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The objective of this study was to evaluate the apical and periapical repair after endodontic treatment of teeth with pulp necrosis and a chronic periapical lesion in dogs. Seventy-two root canals from four mongrel dogs were submitted to biomechanical preparation, using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite or 2% chlorhexidine digluconate as the irrigating solution. The root canals were subsequently either filled immediately with Sealapex, using active lateral gutta-percha condensation, or a calcium hydroxide root canal dressing was applied for 15 days before filling with Sealapex. After 210 days, the animals were killed by anesthetic overdose, and the obtained histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for optical microscopic analysis of apical and periapical repair. There was better histological repair in the groups with the root canal dressing (p < 0.05) than the groups with immediate obturation. Comparing the immediate obturation groups, irrigation with chlorhexidine solution resulted in better repair than sodium hypochlorite.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dentinal tubule penetration of root canal sealers after root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). Forty-two single-rooted teeth were instrumented to size 60. Six teeth served as the control group, and the remaining teeth were assigned to two groups. Root canals of the first group were filled with the Ca(OH)2 paste; the second group was filled with TempCanal, and all were incubated for 7 days. The samples were either irrigated with only NaOCl or with EDTA, followed by NaOCl to remove Ca(OH)2. All of the teeth were obturated with CRCS, AH26, and Ketac Endo by a lateral condensation technique. The specimens were then kept at the same conditions for another 7 days, and then all of the roots were prepared for scanning electron microscopic evaluation. Scanning electron microscopic examination revealed that Ca(OH)2 was not completely removed from the root canal surfaces, and root canal sealers did not penetrate into the dentinal tubules when only NaOCl was used. EDTA followed by NaOCl irrigation resulted in complete removal of Ca(OH)2 and root canal sealers penetrated into the dentinal tubules.  相似文献   

Apical leakage following root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyse the apical leakage in teeth filled by the lateral condensation technique following medication with calcium hydroxide. One hundred and twenty extracted human teeth were biomechanically prepared by using exclusively reaming motion with files up to #40. Half of the teeth received a calcium hydroxide dressing for 3 days. The medication was removed by irrigation and reaming motion with files #40 up to #70. The teeth were divided in 6 experimental groups, according to the dimension of the utilized instrument. The root canals were filled and posteriorly the teeth were placed into a 2% methylene blue dye solution inside a flask, which was attached to a vacuum pump. Leakage was measured linearly, and the results showed significantly (p<0.01) less leakage in the experimental groups that received calcium hydroxide dressings than in the control groups. The results persisted even after the removal of 300 of dentin from the root canal dentinal walls.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether differences in the composition of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) preparations influence the removal efficiency of irrigation solutions used in combination with filing of the canal. Three Ca(OH)2 preparations were used: Calxyl, Pulpdent paste, and chemically pure Ca(OH)2 mixed with distilled water. Fifty-one single-rooted extracted human teeth were prepared with a step-back technique and divided into groups A, B, and C. In each group, 15 teeth were assigned to each Ca(OH)2 preparation while the remaining two served as positive and negative controls. Each group of treated teeth was divided into three subgroups of five teeth each: subgroup I--canals were irrigated with saline, filed with a #25 file, and finally flushed with saline; subgroup II--canals were irrigated with NaOCl, filed with a #25 file, and finally flushed with NaOCl; and subgroup III--canals were irrigated with NaOCl, filed with a #25 file, and finally flushed with tetrasodium EDTA. Canal sections were then photographed, and the percentage ratios of Ca(OH)2 coated area to the total canal surface area were calculated by image processing analysis. Results revealed: (a) none of the methods efficiently removed all dressing from the walls, and (b) concentration of the paste used had little effect on the efficacy of the methods applied for the removal of the dressing. Excipients (i.e. methylcellulose contained in Pulpdent) possibly effect retention of Ca(OH)2.  相似文献   

Abstract – It has been proposed (Cvek 1992) that immature teeth are weakened by filling of the root canals with calcium hydroxide dressing and gutta-percha. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that dentin in contact with calcium hydroxide would show a reduction in fracture strength after a certain period of time. Immature mandibular incisors from sheep were extracted and divided into two experimental groups. Group 1: the pulps were extirpated via the apical foramen. The root canals were then filled with calcium hydroxide (Calasept®) and sealed with IRM® cement, and the teeth were then stored in saline at room temperature for 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, or 12 months. Group 2: the pulps were extirpated and the root canals were filled with saline and sealed with IRM® cement. The teeth were then stored in saline for 2 months. Intact teeth served as controls and were tested immediately after extraction. All teeth were tested for fracture strength in an Instron testing machine at the indicated observation periods. The results showed a markedly decrease in fracture strength with increasing storage time for group 1 (calcium hydroxide dressing). The results indicate that the fracture strength of calcium hydroxide-filled immature teeth will be halved in about a year due to the root filling. The finding may explain the frequent reported fractures of immature teeth filled with calcium hydroxide for extended periods.  相似文献   

