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本文回顾性分析了我院2009年1月至2015年7月接受屋尘螨变应原疫苗皮下注射特异性免疫治疗113例过敏性鼻炎伴哮喘患者,观察其不良反应发生情况。结果显示113例患者中,90人(79.65%)发生速发型局部一般不良反应1491次(33.83%);57人(50.44%)发生速发型局部严重反应(local large reactions,LLR)242次(5.49%);13人(11.50%)发生速发型全身不良反应22次(0.50%),其中Ⅰ级16次(0.36%),Ⅱ级5次(0.11%),Ⅲ级1次(0.02%),无Ⅳ级不良反应发生;速发型局部不良反应随注射浓度的升高而增多,以儿童组发生率最高,但男女总体无差异;速发型全身不良反应以剂量快速上升组最高,女性全身性不良反应率高于男性(以针次计算,P0.01),但各个年龄段无差异;部分患者速发型LLR后可能发生速发型全身不良反应。提示屋尘螨特异性免疫治疗严重不良反应发生率较低,大多数不良反应集中在剂量快速上升阶段和维持阶段,部分患者LLR可能提示全身不良反应的发生,对于年龄≤14岁儿童患者应及时调整注射剂量预防速发型LLR的发生。  相似文献   

变应性鼻炎是一种由变应原激发并通过Ig E介导的鼻黏膜炎性疾病,因其反复发作的鼻部症状和并发症,给临床治疗带来很大挑战。免疫治疗是目前唯一能够改变变应性鼻炎自然病程、针对病因的治疗方法。近来,包括新的给药途径、变应原改造在内的各种新型免疫治疗方法大量涌现,给变应性鼻炎治疗提供更多有效和安全的选择。本文针对变应性鼻炎免疫治疗的最新研究进展进行综述,并对未来的方向进行展望。  相似文献   

随着对变应性鼻炎(AR)分子生物学和免疫学研究的日益重视,人们对AR有了更深刻的认识。但对AR特异性免疫治疗前、后IL-4、IFN-γ、SIgE的变化情况尚未见报道。我们自2001年1月至2024年3月对只有尘螨过敏的22例AR患者进行了特异性免疫治疗前、后血清和鼻灌洗液中IL-4、IFN-γ、SIgE、TIgE的测定并进行了比较分析及临床意义的探讨。  相似文献   

本研究将探讨患者提前终止免疫治疗的原因,对其病情转归进行随访以进一步提高免疫治疗效率,将有助于今后的临床工作中提高变应性鼻炎的免疫治疗的依从性。1资料与方法1.1病例资料收集我科123名于2006年3月来经皮下途径的特异性免疫治疗尘螨变应性鼻炎患者的临床资料。31名患者接受了不足58周的第一个  相似文献   

变应性鼻炎(AR)是IgE介导的鼻黏膜的Ⅰ型变态反应。变应原特异性免疫治疗(AIT)不仅可以有效地、长效地控制鼻部症状,并且可以改变疾病自然进程。由于部分患者对免疫治疗反应不佳,且疗程较长,确定可以预测和评估疗效的生物学指标则尤为关键。本文综述了舌下免疫治疗(SLIT)AR的疗效预测和评估的生物学标志物的研究进展。多种免疫细胞、免疫球蛋白、细胞因子的变化与SLIT的疗效相关,被认为是候选生物标志物,但其有效性、相关度还有待进一步验证。  相似文献   

在变应性鼻炎(AR)的发病过程中嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子蛋白(ECP)、IL 5都起到了很重要的作用,而特异性免疫治疗能否改善患者体内这些细胞因子的状况,尚未见报道。我们对只有尘螨过敏的13例常年性变应性鼻炎(PAR)患者进行了特异性免疫治疗前、后血清和鼻灌洗液中ECP、IL 5和尘螨SIgE、TIgE的检测,并对其进行了相关的分析及临床意义的探讨。检测对象为只有尘螨皮试阳性的PAR患者13例,男5例、女8例;年龄在18~6 2岁;病程2~2 2年。即往从未进行过免疫治疗,尘螨皮试至少 。病史中也否认对其他物质过敏,在接受特异性免疫治疗期间未接受过…  相似文献   

