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A case of long ureteral polyp is presented. The patient was a 62-year-old woman complaining of asymptomatic macrohematuria. Radiological examinations revealed ureteral tumor. A tumor was found with cystoendoscopy, and by transurethral biopsy in bladder the tumor was not malignant. Polypectomy was performed. The tumor removed was fibrous polyp measuring about 8 cm in length.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old boy was admitted because of left flank pain. The excretory urogram showed left hydronephrosis and a filling defect at the pelviureteric junction. Surgical exploration revealed a polypoid lesion on the mucous membrane of the pelviureteric junction and ureteric stenosis due to a periureteric fibrous band. Dis-membered pyeloplasty was performed. The pathological diagnosis was benign fibrous polyp of the ureter. Convalescence was uneventful and an intravenous pyelogram showed no evidence of recurrence one year after operation. We found 13 cases of ureteral polyps in children in the Japanese literature. The differences between ureteral polyps in childhood and those in adults are discussed.  相似文献   

We report a case of primary fibroepithelial polyp of the left ureter. The patient was a 34-year-old-man, complaining of left flank pain. An excretory urogram and retrograde pyelogram revealed left hydronephrosis and filling defect of the middle third of ureter. It was difficult to make a differential diagnosis with ureteral tumor. A frozen section revealed no malignancy and we performed partial ureterectomy and end-to-end anastomosis. We discussed the clinical features of adult primary ureteral polyp reported in the Japanese literature.  相似文献   

Percutaneous and transurethral removal of renal and ureteral calculi was performed in 109 cases. Targeted calculi were successfully removed in 105 cases (96.3 per cent), but in five cases combined percutaneous and transurethral procedures were required. Although endourological stone removal resulted in low morbidity rates in many other series, some major complications have also been reported. They include arteriovenous fistula, colo-cutaneous fistula, nephro-duodenal fistula and ureteral avulsion. There were two severe complications in our early experience as well. In one case, a ureteral stenosis was found seven months after two sessions of percutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy for an upper ureteral stone, and in the other case, a mid-ureteral avulsion was caused by ureteroscopic manipulation. Besides these, we experienced several minor pelvic and ureteral perforations which were easily controlled only by ureteral stent placement. Causes and management of ureteral complications in endourological treatment of renal and ureteral calculi are discussed.  相似文献   

Ureteral intussusception owing to a malignant ureteral polyp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report a case of ureteral intussusception owing to well differentiated transitional cell carcinoma. The occurrence and radiological features of ureteral intussusception are discussed.  相似文献   

Primary tumor originated from ureteral stump following nephrectomy for benign disease is extremely rare. A 79-year-old male was referred to our department for asymptomatic macroscopic hematuria. He had undergone left simple nephrectomy for renal tuberculosis 52 years ago. Cystoscopic examination revealed a ureteral tumor on the residual ureteral orifice. Under the diagnosis of left ureteral stump tumor, which was subsequently enhanced on computer tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging, he received partial cystectomy and excision of the left ureteral stump. The histological examination revealed grade 2 to 3 urothelial carcinoma with muscle invasion (pT2). He received no adjuvant chemotherapy. He is now alive and free from recurrence 2 months post-operatively. This is the 21st case reported in the Japanese literature.  相似文献   

A 62-year-old man, who complained of gross hematuria, was admitted because of a space occupying lesion of the right kidney and left non-visualizing kidney on IVP. The right pyelogram was compressed laterally, and the left pyelogram showed a moth-eaten appearance of the middle and lower calyces which was consistent with tuberculosis. Abdominal aortography revealed a hyperneovascularization over the middle and upper portions of the right kidney. CT-scan revealed a low density area of the right kidney and left atrophic kidney. No distant metastases were disclosed by bone scanning, liver scanning, lymphangiographic and chest X-ray studies. Bilateral nephrectomy was performed because the right renal tumor occupied the main renal artery. Hemodialysis was started on the next day. Postoperative course was uneventful. Histological examinations of the surgical specimen revealed a right renal adenocarcinoma and left renal tuberculosis. We discuss the pathogenesis and treatment of the combination of renal tuberculosis and malignant tumor.  相似文献   

A case of long ureteral polyp with ureteropelvic junction obstruction in a 29-year-old man is reported. He had complained of occasional left flank pain since several years earlier. Excretory urography showed left giant hydronephrosis and no urolithiasis. Retrograde pyelography revealed a mass lesion of the left upper ureter. At exploration, the left ureteropelvic junction was found to be obstructed by an aberrant lower pole renal vessel. At just distal of the junction, a finger-like ureteral polyp, 5 cm in maximal length, was present and accompanied with several little polyps. Partial ureterectomy and pyeloplasty improved the left hydronephrosis. The patient remains symptomless for one year after the operation.  相似文献   

We report a case of fibroepithelial polyps of the ureter in a 18-year-old boy with the chief complaint of left flank pain. An excretory urogram and retrograde pyelogram revealed left hydronephrosis and a filling defect at the pelvic-ureteral junction. This ureteral disorder was corrected by the renal autotransplantation for conserving the renal function. The pathological diagnosis was fibroepithelial polyps of the ureter. Convalescence was uneventful and after 3 months of follow up, excretory urogram and 99mTc-DTPA renogram showed good renal function and improvement of hydronephrosis. Along with our case, we briefly reviewed 32 cases of ureteral polyp in men under 20 years old.  相似文献   

