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Although operative management was the preferred method of treating blunt abdominal trauma in the past, recent literature and practice recommend a nonsurgical approach to most pediatric splenic and hepatic injuries. The majority of data supporting the safety and efficacy of this nonoperative approach are derived from university trauma programs with a pediatric center where care was managed by pediatric surgeons only. To evaluate the applicability of this approach in a regional trauma center where pediatric patients are managed by pediatric and non-pediatric surgeons we reviewed the experience at a Level II community trauma center. Fifty-four children (16 years of age or less) were admitted between April 1992 and April 1998 after sustaining blunt traumatic splenic and/or hepatic injuries. There were 37 (69%) males and 17 (31%) females; the average age was 11 years (range 4 months to 16 years). Of the 54 patients 34 (63%) sustained splenic injuries, 17 (31%) sustained hepatic injuries, and three (6%) sustained both splenic and hepatic injuries. All of these injuries were diagnosed by CT scan or during laparotomy. The average Injury Severity Score was 14.9 with a range from four to 57. Of the 47 patients initially admitted for nonoperative management one patient failed nonoperative management and required operative intervention. In our study 98 per cent (46 of 47 patients) of pediatric patients were successfully managed nonoperatively. Complications of nonoperative management occurred in two patients. Both developed splenic pseudocysts after splenic injury, which required later operative repair. These data are comparable with those from university trauma programs and confirm that nonoperative management is safe in a community trauma center. The majority of children with blunt splenic and hepatic trauma can be successfully treated without surgery, in a regional trauma center treated by nonpediatric trauma surgeons, if the decision is based on careful initial evaluation, aggressive resuscitation, and close observation of their hemodynamic stability. 相似文献
Harbrecht BG 《American journal of surgery》2005,190(2):273-278
Several decades ago, a shift occurred in the management of adult splenic injuries. Influenced by the experience in pediatric trauma patients, adult trauma surgeons began turning from mandatory operative treatment of all splenic injuries toward nonoperative management. Nonoperative treatment is now the most common method of management for patients with splenic injuries and is the most common method of splenic salvage. However, controversy exists about how to appropriately select patients for nonoperative treatment since bleeding from splenic injuries can incur significant morbidity and mortality. Recent refinements in the management of adult blunt splenic injuries will be reviewed. 相似文献
Nonoperative management (NOM) for blunt splenic trauma (BST) is an established practice. The impact of splenic embolization (SE) in the algorithm for NOM has not been well studied. This study evaluates the role of SE and spleen injury grade on failure of NOM. Retrospective cohort of trauma registry over a 7-year period (2000-2006) for patients who suffered BST was studied. Data including demographics, splenic injury grade, and SE were recorded. Characteristics were compared between the successful and failed NOM groups. Kaplan-Meier, life table, and Cox-proportional hazard regression analyses were performed. Of the 499 patients who suffered BST, 407 (81.6%) patients had successful NOM and 92 (18.4%) patients failed NOM (including splenectomies performed within 1 hour of admission). Failed NOM group had a higher splenic injury grade compared with the successful NOM group (P < 0.0001). Seventy-five per cent underwent a splenectomy within 7.7 hours of admission. Nearly all grade I and II splenic injuries that failed NOM occurred by 24 hours. Grade 3 and 4 injuries that failed NOM occurred by 150 hours. SE was protective against splenectomy (Hazard Ratio (HR) 0.18, 95% confidence interval: 0.06-0.55, P = 0.004), whereas splenic injury grades III or higher was associated with increased risk of splenectomy (grade III: HR 5.26, P = 0.003; grade IV: HR 6.84, P = 0.002; grade V: HR 9.81, P = 0.002) compared with those with splenic injury grade I. Splenic embolization is a protective measure to reduce the failure of NOM. Spleen injury grade III and higher was significantly associated with NOM failure and would require a 5-day inpatient observation. 相似文献
Tobias Retzlaff 《Journal of pediatric surgery》2010,45(5):912-915
