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胶囊内镜诊断小肠克罗恩病的应用研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
目的 探讨胶囊内镜在小肠克罗恩病诊断中的应用价值。方法 对20例其它检查正常但临床症状疑似小肠克罗恩病的患者进行胶囊内镜检查,这些患者伴有不同程度腹痛、消瘦、大便隐血阳性、缺铁性贫血、腹泻或发热等症状体征,平均持续6.5年。结果20例患者中共发现克罗恩病13例,胶囊内镜下表现包括黏膜糜烂(2例)、口疮样溃疡(5例)、肉芽肿性结节样病变(1例),大溃疡(2例)和溃疡伴肠腔不完全狭窄(3例)。结论 胶囊内镜对经传统方法未能检出的疑似小肠克罗恩病具有较高的检出率,尤其是对疾病早期和对轻型患者的诊断具有明显优越性。  相似文献   

目的探讨磁控胶囊内镜对小肠克罗恩病(CD)早期诊断的临床应用价值。 方法选择2015年8月至2017年2月临床怀疑小肠CD经上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院卢湾分院消化内科行磁控胶囊内镜检查的203例小肠CD高危患者进行磁控胶囊内镜检查,根据检查结果参照De Bona等[ 6 ]的标准进行分组,随访各组治疗情况、病情进展及转归。 结果A组17例符合确诊标准;B组87例符合可疑标准,随访1~2年后,7例确诊为CD;C组67例符合非特异性肠炎。B组和C组治疗前后各项炎症指标比较有统计学意义,提示治疗有效。 结论磁控胶囊内镜对小肠CD早期诊断具有一定的临床应用价值,能够早期用于指导治疗,改善疾病的预后。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胶囊内镜,双气囊内镜以及两项联合检查对小肠肿瘤及克罗恩病的诊断价值,以提高对此类小肠疾病的诊断水平.方法:316例怀疑有小肠疾病的患者中,178例行胶囊内镜检查,138例行双气囊内镜检查,32例行两项联合检查,分别对两项内镜的小肠肿瘤及克罗恩病的检出率及确诊率进行分析.结果:胶囊内镜对小肠肿瘤的检出率为4.5...  相似文献   

克罗恩病(CD)临床表现各异,诊断困难,临床容易误诊漏诊,胶囊内镜对CD的诊断有一定的价值,此文综述了胶囊内镜的应用原理、诊断CD的临床应用情况及存在的问题,并且探讨了今后的研究领域。  相似文献   

目的探讨双气囊内镜(DBE)在小肠克罗恩病(CD)疗效随访中的应用和价值。方法对41例曾行DBE检查并临床确诊为小肠CD的患者进行正规药物治疗并随访,评估临床症状、血清学指标、治疗时间与DBE下黏膜修复情况之间的关系。结果治疗1个月后92.7%的患者症状缓解,2个月后97.6%C-反应蛋白恢复正常。行DBE复查黏膜无明显改善或略有改善、改善、明显改善者,平均复查时间为治疗后(7.1±4.3)、(16.5±7.1)、(25.0±12.7)个月,3组间复查时间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。对于累及小肠-结肠的患者,同一个体的小肠、结肠黏膜修复程度差异无统计学意义(P=0.215)。结论小肠CD黏膜修复缓慢,明显迟于临床症状的缓解及C反应蛋白的恢复,合理的DBE复查时间为治疗后10~15个月,免疫抑制剂宜长期维持。对于同时累及小肠-结肠的患者,可行结肠镜复查。  相似文献   

小肠曾因其特殊的解剖位置而成为消化系统的检查盲区,自第一个批准用于临床的胶囊内镜上市以来,其简便、安全、无创的特点使小肠胶囊内镜被公认为目前诊断小肠疾病的一线工具,用于诊断不明原因消化道出血、缺铁性贫血、小肠肿瘤、克罗恩病等小肠疾病。文章就小肠胶囊内镜在小肠疾病诊断的临床应用及研究进展做一阐述。  相似文献   

陈慧敏  戈之铮 《胃肠病学》2009,14(6):367-370
克罗恩病(CD)是一种原因未明的慢性炎性肉芽肿性病变,可侵及全消化道各部位,约70%的病变累及小肠,诊断需联合其临床表现、内镜检查、组织病理学、影像学、实验室检生化查等。新型检查技术如胶囊内镜和双气囊内镜对评估小肠疾病具有重要作用。本文就胶囊内镜和双气囊内镜在小肠CD中的诊断率作一综述,以进一步明确两者的诊断价值。  相似文献   

克罗恩病是一种慢性炎性肉芽肿性疾病.可累及胃肠道各部位,其中小肠约占30%~40%。其发病率与地理环境、种族等因素有关。北欧及北美洲发病率较高,南欧、亚洲及一些发展中国家较低,但近年在全球范围及在我国均有呈上升的发展趋势。目前对克罗恩病的诊断主要依据临床表现(腹痛、腹泻、发热、贫血、血沉增快等)、影像学检查和内镜检查中的典型改变。  相似文献   

