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Ascending projections to the diencephalon from the pontine reticular formation were studied in the cat by autoradiographic techniques. Projections from both rostral and caudal pontine regions ascend to the caudal diencephalon and divide into two components; a dorsal leaf terminates primarily in the thalamic intralaminar complex and a ventral leaf terminates in the subthalamic region. The relative densities of the two terminal regions vary with the injection site. Fibers originating in the caudal pons (nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis) terminate relatively heavily in the intralaminar nuclei of the dorsal thalamus, particularly the centre median, central lateral, central dorsal and paracentral nuclei, and also the dorsal medial nucleus. Relatively sparse termination occurs in the subthalamic region. In contrast, fibers from the rostral pons (nucleus reticularis pontis oralis) terminate relatively heavily in the subthalamic region, including the zona incerta, the fields of Forel, the ventral part of the thalamic reticular complex, and the lateral hypothalamus. Relatively sparse termination occurs in the dorsal thalamus, but includes the centre median, parafascicular, central lateral, paracentral and dorsal medial nuclei. These data are discussed with regard to reticular control of forebrain activity and the role of the classic dorsal and ventral components of ascending reticular projections.  相似文献   

The efferent connections of the zona incerta (ZI) were studied experimentally in the rat by the aid of the autoradiographic tracer technique.Small microelectrophoretic injections of tritiated proline and leucine practically confined to the ZI were found to label a widespread, predominantly ipsilateral system of descending and ascending fibers distributed to reticular structures of the brain stem (mesencephalic reticular formation, nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus pars compacta, parabrachial area, nuclei reticularis pontis oralis, pontis caudalis, gigantocellularis and medullae oblongatae, pars ventralis), precerebellar nuclei (nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis, pontine nuclei and inferior olivary complex), the middle and deep layers of the superior colliculus, the pretectum (anterior, posterior and medial pretectal nuclei), perioculomotor nuclei (interstitial nucleus of Cajal, nucleus of Darkschewitsch and nuclei of the posterior commissure), the parvocellular portion of the red nucleus, the central gray substance, the nucleus tegmenti dorsalis lateralis, the ventral horn of the cervical spinal cord, non-specific thalamic nuclei (parafascicular, centralis medius, paracentralis centralis lateralis and ventromedial thalamic nuclei, nucleus reuniens), basal ganglia (entopeduncular nucleus and globus pallidus), hypothalamic structures (posterior hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal and lateral hypothalamic areas), and a subpallidal district of the substantia innominata. Isotope injections centered in Forel's field H1 resulted in the labeling of a similar set of projections. Some of the possible functional correlates of these connections are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Following minor concussive brain injury when there is an otherwise general suppression of CNS activity, the ventral tegmental nucleus of Gudden (VTN) demonstrates increased functional activity (32). Electrical or pharmacological activation of a cholinoceptive region in this same general area of the medial pontine tegmentum contributes to certain components of reversible traumatic unconsciousness, including postural atonia (31, 32, 45). Therefore, in an effort to examine the neuroanatomical basis of the behavioral suppression associated with a reversible traumatic unconsciousness, the afferent and efferent connections of the VTN and putative cholinoceptive medial pontine reticular formation (cmPRF) were studied in the cat using the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP), HRP/choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) double-labeling immunohistochemistry, and anterograde HRP and autoradiographic techniques. Based upon retrograde HRP labeling, the principal afferents to the VTN region of the cmPRF originated from the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei, and lateral habenular nucleus, and to a lesser extent from the interpeduncular nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, dorsal tegmental nucleus, superior central nucleus, and contralateral nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis. Other afferents, which were thought to have been labeled through spread of HRP into the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), adjacent paramedian pontine reticular formation, or uptake by transected fibers descending to the inferior olive, included the nucleus of Darkschewitsch, interstitial nucleus of Cajal, zona incerta, prerubral fields of Forel, deep superior colliculus, nucleus