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Trauma und Berufskrankheit - Obwohl das große Heilungspotenzial knöcherner Verletzungen bei Frakturen im Wachstumsalter eine konservative Behandlung begünstigt, sind Therapiekonzepte...  相似文献   

To address recurrent patellar instability in children and young adolescents a variety of therapeutic options exist either as non-operative or operative treatment. Recent options, such as reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament have evoked a new focus of attention on this topic. The intention of this article is to present diverse therapeutic options and to evaluate them by reference to the current literature.  相似文献   

Health care management for injured children and adolescents is becoming increasingly important to the German Social Accident Insurance (“Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung”, DGUV). The annual number of reported accidents within the German Social Accident Insurance for Students outnumbers the number of reported accidents of adults within the German Accident Insurance in the industrial and public sector. Despite this, there are various deficiencies concerning the specific concept of health care management for children and adolescents. For medical and economical reasons, it is necessary to improve strategies for advanced child- and adolescent- centered medical care within the DGUV system. Last revised in January 2011, the DGUV regulations clearly define which health care providers are permitted to participate in the DGUV authorized medical care system. A modified catalogue for the injury identification procedure is planned to come into force on 01 January 2013 and it will increasingly focus on pediatric injuries. The treatment of children and adolescents does not end with treatment of the acute injury, but must incorporate the individual medical characteristics as well as social and family circumstances into an age-appropriate treatment concept. In case of a serious injury, an individual disability management plan should be established at an early stage within the medical care process.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. An Hand der im AUKH Graz beobachteten und nachuntersuchten solitären und generalisierten Enchondrome bei Jugendlichen wird die Klinik und die Pathologie besprochen und zu unserem wesentlich größeren Krankengut Erwachsener in Beziehung gesetzt.2. Pathogenetisch sind die solitären Enchondrome als echte Tumoren aufzufassen. Sie sind bei der generalisierten Form mit einer den erblichen enchondralen Dysostosen zuzuordnenden Wachstumsstörung kombiniert. Es sind also bei der letzteren die aus der Epiphyse stammenden Knorpelinseln von den periostalen echten Chondromen zu unterscheiden.3. Mit der Excochleation oder Resektion sollte, wenn möglich, bis zum Ende des Wachstums gewartet werden, ständige Kontrolle vorausgesetzt, um Wachstumsstörungen zu vermeiden. Sie hat peinlich genau zu erfolgen, da Rezidive mit einer hohen Rate an maligner Entartung belastet sind. Die Defekte werden osteoplastisch ausgefüllt oder überbrückt.4. Auf Grund unserer Erfahrung mit der Behandlung von Wachstumsstörungen anderer Genese glauben wir, daß Wachstumsstörungen und Deformierungen noch während des Wachstums, gegebenenfalls wiederholt, zu korrigieren sind, um sekundäre Fehlbildungen und Folgen der Inaktivität zu vermeiden.Mit 11 Textabbildungen (19 Einzelbilder)  相似文献   

Drisch  S.  Simmel  S.  B&#;hren  V.  M&#;dl  R. 《Trauma und Berufskrankheit》2015,17(1):178-183
Trauma und Berufskrankheit - Die Hilfsmittelversorgung nach Amputationen im Kindesalter ist eine Herausforderung für alle medizinischen Fachabteilungen. Individuelle Versorgungen durch...  相似文献   

The timely administration of endocarditis prophylaxis means an additional stress situation for many children and their parents in an already stressful preoperative period. In addition it causes an increased organizational effort most of all in the day care department. Over many decades the use of prophylactic antibiotics to prevent infective endocarditis was recommended in patients with underlying cardiac conditions undergoing medical procedures which could lead to bacteraemia. However, transient bacteraemia occurs commonly during routine daily activities such as cleaning teeth or chewing. Most cases of endocarditis are not related to a medical procedure. There are currently no randomized and carefully controlled human trials to definitely prove the effectiveness and efficiency of endocarditis prophylaxis. Therefore, the new guidelines recommend the use of antibiotic prophylaxis only for cardiac conditions associated with the highest risk of adverse outcome from endocarditis. In paediatric surgery and paediatric anaesthesiology this applies mainly to patients with congenital heart disease. The implementation of the new guidelines in the Department of Paediatric Surgery at the Medical University Graz is illustrated in the following article.  相似文献   

