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Talar neck fractures   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Clinical management of talar neck fractures is complex and fraught with complications. As Gaius Julius Caesar stated: "The die is cast"; often the outcome of a talar neck fracture is determined at the time of injury. The authors believe, however, that better results can be achieved by following some simple guidelines. The authors advocate prompt and precise anatomic surgical reduction, preferring the medial approach with secondary anterolateral approach. Preservation of blood supply can be achieved by a thorough understanding of vascular pathways and efforts to stay within appropriate surgical intervals. The authors advocate bone grafting of medial neck comminution (if present) to prevent varus malalignment and rigid internal fixation to allow for joint mobilization postoperatively. These guidelines may seem simple, but when dealing with the complexity of talar neck fractures, the foot and ankle surgeon needs to focus and rely on easily grasped concepts to reduce poor outcomes.  相似文献   

Talus fractures are rare injuries that account for approximately 3% of all foot fractures; talar neck fractures account for almost 50% of all talus fractures. The appropriate diagnosis and treatment of these fractures play an important role in the patient's outcome. Treatment has evolved slowly throughout the years, from closed treatment to open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). The treatment of type I and type II talar neck fractures is not uniform in the orthopedic community. The option of closed reduction versus ORIF is dependent upon the degree of injury, surgeon experience, and preference.  相似文献   

距骨颈骨折疗效分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的分析距骨颈骨折的特点、治疗及并发症。方法采用保守和手术方法治疗距骨颈骨折患者50例。Hawk ins分型:Ⅰ型8例,采用保守治疗;Ⅱ型32例、Ⅲ型10例,采用手术治疗。结果46例随访7个月~5年,平均3.2年。按Hawk ins疗效标准:优14例,良26例,可4例,差2例;优良率86.9%。术后发生距骨坏死6例,距下关节炎5例,踝部皮肤坏死2例,伤口感染5例。结论距骨颈骨折宜早期解剖复位固定。手术力求简单,应首先解决关节脱位,再进行骨折的复位和内固定。  相似文献   

Rammelt S  Zwipp H 《Injury》2009,40(2):120-135
Fractures of the talar neck and body are rare and serious injuries. The vast majority are either intra-articular or lead indirectly to an intra-articular incongruity through a dislocation at the talar neck. Because of the high energy needed to produce talar fractures, they are frequently seen in multiply injured and polytraumatised patients. Open fractures and fracture-dislocations are treated as emergencies. Preoperative planning of definite internal fixation requires CT scanning. To obtain a complete intra-operative overview allowing for anatomical reconstruction of the articular surfaces and the axial deviation bilateral approaches are usually necessary. Internal fixation is achieved with screws or mini-plates supplemented by temporary K-wire transfixation in cases of marked additional ligamentous instability. The clinical outcome after talar neck and body fractures is determined by the severity of the injury and the quality of reduction and internal fixation. The timing of definite internal fixation does not appear to affect the final result. The rates of avascular necrosis (AVN) correlate with the degree of initial dislocation. Only total AVN with collapse of the talar body leads to inferior results with the need for further surgery whilst prolonged immobilisation or offloading of the affected foot is not indicated for partial AVN. Talar malunions and non-unions after inadequate treatment of displaced fractures are debiliating conditions that should be treated by surgical correction. Treatment options include corrective osteotomy by recreating the former fracture with secondary fixation, free or vascularised bone grafting and salvage by realignment and fusion of the affected joint(s).  相似文献   

Talar neck fractures: results and outcomes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
BACKGROUND: Talar neck fractures occur infrequently and have been associated with high complication rates. The purposes of the present study were to evaluate the rates of early and late complications after operative treatment of talar neck fractures, to ascertain the effect of surgical delay on the development of osteonecrosis, and to determine the functional outcomes after operative treatment of such fractures. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the records of 100 patients with 102 fractures of the talar neck who had been managed at a level-1 trauma center. All fractures had been treated with open reduction and internal fixation. Sixty fractures were evaluated at an average of thirty-six months (range, twelve to seventy-four months) after surgery. Complications and secondary procedures were reviewed, and radiographic evidence of osteonecrosis and posttraumatic arthritis was evaluated. The Foot Function Index and Musculoskeletal Function Assessment questionnaires were administered. RESULTS: Radiographic evidence of osteonecrosis was seen in nineteen (49%) of the thirty-nine patients with complete radiographic data. However, seven (37%) of these nineteen patients demonstrated revascularization of the talar dome without collapse. Overall, osteonecrosis with collapse of the dome occurred in twelve (31%) of thirty-nine patients. Osteonecrosis was seen in association with nine (39%) of twenty-three Hawkins group-II fractures and nine (64%) of fourteen Hawkins group-III fractures. The mean time to fixation was 3.4 days for patients who had development of osteonecrosis, compared with 5.0 days for patients who did not have development of osteonecrosis. With the numbers available, no correlation could be identified between surgical delay and the development of osteonecrosis. Osteonecrosis was associated with comminution of the talar neck (p < 0.03) and open fracture (p < 0.05). Twenty-one (54%) of thirty-nine patients had development of posttraumatic arthritis, which was more common after comminuted fractures (p < 0.07) and open fractures (p = 0.09). Patients with comminuted fractures also had worse functional outcome scores. CONCLUSIONS: Fractures of the talar neck are associated with high rates of morbidity and complications. Although the numbers in the present series were small, no correlation was found between the timing of fixation and the development of osteonecrosis. Osteonecrosis was associated with talar neck comminution and open fractures, confirming that higher-energy injuries are associated with more complications and a worse prognosis. This finding was strengthened by the poor Foot Function Index and Musculoskeletal Function Assessment scores in these patients. We recommend urgent reduction of dislocations and treatment of open injuries. Proceeding with definitive rigid internal fixation of talar neck fractures after soft-tissue swelling has subsided may minimize soft-tissue complications.  相似文献   

