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The purpose of these studies was to investigate neuronal activity in the basal ganglia and frontal cortex in relation to the internal generation of goal-directed movements. Monkeys performed goal-directed arm movements at a self-chosen moment in the absence of phasic stimuli providing external temporal reference. They were rewarded with a small morsel of food for each movement, although automatic or repetitive behavior was not reinforced. For reasons of comparison, animals were also trained in a delayed go no-go task in which visual cues instructed them to perform or refrain from an arm movement reaction to a subsequent trigger stimulus. This report describes the activity of neurons in the head of the caudate nucleus and rostral putamen preceding self-initiated arm movements and compares it with instruction-induced preparatory activity preceding movements in the delay task. A total of 497 caudate and 354 putamen neurons were tested in the delay task. Two types of preparatory activity were observed: (1) transient responses to the instruction cue, and (2) sustained activity preceding the trigger stimulus or movement onset. Transient responses were found in 48 caudate and 50 putamen neurons, occurring twice as often in movement ('go') as compared to no-movement ('no-go') trials, but rarely in both. These responses may code the information contained in the instruction relative to the forthcoming behavioral reaction. Sustained activity began after instruction onset and lasted until the trigger stimulus or the arm movement occurred, this being for periods of 2-7 s, 12-35 s, or up to 80 s, depending on the task requirements. This activity was seen in 47 caudate and 45 putamen neurons, was largely confined to go trials, and was unrelated to the preparation of saccadic eye movements. In some cases, this activity began as direct responses to the instruction stimulus, but in the majority of cases developed more gradually before the movement. Thus, both transient and sustained activations appear to be related to the preparation of movements. A total of 390 caudate and 293 putamen neurons were tested during self-initiated movements. Activity preceding earliest movement-related muscle activity was found in 32 caudate and 42 putamen neurons. This premovement activity began 0.5-5.0 s before movement onset (median 1160 ms), increased slowly, reached its peak close to movement onset, and subsided rapidly thereafter. It was unrelated to the preparation of saccadic eye movements. Comparisons between the two tasks were made on 53 neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The sources of input and the behavioral effects of lesions and drug administration suggest that the striatum participates in motivational processes. We investigated the activity of single striatal neurons of monkeys in response to reward delivered for performing in a go-nogo task. A drop of liquid was given each time the animal correctly executed or withheld an arm movement in reaction to a visual stimulus. Of 1593 neurons, 115 showed increased activity in response to delivery of liquid reward in both go and nogo trials. Responding neurons were predominantly located in dorsal and ventromedial parts of anterior putamen, in dorsal and ventral caudate, and in nucleus accumbens. They were twice as frequent in ventral as compared to dorsal striatal areas. Responses occurred at a median latency of 337 ms and lasted for 525 ms, with insignificant differences between dorsal and ventral striatum. Reward responses differed from activity recorded in the face area of posterior putamen which varied synchronously with individual mouth movements. Responses were directly related to delivery of primary liquid reward and not to auditory stimuli associated with it. Most of them also occurred when reward was delivered outside of the task. These results demonstrate that neurons of dorsal and particularly ventral striatum are involved in processing information concerning the attribution of primary reward.  相似文献   

