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The association between specific job characteristics and subsequent cardiovascular disease was tested using a large random sample of the male working Swedish population. The prospective development of coronary heart disease (CHD) symptoms and signs was analyzed using a multivariate logistic regression technique. Additionally, a case-controlled study was used to analyze all cardiovascular-cerebrovascular (CHD-CVD) deaths during a six-year follow-up. The indicator of CHD symptoms and signs was validated in a six-year prospective study of CHD deaths (standardized mortality ratio 5.0; p less than or equal to .001). A hectic and psychologically demanding job increases the risk of developing CHD symptoms and signs (standardized odds ratio 1.29, p less than 0.25) and premature CHD-CVD death (relative risk 4.0, p less than .01). Low decision latitude-expressed as low intellectual discretion and low personal schedule freedom-is also associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Low intellectual discretion predicts the development of CHD symptoms and signs (SOR 1.44, p less than .01), while low personal schedule freedom among the majority of workers with the minimum statutory education increases the risk of CHD-CVD death (RR 6.6, p less than .0002). The associations exist after controlling for age, education, smoking, and overweight.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To investigate the association between job strain and components of the job strain model and coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study (Whitehall II study). At the first phase of the study (1985-1988), data on self reported psychosocial work characteristics were collected from all participants. Participants were followed up until the end of phase 5 (1997-2000), with mean length of follow up of 11 years. SETTING: London based office staff in 20 civil service departments. PARTICIPANTS: 6,895 male and 3,413 female civil servants aged 35-55. OUTCOME MEASURES: Incident validated CHD. MAIN RESULTS: People with concurrent low decision latitude and high demands (job strain) were at the highest risk for CHD. High job demands, and, less consistently, low decision latitude, predicted CHD incidence. The effect of job strain on CHD incidence was strongest among younger workers, but there was no effect modification by social support at work, or employment grade. CONCLUSIONS: Job strain, high job demands, and, to some extent, low decision latitude, are associated with an increased risk of CHD among British civil servants.  相似文献   

