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The object of this study was to maximally take advantage of the combination of two surgical techniques to manage the nasal tip. For this, an approach similar to the open tip approach without a transcolumellar incision was performed and the management of the alar cartilages with multiple combined sutures was carried out. This study represents more than two years of work where 57 primary and secondary rhinoplasty patients were operated on. In all of them, the nasal tip was managed by means of utilizing different types of sutures in the alar cartilages, according to the characteristics and needs of each patient. At the same time, an extensive lipectomy was performed on the nasal tip, if indicated. All of the nasal tip surgeries were performed with an open approach without transcolumellar incision. This approach has been previously described, is highly simple, and it eliminates the principal disadvantage of a transcolumellar scar that arises from the open approach technique. Although the scar is hardly noticeable in Caucasian patients, in non-Caucasians it could constitute an important undesirable effect. This approach permits us to manage the cartilages using sutures in many diverse types and variations in a more complete form, similar to which one could achieve using the classical open approach technique. The results are highly satisfactory and result in a definition and rotation of the nasal tip which would be difficult using the closed technique. Therefore, this study represents another alternative surgical technique in the surgical management of the nasal tip.  相似文献   

Since 1997, 129 patients have undergone the open approach rhinoplasty procedure. Scar quality with running W incision was compared to the scar with V type incision. According to clinical and statistical evaluations after 6 months, postoperatively the running W incision group showed better scar quality than the V type incision group. The advantages of a running W incision are camouflaging the depressed scar in the incision line and decreasing the angles of the corners of incision lines. Running W type incision is superior to V incision on the columella and may provide less scaring than a single Z, and reverse V incisions according to our long-term clinical results.  相似文献   

Because of physiologic changes with advancing age as well as previously traumatized and then healed tissues, secondary rhinoplasty for a middle-aged patient is a challenging procedure. Depending on both factors, changes in the midvault can cause a functional airway disorder, and the nose also may need a complete correction for cosmetic purposes. To achieve aesthetic and functional outcomes, augmentation rhinoplasty using a combination of triple cartilage grafts, namely, spreader, columellar, and dorsal onlays, was performed for 12 patients. Sufficient nasal airways with satisfactory appearance were achieved for 11 of 12 patients. Only one patient had improved but still insufficient nasal function with a good aesthetic result. Augmentation rhinoplasty using a combination of triple cartilage grafts for middle-aged patients could be considered an effective procedure for improving the patient’s nasal airway and appearance.  相似文献   

Resorbable bioscaffold for esophageal repair in a dog model   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
PURPOSE: Porcine-derived, xenogeneic extracellular matrix (ECM) derived from either the small intestinal submucosa (SIS) or urinary bladder submucosa (UBS) was used as a tissue scaffold for esophageal repair in a dog model. METHODS: Patch defects measuring approximately 5 cm in length and encompassing 40% to 50% of the circumference of the esophagus or complete circumferential segmental defects measuring 5 cm in length were created by surgical resection in healthy adult female dogs. The defects were repaired with ECM scaffolds derived from either SIS or UBS. The animals were kept alive for periods ranging from 4 days to 15 months. RESULTS: The xenogeneic scaffolds used for repair of the patch defects were resorbed completely within 30 to 60 days and showed replacement by skeletal muscle, which was oriented appropriately and contiguous with adjacent normal esophageal skeletal muscle, organized collagenous connective tissue, and a complete and intact squamous epithelium. No signs of clinical esophageal dysfunction were seen in any of the animals with the patch defect repair. The xenogeneic scaffolds configured into tubes for repair of the segmental defects all showed stricture within 45 days of surgery. CONCLUSION: These ECMs show promise as a treatment option for esophageal repair, but stricture remains problematic for complete tube grafts.  相似文献   



Previous studies have found fewer clinical infections in wounds closed with monofilament suture compared with braided suture. Recently, barbed monofilament sutures have shown improved strength and increased timesavings over interrupted braided sutures. However, the adherence of bacteria to barbed monofilament sutures and other commonly used suture materials is unclear.


We therefore determined: (1) the adherence of bacteria to five suture types including a barbed monofilament suture; (2) the ability to culture bacteria after gentle washing of each suture type; and (3) the pattern of bacterial adherence.


We created an experimental contaminated wound model using planktonic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Five types of commonly used suture material were used: Vicryl™, Vicryl™ Plus, PDS™, PDS™ Plus, and Quill™. To determine adherence, we determined the number of bacteria removed from the suture by sequential washes. Sutures were plated to determine bacterial growth. Sutures were examined under confocal microscopy to determine adherence patterns.


The barbed monofilament suture showed the least bacterial adherence of any suture material tested. Inoculated monofilament and barbed monofilament sutures placed on agar plates had less bacterial growth than braided suture, whereas antibacterial monofilament and braided sutures showed no growth. Confocal microscopy showed more adherence to braided suture than to the barbed monofilament or monofilament sutures.


Barbed monofilament suture showed similar bacterial adherence properties to standard monofilament suture.

