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This article describes a Clinical Anatomy course designed to bridge basic anatomy with clinical clerkships. It is given in the second year, after the traditional dissecting anatomy course. Students revisit anatomy during small group discussions of clinical cases. An example of a case is described together with a summary of a typical group process stimulated by the case. The group process enables students to develop clinical thinking and problem solving skills fundamental to clinical practice. They learn to search for medical knowledge resources, and to work in teams. The tutor evaluates the students’ progress based on their knowledge building, problem solving and development of their interpersonal skills. Problem based learning in this interdisciplinary anatomy course allows students and faculty both horizontal and vertical integration within the curriculum.  相似文献   

The introduction of problem-based learning techniques into the teaching of anatomy has been subject to great controversies. This paper debates the rationale behind this concept using the example of the curriculum of Harvard Medical School in which problem-based learning techniques have been used during the past 20 years. The anatomy curriculum is covered during the eight first weeks of the medical studies, and is an original combination of discussions of clinical cases in small groups, and work in gross anatomy, histology and radiology laboratories. The lectures are reduced to the minimum and emphasize general concepts. In this setting, the learning of anatomy is mostly led by students who have prepared for the different laboratory sessions and tutorials. The implementation of problem-based learning to the teaching of anatomy requires a close follow-up of each student with regular feedbacks on his work. Tutorials must be considered as a cornerstone between lectures and work in laboratories. Traditional aspects of the teaching of anatomy, such as work in dissection laboratories, are given an important role as they are aimed to clear-up misunderstood points. Further studies are required to compare at the long term the level of medical students who learned anatomy in a problem based versus traditional learning setting.  相似文献   

In 1840, the University of Florence was the first university in Italy to confer a Professorship in Pathological Anatomy. The origin of this teaching post is linked to the history of the Pathology Museum founded in 1824 by the Florentine Accademia Medico-Fisica. The Museum houses anatomical specimens and waxworks depicting pathological conditions in the nineteenth century. Both the need to instruct medical students in pathology without resorting to corpse dissection and the difficulty of the lengthy preservation of anatomical preparations made it necessary to produce life-sized wax duplicates of diseased parts of the body. Through the history of the Pathology Museum of Florence, we describe how pathology developed and, in particular, how pathologists from a literary circle laid the foundations of modern surgical pathology in Italy. Museum visits for the medical students guided by lecturers are still today a component of the course of Pathological Anatomy.  相似文献   

Recent developments worldwide in medical curricula have often led to major cuts in the teaching of human anatomy. Indeed, it is perceived by some that gross (topographical) anatomy has an exaggerated importance in the initial training of doctors. The value of anatomy consequently has frequently been considerably diminished within medical curricula that have reduced factual content. To date, however, there have been no objective studies into the perceived relevance of anatomy to clinical medicine that have aimed to quantify the attitudes of medical students. On the basis of responses to an attitude analysis questionnaire devised according to the precepts of Thurstone and Chave (The Measurement of Attitude: A Psychophysical Method and Some Experiments with a Scale for Measuring Attitude Toward the Church. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1951), we investigated the perception of medical students at Cardiff and Paris towards the importance of gross anatomy to clinical medicine. This was undertaken during the early stages of their studies (when they were newly-admitted to university and were about to commence anatomy courses), immediately after finishing their anatomy courses, and later in the final year of medical studies. The results suggest that, even where there might be geopolitical and cultural backgrounds, students at all stages of their medical course share with professional anatomists the view that anatomy is a very important subject for their clinical studies. Thus, contrary to the unquantified beliefs of those who are sceptical about the purpose and value of anatomy in an undergraduate medical curriculum, the students themselves do not appear to share such beliefs.  相似文献   

