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目的 对比中国和世界优秀男子铅球运动员使用的旋转投掷技术,为中国铅球运动员提高运动表现水平和国际比赛成绩提供科学依据.方法 获得中国男子铅球运动员在实际比赛中的三维运动学数据,计算并比较中国和世界优秀男子铅球运动员在右脚离地、左脚离地、右脚落地、左脚落地、铅球出手5个关键时刻的铅球速度、髋-肩超越角,以及在第1单支撑阶...  相似文献   

运动创伤生物力学进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动创伤生物力学是近年来发展迅速的一门交叉学科,其特点表现为:①研究从骨组织向软组织延伸;②各种新技术得以发展并应用;③微观和宏观研究并进;④离体研究向在体研究发展;⑤运动创伤和生物力学发展互为促进。本文将对该领域的进展进行综述。  相似文献   

肘关节运动肌的构筑学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对12侧人肘关节运动肌的构筑进行了研究。结果表明,肱三头肌的生理横切面积是屈肘肌的1.9倍(41.56与21.69cm2),表明它比屈肘肌具有更大肌力。根据肌纤维长度的差异,肘屈肌的收缩速度应比肱三头肌快60%左右。由于肱三头肌的快缩纤维比例较大(60%),再加肘关节的杠杆装置,肱三头肌的伸肘速度应可与屈肌相匹配。旋前和旋后运动的肌力大致相等、旋前圆肌、旋后肌、肘肌和肱桡肌的生理横切面积合计达22.10cm2,比屈肘肌的肌力还大,我们认为它们对稳定肘关节有重要作用。本文对人类肘关节运动肌的进化特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的对一款上肢康复机器人进行可用性测试研究,验证其安全性、有效性和舒适性,并提出改进设计的意见。方法运用光学式运动捕捉系统采集受试者进行康复训练时的角度数据,再对受试者进行主观问卷调查。结果快速上肢评估量表结果显示上肢康复机器人配置相对合适,但需要进一步深入研究。角度数据在肩关节内收外展运动和肘关节屈伸运动上表现出显著相关性,而在腕关节数据的统计结果上表现出无相关性。主观问卷调查总得分表明上肢康复机器人舒适性总体上是令人满意的,但在手臂固定装置的舒适性、训练过程中肌肉拉伸程度和座位高度设置的问题上存在设计不合理。结论运用光学式运动捕捉系统可以定量评价上肢康复机器人的性能,对康复机器人的设计及改进具有重要意义。  相似文献   

肩关节置换术是治疗肩关节疾病最有效的方法之一。 术后短期内人工肩关节存活率高,患者恢复效果好,但长期而言,人工肩关节磨损产生的无菌性松动会大大增加手术失败的机率。 肩关节结构复杂、典型运动不明确,目前国际上仍未公布人工肩关节的磨损试验标准。 因此,需要研究、分析总结出肩关节的生物力学环境并建立相应的运动曲线,为人工肩关节磨损试验方案及标准的制定提供依据。 本文基于人体肩关节活动规律,采用日常活动(activities of daily living,ADL) 量表将肩关节活动能力划分为基本或躯体日常生活活动能力( basic or physicalactivities of daily living,BADL or PADL)和工具性日常生活活动能力(instrumental activities of daily living,IADL),并对其中几种特定运动规律建立了肩关节运动曲线。 本文研究结果为人工肩关节磨损试验方案及标准的制定奠定了基础。  相似文献   

针对上肢运动功能的康复诊断问题,提出一种融合运动力学信息与生物电信息的综合性上肢运动功能评价方法,用于评价运动功能障碍患者肩肘腕关节的运动功能水平。在上肢进行动作时,对加速度信号和肌电信号进行信号采集、有效信号的选择、特征提取和特征筛选,并利用两类信号在动作分析中的不同优势,将信号的特征值进行优化组合。以简式Fugl-Meyer评分值为标准,构建多个线性回归模型,实现上肢运动功能的综合性评价。在对10位受试者肩肘腕的7个上肢动作(握拳、展拳、屈腕、伸腕、屈肘、伸肘、上肢平举)功能诊断实验中,提出的诊断方法不仅可以进行实时的信息提取和功能诊断,而且与Fugl-Meyer评价有很强的一致性,相关系数达99%以上。实验表明,该诊断方法能取代传统的上肢运动功能评价方法,并更细致地对上肢运动功能进行量化评分。  相似文献   

女子举重下蹲式上挺的运动生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的从运动学和动力学特征方面对举重下蹲式上挺进行研究,为教练员和运动员认识和寻找适合自己的上挺方式提供理论依据。方法采用三维录像和三维测力台同步测试的方法。结果发现下蹲挺下蹲撑铃点低,人体重心下蹲撑铃比较迅速,杠铃上升距离短,所需杠铃上升速度小。但是下蹲挺撑铃的前后稳定角及平衡角小,稳定性低,稍有不慎就可导致动作失败。下蹲挺撑铃和起立时间较长,起立距离也较长,消耗的能量多。结论下蹲挺上挺发力所需力小,但是撑铃和起立的稳定性差。  相似文献   

