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Depletion imposes both need and desire to drink, and potentiates the response to need-relevant cues in the environment. The present fMRI study aimed to determine which neural structures selectively increase the incentive value of need-relevant stimuli in a thirst state. Towards this end, participants were scanned twice—either in a thirst or no-thirst state—while viewing pictures of beverages and chairs. As expected, thirst led to a selective increase in self-reported pleasantness and arousal by beverages. Increased responses to beverage when compared with chair stimuli were observed in the cingulate cortex, insular cortex and the amygdala in the thirst state, which were absent in the no-thirst condition. Enhancing the incentive value of need-relevant cues in a thirst state is a key mechanism for motivating drinking behavior. Overall, distributed regions of the motive circuitry, which are also implicated in salience processing, craving and interoception, provide a dynamic body-state dependent representation of stimulus value.  相似文献   

Using positron emission tomography, we investigated whether regional brain activations differ as a function of attending to pleasant versus unpleasant components of odors. There were two experimental (attention to pleasantness and attention to unpleasantness) and one control (baseline) condition. The stimuli presented during the two experimental conditions were exactly the same (three binary mixtures, each consisting of one pleasant and one unpleasant compound), but the affective property to which participants?? attention was directed was different: They indicated with a mouse click whether each stimulus contained a pleasant (during attention to pleasantness) or unpleasant (during attention to unpleasantness) odor. During baseline, odorless stimuli were presented, and participants pressed the mouse button randomly after each one. Several brain regions were involved in both types of attention, and these included ventral striatum, right orbitofrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex. Subtle differences were also revealed: Attending to pleasantness was associated preferentially with a sensory/perceptual network (piriform cortex and amygdala), whereas attending to unpleasantness engaged a component of the attentional (right parietal) network. Thus, we delineate neural substrates of attending to olfactory pleasantness and unpleasantness, some of which are common to both and others that are specific to pleasantness or to unpleasantness. Our results suggest that the view of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system as the reward network that responds selectively to positive reinforcers is somewhat limited: Our findings are more in keeping with a view of this set of structures as the salience system of the brain.  相似文献   

Appetite change is a defining feature of major depressive disorder (MDD), yet little neuroscientific evidence exists to explain why some individuals experience increased appetite when they become depressed while others experience decreased appetite. Previous research suggests depression-related appetite changes can be indicative of underlying neural and inflammatory differences among MDD subtypes. The present study explores the relationship between systemic inflammation and brain circuitry supporting food hedonics for individuals with MDD. Sixty-four participants (31 current, unmedicated MDD and 33 healthy controls [HC]) provided blood samples for analysis of an inflammatory marker, C-reactive protein (CRP), and completed a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scan in which they rated the perceived pleasantness of various food stimuli. Random-effects multivariate modeling was used to explore group differences in the relationship between CRP and the coupling between brain activity and inferred food pleasantness (i.e., strength of the relationship between activity and pleasantness ratings). Results revealed that for MDD with increased appetite, higher CRP in blood related to greater coupling between orbitofrontal cortex and anterior insula activity and inferred food pleasantness. Compared to HC, all MDD exhibited a stronger positive association between CRP and coupling between activity in striatum and inferred food pleasantness. These findings suggest that for individuals with MDD, systemic low-grade inflammation is associated with differences in reward and interoceptive-related neural circuitry when making hedonic inferences about food stimuli. In sum, altered immunologic states may affect appetite and inferences about food reward in individuals with MDD and provide evidence for physiological subtypes of MDD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Separation from loved ones commonly leads to grief reactions. In some individuals, grief can evolve into a major depressive episode. The brain regions involved in grief have not been specifically studied. The authors studied brain activity in women actively grieving a recent romantic relationship breakup. It was hypothesized that while remembering their ex-partner, subjects would have altered brain activity in regions identified in sadness imaging studies: the cerebellum, anterior temporal cortex, insula, anterior cingulate, and prefrontal cortex. METHOD: Nine right-handed women whose romantic relationship ended within the preceding 4 months were studied. Subjects were scanned using blood-oxygen-level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging while they alternated between recalling a sad, ruminative thought about their loved one (grief state) and a neutral thought about a different person they knew an equally long time. RESULTS: Acute grief (grief minus neutral state) was associated with increased group activity in posterior brain regions, including the cerebellum, posterior brainstem, and posterior temporoparietal and occipital brain regions. Decreased activity was more prominent anteriorly and on the left and included the anterior brainstem, thalamus, striatum, temporal cortex, insula, and dorsal and ventral anterior cingulate/prefrontal cortex. When a more lenient statistical threshold for regions of interest was used, additional increases were found in the lateral temporal cortex, supragenual anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal cortex, and right inferomedial dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, all of which were adjacent to spatially more prominent decreases. In nearly all brain regions showing brain activity decreases with acute grief, activity decreases were greater in women reporting higher grief levels over the past 2 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: During acute grief, subjects showed brain activity changes in the cerebellum, anterior temporal cortex, insula, anterior cingulate, and prefrontal cortex, consistent with the hypothesis. Subjects with greater baseline grief showed greater decreases in all these regions except for the cerebellum. Further imaging studies are needed to understand the relationship between normal sadness, grief, and depression.  相似文献   