The orbitofrontal cortex appears to be involved in the control of voluntary, goal-directed behavior by motivational outcomes. This study investigated how orbitofrontal neurons process information about rewards in a task that depends on intact orbitofrontal functions. In a delayed go-nogo task, animals executed or withheld a reaching movement and obtained liquid or a conditioned sound as reinforcement. An initial instruction picture indicated the behavioral reaction to be performed (movement vs. nonmovement) and the reinforcer to be obtained (liquid vs. sound) after a subsequent trigger stimulus. We found task-related activations in 188 of 505 neurons in rostral orbitofrontal area 13, entire area 11, and lateral area 14. The principal task-related activations consisted of responses to instructions, activations preceding reinforcers, or responses to reinforcers. Most activations reflected the reinforcing event rather than other task components. Instruction responses occurred either in liquid- or sound-reinforced trials but rarely distinguished between movement and nonmovement reactions. These instruction responses reflected the predicted motivational outcome rather than the behavioral reaction necessary for obtaining that outcome. Activations preceding the reinforcer began slowly and terminated immediately after the reinforcer, even when the reinforcer occurred earlier or later than usually. These activations preceded usually the liquid reward but rarely the conditioned auditory reinforcer. The activations also preceded expected drops of liquid delivered outside the task, suggesting a primary appetitive rather than a task-reinforcing relationship that apparently was related to the expectation of reward. Responses after the reinforcer occurred in liquid- but rarely in sound-reinforced trials. Reward-preceding activations and reward responses were unrelated temporally to licking movements. Several neurons showed reward responses outside the task but instruction responses during the task, indicating a response transfer from primary reward to the reward-predicting instruction, possibly reflecting the temporal unpredictability of reward. In conclusion, orbitofrontal neurons report stimuli associated with reinforcers are concerned with the expectation of reward and detect reward delivery at trial end. These activities may contribute to the processing of reward information for the motivational control of goal-directed behavior.  相似文献   

This study investigated how different expected rewards influence behavior-related neuronal activity in the anterior striatum. In a spatial delayed-response task, monkeys reached for a left or right target and obtained a small quantity of one of two juices (apple, grenadine, orange, lemon, black currant, or raspberry). In each trial, an initial instruction picture indicated the behavioral target and predicted the reward. Nonmovement trials served as controls for movement relationships. Consistent preferences in special reward choice trials and differences in anticipatory licks, performance errors, and reaction times indicated that animals differentially expected the rewards predicted by the instructions. About 600 of >2,500 neurons in anterior parts of caudate nucleus, putamen, and ventral striatum showed five forms of task-related activations, comprising responses to instructions, spatial or nonspatial activations during the preparation or execution of the movement, and activations preceding or following the rewards. About one-third of the neurons showed different levels of task-related activity depending on which liquid reward was predicted at trial end. Activations were either higher or lower for rewards that were preferred by the animals as compared with nonpreferred rewards. These data suggest that the expectation of an upcoming liquid reward may influence a fraction of task-related neurons in the anterior striatum. Apparently the information about the expected reward is incorporated into the neuronal activity related to the behavioral reaction leading to the reward. The results of this study are in general agreement with an account of goal-directed behavior according to which the outcome should be represented already at the time at which the behavior toward the outcome is performed.  相似文献   

In behavioral science, it is well known that humans and nonhuman animals are highly sensitive to differences in reward magnitude when choosing an outcome from a set of alternatives. We know that a realm of behavioral reactions is altered when animals begin to expect different levels of reward outcome. Our present aim was to investigate how the expectation for different magnitudes of reward influences behavior-related neurophysiology in the anterior striatum. In a spatial delayed response task, different instruction pictures are presented to the monkey. Each image represents a different magnitude of juice. By reaching to the spatial location where an instruction picture was presented, animals could receive the particular liquid amount designated by the stimulus. Reliable preferences in reward choice trials and differences in anticipatory licks, performance errors, and reaction times indicated that animals differentially expected the various reward amounts predicted by the instruction cues. A total of 374 of 2,000 neurons in the anterior parts of the caudate nucleus, putamen, and ventral striatum showed five forms of task-related activation during the preparation or execution of movement and activations preceding or following the liquid drop delivery. Approximately one-half of these striatal neurons showed differing response levels dependent on the magnitude of liquid to be received. Results of a linear regression analysis showed that reward magnitude and single cell discharge rate were related in a subset of neurons by a monotonic positive or negative relationship. Overall, these data support the idea that the striatum utilizes expectancies that contain precise information concerning the predicted, forthcoming level of reward in directing general behavioral reactions.  相似文献   