of the posterior commissure, nucleus cuneiformis, ventral periaqueductal gray, vestibular complex, perihypoglossal complex, and deep cerebellar nuclei. In HRP/ChAT double labeling studies, only a very small number of cholinergic VTN afferent neurons were found in the medial parabrachial region of the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum, although the pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei contained numerous single-labeled ChAT-positive cells. Anterograde HRP and autoradiographic findings demonstrated that the VTN gave rise almost exclusively to ascending projections, which largely followed the course of the mammillary peduncle (16,21) and medial forebrain bundle, or the tegmentopeduncular tract (4). The majority of fibers ascended to terminate in the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei, interpeduncular complex (especially paramedian subnucleus), ventral tegmental area, lateral hypothalamus, and the medial septum in the basal forebrain. Labeling that joined the mammillothalamic tract to terminate in the anterior nuclear complex of the thalamus was thought to occur transneuronally. Some projections were also observed to nucleus reticularis pontis oralis and caudalis, superior central nucleus, and dorsal tegmental nucleus adjacent to the VTN...  相似文献   

Following injections of [3H]leucine into the formatio reticularis gigantocellularis (Rgc), reticularis pontis caudalis (Rpc), reticularis pontis oralis (Rpo), reticularis mesencephali (Rmes), or the locus coeruleus (LC) of the rat, autoradiographic study revealed prominent reticuloreticular projections from all areas and secondary projections onto cranial nerve motor nuclei from most areas within the brain stem. Common long descending projections extended the full length of the spinal cord terminating in the ventromedial ventral horn and intermediate zone and more sparsely in the base of the dorsal horn and (particularly from Rgc) the region of the motoneurons. Common long ascending projections extended into the forebrain via Forel's tegmental fascicles. A dorsal branch of fibers innervated the intralaminar and midline nuclei of the thalamus. The major fiber system continued forward through Forel's fields and ascended into the pallidum from Rpo, Rmes, and LC and into the neostriatum from Rmes and LC. Fascicles from all areas also ascended in the medial forebrain bundle through the lateral hypothalamus to the lateral preoptic area, substantia innominata, and nuclei of the diagonal band. From Rpo, Rmes, and LC, fibers continued forward to reach the cerebral cortex, where the innervation was sparse and discrete from Rpo and Rmes but moderate and ubiquitous from LC. Retrograde transport of true blue and/or nuclear yellow revealed inverse gradients along the brain stem longitudinal axis of interdigitated cells respectively projecting caudally into the spinal cord (with the greatest number of cells in Rgc, Rpc, and Rpo) and rostrally into the diencephalon (with the greatest number of cells in Rmes and LC), with very few cells projecting both to the spinal cord and the diencephalon. From the basal forebrain, a large number of reticular and LC cells were retrogradely labelled, whereas from the frontal cortex, a much smaller number of reticular cells was labelled. These results document the widespread efferent projections from the reticular formation and overlapping, yet more extensive, projections from the LC.  相似文献   

The nucleus of the basal optic root (nBOR) of the accessory optic system is known to be involved in the analysis of the visual consequences of self-motion. Previous studies have shown that the nBOR in pigeons projects bilaterally to the vestibulocerebellum, the inferior olive, the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, and the oculomotor complex and projects unilaterally to the ipsilateral pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali and the contralateral nBOR. By using the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine, we confirmed these projections and found (previously unreported) projections to the nucleus Darkshewitsch, the nucleus ruber, the mesencephalic reticular formation, and the area ventralis of Tsai as well as ipsilateral projections to the central gray, the pontine nuclei, the cerebellar nuclei, the vestibular nuclei, the processus cerebellovestibularis, and the dorsolateral thalamus. In addition to previous studies, which showed a projection to the dorsomedial subdivision of the contralateral oculomotor complex, we found terminal labelling in the ventral and dorsolateral subdivisions. Individual fibers were reconstructed from serial sections, and collaterals to various nuclei were demonstrated. For example, collaterals of fibers projecting to the vestibulocerebellum terminated in the vestibular or cerebellar nuclei; collaterals of fibers to the inferior olive terminated in the pontine nuclei; many individual neurons projected to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, the nucleus Darkshewitsch, and the central gray and also projected to the nucleus ruber and the mesencephalic reticular formation; collaterals of fibers to the contralateral nucleus of the basal optic root terminated in the mesencephalic reticular formation and/or the area ventralis of Tsai; neurons projecting to the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali also terminated in the dorsolateral thalamus. The consequences of these data for understanding the visual control of eye movements, neck movements, posture, locomotion, and visual perception are discussed. J. Comp. Neurol. 