The treatment of acute fracture of the femoral neck remains an unsolved problem. Fifty-three patients are presented using 99mTc phosphate scintigraphy with quantitative computer interpretation to predict the viability of the femoral head following acute fracture. The accuracy of prediction was 92.5%; the scans were incorrect in four patients. Armed with a safe, simple diagnostic procedure and a greater than 90% accurate prognosis, a rational program of treatment can be prescribed for the individual patient.  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿奄股骨颈骨折后股骨头缺血性坏死的影响因素.方法 回顾1994年6月至2006年4月收治的33例儿童股骨颈骨折患者资料,其中Delbet Ⅰ型1例、Ⅱ型15例、Ⅲ型14例、Ⅳ型2例.平均受伤年龄10.7岁(3.7-14.1岁).所有患儿均随访至骨折愈合后,平均随访时间为3.4年(1.0-12.2年).16例发生股骨头缺血性坏死,其中Ratliff Ⅰ型犁8例、Ⅱ型3例、Ⅲ璎4例、分型不详1例.将受伤年龄、骨折类型、骨折移位程度、复位质量及内固定物类型等影响凶素分别与股骨头缺血性坏死进行计算和统计分析.结果年龄<10岁组(11例)有4例、年龄≥10岁组(22例)有12例发生股骨头缺血性坏死(P=0.465).骨折Delbet Ⅱ型组(15例)有8例、Ⅲ型组(14例)有6例发生股骨头缺血性坏死,发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.715).无移位骨折组(4例)有1例、移位骨折组(26例)有14例发生股骨头缺血性坏死,发牛率比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.598).复位满意组(20例)有10例、复位不满意组(9例)有6例发生股骨头缺血性坏死,发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.454).非坚强内固定组(27例)有13例、坚强内固定组(4例)有2例发生股骨头缺血性坏死,发牛率比较差异无统计学意义(P=1.000).结论 骨折类型、骨折移位程度、复位质量及受伤年龄等因素均可以影响儿童股骨颈骨折后股骨头缺血性坏死的发牛率.  相似文献   

5项临床研究提示距骨颈骨折是一种较为严重的创伤,当采用切开复位内固定治疗时,疼痛、骨坏死、骨性关节炎等并发症的发生并不少见.此外,一项研究发现相当一部分患者还需要接受二次手术重建,但是很少有研究对治疗后关节的功能进行客观评价.  相似文献   

This article describes the rationale for different treatment methods of scaphoid nonunions and the management of avascular necrosis.  相似文献   

股骨颈骨折术后股骨头缺血性坏死的发生及转归   总被引:49,自引:1,他引:48  
目的探讨股骨颈骨折内固定术后股骨头缺血性坏死的发生及转归。方法对1993年1月至1999年12月间于北京积水潭医院创伤骨科行内固定治疗的137例股骨颈骨折患者资料进行了回顾性研究;年龄17~77岁,平均49.1岁;男79例,女58例。按股骨颈骨折Garden分型:Ⅰ型4例,Ⅱ型23例,Ⅲ型71例,Ⅳ型38例,1例未分型。闭合复位134例,切开复位3例。随访14~95个月,平均49.1个月。结果截至2001年1月,发生股骨头缺血性坏死者51例(37.2%),发展成晚期塌陷者33例(24.1%)。49例(96.1%)病变在伤后5年内发现,伤后第2年和第3年发现的例数最多。活动受限是股骨头缺血性坏死最常见的临床症状,其次为跛行和疼痛;晚期塌陷组中约有30%的病例没有明确疼痛主诉,但平均Harris评分低于早期坏死组。股骨头缺血性坏死及晚期塌陷发生的相关因素分析表明:骨折的移位程度和骨折的复位质量(包括对线和对位)均对病变的发生具有显著影响(P<0.05);而60岁以上者有较低的股骨头缺血性坏死发生率及晚期塌陷率,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对X线片的分析提示股骨头缺血性坏死早期病变的位置与预后可能存在一定关系。结论股骨颈骨折患者术后应至少随访5年,伤后2~3年应密切观察。股骨颈骨折的原始移位程度是决定骨折术后是否发生股骨头缺血性坏死的主要因素。  相似文献   