Teeth with induced chronic periradicular periodontitis in dogs were root canal treated. After the biomechanical preparation, using K files and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigant solution, all root canals were dressed with an antibacterial dressing based on calcium hydroxide, which was left in place for 7 days. After this time, the root canals were obturated with lateral condensation of cold gutta-percha with either a calcium hydroxide root canal filling material (Sealapex) or a zinc oxide-eugenol sealer (Fill Canal). After 270 days, histopathological analysis showed better apical and periapical repair in the teeth obturated with Sealapex ( P < 0.05).  相似文献   

The calcium hydroxide ionization of four root canal sealers (Sealapex, CRCS, Sealer 26, and Apexit) was studied by measuring conductivity and pH and by conducting atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Samples 6 mm in diameter and 15 mm long were prepared from these sealers. After setting and 48 h storage in a desiccator, five samples of each material were placed in 50 mL distilled water and analysed after 0,1,2,4, 6 and 24 h and 5, 15 and 30 days. The results showed that Sealapex was the root canal sealer showing the highest pH, ionic calcium and total calcium values ( P <0.05) throughout the experimental period, followed by CRCS, Apexit and Sealer 26.  相似文献   

Alkalinizing action on root dentin was investigated by treating the enlarged root canals of a total of 120 extracted teeth for 24 h, 3 days, or 7 days with either gutta-percha points (size 40) containing calcium hydroxide or an equivalent quantity of aqueous calcium hydroxide suspension. After splitting the teeth longitudinally the pH of the dentin was determined using a pH microelectrode in small cavities at each of four set measuring points. The gutta-percha points were unable to alkalinize the root dentin over a period of 7 days. Clear, rapid, and prolonged alkalinization of the dentin extending through to the root surface was achieved, however, with the aqueous calcium hydroxide suspension.  相似文献   

This case demonstrates the ability of calcium hydroxide to cause connective tissue necrosis. A patient with a history of trauma exhibited a large area of external inflammatory root resorption affecting the cervical and middle thirds of tooth 12. After root canal cleaning, a calcium hydroxide root canal dressing was applied to control the resorption process. After three days when the patient attended for replacement of the dressing an irregular zone of necrosis was observed on the buccal aspect of the alveolar mucosa. Careful curettage and irrigation was then performed to remove the extruded calcium hydroxide and necrotic tissue. After curettage, the root canal was accessed and irrigated with saline solution for removal of remnants of the dressing. The dressing was than replaced taking care to avoid contact with soft tissue, which might induce further damage, minimising the overflow of material. Improvement in healing was observed at 15-day follow-up, with complete closure of the lesion by soft tissue. At the 120-day follow-up, no scar was detected. At 180-day follow-up, the root canal was filled only with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) with aid of K files #20 and #50. At two-year follow-up, there were no symptoms and the resorption process seemed to have ceased. It is important to emphasise the damage that may occur when calcium hydroxide is in close and extended contact with the soft tissues, which could happen when dressing material is extruded through a root resorption.  相似文献   

This study is aimed to assess the efficacy of different final irrigation agitation techniques on dentin tubule penetration of nanoparticle calcium hydroxide (NCH) dressing. Ninety-six extracted upper incisors were shaped up to #40file. Then, Four experimental groups were formed according to the final irrigation procedure: conventional needle irrigation (CNI), manual dynamic agitation (MDA), sonic agitation (SA) and ultrasonic irrigant agitation (UIA). According to the intracanal drug used, these groups were divided into two subgroups: calcium hydroxide (CH) and NCH. Prepared CH preparations were labelled with Rhodamine B, and CH or NCH were placed in root canals. In the UIA group, both CH and NCH had the highest penetration depth and percentage compared to the other groups (p < 0.05). The penetration depth and percentage of NCH in the UIA and SA groups were significantly higher than in the CH groups (p < 0.05). UIA is more effective than other groups in increasing dentinal tubule penetration of CH and NCH.  相似文献   