384:517–536, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is to identify the totality of input to the centromedian and parafascicular (CM-Pf) thalamic nuclear complex. The subcortical projections upon the CM-Pf complex were studied in the cat with three different retrograde tracers. The tracers used were unconjugated horseradish peroxidase (HRP), horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP), and rhodamine-labeled fluorescent latex microspheres (RFM). Numerous subcortical structures or substructures contained labeled neurons with all three tracing techniques. These labeled structures included the central nucleus of the amygdala; the entopeduncular nucleus; the globus pallidus; the reticular and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei of the thalamus; parts of the hypothalamus including the dorsal, lateral, and posterior hypothalamic areas and the ventromedial and parvicellular nuclei; the zona incerta and fields of Forel; parts of the substantia nigra including the pars reticularis and pars lateralis, and the retrorubral area; the pretectum; the intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus; the periaqueductal gray; the dorsal nucleus of the raphe; portions of the reticular formation, including the mesencephalic, pontis oralis, pontis caudalis, gigantocellularis, ventralis, and lateralis reticular nuclei; the nucleus cuneiformis; the marginal nucleus of the brachium conjunctivum; the locus coeruleus; portions of the trigeminal complex, including the principal sensory and spinal nuclei; portions of the vestibular complex, including the lateral division of the superior nucleus and the medial nucleus; deep cerebellar nuclei, including the medial and lateral cerebellar nuclei; and lamina VII of the cervical spinal cord. Moreover, the WGA-HRP and rhodamine methods (known to be more sensitive than the HRP method) revealed several afferent sources not shown by HRP: the anterior hypothalamic area, ventral tegmental area, lateral division of the superior vestibular nucleus, nucleus interpositus, and the nucleus praepositus hypoglossi. Also, the rhodamine method revealed labeled neurons in laminae V and VI of the cervical spinal cord.  相似文献   

This study has examined the ascending projections of the periaqueductal gray in the rat. Injections of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin were placed in the dorsolateral or ventrolateral subregions, at rostral or caudal sites. From either region, fibers ascended via two bundles. The periventricular bundle ascended in the periaqueductal and periventricular gray matter. At the posterior commissure level, this bundle divided into a dorsal component that terminated in the intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei, and a ventral component that supplied the hypothalamus. The ventral bundle formed in the deep mesencephalic reticular formation and supplied the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra pars compacta, and the retrorubral field. The remaining fibers were incorporated into the medial forebrain bundle. These supplied the lateral hypothalamus and forebrain structures, including the preoptic area, the nuclei of the diagonal band, and the lateral division of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. The dorsolateral subregion preferentially innervated the centrolateral and paraventricular thalamic nuclei and the anterior hypothalamic area. The ventrolateral subregion preferentially innervated the parafascicular and central medial thalamic nuclei, the lateral hypothalamic area, and the lateral division of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Although the dorsolateral and ventrolateral subregions gave rise to differential projections, the projections from both the rostral and caudal parts of either subregion were similar. This suggests that the dorsolateral and ventrolateral subregions are organized into longitudinal columns that extend throughout the length of the periaqueductal gray. These columns may correspond to those demonstrated in recent physiological studies. © 1995 Willy-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The location of projection areas and cells of origin of the ascending fiber tracts of the spinal cord lateral columns were examined in the rat. Projection areas were localized after unilateral microtransection of lateral column fibers at C2 or T10, using silver impregnation of preterminal and fiber degeneration. Cells of origin