Computerized tomography (CT) is considered as the imaging study of choice for blunt abdominal trauma in children. Nevertheless, recent investigations clearly indicate an increased risk of cancer in children exposed to radiation during abdominal spiral CT. Therefore, alternative strategies should be used for the diagnosis and surgical decision making in blunt abdominal trauma in children.Methods
Retrospective analysis included all children with intraabdominal organ rupture after blunt abdominal trauma. Patients were diagnosed by a standardized emergency protocol that included primary clinical assessment and repeated ultrasound but not routine CT. Efficacy of abdominal ultrasound was evaluated in regard to safe diagnosis and appropriate surgical decision making.Results
The study included 35 children with intraabdominal organ rupture diagnosed by ultrasound. One fifth (7/35) of the patients were polytraumatized, whereas 28 of 35 had an isolated blunt abdominal trauma. All patients underwent immediate ultrasound scanning of the abdomen and retroperitoneal space. Two patients were immediately operated because of hemodynamically instability. Four of 7 polytraumatized patients and 7 of 28 patients with isolated blunt abdominal trauma were additionally diagnosed by spiral CT. Only 1 patient underwent subsequent surgery because of the findings in the CT. Ultrasound was effective in more than 97% (34/35) of the patients for diagnosis and appropriate surgical decision making.Conclusion
Ultrasound combined with clinical assessment presents an effective method for safe diagnosis and appropriate surgical decision making in pediatric blunt abdominal trauma. Selected cases with polytrauma and/or unequivocal findings in the ultrasound should undergo abdominal CT. Patients requiring abdominal CT should have an anticipated benefit that exceeds the radiation risk. The importance of repeated clinical assessment cannot be overstated. 相似文献5.
Siriratsivawong K Zenati M Watson GA Harbrecht BG 《The American surgeon》2007,73(6):585-9; discussion 590
Nonoperative management (NOM) of blunt splenic injury has become more frequent in the past several decades. Criteria that predict successful NOM remain poorly defined, and one factor that has been studied previously has been patient age. Previous studies have defined older patients as those greater than 55 years of age, but no studies have compared younger patients (55-75 years) with older patients (75+ years) within this age group. A total of 1008 patients > or =55 years of age who sustained blunt splenic injury between 1993 and 2001 were analyzed from the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation database. Statistical analysis was performed using regression analysis. Data was expressed as mean +/- SD, and a P value of < or = 0.05 was considered significant. Patients were classified as operative management (OM; 39.9%) or NOM (60.1%) according to their initial plan of treatment. Of the patients in the NOM group, 75.3 per cent were successfully managed nonoperatively (SNOM), whereas 24.7 per cent eventually required surgery. The Injury Severity Score of the OM group was highest (34) compared with the SNOM group (22) and failed NOM (FNOM; 27) groups. The mean splenic injury grade for OM, SNOM, and FNOM was 3.5, 2.4, and 3.3, respectively. The number of pre-existing conditions did not differ among the three groups. An upward trend in the failure rate of NOM was observed with increasing age (19.0%, 27.1%, and 28.3%, respectively) for three age groups, 55-64, 65-74, and 75+, but this trend was not statistically significant. Mortality rate was highest in the OM group (35.6%) compared with the successful (16.7%) and failed NOM (17.9%). Hospital length of stay (LOS) and intensive care unit (ICU) LOS were highest among patients who failed NOM (mean hospital LOS = 20.7 days, mean ICU LOS = 13.2 days) compared with OM (17.2 and 10.4, respectively) and successful NOM (12.4 and 6.9, respectively). The majority of patients > or = 55 years with blunt splenic injuries can be managed nonoperatively when carefully selected. In the subset of patients older than 55 years of age, increasing age is associated with a trend toward higher failure rates. Mortality was high regardless of management, and failure of NOM in older patients is associated with significantly longer hospital and ICU LOS. 相似文献
Harbrecht BG Zenati MS Alarcon LH Ochoa JB Puyana JC Schuchert VD Peitzman AB 《The American surgeon》2005,71(11):942-8; discussion 948-9