变应性鼻炎 (AR )的发生往往与环境中变应原有密切关系 ,找出变应原是AR诊断和治疗中的关键。对变应原的检测 ,近年来 ,采用体内变应原皮试和体外特异性IgE检测 ,为进一步研究这两项检查的临床应用价值 ,本文对两者进行了相关分析 ,其结果如下 :1 材料和方法1 1 研究对象 诊断明确的常年性AR患者共 5 8例 ,男 30例 ,女 2 8例 ,年龄 12~ 5 5岁 ,病程 1~ 2 0年。对照组为 2 0例健康成人 ,男女各半 ,年龄 2 0~ 40岁。1 2 主要试剂 变应原浸液 :屋尘螨 (蛋白含量 1 5mg/ml)、法国梧桐花粉 (9mg/ml)、豚草花粉 (10mg/…  相似文献   

目的: 探讨屋尘螨变应原特异性免疫治疗对变应性鼻炎合并哮喘患儿血清白细胞介素 13(IL-13)、白细胞介素 4(IL-4)、干扰素 γ(IFN-γ)水平及鼻部症状和肺功能的影响。方法: 选择屋尘螨变应原阳性的变应性鼻炎合并支气管哮喘的患儿58例,其中35例接受屋尘螨特异性免疫治疗为免疫组,其余23例予局部糖皮质激素治疗为药物组。于治疗前及治疗1年后分别测定患儿血清IL-4、IFN-γ和IL-13水平,并评估鼻部症状和肺功能。结果: 经过1年治疗后,免疫组鼻部症状评分较治疗前明显减少(P<0.05),与药物组相比有显著差异(P<0.05);免疫组因哮喘急性发作而急诊就诊的频率明显少于药物组;与治疗前比较,免疫组血清IL-4和IL-13水平下降,IFN-γ水平及IFN-γ/IL-4升高 (P<0.05),肺功能改善明显(P<0.05);而药物组血清IL-4和IL-13水平较治疗前无明显下降 (P>0.05),肺功能无改善 (P>0.05)。结论: 特异性免疫治疗后患儿血清IL-4和IL-13下调, IFN-γ及IFN-γ/ IL-4上调,提示特异性免疫治疗可能调节体内T辅助细胞(Th)Th1/Th2细胞的平衡,从而改善患儿鼻部症状和肺功能。  相似文献   

目的 通过对比分析常规皮下注射屋尘螨变应原和B超引导下颈部淋巴结内注射屋尘螨变应原治疗变应性鼻炎两组数据,探讨淋巴结内注射免疫治疗变应性鼻炎的疗效及安全性.方法 自2016年3月至2018年6月,就诊我科的中重度变应性鼻炎患者(部分伴哮喘,且均为单一屋尘满过敏),其中完成2年常规皮下特异性免疫治疗(SCIT)48例(下称SCIT组);完成4个月,5次颈部淋巴结注射特异性免疫治疗(ILIT),且完成2年回访患者36例(下称ILIT组).比较分析两组患者治疗前、第8周后、16周后、1年后、2年后,鼻部症状评分,鼻部总症状评分(TNSS),哮喘症状总评分,视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分,药物评分(TMS),有效率及Th1/Th2细胞所占百分比的变化.对相关数据进行统计学分析,对其疗效、依从性及不良反应进行综合评定.结果(1)两组患者疗程结束后,鼻部症状评分、TNSS、哮喘症状总评分、VAS、TMS与治疗前相比,差异有统计学意义,P<0.01.(2)治疗和观察1年后、2年后,两组患者以上各评分项目比较差异无统计学意义,P>0.05.(3)ILIT组8周后、16周后疗效分别为75.00%和88.89%,优于SCIT组1年后、2年后疗效64.58%和77.08%.SCIT组治疗疗程越长,疗效越好;ILIT组随着时间的延长,疗效稍有所下滑趋势.(4)治疗8周后、16周后,ILIT组患者Th1细胞百分比明显升高,Th2细胞百分比明显降低,与治疗前比较差异显著,有统计学意义,P<0.05;而SCIT组Th1和Th2百分比较治疗前差异无统计学意义,P>0.05.治疗和观察1年后、2年后,两组患者的Th1和Th2百分比比较,差异无统计学意义,P>0.05.结论 颈部淋巴结内注射特异性免疫治疗和常规皮下免疫治疗一样,都能显著改善屋尘满致敏AR患者的各种症状,疗效好,安全性高,还大大缩短了免疫治疗的疗程.  相似文献   

