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Flock house virus (FHV), a single-stranded RNA insect virus, has previously been reported to cross the kingdom barrier and replicate in barley protoplasts and in inoculated leaves of several plant species [Selling, B. H., Allison, R. F. & Kaesberg, P. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 434-438]. There was no systemic movement of FHV in plants. We tested the ability of movement proteins (MPs) of plant viruses to provide movement functions and cause systemic spread of FHV in plants. We compared the growth of FHV in leaves of nontransgenic and transgenic plants expressing the MP of tobacco mosaic virus or red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV). Both MPs mobilized cell-to-cell and systemic movement of FHV in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. The yield of FHV was more than 100-fold higher in the inoculated leaves of transgenic plants than in the inoculated leaves of nontransgenic plants. In addition, FHV accumulated in the noninoculated upper leaves of both MP-transgenic plants. RCNMV MP was more efficient in mobilizing FHV to noninoculated upper leaves. We also report here that FHV replicates in inoculated leaves of six additional plant species: alfalfa, Arabidopsis, Brassica, cucumber, maize, and rice. Our results demonstrate that plant viral MPs cause cell-to-cell and long-distance movement of an animal virus in plants and offer approaches to the study of the evolution of viruses and mechanisms governing mRNA trafficking in plants as well as to the development of promising vectors for transient expression of foreign genes in plants.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in all cells begins with recruitment of the small ribosomal subunit to the initiation codon in a messenger RNA. In some eukaryotic viruses, RNA upstream of the coding region forms an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) that directly binds to the 40S ribosomal subunit and enables translation initiation in the absence of many canonical translation initiation factors. The hepatitis C virus (HCV) IRES RNA requires just two initiation factors, eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 2 and eIF3, to form preinitiation 48S ribosomal complexes that subsequently assemble into translation-competent ribosomes. Using an RNA-based affinity purification approach, we show here that HCV IRES RNA facilitates eIF2 function through its interactions with eIF3 and the 40S ribosomal subunit. Although the wild-type IRES assembles normally into 48S and 80S ribosomal complexes in human cell extract, mutant IRES RNAs become trapped at the 48S assembly stage. Trapped 48S complexes formed by IRES mutants with reduced eIF3 binding affinity nonetheless contain eIF3, consistent with inherent eIF3-40S subunit affinity. Intriguingly, however, one of these IRES mutants prevents stable association of both eIF3 and eIF2, preventing initiator tRNA deposition and explaining the block in 80S assembly. In contrast, an IRES mutant unable to induce a conformational change in the 40S subunit, as observed previously by single-particle cryoelectron microscopy, blocks 80S formation at a later stage in assembly. These data suggest that the IRES RNA coordinates interactions of eIF3 and eIF2 on the ribosome required to position the initiator tRNA on the mRNA in the ribosomal peptidyl-tRNA site (P site).  相似文献   

We have isolated cDNA clones from the 5' end of the Hutchinson strain of hepatitis C virus. Sequences encoding various segments of the HCV structural region were fused to the gene for glutathione S-transferase and analyzed for the expression of hepatitis C virus-capsid fusion proteins. With a set of these fusion proteins, both human and chimpanzee immune responses to capsid were studied. An immunodominant epitope was located within the amino-terminal portion of capsid that is preferentially recognized by antibodies in both human and chimpanzee hepatitis C virus-positive sera. In addition, analyses of sequential serum samples taken from humans and chimpanzees with either chronic or apparently self-limited infections revealed that a strong anti-capsid response develops rapidly after onset of infection.  相似文献   

Giardiavirus is a small, nonenveloped virus comprising a monopartite double-stranded RNA genome, a major protein of 100 kDa, and a less abundant polypeptide of 190 kDa. It can be isolated from the culture supernatant of Giardia lamblia, a parasitic flagellate in human and other mammals, and efficiently infects other virus-free G. lamblia. A single-stranded copy of the viral RNA can be electroporated into uninfected G. lamblia cells to complete the viral replication cycle. Giardiavirus genomic cDNA of 6100 nt was constructed and its sequence revealed the presence of two large open reading frames that are separated by a -1 frameshift and share an overlap of 220 nt. The 3' open reading frame contains all consensus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase sequence motifs. A heptamer-pseudoknot structure similar to those found at ribosomal slippage sites in retroviruses and yeast killer virus was identified within this overlap. Immunostudies using antisera against synthesized peptides from four regions in the two open reading frames indicated that the 100- and 190-kDa viral proteins share a common domain in the amino-terminal region. But the 190-kDa protein makes a -1 switch of its reading frame beyond the presumed slippage heptamer and is therefore a -1 frameshift fusion protein similar to the gag-pol fusion protein found in retroviruses.  相似文献   