目的探讨经皮肾通道联合软性输尿管镜处理尿流改道术后输尿管结石患者的技巧与疗效。 方法回顾性分析2017年12月我院收治的1例尿流改道术后输尿管-新膀胱吻合口处结石患者的临床资料并查阅相关文献。手术关键在于术前设计穿刺通道,术中精准穿刺至目标上组肾盏。 结果该例患者成功完成经皮肾通道联合软性输尿管镜手术,手术时间为70 min,住院时间为7 d,术中出血量为20 ml,术中术后未发生严重并发症,术后复查结石完全清除。 结论经皮肾通道联合输尿管软镜手术处理尿流改道术后输尿管结石安全可行。  相似文献   

Two cases of ureteral polyp resected by a transurethral approach are presented. Case 1: A 70-year-old woman was referred to our clinic because of hydronephrosis incidentally found. Excretory urography demonstrated a filling defect with a long and round smooth contour in the left lower ureter without hydroureter. Urine cytology was negative for malignant cells. Under the clinical diagnosis of left ureteral polyp, polyp was resected transurethrally. The pathological diagnosis was fibroepithelial polyp. Case 2: A 59-year-old woman was referred to our clinic with a chief complaint of macroscopic hematuria. Excretory urography revealed a filling defect with a long and round smooth contour in the left upper ureter. Because urine cytology was negative for malignant cells, left ureteral polyp was suspected. After the operation by tranthurethral approach, the pathological diagnosis was fibroepithelial polyp. No intraoperative complication was observed in either case. Ureteral polyps resected by a transurethral approach are relatively rare. We reviewed and discussed 46 cases of ureteral polyp resected transurethrally, reported in Japan including our two cases.  相似文献   

A 2-year old boy visited our clinic with a chief complaint of high fever. A past history of acute renal failure due to cystine stones and cystinuria was expressed. Abdominal rentogenograms and CT demonstrated a right ureteral stone and a left renal stone. Furthermore renogram evaluation indicated non-function of the right kidney and dysfunction in the left kidney. Since right ureteral stone moved into bladder seven days post-admission, right ureteroscopy, left PNL, and cystolithotripsy were performed. Considering that right ureteral stenosis was determined by ureteroscopy, balloon dilation against the stenotic ureteral wall was performed. Left PNL and cystolithotripsy were successfully performed. No intraoperative complications occurred and no symptoms of signs of recurrence of the underlying metabolic disease were evident four months postoperatively.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old boy complained of left flank pain. He had been given high-dose corticosteroid therapy for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Retrograde pyelography revealed irregular defects at the left ureteropelvic junction (UPJ), and ureteroscopy demonstrated ureteral polyp. The polyp was removed and histologically diagnosed as fibroepithelial polyp. Hypercalciuria due to the corticosteroids and bedridden was assumed to have been a causative factor in the stone formation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a ureteral fibroepithelial polyp in children associated with urolithiasis, and associated with CIDP.  相似文献   

A 66-year-old female with bilateral ureteral tumors associated with chronic renal failure is presented. She received pan-hysterectomy due to uterine cancer in 1957. She was first referred to our clinic to make internal shunt under a diagnosis of chronic renal failure. In 1979, the diagnosis of neurogenic bladder and bilateral vesicoureteral reflux (rt; grade 3, lt; grade 1) was made. She was admitted to our clinic with complaints of macroscopic hematuria and a temperature of 39 degrees C on April 28, 1983. Cystoscopically, pyuria from the right ureteral orifice was found. Right retrograde pyelography revealed severe dilatation of the right ureter and renal pelvis with some filling defects. For drainage of pus retaining in the right renal pelvis, right percutaneous nephrostomy was made under the guidance of ultrasonography. After her general condition improved, right nephroureterectomy was performed under the diagnosis of right pyonephrosis on June 8, 1983. Right pyelonephritis and right ureteral tumor, grade 3, were pathologically demonstrated. After the operation, an invasive bladder tumor was detected on cystoscopy and ultrasonography, subsequently a total of 3,900 rad irradiation was given to the bladder tumor. She died of pulmonary edema 7 months later. Autopsy demonstrated a transitional carcinoma, grade 3, of the left ureter. Bilateral urothelial tumors of the upper urinary tract is rare, and to our knowledge only 29 cases have been reported in Japan.  相似文献   

We report a case of ureteral polyp causing intermittent hydronephrosis in a 12-year-old boy. He was often hospitalized with episodes of right flank pain and gross hematuria. An excretory urogram (IVP) revealed mild hydronephrosis, but it showed a markedly dilated right renal pelvis during the attack. An Anderson-Hynes type pyeloplasty was done. At operation we found four ureteral polyps, and performed partial ureterectomy including polyps. Pathological examination showed fibrous ureteral polyps. He has reported no symptoms for 3 months after the operation.  相似文献   

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