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患者女 ,35岁 ,因发现左乳包块 1月入院。患者自 1月前无意中发现左乳包块约 1 5cm× 1 5cm× 2cm ,质硬 ,迅速增大 ,就诊时约 4cm× 3cm× 3 5cm。体检 :左乳外上象限触及约 4cm× 3cm× 3cm包块 ,质硬 ,活动差 ,边界不清 ,其他象限未见异常 ,全身浅表淋巴结未触及。于入院 10日后手术切除。病理检查 眼观 :乳腺组织一块 ,5cm× 5cm× 4 5cm ,切面见中部有 3 5cm× 3cm× 3cm肿块一个 ,实性 ,灰黄色 ,质脆 ,与周围组织界限不清。镜检 :肿瘤细胞呈片、块状分布 ,细胞多形性和异型性明显 ,核分裂象易见 ,可见…  相似文献   

患者女性,44岁,因发现左侧乳腺皮肤破溃1个月入院。查体:左侧乳腺表面皮肤部分破溃,面积3.0 cm ×2.5 cm大小,破溃处周围皮肤呈紫红色,乳腺可扪及一8.0 cm ×7.0 cm ×5.0 cm大小包块,遂行乳腺改良根治术。  相似文献   

肺原发性大细胞癌及肉瘤样癌的病理特征和鉴别诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年出版的WHO肺肿瘤组织学分类(第4版)将肺癌分为鳞状细胞癌,小细胞癌、腺癌、大细胞癌、腺鳞癌、肉瘤样癌,类癌和唾液腺型肿瘤8个主要类型,其中肺大细胞癌及肉瘤样癌同属于发生于肺的低分化或未分化癌,有多种形态学表现,根据病理形态学特征,肺大细胞癌及肉瘤样癌又分为数个亚型,可能造成诊断上的混淆。  相似文献   

对食管癌肉瘤与肉瘤样癌的初步探讨   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
对食管癌肉瘤与肉瘤样癌的初步探讨黄志勇乔振亚章宜芬周祀侨贡仁武一、材料和方法收集南京市鼓楼医院、涟水县人民医院、宿迁市人民医院和淮安市人民医院1980年1月~1995年1月食管癌切除标本中临床和病理资料完整的20例食管癌肉瘤。男15例,女5例。年龄4...  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺黄瘤样组织细胞样癌的临床病理特点,提高对该疾病的认识。方法观察3例乳腺黄瘤样组织细胞样癌的病理形态学特征,并进行免疫组化染色。结果肿瘤呈片状或巢状分布。瘤细胞大小不一致,形态温和,呈多边形、圆形,胞质丰富淡染或透明,呈泡沫状,核较小而一致,缺乏核分裂象。免疫表型:瘤细胞呈上皮和组织细胞双表达,AE1/AE3、EMA和CD68阳性。结论乳腺黄瘤样组织细胞样癌有特殊的形态学改变,易误诊,应注意与反应性泡沫状组织细胞等病变鉴别。  相似文献   

患者女 ,6 5岁 ,因发现左乳无痛性包块 6个月伴同侧腋下淋巴结肿大入院。查体 :左乳房外上象限距乳头 5cm处可触及一包块 ,活动差 ,有深压痛。包块处乳腺皮肤呈桔皮样外观 ,约 6cm× 5cm ,累及乳头边缘。同侧腋下可触及多枚肿大淋巴结。实验室检查 :未发现异常。消化道钡餐透示未发现异常。临床诊断 :左乳癌。遂行左乳癌根治术。病理检查 乳癌根治术切除标本及腋下和锁骨上下部分软组织。乳腺外上象限脂肪组织中有一约 3 5cm× 2 5cm× 2cm灰白色结节 ,质硬 ,与周围软组织粘连 ,切面灰白色 ,部分区域细腻 ,并见有肿大的淋巴结…  相似文献   

肾肉瘤样癌研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肾肉瘤样癌(sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma,sRCC)是肾细胞癌(renal cell carcinoma,RCC)亚型的一种变异,不是一个单独的类型,它可以发生在任何肾细胞癌亚型。临床上讲,肾肉瘤样癌具有生长迅速、诊断时高转移率、对治疗反应差、预后差和较短总生存期的特点。由于对肾肉瘤样癌研究有限,导致在理解和治疗这种肿瘤方面进步微小。因为这个疾病占晚期疾病的10%~20%,占肾细胞癌死亡率的首位,所以肾肉瘤样癌是一个需要所有临床医生熟悉的重要疾病。  相似文献   