Summary This study is a part of a project investigating neuronal activity in the basal ganglia and frontal cortex and describes externally and internally induced preparatory activity in the supplementary motor area (SMA), which forms a closed neuronal loop with the striatum. Monkeys made self-initiated arm reaching movements toward a constant target in the absence of phasic external stimuli. In separate blocks of trials, animals performed in a delayed go no-go task in which an instruction cue prepared for subsequent movement or no-movement to a trigger stimulus. A total of 328 neurons were tested in the delay task. Of these, 91 responded transiently to the instruction light with a median latency of 262 ms. Three quarters of these responses were restricted to the instruction preparing for arm movement, as opposed to with-holding it, and thus may be involved in movement preparation processes. Sustained activation during the instruction-trigger interval was found for 67 neurons and occurred nearly exclusively in movement trials. Activation usually increased gradually after the cue and ended abruptly upon movement onset and thus could be related to the setting and maintenance of processes underlying the preparation of movement. Time-locked responses to the trigger stimulus were found in 38 neurons and were usually restricted to movement trials (median latency 80 ms). Activity time-locked to movement execution occurred in 67 neurons, beginning up to 252 ms before movement onset. A total of 266 neurons were tested with self-initiated arm movements. Of these, 43 showed premovement activity beginning 610–3030 ms before movement onset (median 1430 ms). The activity increased slowly and reached its peak at 370 ms before movement onset. It ended before movement onset or continued until the arm began to move or reached the target. This activity appears to reflect neuronal processes related to the internal generation of movements. Two thirds of activations preceding self-initiated movements occurred in neurons not activated before externally instructed movements, suggesting a selectivity for the internal generation process. Activity related to the execution of self-initiated movements occurred in 67 neurons: it began during and up to 420 ms before movement onset and was usually not associated with pre-movement activity. Most of these neurons were also activated with stimulus-triggered movements, suggesting a lack of selectivity for the execution of self-initiated movements. In comparison with the striatum, more SMA neurons showed preparatory activity preceding externally instructed movements (transient 27% vs 16%, sustained 20% vs 12%) and self-initiated movements (16% vs 11%). Whereas transient responses showed similar latencies and durations in the two structures, sustained preparatory activity preceding externally instructed or self-initiated movements began and reached its peak earlier in SMA compared to striatal neurons. However, due to the long durations, sustained activation largely overlapped in the two structures, and thus essentially occurred simultaneously. Instruction-induced or internally generated preparatory activity may originate outside of the SMA and striatum or may derive from activity reverberating in cortico-basal ganglia loops, possibly in conjunction with other, closely associated cortical and subcortical structures. These data would favor a conjoint role for SMA and striatum in the internal generation of individual behavioral acts and the preparation of behavioral reactions.  相似文献   

Tonically active neurons (TANs) of the primate striatum are putative interneurons that respond to events of motivational significance, such as primary rewards, and to sensory stimuli that predict such events. Because TANs influence striatal projection neurons, TANs may play a role in the initiation and control of movement. To examine this issue, we recorded from putaminal TANs in macaque monkeys trained to make the same arm movement in two ways--in reaction to an external cue and also after a variable delay without an explicit instruction to move (self-timed movements). On other trials, the animals had to withhold movement following an external cue. The task design ensured that the three types of trials were effectively randomly interleaved, equally frequent, and similar in overall timing. Separately, we presented "playback" trials in which the same sequence of visual stimulation and reward was presented while the animals fixated without making the arm movement. We found that TAN responses were strongly affected by behavioral context. In particular, TAN responses were strikingly stronger when the animals actively withheld movements than on the corresponding playback trials, even though the stimulus sequence and reward timing were identical and no movement was made in either case. Many TANs also became active in the absence of a proximate sensory cue on self-timed movements, suggesting that TANs may reflect internal processes that are specific to self-timed movements. These results suggest that TANs may directly participate in, or monitor the motivational significance of, an animal's actions as well as external events.  相似文献   