An association between outcome and case volume has been demonstrated for selected complex operations. The relationship between trauma center volume and patient outcome has also been examined, but no clear consensus has been established. The American College of Surgeons (ACS) has published recommendations on optimal trauma center volume for level 1 designation. We examined whether this volume criteria was associated with outcome differences for the treatment of adult blunt splenic injuries. Using a state trauma database, ACS criteria were used to stratify trauma centers into high-volume centers (>240 patients with Injury Severity Score >15 per year) or low-volume centers, and outcome was evaluated. There were 1,829 patients treated at high-volume centers and 1,040 patients treated at low-volume centers. There was no difference in age, gender, emergency department pulse, emergency department systolic blood pressure, or overall mortality between high- and low-volume centers. Patients at low-volume centers were more likely to be treated operatively, but the overall success rate of nonoperative management between high- and low-volume centers was similar. These data suggest that ACS criteria for trauma centers level designation are not associated with differences in outcome in the treatment of adult blunt splenic injuries in this regional trauma system. 相似文献
Gavrilovici C Goldsmith DJ Reid C Gubeth-Tatomir P Covic A 《Journal of nephrology》2004,17(5):642-652
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has been developed to overcome recognized deficiencies and inaccuracies of classic (office) BP measurements in the diagnosis and management of hypertension (HTN). Although in adults it has become a valuable tool for the diagnosis and ongoing management of HTN, and its use has been documented in over 50 studies in children, few pediatric nephrologists systematically use this approach for HTN assessment. Some of the reluctance to completely embrace the technique comes from the fact that none of the major hypertension trials has been based on ambulatory BP readings. The prognostic information from ABPM studies is slowly accumulating, but there is still relatively little information on the long-term prognostic value of ABPM-derived readings. For children there are particular problems in measuring representative BP values. It would be very helpful to know to what extent ABPM can help. However, there have been few comprehensive reviews in this particular population, which leaves the practicing nephrologist rather confused. The purpose of this review is to assess the present state of knowledge of ABPM usage in children, high-lighting important studies that help to delineate the place of ABPM in their medical management. We discuss: advantages and limitations of ABPM, the variability of blood pressure in children, clinical uses of ABPM in pre-dialysis renal failure, dialysis, renal transplantation, primary renal diseases, and diabetes, comparison with adult data. The relationship between casual BP (CBP) and ABPM is presented, specifically the prevalence and relevance of either white-coat hypertension or relative 'office' hypertension. We conclude that in 2004, the sole reliance on casual BP to diagnose and to treat hypertension in children brings with it many difficulties. ABPM offers some clear solutions to these problems and thus should be routinely used in appropriately defined clinical settings, but is not a panacea. 相似文献
This study analyzed outcomes and cost of splenic embolization compared with surgery for the management of blunt splenic injury.Methods
We performed a retrospective chart review of all patients admitted with isolated, blunt splenic injury. An intent-to-treat analysis was initially conducted. Outcomes and cost/charges were compared in patients treated with embolization and surgical treatment.Results
Of 236 patients admitted with isolated, blunt splenic injury, 190 patients were ultimately managed by observation, 31 by splenic embolization, and 15 by surgical management. Comparing outcomes and cost data for splenic embolization versus surgical management, there was no significant difference in intensive care unit use, hospital stay, complications, or re-admission. Surgical management patients required more blood transfusions and incurred higher procedure charges. Conversely, splenic embolization patients underwent more radiologic evaluations and charges. Total procedure-related charges were higher for surgical management when compared with splenic embolization ($28,709 vs $19,062; P = .016), but total hospital cost and total hospital charges were not significantly different.Conclusions
Nonsurgical treatment of blunt splenic injury is safe and cost effective. Angioembolization was statistically similar to surgical therapy regarding cost. 相似文献14.
