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We present a simple and intuitive means for determining the flip angles (FAs) required for smooth transitions between static pseudo steady states (SPSSs) in fast spin echo (FSE) imaging with variable FA (VFA) echo trains. We demonstrate the effectiveness of single and multiple transition pulses to successfully vary refocusing FAs while retaining high signal levels. The graphical interpretation presented here is consistent with previous analytical techniques and permits accurate signal-intensity predictions along the echo train.  相似文献   

Recent advances have reduced scan time in three‐dimensional fast spin echo (3D‐FSE) imaging, including very long echo trains through refocusing flip angle (FA) modulation and 2D‐accelerated parallel imaging. This work describes a method to modulate refocusing FAs that produces sharp point spread functions (PSFs) from very long echo trains while exercising direct control over minimum, center‐k‐space, and maximum FAs in order to accommodate the presence of flow and motion, SNR requirements, and RF power limits. Additionally, a new method for ordering views to map signal modulation from the echo train into kykz space that enables nonrectangular k‐space grids and autocalibrating 2D‐accelerated parallel imaging is presented. With long echo trains and fewer echoes required to encode large matrices, large volumes with high in‐ and through‐plane resolution matrices may be acquired with scan times of 3–6 min, as demonstrated for volumetric brain, knee, and kidney imaging. Magn Reson Med 60:640–649, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

T(1)-weighted contrast is conventionally obtained using multislice two-dimensional (2D) spin-echo (SE) imaging. Achieving isotropic, high spatial resolution is problematic with conventional methods due to a long acquisition time, imperfect slice profiles, or high-energy deposition. Single-slab 3D SE imaging was recently developed employing long echo trains with variable low flip angles to address these problems. However, long echo trains may yield suboptimal T(1)-weighted contrast, since T(2) weighting of the signals tends to develop along the echo train. Image blurring may also occur if high spatial frequency signals are acquired with low signal intensity. The purpose of this work was to develop an optimized T(1)-weighted version of single-slab 3D SE imaging with long echo trains. Refocusing flip angles were calculated based on a tissue-specific prescribed signal evolution. Spatially nonselective excitation was used, followed by half-Fourier acquisition in the in-plane phase encoding (PE) direction. Restore radio frequency (RF) pulses were applied at the end of the echo train to optimize T(1)-weighted contrast. Imaging parameters were optimized by using Bloch equation simulation, and imaging studies of healthy subjects were performed to investigate the feasibility of whole-brain imaging with isotropic, high spatial resolution. The proposed technique permitted highly-efficient T(1)-weighted 3D SE imaging of the brain.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the RF power deposition of fast spin echo sequences operated at high field strength, the flip angles of the refocusing pulse train are varied from pulse to pulse using a modulated angle refocusing train method. The technique employs high flip angle pulses prior to sampling the center of k-space in order to preserve T(2) contrast, low flip angles after sampling the center of k-space to reduce power and prolong relaxation, and a smooth transition between the high and low flip angle regimes in order to maintain the pseudosteady-state, maximizing signal and avoiding artifact-inducing oscillations. An analytical expression is used to predict and correct for the flip angle dependence of the signal, thus eliminating any deleterious effects of flip angle modulation on the point spread function. Analysis of resolution and SNR were performed in simulation and phantom studies. In human imaging studies, it is shown that RF energy deposition per slice in a single-shot fast spin echo application can be reduced by up to 75%, making the sequence as practical at 3 T as it is has been at 1.5 T.  相似文献   

A variation of the rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) sequence (also called turbo spin-echo (TSE) or fast spin-echo (FSE)) is presented. This technique uses variable flip angles along the echo train such that magnetization is initially prepared into the static pseudo steady state (PSS) for a low refocusing flip angle (alpha < 180 degrees ). It is shown that after such a preparation, magnetization will always stay very close to the static PSS even after significant variation of the subsequent refocusing flip angles. This allows the design of TSE sequences in which high refocusing flip angles yielding 100% of the attainable signal are applied only for the important echoes encoding for the center of k-space. It is demonstrated that a reduction of the RF power (RFP) by a factor of 2.5-6 can be achieved without any loss in signal intensity. The contribution of stimulated-echo pathways leads to a reduction of the effective TE by a factor f(t), which for typical implementations is on the order of 0.5-0.8. This allows the use of longer echo readout times, and thus longer echo trains, for acquiring images with a given T(2) contrast.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimation of T1 is a challenging but important task inherent to many clinical applications. The most commonly used paradigm for estimating T1 in vivo involves performing a sequence of spoiled gradient‐recalled echo acquisitions at different flip angles, followed by fitting of an exponential model to the data. Although there has been substantial work comparing different fitting methods, there has been little discussion on how these methods should be applied for data acquired using multichannel receivers. In this note, we demonstrate that the manner in which multichannel data is handled can have a substantial impact on T1 estimation performance and should be considered equally as important as choice of flip angles or fitting strategy. Magn Reson Med, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An implementation of fast spin echo at 4.7 T designed for versatile and time‐efficient T2‐weighted imaging of the human brain is presented. Reduced refocusing angles (α < 180°) were employed to overcome specific absorption rate (SAR) constraints and their effects on image quality assessed. Image intensity and tissue contrast variations from heterogeneous RF transmit fields and incidental magnetization transfer effects were investigated at reduced refocusing angles. We found that intraslice signal variations are minimized with refocusing angles near 180°, but apparent gray/white matter contrast is independent of refocusing angle. Incidental magnetization transfer effects from multislice acquisitions were shown to attenuate white matter intensity by 25% and gray matter intensity by 15% at 180°; less than 5% attenuation was seen in all tissues at flip angles below 60°. We present multislice images acquired without excess delay time for SAR mitigation using a variety of protocols. Subsecond half Fourier acquisition single‐shot turbo spin echo (HASTE) images were obtained with a novel variable refocusing angle echo train (20° < α < 58°) and high‐resolution scans with a voxel volume of 0.18 mm3 were acquired in 6.5 min with refocusing angles of 100°. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The flip angle which maximizes contrast between materials with different T1can be caculatd from the root of a cubic expression. A simple closed form expression can be used if contrast is defined in a differential sense and results in only slight contrast loss even with large T1 differences.  相似文献   