Single cell activity was recorded from the primate putamen, caudate nucleus, and globus pallidus during a precued reaching movement task. Two monkeys were trained to touch one of several target knobs mounted in front of them after an LED was lighted on the correct target. A precue was presented prior to this target go cue by a randomly varied delay interval, giving the animals partial or complete advance information about the target for the movement task. The purpose of this design was to examine neuronal activity in the major structures of the basal ganglia during the preparation phase of limb movements when varying amounts of advance information were provided to the animals. The reaction times were shortest with complete precues, intermediate with partial precues, and longest with precues containing no information, demonstrating that the animals used precue information to prepare partly or completely for the reaching movement before the target go cue was given. Changes in activity were seen in the basal ganglia during the preparatory period in 30% of neurons in putamen, 31% in caudate nucleus, and 27% in globus pallidus. Preparatory changes were stronger and more closely linked to the time of movement initiation in putamen than in caudate nucleus. Although the amount of information contained in the precues had no significant effect on preparatory activity preceding the target go cue, a directional selectivity during this period was observed for a subset of neurons with preparatory changes (15% in putamen, 11% in caudate nucleus, 14% in globus pallidus) when the precue contained information about the upcoming direction of movement. A smaller subset of neurons showed selectivity for the preparation of movement amplitude. A larger number of preparatory changes showed selectivity for the direction or amplitude of movement following the target go cue than in the delay period before the cue. The intensity of preparatory changes in activity in many cases depended on the length of the delay interval preceding the target go cue. Even following the target go cue, the intensity of the preparatory changes in activity continued to be significantly influenced by the length of the preceding delay interval for 11% of changes in putamen, 8% in caudate nucleus, and 18% in globus pallidus. This finding suggests that preparatory activity in the basal ganglia takes part in a process termed motor readiness. Behaviorally, this process was seen as a shortening of reaction time regardless of precue information for trials in which the delay interval was long and the animals showed an increased readiness to move. Preparatory activity in putamen following the target go cue was most intense in trials with a short delay interval, in which motor readiness had not achieved its maximum level prior to the go cue. The results of this study indicate that the basal ganglia are involved in multiple aspects of preparatory processing for limb movement. Preparatory processing is therefore unlikely to be divided anatomically along the functional lines examined in this study. In the basal ganglia, preparatory processing reflects both preparation for target selection and control of timing the onset of movement (motor readiness). These characteristics can be integrated in a functional scheme in which the basal ganglia are predominantly responsible for the automated execution of well-trained behavior.  相似文献   

This study investigated how neuronal activity in orbitofrontal cortex related to the expectation of reward changed while monkeys repeatedly learned to associate new instruction pictures with known behavioral reactions and reinforcers. In a delayed go-nogo task with several trial types, an initial picture instructed the animal to execute or withhold a reaching movement and to expect a liquid reward or a conditioned auditory reinforcer. When novel instruction pictures were presented, animals learned according to a trial-and-error strategy. After experience with a large number of novel pictures, learning occurred in a few trials, and correct performance usually exceeded 70% in the first 60-90 trials. About 150 task-related neurons in orbitofrontal cortex were studied in both familiar and learning conditions and showed two major forms of changes during learning. Quantitative changes of responses to the initial instruction were seen as appearance of new responses, increase of existing responses, or decrease or complete disappearance of responses. The changes usually outlasted initial learning trials and persisted during subsequent consolidation. They often modified the trial selectivities of activations. Increases might reflect the increased attention during learning and induce neuronal changes underlying the behavioral adaptations. Decreases might be related to the unreliable reward-predicting value of frequently changing learning instructions. The second form of changes reflected the adaptation of reward expectations during learning. In initial learning trials, animals reacted as if they expected liquid reward in every trial type, although only two of the three trial types were rewarded with liquid. In close correspondence, neuronal activations related to the expectation of reward occurred initially in every trial type. The behavioral indices for reward expectation and their neuronal correlates adapted in parallel during the course of learning and became restricted to rewarded trials. In conclusion, these data support the notion that neurons in orbitofrontal cortex code reward information in a flexible and adaptive manner during behavioral changes after novel stimuli.  相似文献   

