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Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominantly inherited predisposition to colorectal cancer, which is caused by germline mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene. The APC mutations have been investigated in 46 Czech unrelated FAP families and 9 suspected FAP families using DGGE analysis and direct DNA sequencing. We found 25 germline APC mutations and identified 11 which were not previously reported. Of the identified mutations, 10 were 1 to 5 bp deletions, four were 1 bp insertions and six were nonsense, all leading to the formation of premature stop codon. In addition, we detected two mutations in the splice-donor region of APC intron 11, one missense and two samesense mutations. Phenotypes of patients with known and novel types of mutations are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a colorectal cancer predisposition syndrome caused by mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene. Clinical genetic testing fails to identify disease causing mutations in up to 20% of clinically apparent FAP cases. Following the inclusion of multiplex ligation‐dependent probe amplification (MLPA) probes specific for APC promoter 1B, seven probands were identified with a deletion of promoter 1B. Using haplotype analysis spanning the APC locus, the seven families appear to be identical by descent from a common founder. The clinical phenotype of 19 mutation carriers is classical FAP with colectomy at an average age of 24. The majority of cases had a large number of duodenal and gastric polyps. Measurements of allele‐specific expression of APC mRNA using TaqMan assay confirmed that relative expression in the allele containing the promoter 1B deletion was reduced 42–98%, depending on tissue type. This study confirms the importance of APC promoter deletions as a cause of FAP and identifies a founder mutation in FAP patients from the United States.  相似文献   

Somatic mutational mosaicism presents a challenge for both molecular and clinical diagnostics and may contribute to deviations from predicted genotype-phenotype correlations. During APC mutation screening in 1,248 unrelated patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), we identified 75 cases with an assumed or confirmed de novo mutation. Prescreening methods (protein truncation test [PTT], DHPLC) indicated the presence of somatic mosaicism in eight cases (11%). Sequencing of the corresponding fragments revealed very weak mutation signals, pointing to the presence of either nonsense or frameshift mutations at low level. All mutations were confirmed and quantified by SNaPshot analysis: in leukocyte DNA from the eight patients, the percentage of mosaicism varied between 5.5% and 77%, while the proportion of the mutation in DNA extracted from adenomas of the respective patient was consistently higher. The eight mutations identified as mosaic are localized within codons 216-1464 of the APC gene. According to the known genotype-phenotype correlation, patients with mutations in this region exhibit typical or severe FAP. However, six of the eight patients presented with an attenuated or atypical polyposis phenotype. Our data demonstrate that in a fraction of FAP patients the causative APC mutation may not be detected due to weak signals or somatic mosaicism that is restricted to tissues other than blood. SNaPshot analysis was proven to be an easy, rapid, and reliable method of confirming low-level mutations and evaluating the degree of mosaicism. Some of the deviations from the expected phenotype in FAP can be explained by the presence of somatic mosaicism.  相似文献   

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is one of the two commonest familial syndromes that predispose to colorectal cancer. FAP is caused by mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumour suppressor gene that has a high penetrance. The disease is characterized by the occurrence of hundreds to thousands of colorectal polyps, which if left untreated give rise to colorectal cancer. In Cyprus, there are no molecular data available as yet on families with FAP. This work presents the results of APC analysis in our population for the first time. The APC gene was analyzed in 33 DNA samples from 20 individuals belonging to four FAP families and 13 patients with sporadic polyposis. We identified three truncating mutations, four missense mutations and 11 polymorphisms. It is of interest that two of the three truncating mutations, 2307delA and Q1242X, are novel, which supports the existence of a unique genetic pool in the Cypriot population. This ethnic molecular study in addition to highlighting population heterogeneity also contributes to phenotype-genotype associations that are essential for the clinical management of FAP families in Cyprus.  相似文献   

Germline mutations in the tumor‐suppresor APC gene are associated with hereditary familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and somatic mutations are common in sporadic colorectal cancer. In this study, we report the identification of three novel germline mutations: 1682‐1683insA, 3252‐3253insAT, 3544A>T and a new somatic mutation 4130‐4131delTT, all giving rise to truncated APC proteins. The majority of the mutations we found originate a truncated APC protein and cause the FAP phenotype. However, special attention must be given to the missense mutations Asp1822Val and Ser2621Cys since their segregation with the FAP phenotype is questionable. In our FAP families we did not find any genetical alterations at codon 1309, being this mutation the most frequent reported in APC. Differences in the recurrence of pathological mutations in APC could exist among populations. However, epidemiological studies must be performed to confirm this hypothesis. Hum Mutat 18:355, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) risk is well defined for families of patients with classical familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). However, the risk for those with an attenuated form of FAP is less well characterised. In this study, we estimated CRC risks for carriers of a novel germline mutation in the APC gene that causes attenuated FAP (AFAP). We performed genetic testing on 53 individuals from seven AFAP families harbouring an identical APC:c.288T>A mutation. Using a modified segregation analysis, we estimated relative and absolute CRC risks for mutation carriers. Twenty-three individuals harboured the disease causing mutation. CRC occurred in 28 individuals (mean 61.7 years, range 32–80 years). The estimated CRC relative risks for mutation carriers aged 60–69 and ≥70 years were 19 (95% CI: 1.77–204.08) and 45 (95% CI: 11.32–180.10), respectively, while the absolute CRC lifetime risk for men was 94% (95% CI: 67.5–99.9%), and for women, 84% (95% CI: 50.9–99.0%). This study shows that AFAP can manifest as autosomal dominant late-onset CRC. These findings highlight a subgroup of inherited CRCs that require new criteria for identification and surveillance.  相似文献   