Kremens B 《Der Urologe. Ausg. A》2007,46(10):1404-1406
Urologic malignancies in childhood and adolescence are mainly nephroblastomas, neuroblastomas, soft tissue sarcomas, and germ cell tumors. National and supranational treatment studies are the standard of care for pediatric cancer in Germany; they yield 5-year survival rates of almost 90% for nephroblastoma and germ cell tumors and 60% for neuroblastoma (all stages) and rhabdomyosarcoma. The principles of antineoplastic therapy are the same as in adult cancer medicine; the drugs used depend upon the disease. In a multimodal treatment strategy, the role of chemotherapy as well as that of surgery and radiotherapy can differ, as is described for nephroblastoma, infant neuroblastoma, and stage 4 neuroblastoma.  相似文献   

Trauma und Berufskrankheit - Kindliche und adoleszente Femurschaftfrakturen sind keine seltene Verletzung. Obwohl bei Kleinkindern die konservative Therapie immer noch bevorzugt wird, ist ein Trend...  相似文献   

With a proportion of 1–5%, children constitute only a small number of all patients with urolithiasis. Nevertheless, pediatric stone disease is an important health care problem because of the high recurrence rate and the threat of progredient renal function impairment with consecutive loss of quality of life. Modern therapies, especially extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), ureteroscopy (URS), and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), have caused a revolution in the operative treatment spectrum. Open surgery is required for stone removal only rarely, such as for the simultaneous repair of urinary tract anomalies. The minimally invasive modalities of modern stone therapy – mainly ESWL as the treatment of first choice – have led to widespread disregard of stone metaphylaxis. The important principle that says an urinary stone is just a symptom and not the cause of the disease is often forgotten. So it must be noted that despite the high standard of care in Germany, not all problems regarding urinary stone disease are being resolved, particularly in childhood. This article presents the current knowledge of the most important aspects of stone therapy and the methods of treatment in children.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 5 Textabbildungen in 13 Einzeldarstellungen  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Wir sprechen das KF als Ausdruck einer lokalisierten, temporären epiphysären Verknöcherungsstörung an.2. Da Beschwerden nur selten auf das KF bezogen werden können und maligne Entartung nicht vorkommt, erübrigt sich eine Behandlung in den meisten Fällen.3. Ist die Tragfähigkeit des Knochens durch die Größe des KF beeinträchtigt, wird der Tumor kurettiert, die Wand aufgemeißelt und die Höhle mit Span und Chips aufgefüllt.4. Wie bei allen Knochenläsionen sollen Röntgenkontrollen durchgeführt werden, um nicht einen aktiven Prozeß oder ein Malignom zu übersehen, die sehr selten ähnliche Bilder verursachen können.Mit 5 Textabbildungen (7 Einzelbilder)Syn.: Metaphysäres Fibrom, metaphysäre Knochenherde, nonosteogenic fibroma, metaphyseal fibrous defect.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Pseudarthrosen im Wachstumsalter sind selten. Je nach der Genese der Falschgelenkbildung müssen verschiedenartige operative Maßnahmen durchgeführt werden.In den allermeisten Fällen ist die autoplastische Spantransplantation angezeigt. Bei bestimmten posttraumatischen Pseudarthrosen, wie am Schenkelhals und der Clavicula, sowie bei allen angeborenen Formen muß zur Spanplastik die Osteosynthese, in vereinzelten Fällen die Osteotomie treten. Bei der postosteomyelitischen Pseudarthrose bewähren sich auch heute noch klassische Verfahren wie die Hahn-Brandessche Plastik und ihre Modifikationen.
Summary Non-unions in growing age are rare. Depending on the etiology of the pseudarthrosis different operations are performed. In the utmost cases an autoplastic bone-grafting is indicated. Certain posttraumatic pseudarthrosis — for instance femur-neck, clavicula, and all congenital types — need besides bone-grafting the osteosynthesis, in few cases osteotomy. In cases of non-union following osteomyelitis classical methods as the Hahn-Brandes plastic and its different variations still arte recommended.