In order to more comprehensively assess the role of the basal ganglia in the internal generation of movements, we studied the activity of neurons in the head of the caudate and in the rostral putamen in relation to the execution of movements. Monkeys performed self-initiated and stimulus-triggered arm reaching movements in separate blocks of trials. With stimulus-triggered movements, 217 striatal neurons increased their activity after the trigger stimulus (127 in caudate, 90 in putamen). Of these, 68 neurons showed time-locked responses to the trigger stimulus, with a median latency of 60 ms, that were independent of visual or auditory stimulus modalities. Three quarters of responses were conditional on a movement being performed. These responses may participate in neuronal processes through which the reception of a stimulus is translated into the execution of a behavioral reaction. Further, 44 neurons increased their activity before the earliest muscle activity without being clearly time-locked to the stimulus (148-324 ms before movement onset), 55 neurons were activated later before the movement, and 50 neurons were activated after movement onset. With self-initiated movements, 106 striatal neurons showed movement-related activity beginning up to 460 ms before movement onset (52 in caudate, 54 in putamen). Comparisons between the two types of movement were made on 53 neurons with premovement activity beginning more than 500 ms before self-initiated movements. Only one fifth of them also showed movement-related activity with stimulus-triggered movements, including trigger responses. Comparisons among 39 neurons with movement-related activity during self-initiated arm movements showed that about half of them also showed movement-related activity with stimulus-triggered movements. These data demonstrate a considerably segregated population of striatal neurons engaged in the internal generation of movements, whereas processes underlying the execution of movements appear to involve overlapping neuronal populations.  相似文献   

Summary The behavioral relationships of 396 striatum neurons with regular, tonically elevated discharge rates were studied. While monkeys performed a delayed gonogo task, neurons predominantly located in medial putamen responded with phasic depressions (n = 30) or activations (n = 5) to task-specific stimuli. Particularly effective was an instruction light preparing for movement or no-movement reactions, and an auditory signal associated with reward delivery. Stimuli triggering arm or mouth movements were less effective. The data demonstrate that these usually poorly modulated neurons display context-dependent phasic activity in specific behavioral situations.  相似文献   