were localized by unilateral microtransection and subsequent application of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Two groups of fibers projected to the dorsal medulla. One group projected to nucleus intercalatus, commissuralis, and the dorsal column nuclei. The second group projected via the inferior cerebellar peduncle to the vestibular complex, with additional fibers continuing dorsally to the cerebellum. The most extensive system of ascending fibers projected to the reticular formation. Most spinoreticular fibers coursed through the ventral hindbrain and projected to the lateral reticular nucleus, ventral reticular nucleus, nucleus gigantocellularis, and nucleus subceruleus. Spinotectal and spinocentral gray fibers coursed through the ventral portion of the medulla and then dorsally through the pons. Spinocentral gray fibers projected to the caudal portion of the central gray matter, ipsilaterally. Spinotectal fibers projected to the intercollicular nucleus and adjacent portions of the superior colliculus, bilaterally. Two projections to the thalamus were observed after anterolateral column transection. Preterminal degeneration was observed in the ventrobasal complex ipsilaterally, and bilaterally in the intralaminar nuclei. In conjunction with previous results the present HRP data suggest that the cells of origin of spinothalamic tract fibers were situated in laminae IV, V, and VI. The location of spinal cord cells of origin of additional ascending tracts is discussed.  相似文献   

M Araki  P L McGeer  H Kimura 《Brain research》1988,441(1-2):319-330
The efferent connections of the rat lateral habenular nucleus (LHb) were demonstrated using anterograde transport of the lectin Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). Following PHA-L injections into the LHb, neuronal somata located in the lateral two thirds of the LHb were labeled with PHA-L. Individual axonal fibers and terminal specializations were clearly visible. This permitted detailed mapping of both efferent fiber pathways and terminal distributions. Previous reports on fiber pathways were substantially confirmed and several new findings were revealed. (1) Major rostrally oriented fibers enter the medial forebrain bundle via 3 routes which initially branch from the fasciculus retroflexus: the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and ventromedial thalamic nucleus; the zona incerta and fields of Forel; and the ventral tegmental area of Tsai. (2) A major decussation to the contralateral thalamic nuclei occurs in the central medial thalamic nucleus. (3) Caudally directed fibers follow two courses: one to the deep mesencephalic nucleus, central grey, dorsal raphe nucleus and the deep layers of the superior colliculus; and the other to the median raphe nucleus, oral pontine reticular formation and raphe pontis nucleus. The present results offer more detailed information concerning the dorsal diencephalic system.  相似文献   

Electrolytic lesions were stereotaxically placed in the dorsal and ventral areas of the mesencephalic periaqueductal gray in the cat. A dorsal angular approach was made so that mechanical electrode damage was contralateral to the lesion, or a posterior approach through the fourth ventricle was employed to avoid electrode damage. The brains were sectioned coronally and sagittally and stained with a modifield Nauta-Gygax or Fink-Heimer stain. Degeneration from the dorsal lesions was chiefly in a radial pattern to the superior colliculus, inferior colliculus and mesencephalic reticular area. Also, fibers angled out of the dorsal gray, crossed the midline and joined the commissure of the superior colliculus, some taking a ventrolateral course through the colliculi and others running ventrally along the borders of the gray. Degeneration was traced caudally to the cuneiform nucleus and adjacent reticular area. Rostrally, fibers traveled in the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus to the pretectal area, lateral habenular nucleus and finally, the posterior hypothalamic area. Ventral lesions showed the same radial pattern of degeneration and fibers in the superior colliculus commissure. Caudally, fibers could be traced to the cuneiform nucleus, reticular area and inferior olive. The rostral course of fibers in the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus was similar, though there were additional connections with the ventral tegmental area of Tsai, the fields of Forel, and the parafascicular nucleus of the thalamus.  相似文献   