目的探讨胶囊内镜在小肠疾病诊断中的应用及价值。方法对2010年3月至2016年10月到本院行胶囊内镜检查的疑似小肠疾病患者95例(试验组)和体检者21例(对照组)进行临床分析,评估胶囊内镜在小肠疾病诊断中的价值。结果检查过程中受检者耐受性较好。胶囊内镜在胃内运行时间为55.71±6.55 min,在小肠内运行时间259.54±94.63 min。小肠疾病总体检出率为43.1%(50/116),试验组小肠疾病检出率为47.4%(45/95),显著高于对照组的23.8%(5/21)(P<0.05)。结论胶囊内镜对小肠疾病具有较高的诊断价值。  相似文献   

[目的]通过分析不明原因消化道出血(OGIB)疾病患者经OMOM胶囊内镜的检查结果,探討OMOM胶囊内镜对OGIB的診断价值。[方法]收集2009年5月~2011年3月恩施州中心医院27例OGIB患者经OMOM胶囊内镜检查的临床资料,回顾性分析下载到计算机中的图像资料。[结果]未见异常7例,血管显露10例,小肠间质瘤5例,小肠息肉4例,小肠憩室1例,OGIB患者的阳性检出率为74.07%。[结论]OMOM胶囊内镜对于OGIB患者可作为首选的一线检查手段。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Capsule endoscopy has a greater diagnostic yield than radiology for detecting subtle inflammatory changes of the small bowel mucosa, but the clinical significance of these abnormalities is still uncertain because of the lack of long-term follow-ups. AIM AND METHODS: To verify the accuracy of capsule endoscopy in a cohort of patients with suspected Crohn's disease of the small bowel, taking as 'gold standard' the final diagnosis made after a long follow-up. From April 2002 to March 2005, we enrolled and examined by capsule endoscopy 27 consecutive patients with abdominal pain and diarrhea lasting more than 3 months and at least one of the following: anaemia, weight loss, fever, extra-intestinal manifestation(s) of inflammatory bowel disease. All patients already had an unremarkable pan-endoscopy, serology for celiac disease and intestinal radiology inconclusive for small bowel abnormality. On the basis of capsule endoscopy findings, patients were distributed in three groups; Group A had severe stricturing lesions requiring surgery; Group B, moderate inflammatory lesions further investigated invasively; Group C, minimal inflammatory changes or normal findings, clinically observed every 3 months (median 21 months, range 15-29). RESULTS: Small bowel inflammatory lesions were found in 16 of the 27 patients (diagnostic yield 59%). Three had surgery (Group A) and Crohn's disease was confirmed in two; the remainder had ileal adenocarcinoma in a pathological context of chronic inflammation. Crohn's disease was histologically confirmed in four of the five patients in Group B. Group C comprised 19 patients; Crohn's disease was confirmed in seven out of eight with positive capsule endoscopy, while only one of the patients with normal findings later developed overt ileal Crohn's disease. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratio were, respectively, 93%, 84%, 5.8 and 0.08. Assuming a 50% pre-test probability of disease, capsule endoscopy gave a post-test probability of 85%. CONCLUSIONS: In our selected cohort, capsule endoscopy was highly sensitive in detecting small bowel inflammatory changes, enhancing by nearly 35% the pre-test probability of structural small bowel disease. Focal erythema and luminal debris may limit the specificity of capsule endoscopy.  相似文献   

目的探讨胶囊内镜对消化道疾病,特别是小肠疾病的诊断价值。方法 2007年6月至2010年4月间,对180例患者(其中不明原因消化道出血58例,慢性腹痛88例,慢性腹胀27例,慢性腹泻7例)行OMOM胶囊内镜检查,并对其结果进行回顾性分析。结果所有病人检查无不适感,180例患者中177例(98.3%)完成胶囊内镜检查,139例(77.2%)发现阳性病变;58例不明原因消化道出血者中42例(72.4%)为小肠病变;88例慢性腹痛者中43例(48.9%)为单纯小肠病变,6例(6.8%)为单纯食管或胃部病变,1例(1.1%)为单纯结肠病变,18例(20.5%)同时存在小肠病变和胃部病变,1例(1.1%)同时存在胃部病变和结肠病变;27例腹胀者中3例(11.1%)为单纯小肠病变,18例(66.7%)为单纯食管或胃部病变,2例(7.4%)同时存在小肠病变和胃部病变,2例(7.4%)同时存在胃部病变和结肠病变;7例慢性腹泻者中3例(42.9%)为小肠病变。3例(1.7%)发生胶囊滞留。结论胶囊内镜在消化道疾病尤其是小肠疾病的诊断中有较高价值,临床安全性好。  相似文献   

Capsule endoscopy has been shown to detect small bowel inflammatory changes better than any other imaging modality. Selection criteria have been optimized to increase the yield of capsule endoscopy in patients suspected to have Crohn's disease. Capsule endoscopy allows for earlier diagnosis of Crohn's disease of the small bowel and improved diagnosis of colitis in patients where it is unclear if they suffer from Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. A test capsule is available to assess for small bowel strictures and thus avoid capsule retention. A common language has been developed and a new scoring index will be added to capsule software. It is envisioned that the manner in which we treat Crohn's disease in the future will change, based on earlier diagnosis and treatment aimed at mucosal healing rather than symptom improvement.  相似文献   

