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目的:对精神障碍患者的入院方式进行调查,并分析影响入院方式的重要因素。方法选择165例精神障碍患者作为研究对象,对所有患者的入院资料进行分析,并对其发放《精神障碍患者入院方式及相关因素研究问卷》进行调查。结果32例自愿入院,占19.4%,98例医疗保护入院,占59.4%,35例强制入院,占21.2%;自愿入院、医疗保护入院以及强制入院的精神障碍患者的年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度以及家庭收入等方面对比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论我国精神障碍患者入院方式主要为非自愿入院,其入院方式受到多种因素影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨军队精神障碍患者平均住院日与再入院率的关系.方法 对2000~2010年某军队精神病诊治中心出院的2147例患者31 d内非计划性再入院率与平均住院日的关系进行分析.结果 133例存在31 d内再入院情况,再入院率与平均住院日无线性相关关系(P>0.05).结论 延长平均住院日不能降低再入院率,为合理医疗、降低医疗资源浪费提供了依据.  相似文献   

目的:探讨酒精所致精神障碍患者的焦虑情绪及应对方式,为临床心理护理及健康教育提供依据。方法:对59例酒精所致精神障碍患者(实验组)和50名健康自愿者(对照组),应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)及简易应对方式问卷进行评定比较及分析。结果:实验组SAS均分明显高于对照组(P〈0.01),消极应对居多,积极应对不足。结论:实验组焦虑程度较高,应对方式不良,提示对酒精所致精神障碍患者需针对性地开展心理护理及健康教育。  相似文献   

目的探讨脑血管病患者精神障碍的临床诊治措施及效果。方法选取本院2009年1月至2011年12月38例脑血管病伴精神障碍患者为观察分析对象,对临床诊断与处置措施进行分析探讨,指导诊治实践。结果 38例脑血管病伴精神障碍患者经诊断与综合处置后,治愈6例,好转27例,无效5例,临床有效治愈率达86.84%。结论通过对脑血管病患者精神障碍积极治疗能延缓病情进展,减轻或消除疾病症状和心理社会性不良后果,减少伴发疾病的患病率。  相似文献   

目的总结酒精依赖伴发精神障碍入院患者的循证护理要点。方法对我院2009年2月至2011年6月收治的56例酒精依赖伴发精神障碍入院患者实施循证护理,执行提出护理问题,找出理论依据,实施护理干预措施的过程。结果经过积极的治疗和有效的循证护理,56例酒精依赖伴发精神障碍入院患者的精神症状基本消失,均痊愈出院。结论通过实施循证护理,护理人员制定出了有针对性的护理干预措施,促进了酒精依赖导致精神障碍患者的康复,同时也提高了护理人员的创新能力,具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

目的查与分析精神患者服药依从性。方法对就诊于我院的292例出院精神患者及家属用问卷调查方式进行调查,对结果根据依从性的判定标准将其划分为完全依从、部分依从、不依从三组并进行分析比较。结果完全依从占26.7%,部分依从占33.6%,不依从占39.7%。随着时间的延长,服药依从性也会逐渐下降。结论提高临床疗效,从根本上减轻患者及家庭的经济负担及精神压力。  相似文献   

李耀华 《中国医药》2014,(8):1176-1179
目的 了解骨科新入院患者营养不良发生情况,为骨科营养不良患者在入院后进行营养支持和治疗提供理论依据.方法 选取骨科新入院128例患者,进行问卷调查、人体学测量及实验室检查.患者在性别方面分为男性组(82例)和女性组(46例),在疾病性质方面分为骨折组(82例)和骨肿瘤组(46例).骨折组分为外伤性骨折组(54例)和病理性骨折组(28例),骨肿瘤组分为骨良性肿瘤组(19例)和骨恶性肿瘤组(27例).结果 骨科新入院128例患者中确定为营养不良的有42例(32.8%),存在发生营养不良风险的有66例(51.6%),营养状况良好的有20例(15.6%).不同性别患者中男性组血红蛋白高于女性组[(135 ±25)g/L比(122±18) g/L],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).病理性骨折患者的上臂围、总蛋白、清蛋白、前白蛋白和血红蛋白5项指标均低于外伤性骨折患者[(26 ±4)cm比(28±4)em、(6.5±0.7) g/L比(7.2±0.7)g/L、(3.6±0.6)g/L比(4.8 ±0.5) g/L、(169±62) g/L比(210±62) g/L、(119±24) g/L比(138±22)g/L],差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);骨恶性肿瘤患者的总蛋白、清蛋白、前白蛋白和血红蛋白4项指标均低于骨良性肿瘤患者[(6.5±0.7)g/L比(7.2 ±0.7) g/L、(3.5±0.6)g/L比(4.5±0.5) g/L、(176±60)g/L比(208 ±61) g/L、(122±24) g/L比(137±21) g/L],差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).结论 本研究发现我院骨科新入患者的营养状况非常差,男性患者营养不良发生率高于女性患者,病理性骨折患者和骨恶性肿瘤患者的营养不良发生率分别高于外伤性骨折患者和骨良性肿瘤患者.  相似文献   