The mesencephalic and diencephalic afferent connections to the superior colliculus and the central gray substance in the cat were examined by means of the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). After deep collicular injections numerous labeled cells were consistently found in the parabigeminal nucleus, the mesencephalic reticular formation, substantia nigra pars reticulata, the nucleus of posterior commissure, the pretectal area, zona incerta, and the ventral nucleus of the lateral geniculate body. A smaller number of cells was found in the inferior colluculus, the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, the central gray substance, nucleus reticularis thalami, the anterior hypothalamic area, and, in some cases, in the contralateral superior colliculus, Forel's field, and the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. Only the parabigeminal nucleus and the pretectal area showed labeled cells following injections in the superficial layers of the superior colliculus. In the cats submitted to injections in the central gray substance, labeled cells were consistently found in the contralateral superior colliculus, the mesencephalic reticular formation, substantia nigra parts reticulata, zona incerta and various hypothalamic areas, especially the ventromedial nucleus. In some cases, HRP-positive cells were seen in the nucleus of posterior commissure, the pretectal area, Forel's field, and nucleus reticularis thalami. A large injection in the mediodorsal part of the caudal mesencephalic reticular formation, which included the superior colliculus and the central gray substance, resulted in numerous labeled cells in nucleus reticularis thalami. The findings are discussed with respect to the suggested functional division of the superior colliculus into deep and superficial layers. Furthermore, the possible implications of labeled cells in zona incerta and the reticular thalamic nucleus are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study an attempt has been made to analyze the ascending reticular projections in the lizard Varanus exanthematicus by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. Reticular projections ascending to the telencephalon were found to arise in the mesencephalon, but not caudal to the mesorhombencephalic border. HRP injections into the dorsal thalamus have demonstrated retrogradely labeled cells in the mesencephalic reticular formation, particularly at the level of the oculomotor nerve and in the medial magnocellular zone of the rhombencephalic reticular formation, predominantly rostrally. HRP infiltrations at the mesodiencephalic border damaged most of the fibers passing beyond this junction, resulting in the uptake of HRP by the damaged axons and subsequent labeling of the cell bodies or origin of ascending reticular projections to the diencephalon and telencephalon. From a comparison of cell-labeling patterns in cases of HRP injections of, respectively, the dorsal thalamus and the mesodiencephalic border, it seems likely that the nucleus reticularis medius and more sparsely the nucleus reticularis inferior project to ventral diencephalic structures (ventral thalamus and hypothalamus), whereas the midbrain reticular formation and the rostral parts of the rhombencephalic reticular formation (nuclei reticulares isthmi and superior) project to both the dorsal thalamus and more ventral diencephalic structures. Projections arising throughout the rhombencephalic reticular formation, but predominantly in the nucleus reticularis inferior, were found to ascend to the midbrain reticular formation. The present experimental data in the lizard Varanus exanthematicus are comparable to the findings in mammals, with the exception of the reticulo-oculomotor pathways which have not been analyzed so far in reptiles. In addition to the aforementioned ascending reticular projections, the present study has demonstrated projections ascending from monoamine cell groups, various diencephalics structures, as well as from neuronal groups involved in somatosensory, auditory, and gustatory systems. Projections were found from the locus coeruleus and the nucleus raphes superior to the telencephalon, as well as from the substantia nigra and the presumable reptilian homologue of the mammalian ventral tegmental area to the basal forebrain and the dorsal thalamus. Bilateral projections were demonstrated from the principal trigeminal nucleus to the telencephalon, reminiscent of the quintofrontal tract of birds. Ascending projections to the diencephalon were found to originate bilaterally in the descending trigeminal nucleus and the dorsal funicular nucleus. Auditory projections to the midbrain arise bilaterally in the superior olivary complex and in the cochlear nuclear complex. Finally, the ascending gustatory pathway arising in the nucleus of the solitary tract was found to project to the “parabrachial region”, which in its turn has extensive projections to the forebrain.  相似文献   