Pleasantness and arousal have been identified as the main dimensions of affective responses to environment. Pleasantness is defined as the degree of favorable feelings a subject can experience under given circumstances. Arousal is defined as the degree of excitement (general activation) the subject feels under these circumstances. In visual and auditory modalities, many studies using measures such as facial electromyographic (EMG) activity and skin conductance (SC) have found those parameters to vary as a function of either pleasantness or arousal: for example, facial corrugator EMG activity covaries with the pleasantness dimension, while SC increases together with arousal. The first objective of this research is to study the possible covariation between peripheral measures and pleasantness/arousal in olfaction. We also examined the effect of odor intensity on facial and autonomic variations. The second objective was to investigate whether odors could evoke verbally specific emotions (e.g. joy, anger, fear, surprise, disgust or sadness) and also induce specific patterns of peripheral responses. Participants were exposed to 12 different odors while their facial and autonomic parameters were recorded, and estimated their intensity, pleasantness, and arousal capacity. Then, they chose between seven words for emotions (fear, anger, sadness, surprise, neutral, joy or disgust) to describe their reaction to the odor. As in vision, olfactory pleasantness covaries (negatively) with facial activity of the corrugator muscle, and arousal (positively) with skin conductance. No relationships were observed between physiological changes and variations in perceived intensity. Results also showed that emotions of "disgust" and "joy" were more frequently evoked verbally than any other emotions, and that only facial EMG activity distinguishes them (e.g. "disgust" vs. "joy" and "neutral state"). The results are discussed in terms of possible existence of two brain systems (defensive and appetitive), each of them being able to vary in metabolic arousal.  相似文献   

Statements regarding pleasantness, taste intensity or caloric content on a food label may influence the attention consumers pay to such characteristics during consumption. There is little research on the effects of selective attention on taste perception and associated brain activation in regular drinks. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of selective attention on hedonics, intensity and caloric content on brain responses during tasting drinks. Using functional MRI brain responses of 27 women were measured while they paid attention to the intensity, pleasantness or caloric content of fruit juice, tomato juice and water. Brain activation during tasting largely overlapped between the three selective attention conditions and was found in the rolandic operculum, insula and overlying frontal operculum, striatum, amygdala, thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex and middle orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Brain activation was higher during selective attention to taste intensity compared to calories in the right middle OFC and during selective attention to pleasantness compared to intensity in the right putamen, right ACC and bilateral middle insula. Intensity ratings correlated with brain activation during selective attention to taste intensity in the anterior insula and lateral OFC. Our data suggest that not only the anterior insula but also the middle and lateral OFC are involved in evaluating taste intensity. Furthermore, selective attention to pleasantness engaged regions associated with food reward. Overall, our results indicate that selective attention to food properties can alter the activation of gustatory and reward regions. This may underlie effects of food labels on the consumption experience of consumers.  相似文献   

Changes in the human brain during rhythm learning   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Subjects were scanned with PET while they learned a complex arbitrary rhythm, paced by visual cues. In the comparison condition, the intervals were varied randomly. The behavioral results showed that the subjects decreased their response time with training, thus becoming more accurate in responding to the pacing cues at the appropriate time. There were learning-related increases in the posterior lateral cerebellum (lobule HVIIa), intraparietal and medial parietal cortex, presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA), and lateral premotor cortex. Learning-related decreases were found in the prestriate and inferior temporal cortex, suggesting that with practice the subjects increasingly came to depend on internal rather than external cues to time their responses. There were no learning-related increases in the basal ganglia. It is suggested that it is the neocortical-cerebellar loop that is involved in the timing and coordination of responses.  相似文献   