How do students use multimedia tools to support their learning during a gross anatomy dissection course? We investigated this question in the anatomic dissection course for first year medical students at the University of Munich (n=850) by giving all participating students access to an anatomical multimedia CD-ROM. The use of this multimedia learning tool was voluntary and it was not essential for the end-of-course examination.After the examination, two questionnaires (return rate first questionnaire n1=347, 41%; return rate second questionnaire n2=644, 76%) were given to the surveyed students with the following content: evaluation of the multimedia learning tool, details about the usage of different kinds of available learning media, and finally an evaluation of the media used for teaching during the course. Furthermore we collected personal data from participants such as age, gender and the score achieved in the examination.Classical textbooks and anatomical atlases were used by 84% of students for preparation. The multimedia learning tool was used by 34% as an additional media for learning. The multimedia learning tool was not used alone. The data showed differences with regard to gender and performance of students, but not relating to age. Students rated the computer-specific features, e.g. three-dimensional (3D) models, virtual simulations, and an interactive quiz module, as major reasons for using the multimedia learning tool.Our results show that medical students use anatomic multimedia learning tools primarily as an additional medium for learning, and thus lead to the conclusion that the main learning media are still textbooks and anatomic atlases.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Mention of the ligament of Barkow at the proximal tibiofibular joint is rarely found in the literature and it is not represented in most anatomical atlases. To our knowledge, quantitation of this structure has not been performed. As injury to the knee region is so common, a comprehensive knowledge of this regional anatomy is important to the clinician and surgeon alike. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty lower limbs from embalmed cadavers underwent dissection of the proximal leg with special attention toward the presence or absence of ligament of Barkow. When identified, measurements of this structure were made. RESULTS: The ligament of Barkow was identified in 95% of specimens. For right sides, the mean width was 1.5 cm and the mean length was 1.2 cm. For left sides, the mean width of this ligament was 1.2 cm and the mean length was 1.5 cm. The mean thickness of ligament of Barkow was 1.2 mm (range 0.9-1.4 mm). The upper edge of this ligament was on average 3 cm inferior to the inferior most aspect of the proximal tibiofibular joint. The lower edge of ligament of Barkow was a mean distance of 7 mm from the anterior tibial artery at its entrance into the anterior compartment of the leg. One ligament was found to be fully ossified; thereby, creating a bony bar superior to the anterior tibial vessels. CONCLUSIONS: Our hopes are these data will help further elucidate the ligament of Barkow. Imaging studies are now necessary to further elucidate functional and pathological involvement of this structure.  相似文献   

The gross anatomy course at St. Louis University was designed to utilize peer teaching. Eight students are assigned to each cadaver and they work in teams of two, so that every student does one out of every four dissections. During one class period, the lecture for a unit is given to all class members, followed by a prosection demonstration to only the dissectors of that unit (one-fourth of the class). At the beginning of the following class period, the dissectors give a prosection demonstration of their dissection to the other six student assigned to their cadaver. The lecture and prosection demonstrations for the next unit are given to the next team of dissectors as above. The students anonymously evaluate the course each year. Passing Part I of the National Board Examinations is required. For 12 years, the National Board Unit Examination of gross anatomy was given as the final examination for the course. The course is liked by the students, can be taught with a minimal number of faculty, utilizes only half the cadavers of a traditional course, has less contact hours than the national average, yet students do better than the national average on the anatomy part of the National Board Examination. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Anatomy of the tibiofibular syndesmosis and its clinical relevance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The purpose of the present study was to describe the anatomical structure of the tibiofibular syndesmosis. Dissection of the tibiofibular syndesmosis was performed on 30 cadaveric specimens of the ankle in adults. The stability of the tibiofibular mortise is ensured by three ligaments. The interosseous tibiofibular ligament forms a spatial network of fibers of a pyramidal shape filled with fibrofatty tissue. The anterior tibiofibular ligament consists of three parts: the upper one is the shortest, the medial one is the strongest and the lower part is the longest and the thinnest. The posterior tibiofibular ligament is a strong, compact ligament the lower margin of which literally forms the articular labrum for the lateral ridge of the trochlea of the talus. The so-called inferior transverse tibiofibular ligament, as this part of the ligament is sometimes characterized, cannot be considered as a separate ligament. Direct contact between the distal tibia and the fibula was found in 23 cases. Contact facets which were covered with articular cartilage were very small and located in the anterior half of the tibiofibular contact line. In the posterior part of the tibiofibular contact line a vertical V-shaped synovial plica attached by its lateral aspect to the fibula dipped between the two bones. In seven cases where there was no direct contact between the two bones this plica extended anteriorly to the anterior tibiofibular ligament. The findings show that in three quarters of cases the connection of the distal tibia and fibula is not a mere syndesmosis but also a synovial joint. The presented facts change traditional opinions on the structure of the tibiofibular syndesmosis and they should be reflected in the treatment of dislocation-fractures of the ankle as well as in case of so-called anterolateral ankle impingement.