Résumé Pendant la croissance les pseudarthroses sont rares. Selon les étiologies des pseudarthroses il faut prendre en considération des opérations différentes. Pour la plupart les auteurs préfèrent l'usage d'une greffe autogénes. Chez les pseudarthroses des cercicales du fémur, de la clavicule et des pseudarthroses congénitales ils combinent la méthode avec l'ostéosynthese ou dans un petit nombre de cas avec d'ostéotomie. L'opération classique de Hahn-Brandes et leurs modifications sont une méthode précieuse, pour le traitement des pseudarthroses postostéomyélitiques.

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 6 Abbildungen in 10 Einzeldarstellungen Die Untersuchungen wurden unterstützt vom Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung und von der Europ?ischen Gesellschaft für Kohle und Stahl (Hohe Beh?rde). Vortragender:W. T?nnis-K?ln.  相似文献   



Aseptic osteonecrosis (AO) in children and adolescents has been described in all parts of the skeleton. The disease is presumed to be caused by local blood circulation disorders, the reasons for which are multifactorial and occur more often in times of stronger growth intensity.

Disease sequelae

The disease leads to bone catabolism which can affect the epiphyses, metaphyses, apophyses, carpal and tarsal bones of the hands and feet. The more stretched the form alteration of the bone at the end of the diseases is, the earlier arthritic alterations occur due to the incongruence of the corresponding joint partner. If a growth plate is affected, a growth disorder can be the result.

Diagnostics and therapy

The diagnostics and therapeutic measures are oriented to the site and extent of the disease and the age of the child. For early forms of AO magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the imaging method of choice. In recent years the medicinal therapy of AO has been described as an additional option. The disease lasts at least several months up to years and more commonly affects boys than girls with the exception of necrosis of the foot tarsals.


The early diagnosis and immediate initiation of adequate therapy which must take the age and stage of the disease into consideration, can reduce a possible joint destruction. Prostaglandin therapy, as an off label use, leads to a reduction of pain and improvement in mobility.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vorderarmbrüche bei Kindern und Jugendlichen werden bis auf seltene Ausnahmen konservativ behandelt. In wenigen Fällen treten Repositionshindernisse auf, die durch das kräftige, kindliche Periost bedingt sind. Erhaltengebliebene Knochenhautanteile wirken hier wie elastische Zügel, die die Fragmente verspannen und somit die anatomische Einrichtung verhindern. Auch in diesen Situationen ist die blutige Reposition nicht gerechtfertigt, denn Parallelverschiebungen und unwesentliche Verkürzungen gleichen sich mit der Zeit vollkommen aus. Selbst Achsenabknickungen korrigieren sich später bis zu einem gewissen Grade spontan, hingegen nicht Torsionsfehler.Die einzige Indikation zur blutigen Reposition ist mitunter bei offenen Frakturen und Stückbrüchen von Jugendlichen gegeben, wo die Gefahr der Bückencallusbildung droht. Hier bewähren sich zwei intramedullär eingebrachte Kirschnerdrähte. Bei dem Eingriff muß streng extraepiphysär vorgegangen werden, da es sonst zur Schädigung der Wachstumsfuge mit sich allmählich einstellender Deformität des Handgelenks kommen kann.
Summary The fractures of the forearm in children and young people are treated conservativly up to rare exceptions. In a few cases hinderances to reposition occur, which are conditioned through the strong childish periost. The part of the periost that remains, takes effect here as an elastic rein, which stretches the fragments and accordingly impedes the anatomic disposition. The bloody reposition is neither justified in these cases, for parallel displacements and unimportant contractions compensate one another with the times. Even fractures of axis are corrected spontaneously later on to a certain degree, per contra not defects of torsion.The only indication towards bloody reposition is occasionally given about open fractures and pieces of fractures in young people, in which the danger of bridge of callus formation threats. Here two Kirschner's wires intramedullar brought in prove true.By operating it must be proceeded strictly extraepiphysarly, for otherwise it may lead to lesion of the joint of growth with deformity of the wrist that gradually occurs.