Descending projections were studied in autoradiographically prepared material after injections of tritiated leucine in the pontine tegmentum of rats. Injections involving the medial pontine reticular formation resulted not only in labeling commissural fibers, the medial reticulospinal tract, and the dorsal cap of the inferior olive, but also, in two cases, in labeling a cerebellar projection that originated from a region near the midline and clearly dorsal to the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis. The labeled fibers passed ventral in the midline to the pontine gray, then laterally through the gray and into the middle cerebellar peduncle to terminate as mossy fibers primarily in the flocculus, lobulus simplex, and Crus I of the ansiform lobule. Injections involving the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (Vmes), resulted in labeling of Probst's tract, which descends in the dorsolateral reticular formation. Probst's tract gave off extensive terminal branches to the lateral medullary reticular formation and weaker projections to restricted portions of the descending trigeminal nucleus, the solitary nucleus, and the hypoglossal nucleus. In one case, fibers could be traced into the dorsal horn of the upper cervical cord.  相似文献   

The subcortical nuclear groups projecting to the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP) were studied in pigmented rats with the aid of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. Small iontophoretic injections of HRP were placed in the medial regions of the NRTP, an area that has been shown in several species to be involved in eye movements. Other large injections in the NRTP or small injections placed just outside the nucleus were used to clarify the projections to the NRTP. Results indicate that the NRTP receives afferents from visual relay nuclei, including the nucleus of optic tract, the superior colliculus, and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus; oculomotor-associated structures including the zona incerta, the H1 and H2 fields of Forel, the nucleus subparafasciculus, the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, the visual tegmental relay zone of the ventral tegmental area of Tsai, the mesencephalic, pontine, and medullary reticular formations, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, and a portion of the periaqueductal gray termed the supra-oculomotor periaqueductal gray; cerebellar and pontomedullary nuclei, including the superior, lateral, and medial vestibular nuclei, the deep cerebellar nuclei, and NRTP interneurons, and nuclei related to limbic functions including the lateral habenula, the mammillary nuclei, the hypothalamic nuclei, the preoptic nuclei, and the nucleus of diagonal band of Broca. A surprisingly large number of afferents to the medial regions of the NRTP arise from visual- or eye-movement-related nuclei. The projection from the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT) confirms previous anatomical and physiological studies on the pathways involved in horizontal optokinetic nystagmus, but the number of NOT afferents is small in relation to other areas potentially related to visuomotor pathways such as the zona incerta, ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, fields of Forel, perirubral area, and subparafasciculus. The NRTP may also relay information related to vertical visuomotor reflexes (e.g., vertical optokinetic nystagmus) given the strong projections from the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system, visual tegmental relay zone, supra-oculomotor periaqueductal gray, interstitial n. of Cajal, and midbrain reticular formation. The presence of significant NRTP projections from the superior colliculus and the mesencephalic and pontine reticular formations suggests that these nuclei may provide the pathways for the noted saccade-related activity of NRTP neurons. In addition, projections from the vestibular nuclei were found that provide the anatomical basis for head velocity signals recorded in NRTP neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The connections of the lateral terminal nucleus (LTN) of the accessory optic system (AOS) of the marmoset monkey were studied with anterograde 3H-amino acid light autoradiography and horseradish peroxidase retrograde labeling techniques. Results show a first and largest LTN projection to the pretectal and AOS nuclei including the ipsilateral nucleus of the optic tract, dorsal terminal nucleus, and interstitial nucleus of the superior fasciculus (posterior fibers); smaller contralateral projections are to the olivary pretectal nucleus, dorsal terminal nucleus, and LTN. A second, mejor bundle produces moderate-to-heavy labeling in all ipsilateral, accessory oculornotor nuclei (nucleus of posterior commissure, interstitial nucleus of Cajal, nucleus of Darkschewitsch) and nucleus of Bechterew; some of the fibers are distributed above the caudal oculomotor complex within the supraoculornotor periaqueductal gray. A third projection is ipsilateral to the pontine and mesencephalic reticular formations, nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine complex (dorsolateral nucleus only), dorsal parts of the medial terminal accessory optic nucleus, ventral tegmental area of Tsai, and rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Lastly, there are two long descending bundles: (1) one travels within the medial longitudinal fasciculus to terminate in the dorsal cap (ipsilateral > > contralateral) and medial accessory olive (ipsilateral only) of the inferior olivary complex. (2) The second soon splits, sending axons within the ipsilateral and contralateral brachium conjunctivum and is distributed to the superior and medial vestibular nuclei. The present findings are in general agreement with the documented connections of LTN with brainstem oculomotor centers in other species. In addition, there are unique connections in marmoset monkey that may have developed to serve the more complex oculomotor behavior of nonhuman primates. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The efferent projections from the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei of the guinea pig were traced after injecting tritiated amino acid. The major efferent started as the principal mammillary tract, but soon divided into mammillothalamic and mammillotegmental tracts. The mammillothalamic tract projected anterodorsally and terminated in the anterior dorsal, anterior ventral and anterior medial thalamic nuclei. The mammillotegmental tract projected caudally and terminated in the dorsal tegmental nucleus and central gray. The mammillary efferents in the mammillary peduncle ran via the tegmentum of the midbrain and pons. It terminated in the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei, basal pontine nucleus and pontine tegmental reticular nucleus. A diffuse mammillary projection had fibers directed dorsally which distributed in the midline thalamic nuclei and in central gray. Rostral projections via the medial forebrain bundle from the medial mammillary nucleus were found in the septal area and diagonal band of Broca. The lateral mammillary nucleus sent fibers which also joined the mammillothalamic and mammillotegmental tracts. These terminated bilaterally mainly in the anterior dorsal and anterior ventral nuclei of the thalamus, and caudally in the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei and basal pontine nucleus.  相似文献   

Restricted injections either of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin, or of unconjugated horseradish peroxidase were made into hooded rats in order to distinguish subcortical sources of afferents to dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus from those to the adjacent visually responsive thalamic reticular nucleus, which modulates geniculate activity. Five “nonvisual” brainstem regions project to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus: mesencephalic reticular formation, dorsal raphe nucleus, periaqueductal gray matter, dorsal tegmental nucleus, and locus coeruleus. Projections are generally bilateral, but ipsilateral projections dominate. Of these regions, three also project ipsilaterally to the thalamic reticular nucleus: mesencephalic reticular formation, periaqueductal gray matter, and dorsal tegmental nucleus. Similar discrete injections of horseradish peroxidase into ventral lateral geniculate nucleus allowed a comparison of afferents to dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei. In addition to the five nonvisual brainstem regions which project to the dorsal division, the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus receives afferents from the perirubral reticular formation and the central gray matter at the thalamic level. The dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei receive substantially different afferents from subcortical visual centres. The dorsal division receives projections from superior colliculus, pretectum, and parabigeminal nucleus whereas the ventral division receives afferents from superior colliculus, additional pretectal nuclei, lateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system, and the contralateral ventral lateral geniculate nucleus.  相似文献   

A H3 proline-leucine mixture was injected into the dorsal ventricular ridge (DVR) and striatum of the Tegu lizard in order to determine their efferent projections. The brains were processed according to standard radioautographic technique, and counterstained with cresyl violet. DVR projections were generally restricted to the telencephalon, while striatal projections were limited to diencephalic and mesencephalic structures. Thus the anterior DVR projects ipsilaterally to nuclei sphericus and lateralis amygdalae, striatum (ipsilateral and contralateral) ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, anterior olfactory nucleus, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract and lateral pallium. Posterior DVR projections enter ipsilateral anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral and interstitial amygdalar nuclei, olfactory tubercle and bulb, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract and a zone surrounding the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. Labeled axons from striatal injections pass caudally in the lateral forebrain bundle to enter (via dorsal peduncle) nuclei dorsomedialis, medialis posterior, entopeduncularis anterior, and a zone surrounding nucleus rotundus. Others join the ventral peduncle of LFB and enter ventromedial nucleus (thalami), while the remaining fibers continue caudally in the ventral peduncle to the mesencephalic prerubral field, central gray, substantia nigra, nucleus intercollicularis, reticular formation and pretectal nucleus posterodorsalis. These results are discussed in relation to the changing notions regarding terminology, classification and functions of dorsl ventricular ridge and striatum.  相似文献   