Single‐slab 3D turbo/fast spin echo (SE) imaging with very long echo trains was recently introduced with slab selection using a highly selective excitation pulse and short, nonselective refocusing pulses with variable flip angles for high imaging efficiency. This technique, however, is vulnerable to image degradation in the presence of spatially varying B1 amplitudes. In this work we develop a B1 inhomogeneity‐reduced version of single‐slab 3D turbo/fast SE imaging based on the hypothesis that it is critical to achieve spatially uniform excitation. Slab selection was performed using composite adiabatic selective excitation wherein magnetization is tipped into the transverse plane by a nonselective adiabatic‐half‐passage pulse and then slab is selected by a pair of selective adiabatic‐full‐passage pulses. Simulations and experiments were performed to evaluate the proposed technique and demonstrated that this approach is a simple and efficient way to reduce B1 sensitivity in single‐slab 3D turbo/fast SE imaging with very long echo trains. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In spoiled gradient echo sequences, the T(1)-weighting of image contrast is strongly affected by a nonlinear interaction of two sequence parameters, repetition time (TR) and flip angle (alpha). If alpha is not properly adjusted to compensate for variation in TR due to changing resolution, bandwidth, or number of slices, any optimization of contrast-to-noise may be compromised. Currently, there is no direct way to compare or reproduce the contrast properties of one sequence to another with a different TR. Here, it is demonstrated that for short TRs alpha may be calculated and automatically adjusted such that relative contrast--the shape of the signal-versus-T(1) curve--remains consistent and signal scales proportionally to radicalTR in all tissues. TR is then free to vary to accommodate a range of sequence parameters without impacting relative contrast and the T(1)-weighting of one sequence can be compared to, or reproduced in, another study with a different TR.  相似文献   

In subtractive imaging modalities, the differential longitudinal magnetization decays with time, necessitating signal‐efficient scanning methods. Balanced steady‐state free precession pulse sequences offer greater signal strength than conventional spoiled gradient echo sequences, even during the transient approach to steady state. Although traditional balanced steady‐state free precession requires that each excitation pulse use the same flip angle, operating in the transient regimen permits the application of variable flip angle schedules that can be tailored to optimize certain signal characteristics. A computationally efficient technique is presented to generate variable flip angle schedules efficiently for any optimization metric. The validity of the technique is shown using two phantoms, and its potential is demonstrated in vivo with a variable angle schedule to increase the signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) in myocardial tissue. Using variable flip angles, the mean SNR improvement in subtractive imaging of myocardial tissue was 18.2% compared to conventional, constant flip angle, balanced steady‐state free precession (P = 0.0078). Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Magnetization transfer effects represent a major source of contrast in multislice turbo spin echo sequences (TSE)/fast spin echo sequences. Generally, low refocusing flip angles have become common in such MRI sequences, especially to mitigate specific absorption rate problems. Since the strength of magnetization transfer effects is related to the radiofrequency power and therefore specific absorption rate applied, magnetization transfer induced signal attenuations are investigated for a variety of TSE sequences with low constant and variable flip angles. Noticeable differences between the sequences have been observed. In particular, fewer signal attenuations are observed for TSE with low flip angles such as hyperecho‐TSE and smooth transitions between pseudo steady states–TSE, leading to contrast that is less dependent on the number of slices. It is shown that the strength of the magnetization transfer‐induced signal attenuations can be understood and described by a physical framework, which is based on the mean square flip angle of a given TSE sequence. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A new time-efficient and accurate technique for simultaneous mapping of T(1) and B(1) is proposed based on a combination of the actual flip angle (FA) imaging and variable FA methods. Variable FA-actual FA imaging utilizes a single actual FA imaging and one or more spoiled gradient-echo acquisitions with a simultaneous nonlinear fitting procedure to yield accurate T(1)/B(1) maps. The advantage of variable FA-actual FA imaging is high accuracy at either short T(1) times or long repetition times in the actual FA imaging sequence. Simulations show this method is accurate to 0.03% in FA and 0.07% in T(1) for ratios of repetition time to T1 time over the range of 0.01-0.45. We show for the case of brain imaging that it is sufficient to use only one small FA spoiled gradient-echo acquisition, which results in reduced spoiling requirements and a significant scan time reduction compared to the original variable FA method. In vivo validation yielded high-quality 3D T(1) maps and T(1) measurements within 10% of previously published values and within a clinically acceptable scan time. The variable FA-actual FA imaging method will increase the accuracy and clinical feasibility of many quantitative MRI methods requiring T(1)/B(1) mapping such as dynamic contrast enhanced perfusion and quantitative magnetization transfer imaging.  相似文献   

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