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This study investigates slow potential shifts that occur during a time discrimination task in man. Three experimental series were presented. In series A, each trial included a 5 sec standard interval (SI) followed by a 3 sec SI-TI delay and then by a 4.5, 5.0 or 5.5 sec test interval (TI). The subjects had to estimate whether SI and TI were equal or different and responded by pressing a left or a right button after TI. In series B, the response was postponed after a 3 sec pre-response interval (PRI) succeeding to TI. Series C established an easier discrimination: only 5 or 8 sec TIs were randomly presented in each trial and the subject had to Judge whether he had ben given the "short' or "long' interval. The intervals SI and TI, in which the subject had to collect temporal information, yielded a systematic pattern of slow potential shifts: CNV was followed by an early and prolonged resolution of negativity in the second half of the interval. By contrast, SI-TI delay and PRI only yielded a classical CNV. The "CNV-early resolution' complex appears as a typical feature of temporal tasks. Its possible relation with cognitive processes leading to temporal judgements is discussed, whereas the presence of the only CNV is interpreted as aN indice of expectancy.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the generator mechanism of the late component of contingent negative variation (CNV), we compared the late CNV with Bereitschaftspotential (BP) in patients with parkinsonism (Parkinson's disease and progressive supranuclear palsy). In patients with mild symptoms (Hoehn Yahr grade I and II) both the late CNV and BP were clearly seen. In patients with severe symptoms (Hoehn Yahr grade III, IV and V) the BP was normally seen, but the late CNV was significantly smaller or absent (P < 0.001 at Cz) and it was also significantly smaller than that obtained from age-matched normals. In one patient (H-Y grade II) who had normal BP, the late CNV was diminished selectively at the midline area. Since it was reported that the late CNV arises from at least the supplementary motor area (SMA), selective diminution of the late CNV at the midline could be explained by the decreased activity of the SMA in parkinsonism. It was also previously reported that the BP was absent but the late CNV was normally present in a patient with cerebellar efferent lesion (Ikeda et al., 1994). Taken together with the experimental results indicating that movement-related neurons in the putamen behave contingent on external stimuli, it is suggested that subcortical generating mechanism is different for the late CNV and BP although both commonly share at least some cortical generators, and that the basal ganglia are most likely responsible for the generation of the late CNV and the cerebellar efferent system for the generation of the BP.  相似文献   

CNV's were obtained in S1-S2-MR paradigm from 22 normal subjects between the ages of 19 and 67 years (the mean age, 33.5+/-12.5). And then the effect of the presence or absence of a motor response on the CNV was studied. Results were as follows; (1) In the control session (S1-S2-MR), the mean CNV amplitude was 14+/-5 muV, and the mean response time was 291+/-76 msec. There was no significant difference with age, but the mean CNV amplitude for female was significantly higher than that for male. (2) Under the nonresponse condition (S1-S2) where the subject was instructed to attend to S1-S2 without a motor response, CNV amplitude significantly reduced for all subjects (7+/-5 muV). The mean voltage of the attentive-to-stimuli group was significantly higher than that of the inattentive group, and sex difference was not significant for the attentive group. However, CNV of the inattentive male disappeared completely, while the CNV of the inattentive female was significantly higher (8+/-5 muV). (3) Under the response condition (S1-S2-MR), CNV recovered almost to the magnitude level of the control condition (14+/-3 muV), in spite of the fact that the mean response time was significantly shortened between the control and response sessions. (4) We speculate that CNV changes may be dependent upon the dynamic balance of the excitatory-inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Abstract The autoregressive model was applied to the background electroencephalogram during the tone(S1)-tone(S2)-respond contingent negative variation paradigm under eyes-open condition. The EEG data were obtained at the scalp sites of Fz, Cz, and Pz in seven normal males. During the first half of the interstimulus interval (ISI) of 2.5 s, Fz-dominant excitatory process was suggested in concordance with an orienting response to stimulus 1. In the second half of the ISI, Pz-dominant inhibitory process was considered. The stimulus 2 presentation and the required motor response promoted the Pz-dominant process.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We investigated changes in the cortical silent period (CSP) following transcranial magnetic cortical stimulation (TCMS) during a standard paradigm which was designed to evoke contingent negative variation (CNV) in ten normal subjects. METHODS: We recorded the motor evoked potentials (MEP) and CSP during the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) of a CNV paradigm in ten normal subjects. The CNV paradigm consisted of a visual warning stimulus (S1) followed by a visual response stimulus (S2). The CSP following TCMS on the hand motor area was recorded from mildly contracted first dorsal interosseous muscles. RESULTS: The CSP was significantly shortened during the ISI (P < 0.01, t test) with a highly significant correlation with the TCMS timing during the ISI (P < 0.02, Spearman's correlation coefficient), while the MEP amplitude and latency were unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggested that shortening of the CSP was associated with neural processes related to preparation for voluntary movement during the paradigm.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the physiological abnormality in writer's cramp, a focal dystonia which specifically affects writing. METHODS: We recorded brain potentials that precede hand and neck movements (contingent negative variation or CNV) in 11 patients and 11 age-matched normal subjects. A 1000 Hz tone burst (S1) was delivered to the right or left ear in random sequence, and 2 s after, a 2000 Hz tone burst (S2) was delivered to both ears simultaneously. For the response task to S2, the subjects were instructed to extend their fingers ipsilateral to the ear to which S1 was given in one experiment or to rotate the head to the side of the S1 presentation in another. All the patients had symptoms in the right hand only, and performed both tasks normally. CNV amplitudes were compared between normals and patients using unpaired t test. RESULTS: They showed normal CNV for neck movement but significantly decreased CNV amplitudes for movements both in the affected and unaffected hands. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that motor programming is specifically abnormal for the affected body part, including the asymptomatic contralateral limb, and that the clinical symptom may result from a deficient compensatory mechanism for abnormal motor programs or subroutines.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials were recorded from the human scalp during performance of a memory retrieval task modeled after a paradigm originated by Sternberg (1966). Subjects were required to decide whether a probe digit was contained in a series of one to four target digits presented a few seconds before. The amplitude of the contingent negative variation (CNV) preceding the probe digit and the speed of CNV resolution after the probe varied as a function of target set size. CNV amplitude was greatest when the set size was one. The smaller the set size, the more positive the evoked potential 300 msec after the probe, regardless of whether a motor response was required.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to elaborate the influence of slow potential shifts preceding S1 on the CNV. Eighteen subjects participated in a forewarned reaction time task. The EEG was recorded from F3, F4, Cz, P3 and P4 referred to linked mastoids. Selected averages of EOG-corrected trials with negative, positive and no shifts greater than 8 microV - within 2 sec before S1 at the respective location - were compared. Results showed greater CNV after positive shifts compared to negative shifts (P less than 0.05) and no significant interaction with location. Slow potential shifts before S1 did not affect reaction time. Evidence of a baseline effect is discussed as a ceiling effect as well as an expression of an active regulatory mechanism responsible for a desired activation at S2. As slow potentials may also interact with task conditions, it is suggested first to control the baseline in order to obtain reliable CNV measures, and secondly to use baseline effects as a tool to get insight into brain regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Three subjects demonstrated the ability to respond in a contingent negative variation (CNV) paradigm during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. However, the CNV did not appear as it does in the waking state. This failure of the CNV to develop during REM sleep might be attributed to electrophysiological changes accompanying REM sleep.  相似文献   