Electronic Supplementary Material The french version of this article is available in the form of electronic supplementary material and can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at .
Anatomie de la syndesmose tibio-fibulaire et son importance clinique
Résumé Le but du présent travail était de décrire la structure anatomique de la syndesmose tibio-fibulaire. La dissection de la syndesmose tibio-fibulaire a été réalisée sur 30 spécimens cadavériques de chevilles d'adultes. La stabilité de la mortaise tibio-fibulaire est assurée par trois ligaments. Le ligament tibio-fibulaire interosseux forme un réseau spatial de fibres, de forme pyramidale, dont les mailles sont remplies de tissu fibro-adipeux. Le ligament tibio-fibulaire antérieur est formé de trois parties; la partie supérieure est la plus courte, la partie médiale est la plus forte et la partie inférieure est la plus longue et la plus mince. Le ligament tibio-fibulaire postérieur est un fort ligament compact dont le bord inférieur forme littéralement un labrum articulaire destiné à la berge latérale de la trochlée du talus. Ce qui est classiquement appelé " ligament tibio-fibulaire transverse inférieur", comme on le dénomme parfois, ne peut être considéré comme un ligament séparé. Un contact direct entre l'extrémité distale du tibia et de la fibula a été trouvé dans 23 cas. Les facettes en contact, recouvertes de cartilage articulaire, étaient très petites et situées sur la moitié antérieure de la ligne de contact tibio-fibulaire. Sur la partie postérieure de la ligne de contact tibio-fibulaire, un repli synovial vertical en forme de V, attaché par son bord latéral à la fibula, plonge entre les deux os. Dans 7 cas où il n'y avait pas de contact direct entre les deux os, ce repli s'étendait vers l'avant jusqu'au ligament tibio-fibulaire antérieur. Nos constatations montrent que, dans trois quarts des cas, l'articulation entre la partie distale du tibia et celle de la fibula n'est pas une syndesmose pure, mais qu'il s'agit aussi d'une articulation synoviale. Les faits que nous présentons changent les idées traditionnelles sur les structures de la syndesmose tibio-fibulaire et ils devraient trouver des applications, principalement dans le traitement des luxations-fractures de la cheville, ainsi que dans les cas de ce que l'on désigne sous le terme de "conflit antéro-latéral de la cheville".

正开展转化医学要汲取基础与临床脱节的教训~([1])。解剖学测量技术是人体解剖学、临床医学等科学研究的重要方法和手段。此方法的实验教学更适应转化医学教育的培养,使临床医学生更早接触到临床病例讨论,提高学生综合应用知识的能力。我  相似文献   

We compared weekly quizzes in extended-matching format with multiple-choice questions and oral examinations as means of monitoring students' progress in gross anatomy. Students' performance on 19 weekly oral examinations or 10-question quizzes based on extended-matching or multiple-choice formats were correlated with their success on 3 interim examinations and the final comprehensive examination. The Kuder-Richardson formula 20, an estimate of precision of the test, was 0.64 for extended-matching quizzes. Students' performance on interim examinations did not differ significantly. There was a significant correlation between students' mean scores on weekly quizzes and mean scores on interim examinations in both the extended-matching (r = 0.516) and multiple-choice group (r = 0.823). The mean grades (ranging from 2 to 5) on the final exam, based on understanding of anatomical concepts and their application in clinical practice, were significantly higher in extended-matching group (4.8) than in the multiple-choice (4.1) and orally examined groups (3.9) (p < 0.05). We conclude that extended-matching quizzes were at least as effective as multiple-choice quizzes and oral examinations and may be better for acquiring synthetic understanding of anatomical concepts especially in combination with other means of knowledge assessment. We recommend them as a reliable and objective means of monitoring students' performance during a gross anatomy course.  相似文献   