1. The present paper reports complex neural activities in the monkey caudate nucleus that precede and anticipate visual stimuli and reward in learned visuomotor paradigms. These activities were revealed typically in the delayed saccade task in which memory and anticipation were required. We classified these activities according to their relationships to the task. 2. Activity related to expectation of a cue (n = 46) preceded the presentation of a spot of light (target cue) that signified the future location of saccade target. When the target cue was delayed, the activity was prolonged accordingly. The same spot of light was preceded by no activity if it acted as a distracting stimulus. 3. The sustained activity (n = 80) was a tonic discharge starting after the target cue as if holding the spatial information. 4. The activity related to expectation of target (n = 109) preceded the appearance of the target whose location was cued previously. It started with or after a saccade to the cued target location and ended with the appearance of the target. The activity was greater when the target was expected to appear in the contralateral visual field. 5. The activity related to expectation of reward (n = 57) preceded a task-specific reward. It started with the appearance of the final target and ended with the reward. In most cases, the activity was nonselective for how the monkey obtained the reward, i.e., by visual fixation only, by a saccade, or by a hand movement. The activity was dependent partly on visual fixation. 6. A few neurons showed tonic activity selectively before lever release and are thus considered to be related to the preparation of hand movements. 7. The activity related to breaking fixation (n = 33) occurred phasically if the monkey broke fixation, aborting the trial. 8. Activity related to reward (n = 104) was a phasic discharge that occurred before or after a reward of water was delivered. The activity was not simply related to a specific movement involved in the reward-obtaining behavior (eye, hand, or mouth movement). 9. Fixation-related activity (n = 72) was tonic activity continuing as long as the monkey attentively fixated a spot of light. It was dependent on reward expectancy in most cases. 10. The present results, together with those in the preceding papers, indicate that the activities of individual caudate neurons--sensory, motor, or cognitive--are dependent on specific contexts of learned behavior.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. In this study, the movement-related activity of putamen neurons was investigated in behaving monkeys. The objective of the study was to examine whether the activity occurring in phase with body movements is directly related to the movement per se by encoding movement parameters or whether it is dependent on the circumstances in which the movement is performed. 2. Sensorially triggered arm movements were used as a behavioral task. A sequence of three visually triggered repetitive flexion-extensions of the elbow joint across the target were followed by the delivery of a juice reward. 3. There are two classes of putamen cells: type I, with tonic spontaneous discharges (2-7 Hz) and broad extracellularly recorded action potentials, and type II, with very low spontaneous discharge rate (less than 1 Hz). The movement-related phasic discharges occur exclusively in type II cells. 4. The movement-related activity of type II cells is classified into two contrasting types of cells: type IIa that exhibit burst discharges preceding the first movement of a sequence of repetitive arm or orofacial movements but that are almost inactive during succeeding movements, and type IIb that show movement-locked burst discharges with one-to-one correspondence. The somatotopic location of the cells was identified by microstimulation and/or sensory responses to passive somatosensory manipulation of the periphery. 5. The activities of type IIa cells occur with a short and fairly constant latency after the visual trigger stimulus and cease as soon as the sequence of the learned movements is initiated. In the condition in which the monkey attended to the visual trigger stimulus without initiating learned movements and waited for the delivery of juice reward at a fixed time after the stimulus, type IIa cells exhibited slight but consistent phasic discharges after the visual stimulus with short latency. This indicates that the type IIa cells have a visuomovement property. The type IIb cells, on the other hand, have a longer latency of activity after the visual trigger than type IIa cells and do not have the visuomovement property. 6. The type IIa cells change their activity pattern depending on whether the direction of initial movement is predictable before the trigger stimulus or not. 7. The activities of type IIa cells in the arm area of the putamen precede the electromyogram (EMG) of prime mover muscles by greater than 100 ms on average, whereas most type IIb cells are activated after the EMG during a learned arm-movement task.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Destruction of the midbrain dopamine (DA) system in Parkinsonian man and experimental animals leads to deficits in initiation of behavior, motor performance, and cognitive mechanisms. We have investigated the extracellular impulse activity of single midbrain DA neurons in unlesioned monkeys performing in a controlled behavioral task that was designed to paradigmatically test behavioral reactivity. Animals were trained to execute natural forelimb reaching movements for food reward in response to a trigger stimulus. Presumptive DA neurons were histologically located in the pars compacta of substantia nigra and in neighboring areas A8 and A10. They spontaneously discharged polyphasic impulses of relatively long duration (1.4-3.6 ms) and at low frequencies (0.5-8.5/s). Systemic injections of low doses of the DA autoreceptor agonist apomorphine (0.05-0.2 mg/kg) depressed the activity of virtually all thus tested DA neurons. In following established criteria, these characteristics strongly suggest the DAergic nature of the recorded neurons. The majority of midbrain DA neurons (70 of 128) responded to the behavioral trigger stimulus of the task with a short burst of impulses. Latencies ranged from 39 to 105 ms (median 65 ms) for onset and from 65 to 165 ms (median 95 ms) for peak of responses. Responses occurred before arm movement and at the time of or before onset of electromyographic (EMG) activity in prime mover muscles. Responses were time-locked to the stimulus and not to the onset of movement or EMG. Responses remained present in most neurons but were reduced when vision of the behavioral trigger stimulus was prevented while maintaining the associated acoustic signals. In another variation of the task, most neurons also responded to a stimulus that was physically identical to the behavioral trigger but to which the animal made no movement. The activity of a few DA neurons (11 of 128) was reduced following presentation of the behavioral trigger stimulus, with latencies comparable to those of activations. The activity of many DA neurons was increased (40 of 128) or reduced (22 of 128) during execution of the forelimb reaching movement. These changes were of a slow and moderate nature, and were minor compared with responses to the behavioral trigger stimulus. About half of movement-related neurons also responded to the behavioral trigger. The activity of a few DA neurons was increased (11 to 128) or reduced (1 to 128) when the food reward reached the mouth. These changes did not occur with spontaneous mouth movements. About half of these neurons also responded to the behavioral trigger.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. This study investigates the behavioral conditions in which dopamine (DA) neurons of substantia nigra and adjoining areas A8 and A10 respond with impulses to visual and auditory trigger stimuli eliciting immediate arm- and eye-movement reactions. 2. In a formal task, the rapid opening of the door of a small, food-containing box located at eye level ahead of the animal served as visible and audible trigger stimulus. Most DA neurons on the contralateral side responded to this stimulus with a short burst of impulses with median onset latency of 50 ms and duration of 90 ms (75% of 164 neurons). Similar responses were seen in a comparable fraction of DA neurons during ipsilateral task performance, suggesting that responses were not specific for the limb being used. 3. When the sensory components of the door opening stimulus were separated, DA neurons typically responded in a similar manner to the moving visual stimulus of the opening door, the low-intensity sliding noise of the opening door, and the 1-kHz sound of 90-92 dB intensity emitted from a distant source at the onset of door opening. Responses to each component alone were lower in magnitude than to all three together. 4. In a variation of the task, a neighboring, identical food box opened in random alternation with the other box but without permitting animals to reach out (asymmetric, direct-reaction go/no-go task). With each sensory component, DA neurons typically responded both to opening of go and no-go boxes. Responses were enhanced when stimuli elicited limb movements in go trials. 5. Monkeys reacted to door opening with target-directed saccadic eye movements in the majority of both go and no-go trials. Neuronal responses were equally present during the occasional absence of eye movements. Thus responses were not specific for the initiation of individual arm or eye movements. 6. Neuronal responses were absent when the same stimuli occurred outside of the behavioral task with target-direct arm and eye movements lacking. This shows that responses were not of purely sensory nature but were related to the capacity of the stimulus for eliciting behavioral reactions. 7. In a variation of the go/no-go task, an instruction light illuminated 2-3 s before door opening prepared the animal to perform the reaching movement on door opening or to refrain from moving (asymmetric, instruction-dependent go/no-go task).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the basal ganglia are related to motivational control of behavior. To study how motivational signals modulate motor signals in the basal ganglia, we examined activity of midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons and caudate (CD) projection neurons while monkeys were performing a one-direction-rewarded version (1DR) of memory-guided saccade task. The cue stimulus indicated the goal position for an upcoming saccade and the presence or absence of reward after the trial. Among four monkeys we studied, three were sensitive to reward such that saccade velocity was significantly higher in the rewarded trials than in the nonrewarded trials; one monkey was insensitive to reward. In the reward-sensitive monkeys, both DA and CD neurons responded differentially to reward-indicating and no-reward-indicating cues. Thus DA neurons responded with excitation to a reward-indicating cue and with inhibition to a no-reward-indicating cue. A group of CD neurons responded to the cue in their response fields (mostly contralateral) and the cue response was usually enhanced when it indicated reward. In the reward-insensitive monkey, DA neurons showed no response to the cue, while the cue responses of CD neurons were not modulated by reward. Many CD neurons in the reward-sensitive monkeys, but not the reward-insensitive monkey, showed precue activity. These results suggest that DA neurons, with their connection to CD neurons, modulate the spatially selective signals in CD neurons in the reward-predicting manner and CD neurons in turn modulate saccade parameters with their polysynaptic connections to the oculomotor brain stem.  相似文献   