Newly synthesized virions of flock house virus (FHV), an insect nodavirus, were detected in plant cells inoculated with FHV RNA. FHV was found in whole plants of barley (Hordeum vulgare), cowpea (Vigna sinensis), chenopodium (Chenopodium hybridum), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), and Nicotiana benthamiana and in protoplasts derived from barley leaves. Virions produced in plants contained newly synthesized RNA as well as newly synthesized capsid protein. These results show that the intracellular environment in these plants is suitable for synthesis of a virus normally indigenous only to insects. Such synthesis involves, minimally, translation of viral RNA, RNA replication, and virion assembly. Inoculation of barley protoplasts with FHV virions resulted in synthesis of small amounts of progeny virions, suggesting that FHV virions are capable of releasing their RNA in plant cells. In N. benthamiana, virions resulting from inoculation with RNA were detected not only in inoculated leaves but also in other leaves of inoculated plants, suggesting that virions could move in this plant species. Such movement probably occurs by a passive transport through the vascular system rather than by an active transport involving mechanisms that have evolved for plant viruses.  相似文献   

Degeneracy in eukaryotic translation initiation is evident in the initiation strategies of various viruses. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) provides an exceptional example—translation of the HCV RNA is facilitated by an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) that can autonomously bind a 40S ribosomal subunit and accurately position it at the initiation codon. This binding involves both ribosomal protein and 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) interactions. In this study, we evaluate the functional significance of the rRNA interaction and show that HCV IRES activity requires a 3-nt Watson–Crick base-pairing interaction between the apical loop of subdomain IIId in the IRES and helix 26 in 18S rRNA. Mutations of these nucleotides in either RNA dramatically disrupted IRES activity. The activities of the mutated HCV IRESs could be restored by compensatory mutations in the 18S rRNA. The effects of the 18S rRNA mutations appeared to be specific inasmuch as ribosomes containing these mutations did not support translation mediated by the wild-type HCV IRES, but did not block translation mediated by the cap structure or other viral IRESs. The present study provides, to our knowledge, the first functional demonstration of mRNA–rRNA base pairing in mammalian cells. By contrast with other rRNA-binding sites in mRNAs that can enhance translation as independent elements, e.g., the Shine–Dalgarno sequence in prokaryotes, the rRNA-binding site in the HCV IRES functions as an essential component of a more complex interaction.HCV is a single-stranded RNA virus that is a major cause of severe liver disease. The RNA genome contains a large ORF and expresses a single polypeptide that is processed into smaller proteins, which are necessary for replication and assembly of viral particles. The RNA genome is uncapped, and translation does not require the eukaryotic initiation factor 4F (eIF4F) complex (1), which mediates cap-dependent translation. Instead, translation is facilitated by an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located in the 5′ nontranslated region (2, 3). Inasmuch as the production of all HCV proteins requires the HCV IRES, the HCV IRES is a therapeutic target (4).IRESs encompass a variety of initiation mechanisms and have been extensively studied in viruses, which often exploit the translation capabilities of the host for their own use (57). In many cases, the IRES mechanism complements the infection strategy of the virus. In the case of the HCV IRES and other IRESs of this type, the IRES can effectively recruit the host translation machinery by directly binding to 40S ribosomal subunits (1, 812). The HCV–ribosome interaction has been shown to require an interaction with ribosomal protein S25 (13) and can also involve the eIF3 complex, which increases the stability of the interaction (14). In the presence of ternary complex, which contains the initiator Met-tRNA, a preinitiation complex can assemble at the start site.Various studies have investigated the binding of the HCV IRES to 40S subunits and identified interactions with several ribosomal proteins by cross-linking (1, 1517). Interaction via 18S rRNA was first highlighted in a cryo-EM study of the IRES complexed with 80S ribosomes where the apical loop of subdomain IIId of the IRES (Fig. 1A) was found to make contact with the apical loop of helix 26 in 18S rRNA (18) (Fig. S1A).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Recombinant 18S rRNA supports HCV IRES-dependent translation. (A) Schematic representation of the secondary structure of the HCV IRES (modified from ref. 26 with permission from Oxford University Press). The location and sequence of domain IIId (nucleotides 266–268) is indicated; the position of U228 at the junction connecting subdomains a–c is shown by the arrow. The sequence of subdomain IIId is shown, and the three nucleotides that bind to 18S rRNA helix 26 are indicated in red bold type. (B) Reporter assays of N2a cells coexpressing recombinant mouse 18S rRNA (wild-type) and a dicistronic reporter construct. The reporter constructs contain the wild-type HCV IRES (HCV WT) or mutations in domain IIId of the IRES (HCV M1–M4), as indicated. The 5′-3′ convention for writing nucleotide sequences is used throughout the figures where sequences are not explicitly labeled. The negative control contains an MCS. A control mutation, U228C (HCV M5), is located at another site in the HCV IRES (see A). The results are reported as IRES activity by normalizing Pluc activity with Rluc activity. Error bars show SD from three independent experiments. An asterisk indicates significance between HCV WT and each of the other constructs (P value < 0.01 in two-sample