Following the implementation of the GMC document Tomorrow's Doctors in 1993 the amount of time dedicated to anatomy in undergraduate curricula has been reduced. This has resulted in considerable disquiet among physicians and surgeons with regard to the anatomical knowledge of newly qualified doctors, and also amongst students. This study aimed to assess the perceived student need for anatomical teaching packages to support clinical attachments in the later years of the undergraduate medical curriculum. The views of two groups of students were obtained: Group A were at the beginning of their clinical attachments, whereas Group B had completed all clinical attachments and had sat the final examination. The majority of students indicated that there was a need for the development of a teaching package for anatomy (and other basic sciences) in the later stages of the undergraduate medical curriculum. A high proportion stated that the completion of these packages should be in a self‐directed manner with a staff member available. There was a difference between both groups in response to the best time to offer the packages, and in the clinical areas which might be prioritized in such a development. We conclude that the vertical integration of anatomy—perhaps through clinically focused teaching packages—would be welcomed by students as part of their clinical attachments. Clin. Anat. 22:267–272, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的了解任职教育学员对于培训学习的期望,为军医大学教育管理部门提供依据。方法应用自制问卷,调查某军医大学任职教育学员对培训学习的期望、期望的培训方式和考核方式等。结果分别有49.5%和40.1%的学员对任职培训学习的期望值是优秀和良好,不同军种之间有差异(χ2=45.151,P=0.000);81.3%的学员期望通过培训提高岗位胜任力;86.1%期望采用案例教学的方式,其次是理论讲授和参观见学(均为72.2%);88.9%的学员总体认为应当采取实践技能考核方式,远远高于选择其他方式的比例。结论任职教育学员对培训学习的期望值总体较高,对培训的重要意义有一定认识,培训期望具有现实性,案例教学是最受欢迎的教学方式,实践技能考核是学员最认同的考核方式。  相似文献   

National Taiwan University College of Medicine (NTUCM) introduced small groups of teaching and basic-clinical integrated courses for medical students in 1992. By using computer network and multimedia techniques, this study tried to overcome barriers to learning in small group teaching. The Department of Medical Informatics of NTUCM established campus networking and computer classrooms and provided Internet and intranet network services including mail, netnews, bulletin board systems (BBS), world wide web (WWW), gopher, ftp and local file servers. To implement an interactive learning environment, the authors first tried mail lists, newsgroups and BBS. Next an integrated learning system prototype on the WWW was developed to provide functions including online syllabus, discussion boards simulated to BBS, online talk, interactive case studies, virtual classroom with video on demand (VOD) and Internet medical resources. The results showed that after the medical students completed the required course of medical informatics and had good network access using a network to communicate with each other became a daily practice. In the future, the system will extend to the tutoring of clinical practice and continuing medical education. The authors expect a national medical education network and more international cooperation and exchange.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the students' response to the practical teaching sessions in Clinical Anatomy in our Medical School using an action-research method. The aim was to identify problems and to introduce changes that might improve both the program and the performance of the teaching staff. At the end of each section of the program, each student completed a "target type" questionnaire with eight different components. As each one quarter of the whole class had its own teacher, we used an analysis of variance to evaluate the target questions in the various sections of the program, and the performance of the four teachers. This research method gave us feedback on the students' responses while the program was in progress. The results emphasize the importance of action-research in assessing and improving a developing program in a basic discipline of the medical curriculum.  相似文献   

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