本文对8具尸体肩关节中联合肌腱(肱二头肌短头和喙肱肌)进行前方稳定性作用的生物力学分析。将上臂置于外展90°,外旋90°位,对肱骨头施以15N前移力。然后右肩关节囊完整或破损、联合肌腱原位或转位(移位到肩胛下肌和关节囊之间)。对联合肌腱施加0N、15N或30N的载荷情况下,通过三维测量仪分别监测肱骨头的位置。结果显示在所有上述情况下随着联合肌腱负载的增加,肱骨头的前移减少。特别是在关节囊破损、联合肌腱转位后,联合肌腱对肱骨头的这种阻挡前移作用最为显著。由此我们认为当上臂处于外展外旋位时,联合肌腱对孟肱关节  相似文献   

用墨汁灌注连续切片法,研究了肩部皮瓣微血管的构筑。讨论了各级血管网 形态,特点及意义,为临床实用提供了基础。  相似文献   

肩胛上神经肩关节支的解剖学观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在30侧成人尸体上肢标本上观测了肩胛上神经肩关节支的数目、起始、走行和分布,其中肩关节支数为2~4支;在上关节支中有66.6±8.6%穿过肩胛上孔,下关节支中有93.3±4.6%穿过肩胛下孔.根据结果探讨了引起肩周炎疼痛的原因与肩关节支受压有关.  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜对家兔肩关节和髋关节软骨观察发现:关节盂中央部和周围部软骨表面,分别有纤维网层和絮网层结构,甚为丰厚;髋臼的月状软骨表面,有由纤维编织而成的复杂网状结构,其中,网架纤维交错,网孔平面取向各异.肱骨头与股骨头软骨表面分别具絮网层和纤维网层结构,前者丰厚,后者细密而紧实.  相似文献   

The pectoralis major muscle is subject to various morphologies. One presumably very rare variation is insertion of this muscle into the shoulder joint. During the routine dissection of the right upper extremity of an adult male cadaver a distinct separate tendinous insertion into the shoulder joint capsule was identified. This vertical tendon (7 mm×6 cm) traveled just lateral to the long head of the biceps brachii muscle and terminated into the fibrous aspect of the joint capsule without penetrating it. Mechanical traction on the humeral attachment of the pectoralis major resulted in anteroinferior displacement of the shoulder joint capsule. The possible embryologic origin of this variation is discussed. Clinicians may wish to consider potential attachment of the pectoralis major into the capsule of the shoulder joint in diagnosing pathology of this region.  相似文献   

胫骨结节抬高术对髌股关节生物力学的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为客观评价胫骨结节抬高术的生物力学有效性。采用富士压敏片法和染色法测试8具新鲜离休膝关节在行胫骨结节抬高术前后的髌股关节接触部位、面积和应力分布。发现胫骨结节抬高术后,髌骨的习惯性接触区位置向近端移行,这种现象有助于避开对软骨病灶区的挤压和应力集中,对缓解和消除髌股疼痛症状可能有利。因此,提出了“应力集中软骨损伤区导致髌股疼痛”的设想。胫骨结节抬高术后,小屈膝角度(30°~60°)有一定的髌股减压作用;但随屈膝角度增加,髌股接触面积减小并出现压力分布不均或局部高压现象。胫骨结节抬高术后,“腱股接触”现象提早(60°)出现,对髌股关节生物力学行为可能造成影响。  相似文献   

为了解自体承重对膝关节生物力学的影响,本研究以连续性X光数位化系统拍摄及分析十二位正常人的膝关节,将其分成有自体承重及无自体承重两组来探讨,分析比较的参数包含膝关节弯曲角度,股四头肌的力臂,髌骨肌腱受力与股四头肌力的比值及髌股骨关节受力与髌骨肌腱受力的比值。研究结果显示,自体承重的确对膝关节生物力学分析有所影响,所以本研究建议,膝关节生物力学的研究应考虑自体承重的因素。  相似文献   

