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People with psychotic disorders frequently experience significant mental and social limitations that may result in persisting social isolation. Research has shown that a supportive social environment is crucial for the process of personal recovery. Peer support groups can provide an opportunity to reduce isolation and enhance the process of personal recovery. It encourages people to express their thoughts, feelings, and personal concerns in a peer-to-peer learning environment. Although the importance of peer support groups for various chronic diseases is widely acknowledged, they do not generally form part of routine care for people with psychotic disorders. The evidence base is promising, but the field could benefit from more rigorous, pragmatic trials with follow-up measurements to establish a solid evidence-base. This article briefly reviews the literature and discusses the barriers to implementation of a peer-support learning environment in routine care, as well as ways to overcome these.Key words: psychotic disorders, schizophrenia, peer support, social support, recovery  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a school-based peer support group designed to improve body esteem and global self-esteem and to reduce negative eating attitudes and behaviors. A total of 214 girls in grades 7 and 8, 115 of whom were in the control group, completed self-report questionnaires immediately before and following the intervention, and three months later. The findings revealed that participation in the 10-session group, facilitated by public health nurses, led to increases in weight-related esteem and decreases in dieting. The role of peer support groups in the prevention of disordered eating is discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a long-term group model developed for HIV-affected children. The stigma and secrecy associated with HIV/AIDS often leads many families and children into emotional seclusion resulting in abnormal grief reactions. Long-term group treatment offers a way to meet the needs of these children directly. The groups described are open-ended and non-directive yet have a clear and consistent structure to offer the children a sense of safety and trust. The groups provide the opportunity for the children to create a language, sometimes through their play, to develop better coping strategies.  相似文献   

Both clients and staff can benefit from a patient orientation program conducted at a state psychiatric facility by a psychologist and a registered nurse. The program cited by the authors utilized a group format to decrease the stress experienced by clients when transferred from a closed to an open ward, and to increase the social skills of clients residing on an open unit. Informal observation and verbal feedback from clients and staff indicated positive reactions to the program and noticeable behavior changes. Recommendations include replication of this program on a large scale with control group comparisons, formal assessment, and statistical analysis of the results.  相似文献   

Community Mental Health Journal - This report assesses the competencies and technology needed for the provision of Telehealth Peer Support by Peer Support Specialists . The online survey assessed...  相似文献   

Negative symptoms are prevalent in the prodromal and first-episode phases of psychosis and highly predictive of poor clinical outcomes (eg, liability for conversion and functioning). However, the latent structure of negative symptoms is unclear in the early phases of illness. Determining the latent structure of negative symptoms in early psychosis (EP) is of critical importance for early identification, prevention, and treatment efforts. In the current study, confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate latent structure in relation to 4 theoretically derived models: 1. a 1-factor model, 2. a 2-factor model with expression (EXP) and motivation and pleasure (MAP) factors, 3. a 5-factor model with separate factors for the 5 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) consensus development conference domains (blunted affect, alogia, anhedonia, avolition, and asociality), and 4. a hierarchical model with 2 second-order factors reflecting EXP and MAP, as well as 5 first-order factors reflecting the 5 consensus domains. Participants included 164 individuals at clinical high risk (CHR) who met the criteria for a prodromal syndrome and 377 EP patients who were rated on the Brief Negative Symptom Scale. Results indicated that the 1- and 2-factor models provided poor fit for the data. The 5-factor and hierarchical models provided excellent fit, with the 5-factor model outperforming the hierarchical model. These findings suggest that similar to the chronic phase of schizophrenia, the latent structure of negative symptom is best conceptualized in relation to the 5 consensus domains in the CHR and EP populations. Implications for early identification, prevention, and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the social support characteristics and correlates of peer networks for Clubhouse members. A random sample of 126 members from one Clubhouse was requested to nominate social network members and asked a series of questions about characteristics of supports provided by each network member. Respondents with both peers and non-peers in their network, three fifths of the sample, had more frequent contacts with peers than with non-peers and were more satisfied with peer relationships than with non-peer relationships. Those respondents also reported that peers were less critical than non-peers. Among all respondents, being Caucasian and having better quality of social life were correlated with having a peer network while higher degree of reliance on others and more Clubhouse visits were correlated with having a Clubhouse network. Longitudinal studies are needed to further investigate the relationship between quality and benefits of peer support.  相似文献   




To compare the pathways to care and duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) for people of Black-African, Black-Caribbean, or White-European origin with first-episode psychosis (FEP).


We recruited a sample of 171 patients with FEP of Black-African, Black-Caribbean, and White-European origin from hospital- and community-based early intervention services (EIS) in the cities of Toronto and Hamilton. We compared the 3 groups on DUP and key indicators of the pathway to care.