Owing to adult onset of hereditary cancer, prenatal diagnosis (PND) raises numerous ethical issues on the acceptability to terminate an affected pregnancy (TOP). PND for these disorders is often considered as unacceptable by couples as well as geneticists and legal or ethical authorities, but preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), even if subject to controversy, seems to be a more acceptable option. Therefore, many couples, who do not want to transmit their cancer to their children, consider PGD as their only reproductive option. This article describes our experience of PGD for familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Twelve couples were referred between 2000 and 2005. We developed PGD tests to detect the mutation alone, but we rapidly set up multiplex PCR combining mutation detection and indirect diagnosis. Finally, we set up duplex and triplex indirect diagnoses to be able to offer a PGD, whatever mutation was involved in familial cases. PGD strategies were based on (i) a new double allele-specific PCR approach (D-ARMS) allowing the detection of the wild-type and mutated allele; (ii) PCR fragments sizing and (iii) restriction length polymorphisms. For the 12 referrals, we developed eight tests, and 11 cycles have been performed for four couples, resulting in eight embryo transfers and five pregnancies, with the birth of one healthy boy and two ongoing pregnancies. We are now able to propose PGD to most couples at risk of transmitting FAP to their offspring, whether the mutation is familial or occurred de novo.  相似文献   

目的研究1个家族性腺瘤性息肉病家系的腺瘤样息肉病基因(adenomatous polyposis coli,APC)的胚系突变。方法经结肠镜、组织病理学检查和家族史的调查,确定了1例家族性腺瘤性息肉病(familial adenomatous polyposis,FAP)患者。应用多重连接依赖性探针扩增(multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification,MLPA)、变性高效液相色谱(denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography,DHPLC)测序等技术对这一家系的成员进行系统的APC全基因筛查。结果在此家系中发现一个新的APC基因的胚系突变c。1999 C〉T(Q667X),这一突变造成了APC基因终止密码子的形成,从而形成有功能障碍的截短蛋白。临床上,此突变可引起严重的FAP症状,早发结直肠腺瘤和腺癌。结论Q667X胚系突变是引起该家系临床表型的原因,受累成员可考虑大肠预防性切除手术。  相似文献   

Colorectal tumorigenesis in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) results from somatic mutation of either the normal APC allele or another growth control gene in epithelial cells bearing a germline APC defect. The rate at which tumors develop is therefore dependent on the somatic mutation frequency; it is not known whether this is normal or elevated in FAP. We aimed to quantify stem cell somatic mutation in FAP, comparing it with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) and Crohn's disease (CD). Stem cell somatic mutation frequency was studied in 47 FAP patients, 5 HNPCC patients, and 13 CD patients, all younger than 49 years, by quantifying crypt-restricted loss of O-acetyltransferase activity in sections of morphologically normal colonic mucosa from individuals heterozygous for this monogenically inherited polymorphism. Median stem cell somatic mutation frequency was significantly higher in FAP than HNPCC (4.2 × 10−4v 1.4 × 10−4, Mann-Whitney U, P < .02). The level in CD (4.0 × 10−4) was similar to FAR Mutated crypts occurred in groups more frequently in FAP (22%) than HNPCC (12%) or CD (10%), suggesting an increase in stem cell division associated with crypt fission in FAP. We conclude that stem cell somatic mutation frequency is raised in non-neoplastic colorectal mucosa in FAR This is probably related to increased stem cell proliferation and contributes to the high rate of tumor formation in this condition.  相似文献   

Germ‐line mutations in the 5′ half of the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) gene are found in about 80% of the patients affected with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). The vast majority of these are nonsense or frameshift mutations which result in the loss of the carboxyl terminus of the APC protein. Using an in vivo assay in yeast, we have identified pathogenic germ‐line mutations in 26 of 32 (81%) unrelated Swiss families affected with FAP. Nine mutations were novel and eight families were shown to harbor two recurrent mutations. Correlations were attempted between the location of APC germ‐line mutations and clinical manifestations of the disease. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated a series of FAP patients in the Northwest of England in order to identify and characterise the specific APCmutations. Using SSCP, we found 27 mutations in a total of 50 families investigated. The mutations were predominantly frameshift or nonsense mutations and there were two splice site changes. We have described two patients with severe Gardner's phenotype from different ethnic backgrounds who share the same mutation at codon 1537. Although the frequency of the most common mutation appears low, it is not dissimilar to that reported by other groups. Hum Mutat 10:376–380, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several investigators have reported germline mutations of the APC gene in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) as well as somatic mutations in tumors developed in digestive organs (stomach, pancreas, colon, and rectum). Those results provide evidence that inactivation of the APC gene plays a significant role in FAP and in sporadic tumors of these tissues. APC mutations have led to some interesting observations. First, the great majority of the mutations found to date would result in truncation of the APC product. Second, almost all the mutations have occurred within the first half of the coding sequence, and somatic mutations in colorectal tumors are further clustered in a particular region called MCR (mutation cluster region). Third, most identified point mutations in the APC gene are transitions from cytosine to other nucleotides. Fourth, the location of germ-line mutations tends to correlate with the number of colorectal polyps in FAP patients. Furthermore, inactivation of both alleles of the APC gene seems to be required as an early event to develop most of adenomas and carcinomas in the colon and rectum as well as some of those in the stomach. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Germline mutations of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene have been reported in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and are believed to be an early event in colorectal carcinoma. We report the results of screening for germline mutations of theAPC gene in 4 cases of 2 kindreds using non-radioactive PCR-SSCP (polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism) analysis. The mutation in kindred 1 was a 4 bp deletion at codon 849 in exon 15, resulting in a frameshift leading to truncation of theAPC gene product. In kindred 2, a transversion of C to G at codon 2038 was observed, resulting in an amino acid change from leucine to valine. In this case, it is possible to screen presymptomatic diagnosis easily and quickly by digestion with restriction enzymeEcoNI.  相似文献   

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