Clinical Relevance

Our findings suggest barbed monofilament suture can be substituted for monofilament suture, at the surgeon’s discretion, without fear of increased risk of infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence rates of melanoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) have increased substantially worldwide over the past several decades. It has been hypothesized that ultraviolet light exposure through sunlight may be a common environmental risk factor shared by both skin cancer and NHL. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to better understand the association between skin cancer and NHL and to evaluate its implication in clinical practice. METHODS: We reviewed the current literature on the link between the two malignancies and on the role of ultraviolet light in the development of NHL. Publications were selected using a PUBMED search with the terms "non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" and "skin cancer." Epidemiologic studies in English and published after 1995 were the focus. CONCLUSIONS: Large population-based studies support an increased risk of subsequent NHL among patients with skin cancers (both melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers) and a risk of skin cancer development in patients with NHL, although support for a direct relationship between ultraviolet light and the incidence of NHL is weak and inconsistent. Given their increased risk of developing skin cancers, patients with a history of NHL may benefit from a full-body examination during their visits.  相似文献   


Background and Purpose:  

Synthetically manufactured bone substitute materials are widely used to fill cancellous bone defects in fracture treatment. By using these materials, complications occurring with the harvesting of autologous bone such as inflammation, hemorrhage and pain are prevented. Ideally, after osteointegration, the bone substitute resorbs, and complete restoration of bone architecture is achieved. Until now, clinical experience is limited to non-fully resorbable calcium phosphates, e. g., hydroxyapatite. Previous studies have revealed a fully resorbable pure calcium phosphate, which is applied in a paste form as a bone implant and results in complete resorption and biocompatibility. The purpose of this prospective, uncontrolled clinical study was to investigate the safety and performance of this new resorbable bone substitute material.  相似文献   

Objectives. In a nationwide cohort, we analyzed long-term outcome following coronary artery bypass grafting, using the combined strategy of left internal mammary artery to the left anterior descending artery and saphenous vein as secondary graft to other coronary targets. Methods. 1,507 consecutive patients that underwent myocardial revascularization during 2001–2012 in Iceland. Mean follow-up was 6.8 years. Major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events were depicted using the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox-regression was used to define risk factors. Relative survival was estimated by comparing overall survival to the survival of Icelanders of the same age and gender. Results. Mean age was 66 years, 83% were males, mean EuroSCOREst was 4.5, and 23% of the procedures were performed off-pump. At 5 years, 19.7% had suffered a major adverse cardiac or cerebrovascular event, 4.5% a stroke, 2.2% myocardial infarction, and 6.2% needed repeat revascularization. Overall 5-year survival was 89.9%, with a relative survival of 0.990. Independent predictors of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events were left ventricular ejection fraction ≤30%, a previous history of percutaneous coronary intervention, chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and old age. The same variables and an earlier year of operation were predictors of long-term mortality. Conclusions. The long-term outcome following myocardial revascularization, using the left internal mammary artery and the great saphenous vein as conduits, is favourable and improving. This is reflected by the 5-year survival of 89.9%, deviating minimally from the survival rate of the general Icelandic population, together with a freedom from major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events of 80.3%.  相似文献   

We have proposed that it is sufficient to provide a simple substratum on which regenerating axons may traverse a gap in a peripheral nerve. To test this hypothesis we set up a new experimental model in which sutures were used to bridge a 10 mm long defect in a peripheral nerve. A defect was created bilaterally in 25 rat sciatic nerves. The cut ends of the nerve were joined by three laps of a continuous suture, on one side with 8/0 polyamide (non-absorbable) and on the other with 8/0 polyglactin (absorbable), leaving a 7 mm gap. At two weeks a matrix that contained capillaries, fibroblast-like cells, and mononuclear cells had formed between the nerve endings, and the sutures were surrounded by foreign-body-like tissue reactions. At four weeks axons had grown into the distal nerve segment on both sides in 65%-90% of the cases as indicated by a response to the pinch reflex test and immunocytochemistry for presence of neurofilament protein. Axons were organised in minifascicles and these tended to grow larger as the demarcation of the entire regenerated segment by a perineurial-like structure improved with time. At 12 weeks axonal counts of cross-sections of the distal tibial trunk showed many myelinated nerve fibres but no significant difference in axonal counts or degree of myelination between the polyamide and polyglactin sides. The results show that conventional sutures alone are sufficient to support regeneration across a short gap in a peripheral nerve, a method that may be of potential clinical value.  相似文献   

Rotationplasty provides stable and durable biologic reconstruction after tumor resection around the knee and renders reliable results, in young patients. However, after resection of the tumor, there is often a mismatch between the circumference of the proximal (femoral) and the distal (tibial) parts. Because rotationplasty includes an intercalary amputation where the ends are readapted, there is always a mismatch of the proximal and distal circumferences of the soft tissue envelope. To facilitate skin closure without tension and to avoid impaired wound healing and subsequent infections, the type of incision is critical and must be carefully planned. We present a new incision technique for rotationplasty about the knee. Half of the difference of the incision length of the proximal and distal circumferences represents the base of the triangle proximally, medially and laterally of the thigh. After adapting both ends, the peak of this flat triangle is distally adapted via a vertical incision which allows it to match unequal circumferences. This technique was used in eight patients, in all of whom the wounds healed uneventfully.  相似文献   

目的探讨经腹直肌入路改良Kugel疝修补术治疗腹股沟疝的应用价值。方法采用经腹直肌入路改良Kugel疝修补术治疗腹股沟疝18例,其中腹股沟斜疝12例,腹股沟直疝5例,股疝1例。结果全部治愈,手术时间20~60 min,平均40 min;住院时间3~8 d,平均4 d。未见皮下血肿、阴囊积液、异物感等并发症。随防6个月无病例复发。结论经腹直肌入路改良Kugel疝修补术操作简便,安全,效果确切,术后恢复快,副反应少,值得临床偿试。  相似文献   

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