ContextA single clinical assessment device that can be used to objectively measure scapular motion in each anatomical plane is not currently available. The development of a novel electric goniometer would allow scapular motion in all 3 anatomical planes to be quantified.ObjectiveTo investigate the reliability and validity of an electric goniometer for measuring scapular motion in each anatomical plane during upper extremity elevation.DesignCross-sectional study.SettingLaboratory.Patients or Other ParticipantsSixty participants (29 women, 31 men; age = 30 ± 14 years, height = 1.73 ± 0.10 m, mass = 75.32 ± 16.90 kg) recruited from the general population.Intervention(s)An electric goniometer was used to record clinical measurements of scapular position at rest and total arc of motion (excursion) during active upper extremity elevation in 2 testing sessions separated by several days. Measurements were recorded independently by 2 examiners. In 1 session, scapular motion was recorded simultaneously using a 14-camera, 3-dimensional optical motion-capture system.Main Outcome Measure(s)Reliability analysis included examination of clinical measurements for scapular position at rest and excursion during each condition. Both the intrarater reliability between testing sessions and the interrater reliability recorded in the same session were assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs [2,3]). The criterion validity was examined by comparing the mean excursion values of each condition recorded using the electric goniometer and the 3-dimensional optical motion-capture system. Validity was assessed by evaluating the average difference and root mean square error.ResultsThe between-sessions intrarater reliability was moderate to good (ICC [2,3] range = 0.628–0.874). The within-session interrater reliability was moderate to excellent (ICC [2,3] range = 0.545–0.912). The average difference between total excursion values recorded using the electric goniometer and the 3-dimensional optical motion-capture system ranged from −7° to 4°, and the root mean square error ranged from 7° to 10°.ConclusionsThe reliability of scapular measurements was best when a standard operating procedure was used. The electric goniometer provided an accurate measurement of scapular excursions in all 3 anatomical planes during upper extremity elevation.  相似文献   



The stability of the scapula in relation to the entire moving upper extremity is the key in the throwing sequence. The importance of scapular positioning in volleyball players has been well documented in the literature, but no one has compared scapular positioning between volleyball players and sedentary people.


To compare measurements of scapular mobility obtained using the lateral scapular slide test between volleyball players and sedentary participants without shoulder impairments and to compare changes in scapular mobility in players according to the number of years of sport participation.


Cross-sectional study.


University research laboratory.

Patients or Other Participants:

A total of 121 people at a single university volunteered. Of these, 67 were sedentary (age = 24.3 ± 2.34 years, height = 1.69 ± 0.09 m, mass = 65.1 ± 11.91 kg); 54 were volleyball players from 4 professional teams and were separated into 2 groups according to their years of sport participation. The first group was named young players (n = 31; age = 17.7 ± 2.58 years, height = 1.83 ± 0.10 m, mass = 68.3 ± 12.21 kg, sport participation ≤ 9 years), and the second group was named old players (n = 23; age = 26.9 ± 3.39 years, height = 1.95 ± 4.38 m, mass = 90.7 ± 5.75 kg, sport participation ≥ 10 years).

Main Outcome Measure(s):

Study participants completed a rating scale for pain and a questionnaire about demographic and shoulder problems. One assessor performed the lateral scapular slide test and additional flexibility measurements around the shoulder girdle. Flexibility (external rotation, internal rotation) and scapular position (1, 2, 3) were compared among groups (young players, old players, sedentary people) and between sides (dominant, nondominant).


In sedentary participants, we found differences for position 1 (t66 = 3.327, P = .002), position 2 (t66 = 2.491, P = .004), position 3 (t66 = 2.512, P = .006), and internal rotation (t66 = 2.592, P = .001) between the dominant and nondominant sides. In old players, we found differences for position 2 between the dominant and nondominant sides (t22 = 2.956, P = .004). For position 2 (F2,118 = 4.265, P = .02) and position 3 (F2,118 = 4.702, P = .01), we found differences between young and old players. For internal rotation, we found differences between sedentary and old players (F2,118 = 6.578, P = .002) and between young and old players (F2,118 = 3.723, P = .01).


Clinicians evaluating overhead athletes need to remember that asymmetric scapular posture between the dominant and nondominant sides in unilateral overhead athletes might be normal and not necessarily related to injury.  相似文献   



Whole-body vibration machines are a relatively new technology being implemented in the athletic setting. Numerous authors have examined the proposed physiologic mechanisms of vibration therapy and performance outcomes. Changes have mainly been observed in the lower extremity after individual exercises, with minimal attention to the upper extremity and resistance training programs.


To examine the effects of a novel vibration intervention directed at the upper extremity as a precursor to a supervised, multijoint dynamic resistance training program.


Randomized controlled trial.


National Collegiate Athletic Association Division IA institution.

Patients or Other Participants:

Thirteen female student-athletes were divided into the following 2 treatment groups: (1) whole-body vibration and resistance training or (2) resistance training only.


Participants in the vibration and resistance training group used an experimental vibration protocol of 2 × 60 seconds at 4 mm and 50 Hz, in a modified push-up position, 3 times per week for 10 weeks, just before their supervised resistance training session.

Main Outcome Measure(s):

Isokinetic total work measurements of the rotator cuff were collected at baseline and at week 5 and week 10.


No differences were found between the treatment groups (P > .05). However, rotator cuff output across time increased in both groups (P < .05).


Although findings did not differ between the groups, the use of whole-body vibration as a precursor to multijoint exercises warrants further investigation because of the current lack of literature on the topic. Our results indicate that indirectly strengthening the rotator cuff using a multijoint dynamic resistance training program is possible.  相似文献   

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