t tests).More recently, Hashem et al. (12) observed this interaction at higher resolution and suggested that it is probably mediated by base pairing between nucleotides 266GGG268 of subdomain IIId (HCV subtype 1b numbering) and 1118CCC1120 of helix 26 in 18S rRNA (mouse numbering). This IRES-rRNA interaction is supported by studies showing that mutations in the HCV IRES at nucleotides 266GGG268, which are predicted to disrupt base pairing to 18S rRNA, drastically reduced the binding affinity of the IRES to 40S subunits (8, 19). These mutations also disrupted IRES activity, both in vitro and in cells (1923). In addition, when complexed with 40S subunits, the IIId loop of the HCV IRES was protected from cleavage by RNase T1 (8, 24) or from modification by kethoxal (25). Moreover, the HCV IRES protects the region 1115AUUCCC1120 of helix 26 in 18S rRNA from hydroxyl radical cleavage and 1118CCC1120 from dimethyl sulfate modification (26).Although a strong indication for the intermolecular interaction between HCV IRES and 18S rRNA has been provided by various studies (see above), they are largely limited to cell-free experiments. Other studies that used equivalent or the same methodologies, however, failed to observe the interactions; e.g., see refs. 16, 27, and 28. This discrepancy may be due in part to different conditions or materials used in the experiments. Verifying a putative base-pairing interaction requires demonstrating that activity is disrupted by mutations that disrupt base-pairing potential, and is restored by compensatory mutations in the other RNA that restore pairing potential. It is only with evidence of this type that the functional relevance of a putative base-pairing interaction can be determined. However, until recently, it has not been possible to directly test the predicted pairing interaction as it has not been possible to analyze mutated 18S rRNAs in mammalian cells. Here, we test the predicted base-pairing interaction using a synthetic 18S rRNA expression system that we have developed in mouse cells (29). This system recapitulates the functionality of the native 18S rRNA, including the ability to support translation of exogenous genes.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The relation of HCV to hepatocytic carcinoma (HCC) has been emphasized recently in low HBV infection countries and regions. The distribution patterns of HCV in liver tissues are not well understood although studies on HCV infection in blood and hepatocytes have been conducted by PCR. In this study, 42 liver cancers and surrounding liver tissues were detected for HCV RNA and HCAg using photosensitive biotin-labeled HCV Cdna probe and Immuno-gold-silver stain (IGSS) method.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the inhibitory effect of hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry site (HCV IRES) specific inhibitor RNA(IRNA) on gene expression mediated by HCV IRES in vivo.METHODS:By using G418 screening system, hepatoma cells constitutively expressing IRNA or mutant IRNA (mIRNA) were established and characterized, and HCV replicons containing the 5′ untranslated region (5′UTR) were constructed by using the same method. Cotransfection of pCMVNCRluc containing HCV 5′UTR-Iuc fusion genes and eukaryotic vector of IRNA into human hepatic carcinoma cells (HepG2) was performed and the eukaryotic expression plasmid of IRNA was transfected transiently into HCV replicons, pCMVNCRluc or pCDNA-luc was cotransfected with pSV40-β Gal into IRNA expressing hepatoma cells by using lipofectamine 2000 in vitro. Then the reporting gene expression level was examined at 48h after transfection by using a luminometer and the expressing level of HCV C antigen was analysed with a confocal microscope.RESULTS: Transient expression of IRES specific IRNA could significantly inhibit the expression of reporter gene and viral antigen mediated by HCV IRES by 50% to 90% in vivo, but mIRNA lost its inhibitory activity completely. The luciferase gene expression mediated by HCV IRES was blocked in the HHCC constitutively expressing IRNA. At 48h after transfection, the expression level of reportor gene descreased by 20%, but cap-dependent luciferase gene expression was not affected. IRNA could inhibit the HCV replicon expression 24h after transfection and the highest inhibitory activity was 80% by 72h, and the inhibitory activity was not increased until 7d after transfection.CONCLUSION:IRNA can inhibit HCV IRES mediated gene expression in vivo.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the response to treatment with interferon- alpha in individuals with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is negatively associated with increased liver iron stores, the underlying mechanisms at work have remained elusive to date. The translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is essential for HCV translation, and thus the effects that iron perturbations have on eIF3 expression and HCV translation were studied here. METHODS: eIF3 expression was analyzed by TaqMan polymerase chain reaction, Northern and Western blot analysis of HepG2 cells, and liver biopsies. Functional effects of iron on HCV mRNA translation were estimated by use of transient transfection experiments with bicistronic vectors. RESULTS: Iron treatment of HepG2 cells increased eIF3 mRNA and protein expression, whereas iron chelation reduced it. Accordingly, iron-dependent stimulation of eIF3 specifically induced the expression of reporter genes under the control of regulatory HCV mRNA stem-loop structures. Moreover, a positive association between liver iron levels, eIF3 expression, and HCV expression was found when liver-biopsy samples from HCV-infected patients were analyzed. CONCLUSION: Iron promotes the translation of HCV by stimulating the expression of eIF3, which may be one reason for the negative association between liver iron overload and HCV infection. Modulation of the affinity of eIF3 to bind to HCV mRNA may be a promising target for the treatment of chronic HCV infection.  相似文献   