常年性变应性鼻炎的病因和临床分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
严怡  刘萍 《现代免疫学》1996,16(3):167-168,151
于199.4~1995.7间对本科门诊千余例具有典型症状的可疑变应性鼻炎患者应用的1990年"变应性鼻炎诊断标准"进行评分,对其中符合PAR诊断标准的350例患者进行分析,就PAR的诊断进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is the most common bacterium present in upper respiratory tract, and the toxins it produced are involved in allergic inflammation pathogenesis. In this study, we investigated the clinical significance of IgE in association with staphylococcal superantigens in allergic asthma with rhinitis (BAwAR) and allergic rhinitis alone (AR). We recruited 100 patients with BAwAR (group I), 100 patients with AR (group II), and 88 healthy controls (group III). Patients were clinically diagnosed by physicians, and were sensitized to house dust mites. Specific IgE antibodies to staphylococcal superantigen A (SEA), B (SEB), and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) were measured using the ImmunoCAP system. Other clinical parameters were retrospectively analyzed. All specific IgE antibodies to SEA, SEB, and TSST-1 were detected most frequently in group I (22%, 21%, and 27%), followed by group II (11%, 14%, and 21%) and group III (4.5%, 3.4%, and 2.3%). Absolute values of serum specific IgE to SEA, SEB, and TSST-1 were also significantly higher in group I (0.300±1.533 kU/L, 0.663±2.933 kU/L, and 0.581±1.931 kU/L) and group II (0.502±2.011 kU/L, 0.695±3.337 kU/L, and 1.067±4.688 kU/L) compared to those in group III (0.03±0.133 kU/L, 0.03±0.14 kU/L, and 0.028±0.112 kU/L). The prevalence of serum specific IgE to SEA was significantly higher in group I compared to group II (P=0.025). Blood eosinophil counts were significantly higher in patients with specific IgE to SEA or SEB, and higher serum levels of specific IgE to house dust mites were noted in patients with specific IgE to TSST-1. In conclusion, the present study suggested that IgE responses to staphylococcal superantigens are prevalent in the sera of both BAwAR and AR patients. This may contribute to an augmented IgE response to indoor allergens and eosinophilic inflammation.  相似文献   