The efferent projections of the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) at mid-tuberal levels were examined with the autoradiographic tracing method. Connections were observed to widespread regions of the brain, from the telencephalon to the medulla. Ascending fibers course through LHA and the lateral preoptic area and lie lateral to the diagonal band of Broca. Fibers sweep dorsally into the lateral septal nucleus, cingulum bundle and medial cortex. Although sparse projections are found to the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, a prominent pathway courses to the dorsal and medial parvocellular subnuclei of the paraventricular nucleus. Labeled fibers in the stria medullaris project to the lateral habenular nucleus. The central nucleus of the amygdala is encapsulated by fibers from the stria terminalis and the ventral amygdalofugal pathway. The substantia innominate, nucleus paraventricularis of the thalamus, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis also receive LHA fibers. Three descending pathways course to the brainstem: (1) periventricular system, (2) central tegmental tract (CTT), and (3) medial forebrain bundle (MFB). Periventricular fibers travel to the ventral and lateral parts of the midbrain central gray, dorsal raphe nucleus, and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus of the pens. Dorsally coursing fibers of CTT enter the central tegmental field and the lateral and medial parabrachial nuclei. The intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus receive some fibers. Fibers from CTT leave the parabranchial region by descending in the ventrolateral pontine and medullary reticular formation; some of these fibers sweep dorsomedially into the nucleus tractus solitarius, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, and nucleus commissuralis. From MFB, fibers descend into the ventral tegmental area and to the border of the median raphe and raphe magnus nuclei.  相似文献   

Efferent tectal pathways have been determined for the opossum, Didelphis virginiana, by employing the Nauta-Gygax technique ('54) on animals with tectal lesions of varying sizes. The superior colliculus projected tectothalamic fascicles to the suprageniculate nucleus, the central nucleus of the medial geniculate body, the lateral posterior thalamus, the pretectal nucleus, the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, the fields of Forel and zona incerta, the parafascicular complex, the paracentral thalamic nucleus and in some cases to restricted areas of the anterior thalamus. Degenerating fibers from superior collicular lesions showed profuse distribution to the deeper layers of the superior colliculus on both sides and to the midbrain tegmentum, but only minimally to the red nucleus and substantia nigra. Fibers of tectal origin did not distribute to the motor nuclei of the oculomotor or trochlear nerves. At pontine levels, efferent fascicles from the superior colliculus were present as an ipsilateral tectopontine and tectobulbar tract and as a crossed predorsal bundle. The tectopontine tract ended mostly within the lateral and ventral basal pontine nuclei, whereas the ipsilateral tectobulbar tract distributed to certain specific areas of the reticular formation throughout the pons and medulla, minimally to the most medial portion of the motor nucleus of the facial nerve and to the nucleus of the inferior olive. The predorsal tract contributed fascicles to certain nuclei of the pontine raphe, extensively to the medial reticular formation of the pons, to the central and ventral motor tegmental nuclei of the reticular formation within the pons and medulla, to the paraabducens region, minimally to cells within restricted portions of the motor nucleus of the facial nerve, to certail specific regions of the caudal medulla and to the cervical cord as far caudally as the fourth segment. The tectospinal fascicles were few but some ended related to the spinal accessory nucleus and the ventral medial nucleus of the ventral horn. Lesions of the inferior colliculus resulted in degenerating fibers which distributed rostrally to the rostral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and parabrachial region, to the suprageniculate nucleus, the parabigeminal nucleus and to the central nucleus of the medial geniculate body. The inferior colliculus also contributed fibers to the ipsilateral tectopontine and tectobulbar tracts. The latter bundle was traced as far caudally as the medulla and may arise from cells of the superior colliculus which are situated dorsal to the nucleus of the inferior colliculus.  相似文献   

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