Résumé Les fractures de l'avant-bras chez les enfants et les adolescents sont traitées, jusqu'à les rares exceptions, conservateur. Dans peu de cas, des obstacles à la réduction se présentent, lesquels sont dûs au robuste perioste infantile. La partie du perioste qui est restée maintenue, agît ici comme un rêne elastique qui tend les fragments et par conséquent empêche l'arrangement anatomique. La réduction sanglante n'est pas non plus justifiée en l'occurence, car les déplacements parallèles et les raccourcissements sans importance se compensent entièrement avec le temps. Même les cassures de l'axe se corrigent spontanément plus tard jusqu'a un certain degré, non par contre les défauts de torsion.La seule indication à la réduction sanglante est donnée parfois dans les fractures ouvertes et les fractures en morceaux des adolescents, oû le danger de la formation de pont calleux menace. Ici deux fils de Kirschner introduits intramédullaire répondent à l'attente. En opérant il faut procéder strictement extraépiphysaire, car sinon il peut mener à la lésion du cartilage de conjugaison avec difformité du poignet survenant graduellement.

From 1996 to 1999, 572 fractures of the clavicle were treated in our department, 26 of which were located at the lateral end of the clavicle. Two children were operated: in one a closed reduction of the fracture under general anesthesia was performed, and in the other the fracture required open reduction with internal fixation. All other fractures were treated conservatively with a figure-of-eight clavicle strap for 3 weeks. A follow-up study was performed in autumn 2000. Sixteen patients came to our outpatient department for clinical and radiological control, and three patients informed us by phone. All patients including the two treated under general anesthesia were fully recovered and had no problems doing their job and engaging in different sports. The radiological controls showed a good ossification without visible deformity of the clavicle.  相似文献   



Knee pain in children and adolescents is a common reason for presentation in pediatric orthopedic consultation. The causes are manifold and require a thorough patient history, detailed physical examination and extensive diagnostics.


Chronic knee pain in children and adolescents is a diagnosis by exclusion. An extensive patient history including training habits, pain localization and clinical examination provide indications vital for the diagnosis. Overuse is often the trigger. In dynamic investigations consideration should be given to muscle imbalance. Imaging techniques have a high sensitivity and specificity only in combination with the anamnesis and clinical findings.


With pain therapy, targeted physiotherapy, a break in active sport or training modifications, the prognosis is good for overload syndromes. An operative therapy after unsuccessful conservative therapy is necessary in only a few cases. Among the anatomy-related types of knee pain primary popliteal cysts mostly require no therapy and for plica syndrome arthroscopic resection should only be necessary if conservative treatment is unsuccessful. Operative therapy is necessary for symptomatic discoid meniscus.  相似文献   



In children and adolescents, the indication for continent urinary diversion or bladder augmentation is rare. Today, for most patients with a neurogenic bladder, conservative treatment (clean intermittent catheterization [CIC] and pharmacotherapy) is the method of choice, while for patients with bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex (BEEC), primary reconstruction is recommended. Only after failure of conservative treatment or primary reconstruction should bladder augmentation or urinary diversion be considered. Other rare indications include patients with malignant tumor involving the lower urinary tract (e.?g., rhabdomyosarcoma).


In patients with a hyperreflexive, small capacity, and/or low compliance bladder with a normal upper urinary tract, bladder augmentation (bowel segments/ureter) is an option. For those unable to perform CIC via the urethra, a continent cutaneous stoma should be offered. In patients with irreparable sphincter defects and normal renal function, a continent cutaneous diversion is an option and in those with a competent anal sphincter the rectosigmoid pouch can be offered.


In this review, surgical options with their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.

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