We retrospectively reviewed 84 patients who underwent internal fixation of an intracapsular femoral neck fracture. The mean age was 58 years and the time from injury to operative treatment was 5.3 days. The mean follow-up was 4.7 years (range, 2-8 years). At the latest follow-up, in the 46 patients with undisplaced (Garden I, II) fractures, nonunion occurred in two patients and avascular necrosis of the femoral head in nine. Six of these nine patients had a good or excellent result, one had a fair result, and two had a poor result. Of 35 patients with no sign of avascular necrosis, 32 patients had a good or excellent result, two a fair and one had a poor result. In the group of 38 patients with displaced (Garden III, IV) fractures, nonunion occurred in six patients and avascular necrosis of the femoral head in 15. Of these 15 patients, 10 had a good or excellent result, two had a fair result, and three had a poor result. Of 17 patients with no sign of avascular necrosis, 14 had an excellent result and three patients a poor result. Overall only five of the 24 patients who developed avascular necrosis of the femoral head had undergone total hip arthroplasty. Internal fixation remains a simple and safe, method of treatment for both undisplaced and displaced femoral neck fractures in middle-age patients. Despite the relatively high rate of avascular necrosis after internal fixation of femoral neck fractures, only a few of these patients (20%) required further surgical treatment in the follow-up period of this study.  相似文献   

Fractures through the neck of the talus are an infrequent occurrence. Therefore, a periodic review of vascular supply and fracture classification are imperative for the practicing physician. The most severe sequela, avascular necrosis, should also be studied. A thorough review of vascularity, fracture classification, and complications is presented.  相似文献   

Prognostic factors for avascular necrosis following talar fractures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM: We performed an investigation of factors for avascular necroses after talus fracture and on the reliability of the Hawkins Sign. METHOD: From 1984 until 1997 a total of 98 patients with 99 talus fractures were surgically treated. Of these, 79 patients with 80 fractures were examined clinically and radiologically. The average postoperative interval was 6 years and 2 months. RESULTS: With respect to the 65 central fractures, the rate of necrosis amounted to 14 %, that of collum fractures to 17 %. Necroses arose solely in dislocated central fractures of the talus, type III and IV according to Marti/Weber fracture classification. The rate of necrosis rose with the degree of dislocation of the fractures. In 24 patients the Hawkins Sign could be retrospectively investigated. It proved to be a relatively reliable sign for vitality since only 1 out of 12 patients with positive or partial positive Hawkins Sign developed avascular necrosis. Neither a short interval between accident and operation, the age at the time of the accident, nor the ipsilateral fracture of the medial malleolus showed a necrosis preventive influence. In 5 out of 9 talus necroses the patients were very or mostly satisfied with the result of their treatment. CONCLUSION: The Hawkins Sign proved to be a relatively reliable sign for vitality of the talus after fracture. Risk for avascular necrosis increases according to the degree of fracture dislocation.  相似文献   

Talar body fractures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fractures to the body of the talus include a wide array of injuries, varying from relatively minor posterior tuberosity fractures to devastating comminuted body fractures. Fracture types include osteochondral fractures, sagittal transverse or coronal whole-body fractures, posterior tubercle fractures, lateral process fractures, and crush injuries. Treatment varies from excision of small fragments, such as arthroscopic treatment of osteochondral injuries, to open reduction and internal fixation of body fractures, usually by a medial malleolar osteotomy. Prognosis logically correlates with the magnitude of the injury with whole-body fractures, especially crush injuries, having the worst prognosis. Talar body fractures, similar to talar neck fractures, also can be complicated by subtalar arthritis, ankle arthritis, malunion, and avascular necrosis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Avascular necrosis (AVN) is one of the most serious complications of femoral neck fractures in children. Variability in the reported rates of AVN and lack of statistical evidence has minimized the prognostic power of individual studies. The purpose of our study was to review our own cases as well as those from the literature in an effort to identify the risk factors for AVN. METHODS: We conducted a computerized search of medical records to identify all children with femoral neck fractures treated at our institution from 1980 to 2003. Records were reviewed to determine fracture type (Delbet type I to IV), displacement, age, treatment, and incidence of AVN. A structured search of PubMed was also performed to identify all reports published in English, on femoral neck fractures in children, from 1965 to 2003. Hand searches of major orthopedic journals and reference lists of publications identified additional cases. Of the 275 citations initially identified through our computerized search, 47 met the criteria for further evaluation. These citations were reviewed by 2 investigators, and data was abstracted from 20 reports that provided patient-level data and met our criteria for inclusion. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients with 25 femoral neck fractures from our institution were identified including 12 boys and 12 girls with an average age of 8 years (range 1.5 to 16). Over 300 patients who met our study criteria were also identified from the literature, and a total of 360 patients were included in the analysis. Fracture type, displacement, age, and treatment were all statistically significant independent predictors of AVN with P values 相似文献   

Two cases of operated femoral neck fractures are presented, in whom an intact femoral head isotope uptake was found with conventional Tc-MDP scintimetry. In both patients, emission tomography using the rotating slant-hole technique was diagnostic.  相似文献   

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