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Para-tertiary-butylcatechol (PTBC) is a rare allergen which is used in the rubber, paint and petroleum industries. We present 9 patients who were sensitized to PTBC and examined at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) between 1974 and 1995. 3 of the patients had been exposed to PTBC in their work. 2 of them also had allergic reactions to para-tertiary-butylphenol (PTBP)-formaldehyde resin and to PTBP 5 of the patients became sensitized to PTBC from patch testing. PTBC was found to be one of the most common causes of active sensitization in our clinic. Accordingly, at the FIOH, the patch test concentration of PTBC was lowered to 0.25% and this lower concentration is recommended for general use.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Data on the incidence rates (IR) of occupational dermatoses are scarce. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We calculated the IR of occupational allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) caused by chromium, nickel and cobalt by occupation, during a 7-year period (1991-1997) from the data of the Finnish Register of Occupational Diseases and from the statistics on the working population in different occupations. RESULTS: A total of 2543 cases of occupational ACD were reported during 1991-1997. Cr caused 143 (5.6%) cases of ACD, Ni 176 cases (6.9%) and Co 41 cases (1.6%) of ACD. Women had greater number of occupational ACD from nickel, whereas occupational ACD from chromate and cobalt was more frequent in men. The ranking list of the IR of occupational ACD caused by Cr per 10,000 working years was (incidence rate in parenthesis) (1) tanners, fellmongers, and pelt dressers (12.20); (2) cast concrete product workers (6.94); (3) leather goods workers (4.71), (4) metal plating and coating workers (3.66); (5) bricklayers (3.44); (6) reinforcement concreters (2.79); and (7) building workers (1.32). The corresponding ranking list for Ni was (1) footwear workers (2.55); (2) machine and metal product assemblers (2.40); (3) electrical and teletechnical equipment assemblers (2.03); (4) precision instrument mechanics (1.73); (5) postal officials (1.48); (6) hairdressers, beauticians, and bath attendants (1.24); (7) industrial tailors and seamstresses (1.08); and (8) waiters in cafes and snack bars (1.04). The corresponding ranking list for Co was (1) printers (0.80); (2) turners, machinists, and toolmakers (0.36); and (3) machine and engine mechanics (0.17). CONCLUSION: The Finnish Register of Occupational Diseases forms a good basis for calculating IR. As IR illustrates the risk to become sensitized, preventive measures should be directed at occupations with the highest IR.  相似文献   

Occupational airborne allergic contact dermatitis from azithromycin   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Dutch government has recently taken initiatives to improve the protection of labourers against diseases which are related to their work, and most especially, to reduce the rapidly increasing number of patients who have to definitely stop working and who, eventually, end up being dependent on social welfare. Firstly, a number of new laws have been adopted which define the responsibilities of both the employers and the employees. Secondly the cooperation is stimulated between the Dermatologist and the Occupational Health Physician of the patient. The latter is (according to law) employed by the employer of the patient and regularly visits the place of work. We now had the opportunity to treat and study both the social, medical and occupational aspects of a patient's case simultaneously.
We decided to eliminate the existing hesitation of consulting or referring, as well as the barriers created by matters of procedure, bureaucracy and waiting lists. In our paper we discuss the above‐mentioned laws and regulations, and the way in which cooperation takes place between the doctors. We will present figures showing the effects of this approach on sickleave.  相似文献   

Occupational allergic contact dermatitis caused by nitroglycerin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Irritant contact dermatitis caused by occupational contact with nitroglycerin has been known since the end of the last century. Nitroglycerin is an allergen, and the transdermal drug delivery systems for nitroglycerin recently used to treat angina pectoris have sensitized. 4 patients with allergic contact dermatitis caused by nitroglycerin from explosives are described, and 1 patient who was sensitized by transdermal nitroplaster. On patch testing, dynamite and/or the explosive components nitroglycerin, ethylene glycol dinitrate and dinitrotoluene gave allergic reactions. The following concentrations and vehicles are suggested for patch testing: nitroglycerin 0.5-2% pet., dinitrotoluene and ethylene glycol dinitrate 0.1-0.5% pet. Persons exposed to nitroglycerin at work should try to avoid skin contact by using protective gloves. It is advisable that those who have become allergic to nitroglycerin should wear disposable protective gloves when handling explosives.  相似文献   

Between 1978 and 2001, 22 patients were diagnosed with occupation-related allergic contact dermatitis from isocyanates and/or polyurethanes in our clinic. 13 had a positive reaction to the isocyanates, of whom 10 also reacted to diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA), which is used in the production or processing of isocyanates and polyurethanes; 9 reacted only to MDA. The object of the present study was to identify the trades and industries responsible for the development of contact allergy to these resins. Such patients must be patch tested with the isocyanates contacted at work, and account must be taken of positive reactions to MDA as a marker for isocyanate sensitivity.  相似文献   

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