Carter  MR  Homick  JL  Lester  S  朱鸿 《临床与实验病理学杂志》2006,22(5):540-540
乳腺化生性癌(metaplastic carcinoma,MC)是一组少见的异质性肿瘤,很难准确地预测其生物学行为和选择理想的治疗方案。作者总结了29例原发于乳腺的梭形细胞(肉瘤样)癌(梭形细胞/肉瘤样成分均≥80%)的临床病理特征。患者均为女性,40~96岁(中位年龄68岁)。其中3例是通过乳腺X片和  相似文献   

乳腺化生性癌(metaplasticcarcinoma,MC)各种亚型的临床预后资料仍较有限。作者总结了22例缺乏或仅含少量浸润癌成分的乳腺化生性肉瘤样癌的临床病理特征。此组肿瘤中10例含有浸润性癌(浸润癌比例小于肿瘤浸润性成分的5%),12例完全缺乏浸润性癌,其中4例见导管原位癌(ductalcarc  相似文献   

患者女性 ,74岁。因无痛性全程肉眼血尿伴血块 ,不能自行排尿 ,尿憋胀半年余 ,加重 1日入院。B超示膀胱内可见 4 3cm× 1 9cm不均质强回声团块。膀胱镜直视下实施手术。手术中见膀胱壁近膀胱颈部偏右侧可见一 3cm× 3cm× 2cm大小菜花样肿物 ,上有一根小血管向外喷血 ,肿物为广基。用LOOP电切刀将部分肿物切除 ,切除组织送病检。病理检查 眼观 :灰白、灰褐色不整形破碎组织一堆 ,总体积 1 5cm× 1 0cm× 1 0cm ,质地较硬 ,无明显包膜。镜检 :肿瘤组织中有低分化的腺癌成分 ,又可见由梭形和多形异型细胞构成的肉瘤样成…  相似文献   

Sarcomatoid carcinoma in the pelvic cavity is very rare. A 58-year-old Japanese man was admitted to our hospital because of lower abdominal fullness. CT and MRI revealed a large mass in the left pelvic cavity. Transurethral bladder endoscopy showed tumor invasion, and large biopsies were obtained from the bladder lesion. Histologically, the tumor was composed of malignant round cells with hyperchromatic nuclei. Many intracytoplasmic vacuoles were present. No carcinomatous areas were seen. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were positive for cytokeratin (CK) 18, vimentin, p53 and Ki-67 (labeling 80%). The tumor cells were negative for panCK AE1/3, CD5/6, CK7, CK8, CK14, CK19, CK20, CK 34BE12, EMA, desmin, calretinin, WT-1, S100 protein, α-smooth muscle actin, CEA, CD34, CD45, CD20, factor VIII-related antigen, synaptophysin, p63, CDX2, and myoglobin. Because the CK18 was diffusely expressed, the pathological diagnosis was sarcomatoid carcinoma.  相似文献   

乳腺癌组织学分级及预后因素分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Zhang T  Tu X  Xu W 《中华病理学杂志》1998,27(6):405-407
目的探讨乳腺癌组织学分级与预后的关系。方法参照BloomRichardson和Elston的方法,对有5年以上随访资料的476例浸润性导管癌按腺管形成、核的多形性和核分裂相计数进行组织学分级。结果在浸润性导管癌中,Ⅰ级(72例)、Ⅱ级(216例)和Ⅲ级(188例)的5年生存率分别为819%(59例)、634%(137例)和495%(93例),3级之间差异分别有显著性意义(P<0.01)。结论在非特殊型浸润性导管癌中,组织学分级同临床分期一样,是一个较好的预后指标  相似文献   