Delivery of reproductive health care is discussed with respect to accessibility, competence, effectiveness, accountability and evaluation of services. 4 essential components of service organization are identified (organization, administration, staff and community) and discussed. Evaluation objectives and responsibilities are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates multilevel associations between the common mental disorders of anxiety, depression and economic inactivity measured at the level of the individual and the UK 2001 census ward. The data set comes from the Caerphilly Health & Social Needs study, in which a representative survey of adults aged 18-74 years was carried out to collect a wide range of information which included mental health status (using the Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5) scale of the Short Form-36 health status questionnaire), and socio-economic status (including employment status, social class, household income, housing tenure and property value). Ward level economic inactivity was measured using non-means tested benefits data from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) on long-term Incapacity Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance. Estimates from multilevel linear regression models of 10,653 individuals nested within 36 census wards showed that individual mental health status was significantly associated with ward-level economic inactivity, after adjusting for individual-level variables, with a moderate effect size of -0.668 (standard error=0.258). There was a significant cross-level interaction between ward-level and individual economic inactivity from permanent sickness or disability, such that the effect of permanent sickness or disability on mental health was significantly greater for people living in wards with high levels of economic inactivity. This supports the hypothesis that living in a deprived neighbourhood has the most negative health effects on poorer individuals and is further evidence for a substantive effect of the place where you live on mental health.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: The evidence supporting the effect of income inequality on health has been largely observed in societies far more egalitarian than the US. This study examines the cross sectional multilevel associations between income inequality and self rated poor health in Chile; a society more unequal than the US. DESIGN: A multilevel statistical framework of 98 344 people nested within 61 978 households nested within 285 communities nested within 13 regions. SETTING: The 2000 National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey (CASEN) data from Chile. PARTICIPANTS: Adults aged 18 and above. The outcome was a dichotomised self rated health (0 if very good, good or average; 1 if poor, or very poor). Individual level exposures included age, sex, ethnicity, marital status, education, employment status, type of health insurance, and household level exposures include income and residential setting (urban/rural). Community level exposures included the Gini coefficient and median income. Main results: Controlling for individual/household predictors, a significant gradient was observed between income and poor self rated health, with very poor most likely to report poor health (OR: 2.94) followed by poor (OR: 2.77), low (OR: 2.06), middle (OR: 1.73), high (OR: 1.38) as compared with the very high income earners. Controlling for household and community effects of income, a significant effect of community income inequality was observed (OR:1.22). CONCLUSIONS: Household income does not explain any of the between community differences; neither does it account for the effect of community income inequality on self rated health, with more unequal communities associated with a greater probability of reporting poor health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of income inequality at the public health unit level with individual health status in Ontario. METHODS: Cross-sectional multilevel study carried out among subjects aged 25 years or older residing in 42 public health units in Ontario. Individual-level data drawn from 30,939 respondents in 1996-97 Ontario Health Survey. Median area income and income inequality (Gini coefficient) calculated from 1996 census. Self-rated health status (SRH) and Health Utilities Index (HUI-3) scores were used as main outcomes. RESULTS: Controlling for individual-level factors including income, respondents living in public health units in the highest tercile of income inequality had odds ratios of 1.20 (95% CI 1.04 - 1.38) for fair/poor self-rated health, and 1.11 (95% CI 1.01 - 1.22) for HUI score below the median, compared with people living in public health units in the lowest tercile. Controlling further for median area income had little effect on the association. CONCLUSION: Income inequality was significantly associated with individual self-reported health status at public health unit level in Ontario, independent of individual income.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that the metaphysical ethics of Emmanuel Levinas captures some essential moral intuitions that are central to health care. However, there is an ongoing discussion about the relevance of ethical metaphysics for normative ethics and in particular on the question of the relationship between justice and individualized care. In this paper I take part in this debate and I argue that Levinas' idea of an ethics of the Other that guides politics and justice can shed important light on issues that are central to priorities in health care. In fact, the ethics of Levinas in seeking the foundation of normativity itself, captures the ethical coreand central values of health care.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Three hundred and ninety one male employees aged 35-65 in a Swedish pulp and paper company were followed up for 22 years; 151 deaths were recorded by 31 December 1983. On the basis of data from 1961, indices for job decision latitude, job support, and other work related psychosocial factors were constructed as were five indices for non-work related social network factors. All indices were checked by life table analysis in respect of mortality. Job decision latitude and a combined index for job decision latitude and job support showed significant associations with mortality. These two indices were investigated by multivariate analysis with scale for evaluation of neuroticism and known somatic risk factors such as smoking, cholesterol, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Age, educational level, occupational status, physically heavy work, and general health state were also included in the multivariate analysis. Age, systolic blood pressure, the combined index for job decision latitude and job support, smoking, and neuroticism were shown to be independent predictors of mortality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examined whether neighborhood socioeconomic environment helps to explain the proportion of community members with self-reported poor health status. METHODS: A random sample of 9240 persons aged 25 to 74 years were interviewed during 1988 and 1989. The socioeconomic environment of each respondent's neighborhood was measured with the Care Need Index (CNI) and the Townsend score. The data were analyzed with a multilevel model adjusted for the independent variables. The second-level variables were the 2 neighborhood scores. RESULTS: There was a clear gradient for poor health and education within every CNI interval so that with an increasing CNI (indicating more deprivation), the prevalence of poor health increased in all 3 education groups (P = .001). In the full model, decreasing educational level, obesity, length and frequency of smoking, physical inactivity, and increasing CNI were associated with poor health. Persons living in the most deprived neighborhoods had a prevalence ratio of 1.69 (95% confidence interval = 1.44, 1.98) for poor health compared with those living in the most affluent areas. CONCLUSIONS: Both neighborhood socioeconomic environment and individual educational status are associated with self-reported poor health.  相似文献   

Three hundred and ninety one male employees aged 35-65 in a Swedish pulp and paper company were followed up for 22 years; 151 deaths were recorded by 31 December 1983. On the basis of data from 1961, indices for job decision latitude, job support, and other work related psychosocial factors were constructed as were five indices for non-work related social network factors. All indices were checked by life table analysis in respect of mortality. Job decision latitude and a combined index for job decision latitude and job support showed significant associations with mortality. These two indices were investigated by multivariate analysis with scale for evaluation of neuroticism and known somatic risk factors such as smoking, cholesterol, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Age, educational level, occupational status, physically heavy work, and general health state were also included in the multivariate analysis. Age, systolic blood pressure, the combined index for job decision latitude and job support, smoking, and neuroticism were shown to be independent predictors of mortality.  相似文献   