This study evaluated histopathologically different methods of experimental induction of periapical periodontitis. The radiographic and microbiological evaluations have been performed in a previous investigation. Fifty-seven root canals from dogs' teeth were assigned to 4 groups. In GI (n=14) and GII (n=14), the root canals were exposed to oral environment for 180 days; in GIII (n=14) and GIV (n=15) the root canals were exposed for 7 days and then the access cavities were restored and remained sealed for 53 days. The root apices of GI and GIII were perforated, whilst those of GII and GIV remained intact. After induction of periapical periodontitis, the dogs were euthanized. Serial sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Data of the histopathological evaluation were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at 5% significance level. The inflammatory periapical reaction and resorption of mineralized tissues were less intense in GII than in the other groups (p<0.05). There was no histopathological difference among the experimentally induced periapical lesions in the teeth with coronal sealing. On the other hand, when coronal sealing was not performed, greater intensity of induced periapical periodontitis was observed in the teeth with apical perforation.  相似文献   

DATA SOURCES: Searches of Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Medline, Embase, six thesis databases (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, Proquest Digital Dissertations, OAIster, Index to Theses, Australian Digital Thesis program and Dissertation.com) and one conference report database (BIOSIS Previews) were undertaken. There were no language restrictions. STUDY SELECTION: Studies were included in which participants had a noncontributory medical history, presented with mature teeth and radiographic evidence of periapical bone loss (as an indication of pre-operative canal infection), whose selected root canals had not previously received any endodontic treatment, and who had undergone nonsurgical root canal treatment during the study in which calcium hydroxide had also been used to seal in the canals. In addition, it was required that microbiological sampling had been undertaken during the course of treatment, before canal preparation, after canal preparation and after canal medication. Aerobic and anaerobic culturing techniques were performed on all samples. The treatment outcomes were stated in terms of positive and negative canal cultures. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: All data were extracted in the same manner using a standardised data extraction sheet. Between-study heterogeneity was assessed using the standard chi-squared test or Q-statistic. The principal measure of treatment effect (antibacterial efficacy) was risk difference, which is normally defined as the risk in the experimental group minus risk in the control group. For the purpose of this study, it is given as the difference in the proportion of bacteria-positive cultures pre- and post-medication. RESULTS: Out of the eight studies (257 cases) included, one study used a small control group (in which canals were left empty, and no intracanal medicament was used between appointments). The other seven studies simply compared the frequency of positive cultures before and after calcium hydroxide medication. Six studies demonstrated a statistically significant difference between pre- and postmedicated canals, whereas two did not. There was considerable heterogeneity among studies. The pooled risk difference was 21% (95% confidence intervals, 6-47%. The difference in the proportion of cases positive for bacteria before and after treatment was not statistically significant (P = 0.12). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the current best available evidence, calcium hydroxide has limited effectiveness in eliminating bacteria from human root canals, when assessed by culture techniques. The quest for better antibacterial protocols and sampling techniques must continue to ensure that bacteria can be reliably eradicated prior to obturation.  相似文献   

反复发作性根尖周炎根管消毒处理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 观察短期内反复发作性根尖周炎的不同根管消毒封药的临床疗效。方法 选择116例多次根管治疗无效的根尖周炎病例,根据治疗前封药次数及其他相关因素,分为根管内封药为樟脑酚(A)组、丁香油酚(B)组、干棉絮(C)组进行临床疗效观察。结果 A组有效率94.12%,B组有效率98.48%,C组有效率93.74%,减少了封药次数,仅需1~2次复诊即能达到满意疗效。结论 本文强调使用根管消毒药物前应分析每个病例使用后的临床效果。  相似文献   

A pilot study was carried out in five mandibular primary molars using calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) Paste as root canal filling material to find out an alternative to the routinely used zinc oxide eugenol (ZnOE), which is non-resorbable and causes deflection of succedaneous teeth. The six month clinical and radiographic follow-up carried out at 2 months interval, revealed that the treated teeth with Ca(OH)2 as root canal filling material were successful, showing no pain and tenderness to percussion. A tendency for decrease in size of radiolucency was seen. Two teeth showed complete healing of the periradicular radiolucency. Depletion of Ca(OH)2 paste was seen from the root canals even prior to physiological resorption of roots in 2 out of 5 treated teeth.  相似文献   

根管治疗的主要目的是清除感染根管内的微生物。氢氧化钙具有抗菌、溶解坏死组织、抑制牙根吸收、诱导硬组织形成、不良反应少等生物学特性,因此使用氢氧化钙进行根管内封药是临床常用的感染控制方法之一。由于根管系统解剖结构复杂、氢氧化钙赋形剂及冲洗方式的影响,根管内的氢氧化钙难以完全清除。残留的氢氧化钙会降低根管充填的密闭性及牙齿的抗折性,影响根管治疗的成功率。本文将就导致氢氧化钙残留的因素、氢氧化钙残留对根管治疗的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

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