Wisbach GG Sise MJ Sack DI Swanson SM Sundquist SM Paci GM Kingdon KM Kaminski SS 《The Journal of trauma》2007,62(1):74-8; discussion 78-9
BACKGROUND: The Advanced Trauma Life Support course advocates the liberal use of chest X-ray (CXR) during the initial evaluation of trauma patients. We reviewed CXR performed in the trauma resuscitation room (TR) to determine its usefulness. METHODS: A retrospective, registry-based review was conducted and included 1,000 consecutive trauma patients who underwent CXR in the TR at a Level I trauma center during a 7-month period. RESULTS: Patients receiving CXR comprised 91.5% of all patients evaluated in the TR during the study period. CXR followed by chest computed tomography (CCT) was performed in 820 (82.0%) patients. Subsequent CCT identified missed findings in 235 (35.6%) of the 660 patients with an initial negative CXR who went on to receive CCT. CXR alone was performed in 127 (26.1%) of the 487 patients who were stable, not intubated, and had a normal chest physical examination (CPE). Seven patients (5.5%) in this group had potentially significant findings but none required intervention beyond physiotherapy or antibiotics. Three hundred and sixty (73.9%) of the 487 patients who were hemodynamically stable with a normal CPE underwent both CXR and CCT. Fifty-four patients (15%) in this group had findings of significance, and two (0.6%) required intervention. One patient received bilateral chest tubes for large pre-existing pleural effusions found on CXR and CCT; another patient undergoing general anesthesia required a chest tube for a pneumothorax found only on CCT. CONCLUSION: In stable trauma patients with a normal CPE, CXR appears to be unnecessary in their initial evaluation. CXR should be relegated to a role similar to cervical spine and pelvis radiographs in the initial evaluation of hemodynamically stable trauma patients with a normal physical examination, and should be limited to use only for clear clinical indications. 相似文献
Within the past 20 years, advanced trauma life support has developed from a regional to an international educational programme, with 31 participating countries. Notwithstanding the general acknowledgement of the effectiveness of advanced trauma life support procedures for improving early hospital trauma management and the specific knowledge and skills of participants, some criticism has come from the community of British anaesthetists, regarding course contents, the possibility of participating, the significance of skills for trained anaesthetists, team-related concerns and, of course, costs. Now that we have 10 years' experience from European advanced trauma life support courses, we want to take the opportunity to assess the advantages and possible deficiencies of this programme. 相似文献
Harwood PJ Giannoudis PV Probst C Van Griensven M Krettek C Pape HC;Polytrauma Study Group of the German Trauma Society 《The Journal of trauma》2006,60(2):334-340
BACKGROUND: Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS)-based systems-the Injury Severity Score (ISS), New Injury Severity Score (NISS), and AISmax-are used to assess trauma patients. The merits of each in predicting outcome are controversial. METHODS: A large prospective database was used to assess their predictive capacity using receiver operator characteristic curves. RESULTS: In all, 10,062 adult, blunt-trauma patients met the inclusion criteria. All systems were significant outcome predictors for sepsis, multiple organ failure (MOF), length of hospital stay, length of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and mortality (p < 0.0001). NISS was a significantly better predictor than the ISS for mortality (p < 0.0001). NISS was equivalent to the AISmax for mortality prediction and superior in patients with orthopaedic injuries. NISS was significantly better for sepsis, MOF, ICU stay, and total hospital stay (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: NISS is superior or equivalent to the ISS and AISmax for prediction of all investigated outcomes in a population of blunt trauma patients. As NISS is easier to calculate, its use is recommended to stratify patients for clinical and research purposes. 相似文献
A 15-year-old boy was severely injured in a motor vehicle accident. A blunt abdominal trauma resulted in multiple lesions requiring urgent surgical treatment. Seven days after the trauma, renal Doppler sonography showed absence of arterial signal in the left kidney hilum. Selective renal angiography was performed, showing localized aneurysmatic dilatation in the principal branch of the left renal artery with interruption of renal parenchyma blood flow. Stent graft placement resulted in the resumption of a normal perfusion. After long-term follow-up, symmetric renal function has been demonstrated. Our results confirmed the efficacy of endovascular treatment in the management of pediatric patients with renal artery occlusion after blunt abdominal trauma. The outcome appeared excellent even after a prolonged period of renal ischemia. 相似文献
International Urology and Nephrology - 相似文献