Asahi T  Uwano T  Eifuku S  Tamura R  Endo S  Ono T  Nishijo H 《Neuroscience》2006,143(2):627-639
Anatomical connections of the insular cortex suggest its involvement in cognition, emotion, memory, and behavioral manifestation. However, there have been few neurophysiological studies on the insular cortex in primates, in relation to such higher cognitive functions. In the present study, neural activity was recorded from the monkey insular cortex during performance of a delayed-response delayed-reward go/nogo task. In this task, visual stimuli indicating go or nogo responses associated with reward (reward trials) and with no reward (no-reward trials) were presented after eye fixation. In the reward trials, the monkey was required to release a button during presentation of the 2nd visual stimuli after a delay period (delay 1). Then, a juice reward was delivered after another delay (delay 2). The results indicated that the neurons responding in each epoch of the task were topographically localized within the insular cortex, consistent with the previous anatomical studies indicating topographical distributions of afferent inputs from other subcortical and cortical sensory areas. Furthermore, some insular neurons 1) nonspecifically responded to the visual cues and during fixation; 2) responded to the visual cues predicting reward and during the delay period before reward delivery; 3) responded differentially in go/nogo trials during the delay 2; and 4) responded around button manipulation. The observed patterns of insular-neuron responses and the correspondence of their topographical localization to those in previous anatomical studies suggest that the insular cortex is involved in attention- and reward-related functions and might monitor and integrate activities of other brain regions during cognition and behavioral manifestation.  相似文献   