Treatment of AR requires a stepwise approach depending on the severity and duration of symptoms. Treatment options for AR consist of allergen avoidance, pharmacotherapy, immunotherapy and surgery. For the mechanisms of AR, anti-IgE antibody and specific antibody to cytokines such as IL-4 or IL-5 that correlate with allergic inflammation have recently emerged. SLIT is currently widely used due to its efficacy, safety and convenience, which replaces subcutaneous immunotherapy. Although allergen avoidance and immunotherapy are theoretically ideal, antihistamines and intranasal corticosteroids will play the main role in the management of AR until an innovative treatment develops. However, patients'' main symptom, the duration and severity of AR, patients'' compliance, safety of medication and cost-effectiveness should be considered when treatment options are chosen. In conclusion, physicians should be aware of etiology, pathophysiology, symptoms, signs and diseases related to AR in order to make a correct diagnosis and choose a proper treatment option for each patient.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effects of flunisolide and beclomethasone dipropionate nasal sprays on seasonal allergic rhinitis, 45 patients were included in an open parallel comparative trial. The study design was open because of the different dosage schedules for the two preparations. Strict criteria were set up for patient selection, and all patients were carefully examined and assessed before and after the 4-week trial period. Throughout the whole treatment each patient kept a detailed daily record. A substantial or complete control of symptoms was achieved in 18 of the 21 patients on flunisolide and in 20 of the 22 on beclomethasone dipropionate. No serious side effects were observed. Thus it can be concluded that both test drugs are effective and well tolerated in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J. Kus    K. S. Tse    D. Enarson    S. Grzybowski  M. Chan-Yeung   《Allergy》1984,39(7):509-514
The lymphocyte subpopulations were classified using monoclonal antibodies specific for B lymphocytes (B1 antibodies), T lymphocytes (T11 and OKT3 antibodies), helper/inducer T cells (T4 antibodies) and suppressor/cytotoxic T cells (T8 antibodies). Three groups of subjects were studied: 20 normal controls, 29 patients with allergic rhinitis and a subgroup of nine patients who had received immunotherapy. The proportion of B lymphocytes, total T cells and T4 positive (helper/inducer) cells were not significantly different between the groups, but allergic patients were found to have a decreased proportion of suppressor T8 positive (suppressor/cytotoxic) cells and hence a high helper/suppressor cell ratio. These abnormal parameters were found to be normal in the group of allergic patients who had received immunotherapy. These results imply that a suppressor cell deficiency may be an underlying mechanism of allergic disease, and that immunotherapy could correct the suppressor cell deficiency.  相似文献   

Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis in the Same Patients   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
This study from Danish general practice gives Figures about the simultaneous prevalence of asthma and allergic rhinitis and the order of onset among 7662 patients, who during 1 year consulted for one or both of these diseases. Twenty-eight percent of patients with asthma consulted because they also had allergic rhinitis, and 17% of patients with allergic rhinitis consulted because they also had asthma. Age- and sex-distributions are presented. In 25% of patients with both diseases the onset of both diseases occurred within the same year, while in 35% the onset of asthma occurred first and in 40% allergic rhinitis.
Among patients with both diseases, who did not have onset of both within the same year, more than 75% of them had onset of one disease within 2 years of the other.  相似文献   

A. Kwaselow    J. McLean  W. Busse    R. Bush    C. Reed    W. Metzger    H. Richerson    D. Shulan    J. Koshiver  M. Chaplin 《Allergy》1985,40(5):363-367
Intranasal flunisolide is an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis. Flunisolide has high bioavailability when administered to normal subjects (50% of an intranasal dose reaches the systemic circulation) with minimal systemic effects. Bioavailability in patients with active rhinitis averages 62.4 +/- 15.7%. The oral dose bioequivalent to 100 micrograms intranasally is 500 micrograms. To define the comparative trial and systemic effects of intranasal flunisolide in patients with active allergic rhinitis, a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted during the 1983 ragweed hayfever season. Ninety-nine patients with ragweed hayfever for greater than or equal to 2 years and positive prick skin tests to ragweed were randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups: 0 = oral flunisolide 500 micrograms b.i.d. and intranasal placebo b.i.d.; N = intranasal flunisolide 50 micrograms per nostril b.i.d. and oral placebo b.i.d.; P = intranasal and oral placebo b.i.d. Treatment continued for 4 weeks. Patients kept daily symptom scores. Patients were evaluated by a blinded observer every 2 weeks and were globally evaluated at the study's end. Data were analyzed for each center and pooled. There were no significant differences in symptom severity of sneezing, nasal congestion, and throat itch in the 0 (oral flunisolide) and P (placebo) groups. N (nasal flunisolide) was significantly more effective than O or P (P less than or equal to 0.005) for each symptom for at least one 2-week period. Global evaluation demonstrated control of overall hayfever severity for N (nasal flunisolide) but not for O (oral flunisolide). We conclude that the therapeutic efficacy of flunisolide is achieved by topical and not by systemic action.  相似文献   



Allergen-specific immunotherapy is the only currently available treatment to modify the natural history of allergic rhinitis (AR). If patients are polysensitized, it is difficult to identify the allergen causing the allergic symptoms. We evaluated the effectiveness of immunotherapy against house dust mites (HDMs) in AR patients polysensitized to both HDMs and seasonal allergens.