We show that the affective experience of touch and the sight of touch can be modulated by cognition, and investigate in an fMRI study where top-down cognitive modulations of bottom-up somatosensory and visual processing of touch and its affective value occur in the human brain. The cognitive modulation was produced by word labels, ‘Rich moisturizing cream’ or ‘Basic cream’, while cream was being applied to the forearm, or was seen being applied to a forearm. The subjective pleasantness and richness were modulated by the word labels, as were the fMRI activations to touch in parietal cortex area 7, the insula and ventral striatum. The cognitive labels influenced the activations to the sight of touch and also the correlations with pleasantness in the pregenual cingulate/orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum. Further evidence of how the orbitofrontal cortex is involved in affective aspects of touch was that touch to the forearm [which has C fiber Touch (CT) afferents sensitive to light touch] compared with touch to the glabrous skin of the hand (which does not) revealed activation in the mid-orbitofrontal cortex. This is of interest as previous studies have suggested that the CT system is important in affiliative caress-like touch between individuals.  相似文献   

Different representations of pleasant and unpleasant odours in the human brain   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Odours are important in emotional processing; yet relatively little is known about the representations of the affective qualities of odours in the human brain. We found that three pleasant and three unpleasant odours activated dissociable parts of the human brain. Pleasant but not unpleasant odours were found to activate a medial region of the rostral orbitofrontal cortex. Further, there was a correlation between the subjective pleasantness ratings of the six odours given during the investigation with activation of a medial region of the rostral orbitofrontal cortex. In contrast, a correlation between the subjective unpleasantness ratings of the six odours was found in regions of the left and more lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Moreover, a double dissociation was found with the intensity ratings of the odours, which were not correlated with the BOLD signal in the orbitofrontal cortex, but were correlated with the signal in medial olfactory cortical areas including the pyriform and anterior entorhinal cortex. Activation was also found in the anterior cingulate cortex, with a middle part of the anterior cingulate activated by both pleasant and unpleasant odours, and a more anterior part of the anterior cingulate cortex showing a correlation with the subjective pleasantness ratings of the odours. Thus the results suggest that there is a hedonic map of the sense of smell in brain regions such as the orbitofrontal cortex, and these results have implications for understanding the psychiatric and related problems that follow damage to these brain areas.  相似文献   

Self-contribution to the income (individual achievement) was an important factor which needs to be taken into individual’s fairness considerations. This study aimed at elucidating the modulation of self-contribution to the income, on recipient’s responses to unfairness in the Ultimatum Game. Eighteen participants were scanned while they were playing an adapted version of the Ultimatum Game as responders. Before splitting money, the proposer and the participant (responder) played the ball-guessing game. The responder’s contribution to the income was manipulated by both the participant’s and the proposer’s accuracy in the ball-guessing game. It turned out that the participants more often rejected unfair offers and gave lower fairness ratings when they played a more important part in the earnings. At the neural level, anterior insula, anterior cingulate cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and temporoparietal junction showed greater activities to unfairness when self-contribution increased, whereas ventral striatum and medial orbitofrontal gyrus showed higher activations to fair (vs unfair) offers in the other-contributed condition relative to the other two. Besides, the activations of right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during unfair offers showed positive correlation with rejection rates in the self-contributed condition. These findings shed light on the significance of self-contribution in fairness-related social decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Aesthetic experience associated with viewing art has been hypothesized to depend on both low-level sensory processing and high-level conceptual processing. To test these hypotheses, we used functional MRI to evaluate the magnitude of activity in sensory motion processing region MT+ and in the prefrontal cortex while participants viewed van Gogh paintings that evoked a range of motion experience. In support of the sensory hypothesis of aesthetic experience and the conceptual hypothesis of aesthetic experience, MT+ activity was correlated to the degree of motion experience (but not the experience of pleasantness) and activity in the right anterior prefrontal cortex was associated with the experience of pleasantness (but not motion experience). These findings provide a neural mechanism for aesthetic experience that depends on sensory processing and conceptual processing. The techniques employed in the current study will serve as a framework for future studies to investigate the neural basis of aesthetic experience associated with other visual and nonvisual art forms such as sculpture, architecture, or music.  相似文献   