Studies in vitro as well as in vivo in rodents have suggested that amino acids (AA) not only serve as substrates for protein synthesis, but also as nutrient signals to enhance mRNA translation and protein synthesis in skeletal muscle. However, the physiological relevance of these findings to normal humans is uncertain. To examine whether AA regulate the protein synthetic apparatus in human skeletal muscle, we infused an AA mixture (10% Travesol) systemically into 10 young healthy male volunteers for 6 h. Forearm muscle protein synthesis and degradation (phenylalanine tracer method) and the phosphorylation of protein kinase B (or Akt), eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1, and ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70(S6K)) in vastus lateralis muscle were measured before and after AA infusion. We also examined whether AA affect urinary nitrogen excretion and whole body protein turnover. Postabsorptively all subjects had negative forearm phenylalanine balances. AA infusion significantly improved the net phenylalanine balance at both 3 h (P < 0.002) and 6 h (P < 0.02). This improvement in phenylalanine balance was solely from increased protein synthesis (P = 0.02 at 3 h and P < 0.003 at 6 h), as protein degradation was not changed. AA also significantly decreased whole body phenylalanine flux (P < 0.004). AA did not activate Akt phosphorylation at Ser(473), but significantly increased the phosphorylation of both eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (P < 0.04) and p70(S6K) (P < 0.001). We conclude that AA act directly as nutrient signals to stimulate protein synthesis through Akt-independent activation of the protein synthetic apparatus in human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Numerous pathogens of humans, animals, and plants are transmitted by specific arthropod vectors. However, understanding the mechanisms governing these pathogen-vector interactions is hampered, in part, by the lack of easy-to-use analytical tools. We investigated whitefly transmission of Lettuce infectious yellows virus (LIYV) by using a unique immunofluorescent localization approach in which we fed virions or recombinant virus capsid components to whiteflies, followed by feeding them antibodies to the virions or capsid components, respectively. Fluorescent signals, indicating the retention of virions, were localized in the anterior foregut or cibarium of a whitefly vector biotype but not within those of a whitefly nonvector biotype. Retention of virions in these locations strongly corresponded with the whitefly vector transmission of LIYV. When four recombinant LIYV capsid components were individually fed to whitefly vectors, significantly more whiteflies retained the recombinant minor coat protein (CPm). As demonstrated previously and in the present study, whitefly vectors failed to transmit virions preincubated with anti-CPm antibodies but transmitted virions preincubated with antibodies recognizing the major coat protein (CP). Correspondingly, the number of insects that specifically retained virions preincubated with anti-CPm antibodies were significantly reduced compared with those that specifically retained virions preincubated with anti-CP antibodies. Notably, a transmission-defective CPm mutant was deficient in specific virion retention, whereas the CPm-restored virus showed WT levels of specific virion retention and transmission. These data provide strong evidence that transmission of LIYV is determined by a CPm-mediated virion retention mechanism in the anterior foregut or cibarium of whitefly vectors.  相似文献   