Two answers to the question ‘how can we allocate health care resources fairly?’ are introduced and discussed. Both utilitarian and egalitarian approaches are found relevant, but both exhibit considerable theoretical and practical difficulties. Neither seems capable of solving the problem on its own. It is suggested that, for practical purposes, a version of Rawls' famous thought experiment might provide at least some enlightenment about which theoretical approach should be used to address the question.  相似文献   

This study assessed the contextual and individual effects of social trust on health. Methods consisted of a multilevel regression analysis of self-rated poor health among 21,456 individuals nested within 40 US communities included in the 2000 Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey. Controlling for demographic covariates, a strong income and education gradient was observed for self-rated health. Higher levels of cominunity social trust were associated with a lover probability of reporting poor health. Individual demographic and socioeconomic preditors did not explain the association of community social trust with self-rated health. Controlling for individual trust perception, however, rendered the main effect of community social trust statistically insignificant, but a complex interaction effect was observed, such that the health-promoting effect of community social trust was significantly greater for high-trust individuals. For low-trust individuals, the effect of community social trust on self-rated health was the opposite. Using the latest data available on community social trust, we conclude that the role of community social trust in explaining average population health achievements and health inequalities is complex and is contingent on individual perceptions of social trust. Future multilevel investigations of social capital and population health should routinely consider the cross-level nature of community or neighborbood effects.  相似文献   

Health care is neither "a necessity" or "a luxury"; it is "both" since the income elasticity varies with the level of analysis. With insurance, individual income elasticities are typically near zero, while national health expenditure elasticities are commonly greater than 1.0. The debate over whether health care is or is not a luxury good arises primarily from the failure to specify levels of analysis clearly so as to distinguish variation within groups from variation between groups. Apparently, contradictory empirical results are shown to be consistent with a simple nested multilevel model of health care spending.  相似文献   

Fone DL  Dunstan F 《Health & place》2006,12(3):332-344
Using data on 24,975 respondents to the Welsh Health Survey 1998 aged 17-74 years, we investigated associations between individual mental health status measured using the SF-36 instrument, social class, economic inactivity and the electoral division Townsend deprivation score. In a multilevel modelling analysis, we found mental health was significantly associated with the Townsend score after adjusting for composition, and this effect was strongest in respondents who were economically inactive. Further contextual effects were shown by significant random variability in the slopes of the relation between mental health and economic inactivity at the electoral division level. Our results suggest that the places in which people live affect their mental health, supporting NHS policy that multi-agency planning to reduce inequalities in mental health status should address the wider determinants of health, as well as services for individual patients.  相似文献   

A lifetime spent studying how social determinants of health lead to health inequalities has clarified many issues. First is that social stratification is an appropriate topic of study for epidemiologists. To ignore it would be to ignore a major source of variation in health in society. Not only is the social gradient in health appropriate to study but we have made progress both in understanding its causes and what can be done to address them. Post-modern ‘critical theory’ raises questions about the social construction of science. Given the attack on science by politicians of bad faith, it is important to recognise that epidemiology and public health have a crucial role to play in providing evidence to improve health of society and reduce inequalities. Evidence gives grounds for optimism that progress can be made both in improving the health of the worst-off in society and narrowing health inequalities. Theoretical debates about ‘inequality of what’ have been helpful in clarifying theories that drive further gathering of evidence. While it is important to consider alternative explanations of the social gradient in health—principal among them reverse causation—evidence strongly supports social causation. Social action is by its nature political. It is, though, a vital function to provide the evidence that underpins action.  相似文献   

Physicians and their practice patterns are the largest single determinant of the level of aggregate national health care expenditures. Integrated delivery systems (organizations linking a multispecialty physician groups and acute care hospitals) appear to be more efficient than other organizational structures while providing better clinical outcomes. To determine whether a subset of hospitals was more or less efficient than the national average, we relied on data from the Dartmouth Atlas Project, which included data from 4,346 hospitals. The analysis was restricted to patients who had one or more of 12 chronic illnesses associated with a high probability of death, and the number of hospitals identified as our control group was 14, represented by 13 organizations. Based on the preliminary data, physicians operating in a multispecialty group appear to use less physician resources to care for their patients and admit less often to a hospital, thereby reducing health care expenditures. As the federal government seeks to foster more efficient health care delivery and better outcomes, it may look to the physician-led integrated delivery network as an example of an efficient and high quality model.  相似文献   

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