Thirty AR patients polysensitized to both HDMs and seasonal allergens (group A) and 30 patients sensitized to HDMs only (group B) were enrolled in this study. All subjects who received immunotherapy against HDMs for more than 2 years were evaluated by the multiple allergen simultaneous test (MAST) to determine the specific IgE level in luminescence units, total eosinophil counts in peripheral blood, serum total IgE, total nasal symptom scores, and the rhinoconjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire (RQLQ) before and after immunotherapy.


There were no statistical differences in levels of total and specific IgE, or total eosinophil count between the two groups. The total nasal symptom scores, RQLQ and medication scores significantly decreased after immunotherapy in both groups, however no significant differences were noted between the two groups.


We determined that the primary causative allergen of AR in Seoul, Korea is perennial allergens, such as HDMs, rather than seasonal allergens. This study provides a reference for the selection of allergens to use in immunotherapy for polysensitized AR patients living in an urban environment.  相似文献   

PurposeThe internet has become one of the most important media outlets used to obtain health information. Therefore, the quality of health information available on the internet is very important. We evaluated the quality of internet-derived health information on allergic rhinitis, rhinitis and sinusitis and compared these results to those of previous studies performed five years ago.MethodsThe terms "allergic rhinitis (AR)", "rhinitis" and "sinusitis" were searched among the four most commonly used search engines in South Korea. These websites were evaluated according to the author, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) benchmarks, the DISCERN questionnaire and the Allergic rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) 2008 Update.ResultsA total of 120 websites were obtained and analyzed. For all diseases, "Oriental physician" had the largest portion (almost half of all websites), followed by "Western physician". Based on analyses using the JAMA benchmark, "Attribution" and "Disclosure" were ignored in almost all surveyed websites. According to the scores of the DISCERN question, the majority of websites did not supply appropriate references for their health information, and information on the negative aspects of treatment such as risks and uncertainty was not provided in several websites. In an analysis based on the ARIA 2008 Update concepts, 65% of websites pertaining to health information on AR contained unreliable information.ConclusionsThe quality of health information on the internet was not acceptable. Thus, governmental regulation or control to improve the quality of health information is required.  相似文献   

目的 了解过敏性鼻炎儿童主要过敏原分布情况及特点,以指导临床防治.方法 采用免疫印迹法体外定量检测患儿血清中特异性IgE抗体及20种常见过敏原.结果 938例过敏性鼻炎患儿中,100%至少对一种以上的过敏原呈阳性反应,其中487例患儿总IgE〉400IU/Ml,230例患儿总IgE在200IU/ml~400IU/ml之间.在检测20种过敏原中以户尘螨和屋尘的阳性率最高(90.0%,80.8%).结论 过敏性鼻炎患儿至少有一种特异性IgE抗体显著增加,户尘螨、屋尘、动物皮屑、羊肉和牛奶是引起儿童过敏性鼻炎的主要过敏原.儿童在春秋温暖季节易发过敏性鼻炎.  相似文献   

E. Svenonius    M. Arborelius  Jr.  R. Kautto  B. Lilja 《Allergy》1982,37(2):87-92
Thirty carefully selected children with seasonal allergic rhinitis but without history or signs of lung involvement were examined clinically and by lung function tests during the pollen season as well as in the pollen-free season. During the pollen-free season the children had -if anything - slightly better lung function than a healthy control material. During the pollen season the only change was a slight increase in FRC and a decrease in lung clearance index, directly proportional to the change in FRC. Sixteen of the children performed an exercise test in the pollen-free season. A small increase in the volume of trapped gas (VTG) was noted, indicating a subclinical spasm in small airways. Salbutamol inhalation alter exercise reduced VTG below base-line values, indicating disappearance of subclinical bronchospasm. Hay Fever children thus have a tendency towards bronchospasm after exercise in the pollen-free season, which, owever, is of no clinical importance, as their VTG also after the exercise was less (better) than the predicted normal.  相似文献   

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