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IntroductionCentral venous catheter applications and complications are closely related to the tip position. Previous studies have reported some rare cases of catheter misplacement. Here, we report a case of misplacement of a peripherally inserted central catheter into the lateral thoracic vein.Case reportA 56-year-old cancer patient underwent placement of a peripherally inserted central catheter through the left basilic vein under ultrasound-guided puncture. The catheterisation procedure was uneventful, so the catheter was believed to be in the superior vena cava. However, the post-anterior chest X-ray image revealed that after the catheter advanced towards the axilla, it turned downwards and outwards in the direction of the left lateral thoracic region, with the projection of the catheter tip giving the appearance of termination in the subcutaneous tissue of the lateral thoracic wall on the two-dimensional image. The catheter was then repositioned in the distal superior vena cava.DiscussionPeripherally inserted central catheters can be potentially misplaced into the lateral thoracic vein because these catheters can pass through the orifice of the lateral thoracic vein which flows into the axillary vein. Some pathological cases and clinical conditions can cause dilatation of the lateral thoracic vein, which increases the probability of catheter misplacement. Three principles were proposed to avoid this rare complication: a comprehensive review of the patients’ medical history, real-time image-guided catheterisation and routine radiographic identification of the tip position.  相似文献   

Biatrial pacing is a promising new therapy for drug refractory AF. This article reports two studies. First, an initial 14-patient experience with a novel technique for biatrial pacing. The authors attempted to pace from the LA vein branches of the proximal CS for LA stimulation. LA vein pacing would potentially offer the advantages of greater interatrial synchronization and possibly greater reduction in AF burden and also of lesser far-field R wave sensing and greater lead stability. Second, a postmortem series examining the number, size, and site of LA veins draining into the proximal CS is described. LA vein pacing was successful in 9 of 14 patients. LA vein electrode parameters have been stable during a median follow-up of 580 days. There were three early lead dislodgments but no other complications. In the second study, a postmortem analysis of 43 human hearts was performed. The study found that 38 (88.4%) of 43 hearts had at least one LA vein draining into the proximal 5 cm of the CS. In addition, 81.2% (33/43) had at least one vein greater than 4 Fr caliber. Thus, pacing in a greater proportion of patients might be achieved by the development and use of smaller (3, 4, and 5 Fr) electrodes. Furthermore, these smaller leads would obviously allow deeper advancement into the LA veins with the potential advantages of greater interatrial synchronization and lead stability and lesser far-field R wave sensing.  相似文献   

Background  Cryoballoon ablation (Arctic Front, Cryocath™) represents a novel technology for pulmonary vein isolation (PVI). The initial phase of a freeze is crucial for cryolesion formation which is determined by local temperature depending on blood flow. We investigated the impact of right ventricular rapid pacing (RVRP) on temperature kinetics in patients (pts) with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). Methods and results  Right ventricular rapid pacing was performed from the RV apex. Absolute minimal temperature (MT, °C), temperature slopes [time (s) to 80% MT; dT/dt), area under the curve (AUC) and arterial blood pressure (ABP, mmHg) were compared (group I: with RVRP vs. group II: without RVRP). RVRP (mean duration 55 ± 7 s) was performed in 11 consecutive PAF pts (41 PVs, age 58 ± 9 years, LA size 44 ± 6 mm, normal ejection fraction). Only freezes with identical balloon positions were analyzed (11/41 PVs). RVRP (cycle length 333 ± 3 ms) induced a significant drop in ABP (group I: 45 ± 3 mmHg vs. group II: 100 ± 18 mmHg, p < 0.001). MT was not different between group I and group II (−45.0 ± 4.4 vs. −44.3 ± 3.4°C, p = 0.46), whereas slope (38.0 ± 4.6 s vs. 51.6 ± 14.4 s, p = 0.0034) and AUC (1090 ± 4.6 vs. 1181 ± 111.2, p = 0.02) was significantly changed. In one pt, a ventricular tachycardia was induced. PVI was achieved in 41/41 PVs. Conclusion  Right ventricular rapid pacing significantly accelerates cryoballoon cooling during the initial phase of a freeze possibly suggesting improved cryolesions. K. H. Kuck is a current member of the European Cryocath advisory board. K. R. J. Chun received travel grants from Cryocath.  相似文献   

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