How fat is sensed in the mouth and represented in the brain is important in relation to the pleasantness of food, appetite control, and the design of foods that reproduce the mouthfeel of fat yet have low energy content. We show that the human somatosensory cortex (SSC) is involved in oral fat processing via functional coupling to the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), where the pleasantness of fat texture is represented. Using functional MRI, we found that activity in SSC was more strongly correlated with the OFC during the consumption of a high fat food with a pleasant (vanilla) flavor compared to a low fat food with the same flavor. This effect was not found in control analyses using high fat foods with a less pleasant flavor or pleasant‐flavored low fat foods. SSC activity correlated with subjective ratings of fattiness, but not of texture pleasantness or flavor pleasantness, indicating a representation that is not involved in hedonic processing per se. Across subjects, the magnitude of OFC‐SSC coupling explained inter‐individual variation in texture pleasantness evaluations. These findings extend known SSC functions to a specific role in the processing of pleasant‐flavored oral fat, and identify a neural mechanism potentially important in appetite, overeating, and obesity. Hum Brain Mapp 35:2521–2530, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to test the hypothesis that the nature of the neural response to taste varies as a function of the task the subject is asked to perform. Subjects received sweet, sour, salty and tasteless solutions passively and while evaluating stimulus presence, pleasantness and identity. Within the insula and overlying operculum the location of maximal response to taste vs. tasteless varied as a function of task; however, the primary taste cortex (anterior dorsal insula/frontal operculum – AIFO), as well as a more ventral region of anterior insula, responded to taste vs. tasteless irrespective of task. Although the response here did not depend upon task, preferential connectivity between AIFO and the amygdala (bilaterally) was observed when subjects tasted passively compared with when they performed a task. This suggests that information transfer between AIFO and the amygdala is maximal during implicit processing of taste. In contrast, a region of the left lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) responded preferentially to taste and to tasteless when subjects evaluated pleasantness, and was preferentially connected to earlier gustatory relays (caudomedial OFC and AIFO) when a taste was present. This suggests that processing in the lateral OFC organizes the retrieval of gustatory information from earlier relays in the service of computing perceived pleasantness. These findings show that neural encoding of taste varies as a function of task beyond that of the initial cortical representation.  相似文献   

Recent studies of autism have identified functional abnormalities of the default network during a passive resting state. Since the default network is also typically engaged during social, emotional and introspective processing, dysfunction of this network may underlie some of the difficulties individuals with autism exhibit in these broad domains. In the present experiment, we attempted to further delineate the nature of default network abnormality in autism using experimentally constrained social and introspective tasks. Thirteen autism and 12 control participants were scanned while making true/false judgments for various statements about themselves (SELF condition) or a close other person (OTHER), and pertaining to either psychological personality traits (INTERNAL) or observable characteristics and behaviors (EXTERNAL). In the ventral medial prefrontal cortex/ventral anterior cingulate cortex, activity was reduced in the autism group across all judgment conditions and also during a resting condition, suggestive of task-independent dysfunction of this region. In other default network regions, overall levels of activity were not different between groups. Furthermore, in several of these regions, we found group by condition interactions only for INTERNAL/EXTERNAL judgments, and not SELF/OTHER judgments, suggestive of task-specific dysfunction. Overall, these results provide a more detailed view of default network functionality and abnormality in autism.  相似文献   

The weighing of intentions and consequences is inconsistent in adult’s moral judgments, and this is particularly prominent when assigning blame to the immoral intentions in the absence of negative outcomes. The current study extends previous research by examining how individual differences in moral judgment competence are reflected in the cortical network when making judgments about immoral intentions. Twenty-four participants were scanned, using functional magnetic resonance imaging, while making judgments about three kinds of moral scenarios: a neutral condition, an immoral intention condition, and an immoral condition. The result showed that comparing with making judgments about the other two conditions, making judgments about the immoral intentions takes longer time and was associated with significantly elevated activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Additionally, moral judgment competence scores were inversely correlated with activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex when assigning blame to the immoral intentions. Greater activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in participants with lower moral judgment competence possibly reflected increased recruitment of cognitive resource applied to control impulsive response and integrate competitive information in making judgments about the immoral intention.  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography (PET) was used to study the involvement of supraspinal structures in human locomotion. Six right-handed adults were scanned in four conditions while imagining locomotor-related tasks in the first person perspective: Standing (S), Initiating gait (IG), Walking (W) and Walking with obstacles (WO). When these conditions were compared to a rest (control) condition to identify the neural structures involved in the imagination of locomotor-related tasks, the results revealed a common pattern of activations, which included the dorsal premotor cortex and precuneus bilaterally, the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the left inferior parietal lobule, and the right posterior cingulate cortex. Additional areas involving the pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA), the precentral gyrus, were activated during conditions that required the imagery of locomotor movements. Further subtractions between the different locomotor conditions were then carried out to determine the cerebral regions associated with the simulation of increasingly complex locomotor functions. These analyses revealed increases in rCBF activity in the left cuneus and left caudate when the W condition was compared to the IG condition, suggesting that the basal ganglia plays a role in locomotor movements that are automatic in nature. Finally, subtraction of the W from the WO condition yielded increases in activity in the precuneus bilaterally, the left SMA, the right parietal inferior cortex and the left parahippocampal gyrus. Altogether, the present findings suggest that higher brain centers become progressively engaged when demands of locomotor tasks require increasing cognitive and sensory information processing.  相似文献   