In the livers of patients whose sera contained antibodies to C100-3 antigen (anti-HCV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA, the presence of HCV RNA and HCV capsid protein (CP) antigen was demonstrated byin situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, respectively. It was found that occasional hepatocytes in four of ten livers from patients whose sera were positive for both anti-HCV and HCV RNA hybridized with antisense as well as sense oligonucleotide DNA probes, whereas the probes did not hybridize with livers from patients whose sera were negative for anti-HCV and HCV RNA. Monoclonal antibody against a synthetic oligopeptide with amino acid sequence of HCV CP reacted with occasional hepatocytes in six of 14 livers from patients whose sera contained these HCV markers, but not with livers from patients whose sera were negative for both of them. These results suggest that HCV proliferates within hepatocytes since both antisense and sense probes hybridized with cytoplasm of the hepatocytes and that the virus matures in the cytoplasm as the capsid proteins were also found in the hepatocytes.This study was supported in part by grants from the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare  相似文献   

Hepatitis A virus, an hepatotropic picornavirus, is a common cause of acute hepatitis in man for which there is no available vaccine. Competitive binding studies carried out in solid phase suggest that neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to hepatitis A virus recognize a limited number of epitopes on the capsid surface, although the polypeptide locations of these epitopes are not well defined. Neutralization-escape mutants, selected for resistance to monoclonal antibodies, demonstrate broad cross-resistance to other monoclonal antibodies. Sequencing of virion RNA from several of these mutants demonstrated that replacement of aspartic acid residue 70 of capsid protein VP3 (residue 3070) with histidine or alanine confers resistance to neutralization by monoclonal antibody K2-4F2 and prevents binding of this antibody and other antibodies with similar solid-phase competition profiles. These results indicate that residue 3070 contributes to an immunodominant antigenic site. Mutation at residue 102 of VP1 (residue 1102) confers partial resistance against antibody B5-B3 and several other antibodies but does not prevent antibody attachment. Both VP3 and VP1 sites align closely in the linear peptide sequences with sites of neutralization-escape mutations in poliovirus and human rhinovirus, suggesting conservation of structure among these diverse picornaviruses. However, because partial neutralization resistance to several monoclonal antibodies (2D2, 3E1, and B5-B3) was associated with mutation at either residue 3070 or residue 1102, these sites appear more closely related functionally in hepatitis A virus than in these other picornaviruses.  相似文献   

Some truncating mutations of the APC tumor suppressor gene are associated with an attenuated phenotype of familial adenomatous polyposis coli (AAPC). This work demonstrates that APC alleles with 5' mutations produce APC protein that down-regulates beta-catenin, inhibits beta-catenin/T cell factor-mediated transactivation, and induces cell-cycle arrest. Transfection studies demonstrate that cap-independent translation is initiated internally at an AUG at codon 184 of APC. Furthermore, APC coding sequence between AAPC mutations and AUG 184 permits internal ribosome entry in a bicistronic vector. These data suggest that AAPC alleles in vivo may produce functional APC by internal initiation and establish a functional correlation between 5' APC mutations and their associated clinical phenotype.  相似文献   

Solution structure of dengue virus capsid protein reveals another fold   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Dengue virus is responsible for approximately 50-100 million infections, resulting in nearly 24,000 deaths annually. The capsid (C) protein of dengue virus is essential for specific encapsidation of the RNA genome, but little structural information on the C protein is available. We report the solution structure of the 200-residue homodimer of dengue 2 C protein. The structure provides, to our knowledge, the first 3D picture of a flavivirus C protein and identifies a fold that includes a large dimerization surface contributed by two pairs of helices, one of which has characteristics of a coiled-coil. NMR structure determination involved a secondary structure sorting approach to facilitate assignment of the intersubunit nuclear Overhauser effect interactions. The dimer of dengue C protein has an unusually high net charge, and the structure reveals an asymmetric distribution of basic residues over the surface of the protein. Nearly half of the basic residues lie along one face of the dimer. In contrast, the conserved hydrophobic region forms an extensive apolar surface at a dimer interface on the opposite side of the molecule. We propose a model for the interaction of dengue C protein with RNA and the viral membrane that is based on the asymmetric charge distribution of the protein and is consistent with previously reported results.  相似文献   

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