Many neurons show anticipatory activity in learned tasks. This phenomenon appears to reflect the brain's ability to predict future events. However, what actually is predicted is unknown. Using a memory-guided saccade task, in which only one out of four directions was rewarded in each block of trials, we found that a group of neurons in the monkey caudate nucleus (CD) showed activity before presentation of an instruction cue stimulus. Among 329 CD neurons that were related to memory-guided saccade tasks, 156 showed the precue activity and 91 of them were examined fully. Remarkably, the magnitude of the precue activity varied across the four blocks of the one-direction-rewarded (1DR) condition, depending on which direction was rewarded. A majority of neurons with precue activity (83/91, 91%) showed significant directional preference. The best and worst directions were usually in the contralateral and ipsilateral directions, respectively. Within a block, the precue activity increased rapidly for the best direction in 1DR and decreased gradually for the worst direction in 1DR and all-directions-rewarded (ADR) condition. The precue activity was weak in ADR. The precue activity did not reflect the likelihood of a particular cue stimulus, because the probability of the cue appearing in each direction was the same regardless of the rewarded direction. These results suggest that each CD neuron indicates a particular position-reward association prospectively, usually with contralateral preference. Assuming that the CD neurons have access to saccadic motor outputs, the precue activity would create a motivational bias toward the contralateral space, even before an instruction is given by the cue stimulus.  相似文献   

Rewards are often not only valued according to their physical characteristics but also relative to other available rewards. The striatum (caudate nucleus, putamen, ventral striatum including nucleus accumbens) is involved in the organization of movement and the processing of reward information. We studied the activity of single striatal neurons in macaques that were presented with different combinations of two rewards. We found in nearly half of the investigated neurons that the processing for one reward shifted, relative to the other rewards that were available in a given trial block. The relative reward processing concerned all forms of striatal activity related to reward-predicting visual stimuli, arm movements and reception of rewards. The observed changes may provide a neural basis for the known shifts in valuation of rewarding outcomes relative to known references.  相似文献   

The nucleus accumbens (NAc) plays an important role in both appetitive and consummatory behavior. To examine how NAc neurons encode information during reward consumption, we recorded the firing activity of rat NAc neurons during the performance of a discriminative stimulus task. In this task, the animal must make an operant response to an intermittently presented cue to obtain a sucrose reward delivered in a reward receptacle. Uncued entries to the receptacle were not rewarded. Both excitations and inhibitions during reward consumption were observed, but substantially more neurons were inhibited than excited. These excitations and inhibitions began when the animal entered the reward receptacle and ended when the animal exited the receptacle. Both excitations and inhibitions were much smaller or nonexistent when the animal made uncued entries into the reward receptacle. In one set of experiments, we randomly withheld the reward in some cued trials that would otherwise have been rewarded. Excitations and inhibitions were of similar magnitude whether or not the reward was delivered. This indicates that the sensory stimulus of reward does not drive these phasic responses; instead, the reward-associated responses may be driven by the conditioned stimuli associated with reward, or they may encode information about consummatory motor activity. Another population of NAc neurons was excited on exit from the reward receptacle. Many of these excitations persisted for tens of seconds after the receptacle exit and showed a significant inverse correlation with the rate of uncued operant responding. These findings are consistent with a contribution of NAc neurons to both reward consummatory and reward seeking behavior.  相似文献   

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