Left mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex: underlying principles of function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a growing body of evidence indicating that the mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex in the left hemisphere is involved in some aspect of controlled verbal memory retrieval. Its precise role, however, remains unclear. We tested the hypothesis that when stimuli in memory are related to each other in multiple ways, and therefore familiarity, strong constant stimulus–stimulus links or contextual cues are not sufficient for successful retrieval, control processing emanating from the mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex is required to disambiguate and select the appropriate information among memory traces. We refer to this type of retrieval as active retrieval to distinguish it from automatic retrieval which depends on the simple reactivation of memory traces. Normal human subjects were scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging while they performed three memory tasks that varied in their demands on active retrieval of verbal information. As the demands on active retrieval increased, there was an increase in the activity within the mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, bilaterally, but with more prominent activity in the left hemisphere. These activity increases correlated with activity in the posterior temporal region which, in the left hemisphere, is involved in language processing. No significant activity increases were observed in any other prefrontal region. Furthermore, for the retrieval of well-learned verbally cued conditional motor associations, there were no activity increases in the mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. The present findings provide strong support for the hypothesis that the mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, particularly in the left hemisphere, plays a major role in the active retrieval of information from verbal memory.  相似文献   

The present study examined the role of the prefrontal cortex in retrieval processing using functional magnetic resonance imaging in human subjects. Ten healthy subjects were scanned while they performed a task that required retrieval of specific aspects of visual information. In order to examine brain activity specifically associated with retrieval, we designed a task that had retrieval and control conditions that were perfectly matched in terms of depth of encoding, decision making and postretrieval monitoring and differed only in terms of whether retrieval was required. In the retrieval condition, based on an instructional cue, the subjects had to retrieve either the particular stimulus that was previously presented or its location. In the control condition, the cue did not instruct retrieval but shared with the instructional cues the function of alerting the subjects of the impending test phase. The comparison of activity between the retrieval and control conditions demonstrated a significant and selective increase in activity related to retrieval processes within the ventrolateral prefrontal cortical region, more specifically within area 47/12. These activity increases were bilateral but stronger in the right hemisphere. The present study by strictly controlling the level of encoding, postretrieval monitoring, and decision making has demonstrated a specific increase in the ventrolateral prefrontal region that could be clearly related to active retrieval processing, i.e. the active selection of particular stored visual representations.  相似文献   

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex mediates guessing   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Guessing is an important component of everyday cognition. The present study examined the neural substrates of guessing using a simple card-playing task in conjunction with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Subjects were scanned under four conditions. In two, they were shown images of the back of a playing card and had to guess either the colour or the suit of the card. In the other two they were shown the face of a card and had to report either the colour or the suit. Guessing compared to reporting was associated with significant activations in lateral prefrontal cortex (right more than left), right orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, bilateral inferior parietal cortex and right thalamus. Increasing the guessing demands by manipulating the number of alternative outcomes was associated with activation of the left lateral and medial orbitofrontal cortex. These data suggest that while simple two choice guessing depends on an extensive neural system including regions of the right lateral prefrontal cortex, activation of orbitofrontal cortex increases as the probabilistic contingencies become more complex. Guessing thus involves not only systems implicated in working memory processes but also depends upon orbitofrontal cortex. This region is not typically activated in working memory tasks and its activation may reflect additional requirements of dealing with uncertainty.  相似文献   

Motes MA  Malach R  Kozhevnikov M 《Neuroreport》2008,19(17):1727-1731
The visual system processes object properties and spatial properties in distinct subsystems, and we hypothesized that this distinction might extend to individual differences in visual processing. We conducted a functional MRI study investigating the neural underpinnings of individual differences in object versus spatial visual processing. Nine participants of high object-processing ability ('object' visualizers) and eight participants of high spatial-processing ability ('spatial' visualizers) were scanned, while they performed an object-processing task. Object visualizers showed lower bilateral neural activity in lateral occipital complex and lower right-lateralized neural activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The data indicate that high object-processing ability is associated with more efficient use of visual-object resources, resulting in less neural activity in the object-processing pathway.  相似文献   

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