AIM: To clarify the usefulness of postsurgical capsule endoscopy(CE) in the diagnosis of recurrent small bowel lesions of Crohn's disease(CD). METHODS: This prospective study included 19 patients who underwent ileocolectomy or partial ileal resection for CD. CE was performed 2-3 wk after surgery to check for the presence/absence and severity of lesions remaining in the small bowel, and for any recurrence at the anastomosed area. CE was repeated 6-8 mo after surgery and the findings were compared with those obtained shortly after surgery. The Lewis score (LS) was used to evaluate any inflammatory changes of the small bowel. RESULTS: One patient was excluded from analysis because of insufficient endoscopy data at the initial CE. The total LS shortly after surgery was 428.3 on average(median, 174; range, 8-4264), and was ≥ 135(active stage) in 78%(14 of 18) of the patients. When the remaining unresected small bowel was divided into 3 equal portions according to the transition time(proximal, middle, and distal tertiles), the mean LS was 286.6, 83.0, and 146.7, respectively, without any significant difference. Ulcerous lesions in the anastomosed area were observed in 83% of all patients. In 38% of the 13 patients who could undergo CE again after 6-8 mo, the total LS was higher by ≥ 100 than that recorded shortly after surgery, thus indicating a diagnosis of endoscopic progressive recurrence. CONCLUSION: Our pilot study suggests that CE can be used to objectively evaluate the postoperative recurrence of small bowel lesions after surgery for CD.  相似文献   

胶囊内镜在小肠Crohn病的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王健  贾红 《世界华人消化杂志》2007,15(16):1841-1844
小肠Crohn病是一种节段性、全壁层炎症性病变,其病因不明,临床表现多样,病理改变无特异性,误诊率高.对于小肠Crohn病,胶囊内镜是一种有价值的诊断方法.此文综述了胶囊内镜的应用原理、诊断小肠Crohn病的临床应用情况及存在的问题,并且探讨了今后的研究领域.  相似文献   


Objective. Compared to other modalities, capsule endoscopy (CE) has a high diagnostic yield for diagnosing small bowel Crohn's disease (CD). The aim of this study was to determine the inter-observer agreement for detection of small bowel CD with predefined diagnostic criteria. Material and methods. Thirty patients with suspected or known CD were included in the study. Observers were blind to patient histories, the results of ileo-colonoscopies, and small bowel examinations. More than three ulcerations (aphthous lesions or ulcers) or the presence of stenosis caused by inflammation or fibrosis was diagnostic of small bowel CD. Three observers with experience in gastrointestinal endoscopy and CE participated in the study. Results. The presence or absence of small bowel CD was determined with complete agreement in 23 patients, nine patients with and 14 without small bowel CD. The inter-observer agreement was substantial for the diagnosis (κ = 0.68) and moderate for the localization of CD (κ = 0.44). Aphthous lesions were detected with only fair agreement (κ = 0.38). The time intervals to passage of the pylorus and ileo-caecal valve were detected with excellent intra-class correlation. Conclusions. CE is performed with substantial inter-observer agreement for detection of small bowel CD. In the majority of patients, the presence or absence of small bowel CD is unequivocal. However, in patients with few or minor lesions, the diagnosis is observer dependent.  相似文献   

AIM: To model clinical and economic benefits of capsule endoscopy (CE) compared to ileo-colonoscopy and small bowel follow-through (SBFT) for evaluation of suspected Crohn's disease (CD).METHODS: Using decision analytic modeling, total and yearly costs of diagnostic work-up for suspected CD were calculated, including procedure-related adverse events,hospitalizations, office visits, and medications. The model compared CE to SBFT following ileo-colonoscopy and secondarily compared CE to SBFT for initial evaluation.RESULTS: Aggregate charges for newly diagnosed,medically managed patients are approximately $8295.Patients requiring aggressive medical management costs are $29 508; requiring hospitalization, $49 074.At sensitivity > 98.7% and specificity of > 86.4%, CE is less costly than SBFT.CONCLUSION: Costs of CE for diagnostic evaluation of suspected CD is comparable to SBFT and may be used immediately following ileo-colonoscopy.  相似文献   

目的探讨胶囊内镜在小肠疾病诊断中的应用价值和安全性。方法回顾分析采用OMOM胶囊内镜检查的216例患者,其中不明原因消化道出血43例,慢性腹痛72例,慢性腹泻54例,腹部不适20例,体检27例,对诊断结果进行分析。结果对出血性病变的阳性诊断率为69.8%,显著高于对慢性腹痛、慢性腹泻及腹部不适的阳性诊断率(P0.05)。结论胶囊内镜是不明原因消化道出血的首选检查方法,安全性高,耐受性好,在小肠疾病诊断中具有重要价值。  相似文献   

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