We observed differences in pathways to care across the 3 groups. Black-Caribbean participants had an increased odds of referral from an inpatient unit to EIS (OR 3.33; 95% CI 1.46 to 7.60) and a decreased odds of general practitioner involvement on the pathway to care (OR 0.17; 95% CI 0.07 to 0.46), as well as fewer total contacts (exp[β] 0.77; 95% CI 0.60 to 0.99) when compared with White-European participants. Black-African participants had an increased odds of contact with the emergency department at first contact (OR 3.78; 95% CI 1.31 to 10.92). The differences in the DUP between groups were not statistically significant.


Our findings suggest that there are significant differences in the pathways to EIS for psychosis for people of African and Caribbean origin in our Canadian context. It is essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the pathways that different population groups take to mental health services, and the reasons behind observed differences, to inform the development of equitable services, targeting patients in the critical early stages of psychotic disorder.  相似文献   

Ensuring the financial security of individuals recovering from first episode psychosis is imperative, but disability income programs can be powerful disincentives to employment, compromising the social and occupational aspects of recovery. Survival analysis and Cox regression analysis were used to examine the rate at which individuals served by early intervention for psychosis (EIP) services apply for government disability income benefits and factors that predict rate of application. Health records for 558 individuals served by EIP programs were reviewed. Within the first year of receiving services 30% will make application for disability income; 60% will do so by 5 years. Rate of application is predicted by rate of hospital admission, financial status and engagement in productivity roles at the time of entry to EIP service. The findings suggest the need to examine the extent to which the recovery goals of EI services are undermined by early application for government income support. They also suggest the need to develop best practice guidelines related to ensuring the economic security of individuals served.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to delineate the current state-of-the-knowledge of peer support following the framework employed in the 2004 article (Solomon, Psychiatr Rehabil J. 2004;27(4):392–401 1). A scoping literature was conducted and included articles from 1980 to present. Since 2004, major growth and advancements in peer support have occurred from the development of new specializations to training, certification, reimbursement mechanisms, competency standards and fidelity assessment. Peer support is now a service offered across the world and considered an indispensable mental health service. As the field continues to evolve and develop, peer support is emerging as a standard of practice throughout various, diverse settings and shows potential to impact clinical outcomes for service users throughout the globe. While these efforts have enhanced the professionalism of the peer workforce, hopefully this has enhanced the positive elements of these services and not diluted them.


Investigating biomarkers in unaffected relatives (UR) of individuals with psychotic disorders has already proven productive in research on psychosis neurobiology. However, there is considerable heterogeneity among UR based on features linked to psychosis vulnerability. Here, using the Bipolar-Schizophrenia Network for Intermediate Phenotypes (B-SNIP) dataset, we examined cognitive and neurophysiologic biomarkers in first-degree UR of psychosis probands, stratified by 2 widely used risk factors: familiality status of the respective proband (the presence or absence of a first- or second-degree relative with a history of psychotic disorder) and age (within or older than the common age range for developing psychosis). We investigated biomarkers that best differentiate the above specific risk subgroups. Additionally, we examined the relationship of biomarkers with Polygenic Risk Scores for Schizophrenia (PRSSCZ) in a subsample of Caucasian probands and healthy controls (HC). Our results demonstrate that the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS) score, antisaccade error (ASE) factor, and stop-signal task (SST) factor best differentiate UR (n = 169) from HC (n = 137) (P = .013). Biomarker profiles of UR of familial (n = 82) and non-familial (n = 83) probands were not significantly different. Furthermore, ASE and SST factors best differentiated younger UR (age ≤ 30) (n = 59) from older UR (n = 110) and HC from both age groups (age ≤ 30 years, n=49; age > 30 years, n = 88) (P < .001). In addition, BACS (r = −0.175, P = .006) and ASE factor (r = 0.188, P = .006) showed associations with PRSSCZ. Taken together, our findings indicate that cognitive biomarkers—“top-down inhibition” impairments in particular—may be of critical importance as indicators of psychosis vulnerability.  相似文献   

Background: Psychiatric taxonomists have sometimes argued for a unitary psychosis syndrome and sometimes for a pentagonal model, including 5 diagnostic constructs of positive symptoms, negative symptoms, cognitive disorganization, mania, and depression. This continues to be debated in preparation for impending revisions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Classification of Diseases. We aimed to identify general and specific dimensions underlying psychopathological features of psychosis. Methods: The samples comprised 309 patients admitted to psychiatric services in the acute phase of their first or second episode of psychosis and 507 patients with enduring psychosis recruited from community mental health teams. Patients’ symptoms were assessed on the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale. Analyses compared unitary, pentagonal, and bifactor models of psychosis. Results: In both samples, a bifactor model including 1 general psychosis factor and, independently, 5 specific factors of positive symptoms, negative symptoms, disorganization, mania, and depression gave the best fit. Scores of general and specific symptom dimensions were differentially associated with phase of illness, diagnosis, social functioning, insight, and neurocognitive functioning. Conclusions: The findings provide strong evidence for a general psychosis dimension in both early and enduring psychosis. Findings further allowed for independent formation of specific symptom dimensions. This may inform the current debate about revised classification systems of psychosis.  相似文献   

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