Early diagnosis of chronic hepatic encephalopathy (CHE) in the latent stage before the appearance of clinical signs, should reduce both morbidity and mortality as deterioration is often preventable by treatment. Since existing diagnostic procedures are inadequate, we have investigated a test in which morphine is used as a provocative agent and any resulting change in cerebral function assessed by measurement of the CNV in conjuction with a psychological trail test. Twenty six patients were studied, 6 of whom had clinically overt CHE. A significant correlation (P less than 0.05) between the change in CNV amplitude with morphine and the initial CNV amplitude, consistent with the theoretical model of Tecce (1972), was found. However, the CNV and trail test results taken as a whole did not allow even those patients with overt CHE to be distinguished and we conclude that it is unlikely that differing degrees of latent CHE could be detected.  相似文献   

Patients with idiopathic Parkinson's syndrome, most of them in early stages of the disease, and matched healthy controls participated in a continuous performance task while their EEGs were recorded from 15 electrodes. During preparation of movements, a contingent negative variation (CNV) maximal at central and posterior sites was visible. This CNV was reduced in the patient population. A large P3-like positive deflection occurred after go and no-go stimuli that called for execution (go) or suppression (no-go) of a button press. Compared to healthy controls, the positive wave in Parkinson patients was significantly reduced after go stimuli and maximally attenuated when no-go stimuli had indicated to suppress the motor response. In contrast, P3 amplitudes after irrelevant ‘ignore’ stimuli was not significantly reduced in the patients. These results are interpreted in the framework of a model of striatal function postulating (i) that populations of cortical and striatal neurons form distributed functional units (Hebbian cell assemblies), and (ii) that mutual inhibition between such cortico-striatal cell assemblies is mediated by the neostriatum, the forebrain structure primarily affected in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Between warning signal (S1) and imperative signal (S2), the EEG shifts negatively (contingent negative variation, CNV) reflecting preparation and expectancy. Reduced CNV and continued negativity after S2 (post-imperative negative variation, PINV) have been repeatedly found in schizophrenic patients and have been interpreted as a deficit in attentional processes (CNV) and as uncertainty about the correctness of one's own response to the S2 (PINV). Recent studies obtained a CNV reduction specifically at central sites but not at frontal ones. The present study investigated whether these alterations of slow negative potentials depend on present state of symptoms, on the particular task used, and on neuroleptic medication. Therefore, out-patients and in-patients were studied, two different S1-S2 tasks were used, and the control groups were healthy subjects and patients with Parkinson's disease. The central CNV reduction was stable across tasks and across in-patients and outpatients. Frontal CNV was reduced in in-patients but in only one of the two tasks in outpatients. The schizophrenic patients' enhanced PINV was larger contralaterally than ipsilaterally to the responding hand, correlated with medication, and occurred in similar way in patients with Parkinson's disease. Thus, the PINV increase might reflect the Parkinsonian side effects of the anti-psychotic medication. In contrast, the central CNV reduction appears as a stable marker of schizophrenia, the frontal CNV reduction as a state-dependent effect. The central CNV reduction might reflect impairment in forming stable stimulus-response associations, the relative frontal enhancement might reflect the out-patients' attempt at compensating that impairment.  相似文献   

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