伴有神经内分泌分化的乳腺梭形细胞癌   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的探讨乳腺伴有神经内分泌分化的梭形细胞癌的病理形态学和免疫表型特点及鉴别诊断。方法复习2500例乳腺癌切片,找出以梭形细胞占主要优势(〉80%)的癌5例,其中2例梭形细胞型导管内癌和3例梭形细胞型浸润癌。采用HE、阿辛蓝(AB)/PAS和网织染色,以及用癌胚抗原(CEA)、上皮膜抗原(EMA)、细胞角蛋白(CK7、3413E12、AE1/AE3)、神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)、突触素、嗜铬蛋白(cg)A、Lue-7、波形蛋白,S-100、平滑肌肌动蛋白(SMA)、calponin、雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)、c—erbB-2、E-钙黏素、Ki-67、p53抗体进行免疫组织化学观察。其中4例有随访信息。结果患者平均年龄在68岁。镜下:5例癌细胞形态主要为长梭形的上皮样细胞,3例有少数胞质内空泡状细胞,4例可见散在AB阳性细胞。免疫组织化学5例均表达AE1/AE3、EMA、CEA、E-钙黏素和突触素,CK7有4例表达,NSE阳性3例,CgA和Lue7阳性2例,ER阳性4例,PR阳性2例,1例表达c-erbB-2,1例有灶状波形蛋白阳性。免疫组织化学结果显示2例梭形细胞型导管内癌和1例梭形细胞型浸润性癌是梭形细胞型的神经内分泌癌,另外2例梭形细胞型浸润性癌是伴有神经内分泌分化的化生性癌。随访3例存活(24~58个月),1例27个月内死亡。结论上皮样梭形细胞和细胞内黏液的出现是乳腺伴有神经内分泌分化癌的一个形态学特点。梭形细胞神经内分泌型导管内癌需要和普通导管增生及导管内乳头状瘤鉴别。梭形细胞型的神经内分泌癌和伴神经内分泌分化的梭形细胞浸润性癌需要与梭形细胞肌上皮肿瘤、恶性黑色素瘤及某些软组织肿瘤鉴别。  相似文献   

乳腺导管原位癌组织学分级与其他预后因素的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Xu W  Zhu X  Zhang T  Tu X  Shi D 《中华病理学杂志》1999,28(5):331-333
目的 探讨乳腺导管原位癌组织学分级与分型以及cerbB2 蛋白、p53 蛋白、MIB1 、雌激素受体(ER) 表达的关系,以期为临床判断潜在恶性程度及预后提供参数。方法 参照Van Nuys 分类方法,对32 例乳腺导管原位癌按核的分级、有无坏死进行组织学分级,并将标本行cerbB2 蛋白、p53 蛋白、MIB1、ER的枸橼酸微波ABC免疫组化法染色。结果 Ⅰ级(分化好)12 例(37.5% ) ,Ⅱ级(中度分化)9 例(28.1% ) ,Ⅲ级11 例(34.4% )。Ⅲ级患者中,9 例为粉刺型,1 例为微乳头状型,1 例为实体型,Ⅲ级的cerbB2、p53 和MIB1 蛋白表达的阳性率分别高于Ⅱ级和Ⅰ级,并与Ⅰ级比较差异有显著意义( P<0.05) ,ER阳性率低于Ⅱ级和Ⅰ级。结论 乳腺导管原位癌Van Nuys 组织学分级可能是一个较好的预后指标。  相似文献   

Metaplastic carcinoma (MC) of the breast, consisting of epithelial and mixed epithelial-mesenchymal tumors, are extremely rare human neoplasms. They are mostly detected between the 5th and 7th decade and have an unfavorable prognosis. Therefore, it is of utmost important to find out the behavior and also the immunohistochemical (IHC) profile of these tumors. In the current study, the aim was to examine 6 cases of MC with detailed clinico-pathological variables of cancer, follow-up and IHC profile of several antigens. The following immunohistochemical markers were used: MNF116, vimentin, CD10, smooth muscle actin (SMA), estrogen/progesterone receptors and HER-2/neu. The mean age was 39.1 the mean size was 3.3 cm. 83% of the cases had spindle cell sarcoma-like areas. Two of six cases also had a chondrosarcoma-like component. The epithelial component was invasive ductal carcinoma in all. MNF116, vimentin, CD10, and SMA expressions were as follows: mesenchymal cells: 33%, 100%, 50%, 83%, epithelial cells: 100%, 50%, 33%, 0%. All were triple negative. 66.6% presented with the axillary lymph node metastases. The mean follow-up period was 51 months, 50% died of the disease. Two had distant metastases to the lung. Our series which only included mixed epithelial-mesenchymal type metaplastic carcinoma of the breast showed myoepithelial differentiation with a worse prognosis.  相似文献   

