加快正性转归.  相似文献   

扎根理论研究方法在护理研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扎根理论是一种质性研究方法.近年来,各种质性研究方法在我国护理科研中逐渐得到推广,护理研究也因此在内容、方法和领域等方面有了新的拓展.  相似文献   

全艳  王丽娟  施宇 《护理研究》2015,(8):908-910
介绍了扎根理论的概念、思路,从扎根理论在疼痛护理、精神科护理、护理教育等方面的应用进行综述,旨在借鉴国外扎根理论的研究经验,为国内护理界更好地应用和发展扎根理论提供参考。  相似文献   

阮佳音  周云仙   《护理与康复》2018,17(4):78-81
介绍扎根理论研究方法在护理研究中的应用。以建构克罗恩病患者"重拾正常"理论为例,阐述扎根理论研究方法的实际应用过程,包括准备阶段、资料收集阶段、资料整理与分析阶段。在护理领域应用扎根理论研究方法能促进研究者认识与理解研究现象,帮助研究者构建理论或解释性理解,并努力填补实证研究和理论研究间的鸿沟。  相似文献   

彭影 《山西护理杂志》2013,(12):3912-3914
[目的]探讨扎根理论资料分析方法在精神分裂症病人护理研究中的具体应用.[方法]运用开放式登录、关联式登录及选择式登录三级编码方法,结合持续性比较及分析性备忘录,对质性资料进行比较和归纳.[结果]提炼出不良情绪体验、自我概念困惑及疾病应对方式3个上位类属;应激所致自我转变这一核心类属研究可以将解释精神分裂症康复期病人疾病体验中的事件,起到“提纲挈领”的作用;形成概念架构.[结论]扎根理论资料分析法资料分析的具体应用为临床工作和护理研究打开新思路;促进精神科护理工作者辨别不同精神分裂症病人的应激心理及行为,构建有针对性、系统的护理策略.  相似文献   

以安宁疗护志愿者在服务过程中动机变化的研究,最终发展出安宁疗护志愿者服务动机变化模型为例,阐述扎根理论研究三级编码资料分析的方法。  相似文献   

扎根理论研究法又称"根基理论研究法",是Glaser和Strauss于1967年提出的。正如这两位创始人所声称的那样:"扎根理论是填平理论研究与经验研究之间鸿沟"的一种方法。它是以实地研究为主,透过进入研究对象的生活环境,经过长时间的观察,深入了解及参与体验,收集丰厚的第一手资料,采取归纳与演绎并用的方法,扎根于资料,从中发现新概念并抽象出理论。  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于扎根理论的护理干预在乳腺癌化疗患者植入式输液港(IVAP)管理中的应用效果。方法 选取医院收治的2021年1月—2022年1月120例乳腺癌患者为研究对象,按照组间资料均衡可比的原则分为对照组和观察组,每组60例。对照组行常规护理干预,观察组在常规护理干预的基础上采用基于扎根理论的护理干预,两组患者干预12周。比较两组干预前后患者对输液港的认知水平、干预后患者对输液港的自我管理行为及并发症发生情况,采用乳腺癌患者生命质量测定表(FACT-B)评价患者干预前后的生命质量。结果 干预前,两组患者输液港知识调查各维度得分及总分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);干预后,观察组患者输液港知识调查各维度得分及总分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。干预前,两组患者输液港自我管理行为量表各维度得分及总分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),干预后,观察组患者输液港自我管理行为量表各维度得分及总分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组患者并发症总发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。干预前,两组患者FACT-B各...  相似文献   

Aims. To introduce a synthesised technique for using grounded theory in nursing research. Background. Nursing increasingly uses grounded theory for a broadened perspective on nursing practice and research. Nurse researchers have choices in how to choose and use grounded theory as a research method. These choices come from a deep understanding of the different versions of grounded theory, including Glaser’s classic grounded theory and Strauss and Corbin’s later approach. Design. Grounded theory related literature review was conducted. Methods. This is a methodological review paper. Results. Nursing researchers intent on using a grounded theory methodology should pay attention to the theoretical discussions including theoretical sampling, theoretical sensitivity, constant comparative methods and asking questions, keeping memoranda diagramming, identification of a core category and a resultant explanatory theory. A synthesised approach is developed for use, based on Strauss and Corbin’s style of sampling and memoranda writing, but selecting theoretical coding families, that differ from the paradigm model of Strauss and Corbin, from the wide range suggested by Glaser. This led to the development of a multi‐step synthesised approach to grounded theory data analysis based on the works of Glaser, Charmaz and Strauss and Corbin. Conclusions. The use of this synthesised approach provides a true reflection of Glaser’s idea of ‘emergence of theory from the data’ and Strauss and Corbin’s style of sampling and memoranda writing is employed. This multi‐step synthesised method of data analysis maintains the philosophical perspective of grounded theory. Relevance to clinical practice. This method indicates how grounded theory has developed, where it might go next in nursing research and how it may continue to evolve.  相似文献   

目的:探讨乳腺癌患者的心理问题,做好心理护理,改善患者生活质量。方法:针对患者不同心理状态,应用需要层次理论,对患者进行评价,并给予持续心理干预,满足患者各层次需要。结果:患者均痊愈出院,无护理并发症。结论:持续的心理干预可满足患者的心理需要,帮助患者提高应对能力及改善生理、心理状况,促进患者尽快康复。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Grounded theory methodology is a suitable qualitative research approach for clinical inquiry into nursing practice, leading to theory development in nursing. Given the variations in, and subjectivity attached to, the manner in which qualitative research is carried out, it is important for researchers to explain the process of how a theory about a nursing phenomenon was generated. Similarly, when grounded theory research reports are reviewed for clinical use, nurses need to look for researchers' explanations of their inquiry process. AIM: The focus of this article is to discuss the practical application of grounded theory procedures as they relate to rigour. METHOD: Reflecting on examples from a grounded theory research study, we suggest eight methods of research practice to delineate further Beck's schema for ensuring, credibility, auditability and fittingness, which are all components of rigour. FINDINGS: The eight methods of research practice used to enhance rigour in the course of conducting a grounded theory research study were: (1) let participants guide the inquiry process; (2) check the theoretical construction generated against participants' meanings of the phenomenon; (3) use participants' actual words in the theory; (4) articulate the researcher's personal views and insights about the phenomenon explored; (5) specify the criteria built into the researcher's thinking; (6) specify how and why participants in the study were selected; (7) delineate the scope of the research; and (8) describe how the literature relates to each category which emerged in the theory. CONCLUSIONS: The eight methods of research practice should be of use to those in nursing research, management, practice and education in enhancing rigour during the research process and for critiquing published grounded theory research reports.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the grounded theory research method and demonstrates how nurses can employ specific grounded theories to improve patient care quality. Because grounded theory is derived from real-world experience, it is a particularly appropriate method for nursing research. An overview of the method and language of grounded theory provides a background for nurses as they read grounded theories and apply newly acquired understandings to predictable processes and patterns of behavior. This article presents 2 exemplar grounded theories with suggestions as to how nurses can apply these and other grounded theories to improve the provision of quality nursing care.  相似文献   

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