Approximately 8% of clear cell renal cell carcinoma cases contain regions of radically different morphology, demonstrating a mesenchymal appearance histologically resembling sarcomas. These biphasic neoplasms are called sarcomatoid clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Patients diagnosed with sarcomatoid clear cell renal cell carcinoma face a considerably worse prognosis due to an increased propensity for metastasis. In the present study we investigate whether the sarcomatoid conversion of clear cell renal cell carcinoma could be interpreted as linked to the process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Using 6 biphasic clear cell renal cell carcinoma cases we show that sarcomatoid clear cell renal cell carcinoma shares characteristic markers associated with loss of von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor with conventional clear cell renal cell carcinoma and also exhibits a markedly higher proliferative index. Furthermore the sarcomatoid elements demonstrate an enhanced expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition related mesenchymal markers as compared with the clear cell renal cell carcinoma counterparts. We further selected a representative case, clinically demonstrating direct overgrowth of the sarcomatoid component into the liver and colon, for extended immunohistochemical characterization, resulting in a further set of positive and negative epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers as well as pronounced transforming growth factor β positivity, indicating that sarcomatoid clear cell renal cell carcinoma may be associated to epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Transforming growth factor β1 exposure of in vitro cultured primary clear cell renal cell carcinoma cells resulted in cells adopting a mesenchymal morphology similar to sarcomatoid clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Corresponding changes in RNA levels for key epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers were also seen. We therefore suggest that sarcomatoid clear cell renal cell carcinoma morphologically and immunohistochemically may represent a completed epithelial-mesenchymal transition and that transforming growth factor β1 could be an important driving force during the sarcomatoid transdifferentiation of clear cell renal cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

目的 探讨乳腺基底样浸润性小叶癌(ILC)的临床病理特点、临床进展及预后.方法 对4例乳腺基底样ILC进行病理形态学观察,并采用MaxVision法进行免疫组织化学E-cadherin、p120 catenin、雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)、HER2、CK5/6、表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)、p63、p53、Ki-67染色,对其进行随访和分析并回顾相关文献.结果 4例乳腺基底样ILC,1例为混合型,3例为多形型.免疫组织化学染色肿瘤细胞3例E-cadherin阴性,1例少部分胞膜阳性;p120 catenin 均为胞质阳性,l例少部分除细胞质阳性外有少部分细胞膜阳性;ER、PR及HER2均呈“三阴性”;CK5/6和EGFR均呈不同程度阳性;p63 2例阳性;p53阳性或弱阳性;Ki-67阳性指数为30% ~ 75%.2例有腋窝和锁骨下淋巴结转移,3例获得随访,其中2例发生胸壁转移,1例同时发生肝转移和腹部转移.结论 乳腺基底样ILC癌细胞异型性大、核级高、核分裂象多,免疫表型ER、PR及HER2“三阴性”,CK5/6和EGFR阳性,符合基底样亚型,易发生邻近部位和远处组织或器宫转移,对化疗反应差,预后较差.  相似文献   

Sarcomatoid carcinoma of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is an extremely rare malignant neoplasm. We report a case of sarcomatoid carcinoma arising in the left-side nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in a 65-year-old man who was hospitalized for left-side nasal epistaxis, odor sensation. Histopathologic examination revealed the tumor was composed of pleomorphic spindle and round cells with frequent mitosis, and no carcinomatous component was recognized. Immunohistochemistry revealed coexpression of cytokeratin and vimentin by the tumor cells, whereas expressions of EMA, S-100, HMB-45, Melan-A, LCA, MyoD1, CD34, CK7, F8 and desmin were negative. The diagnosis was sarcomatoid carcinoma of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The neoplasm was partial resected by nasal endoscopic surgery following chemoradiation therapy immediately. But it was still progressing rapidly, and had a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

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