孙玉梅 《中国医药》2009,4(7):483-486
目的了解聊城市≥18岁人群中各类精神疾病患者的求医方式及其影响因素,为制定精神卫生规划提供科学依据。方法2004年11月至2005年3月采用阶段性分层整群抽样的方法,随机抽取聊城市4个县(区)、8个乡镇(街道)、33个自然村(居委会)4800名≥18岁的人群为调查对象,使用一般健康问卷(GHQ-12)、精神发育迟滞/痴呆诊断量表(MMSE)、求医方式表作为筛查工具,以SOD-P和美国精神学会诊断手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)为诊断工具。结果共完成筛查4788人,精神疾病时点患病率为14.2%,总患病率为15.3%;求医方式首选综合医院内科、神经科门诊者占62.9%,求助于迷信巫术占18.2%,个体中西医诊所占8.8%,求助于精神科专业机构占4.4%;患者求医方式主要受文化程度、路途远近、发病形式及疾病特征、监护人及社会态度、对疾病知识了解程度、医方解释诊疗方式等因素的影响。结论加强综合医院、社区卫生机构与精神卫生专业机构的合作,提高非专科医生对精神疾病的诊断和识别能力,同时对精神疾病患者求医方式给予指导,是促使精神疾病患者早期正确就医、早日康复的重要策略。  相似文献   

孙玉梅 《中国医药》2007,4(1):483-486
Objective To investigate the status of treatment of patients with mental disorders in Liaocheng and the impact factors for medical intervention of mental illness. Methods From November 2004 to November 2005, 4800 ≥ 18-year-old population were enrolled from four counties (districts), eight townships (streets), 33 villages(neighborhood committees). General health questionnaire(GHQ-12), mental retardation/dementia diagnosis Scale(MMSE), clinical registration forms, such as SCID-P and the spirit of the United States Institute of DSM-IV diagnosis(DSM-IV) were used as diagnostic tools. Results Four thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight people completed the survey. Mental illness prevalence rate was 14. 20%, with a total prevalence rate of 15.31%. The first way of seeking treatment is from the internal department and neurology department of general hospital, which accounts for 62.9% ;the second is to turn to superstition and magic,which accounts for 18.2% ;the third is from private clinic of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine,which accounts for 8.8% ;the last is from special psychi-atric department,which accounts for 4.4%. The ways are mainly influenced by the level of education, distance,the forms and characters of occurring illnesses, attitude of society, knowledge about this kind of illnesses and guidance of doctors. Conclusion The important strategies to seek treatment in a right way and become healthy in time are to strengthen the cooperation of general hospital , the communtity health service institutions and psychiatric health special bodies ;to improve the diagnoising and discerning ability of non-specialista and to give guidance to psychiatric about the ways.  相似文献   

孙玉梅 《中国医药》2008,4(1):483-486
Objective To investigate the status of treatment of patients with mental disorders in Liaocheng and the impact factors for medical intervention of mental illness. Methods From November 2004 to November 2005, 4800 ≥ 18-year-old population were enrolled from four counties (districts), eight townships (streets), 33 villages(neighborhood committees). General health questionnaire(GHQ-12), mental retardation/dementia diagnosis Scale(MMSE), clinical registration forms, such as SCID-P and the spirit of the United States Institute of DSM-IV diagnosis(DSM-IV) were used as diagnostic tools. Results Four thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight people completed the survey. Mental illness prevalence rate was 14. 20%, with a total prevalence rate of 15.31%. The first way of seeking treatment is from the internal department and neurology department of general hospital, which accounts for 62.9% ;the second is to turn to superstition and magic,which accounts for 18.2% ;the third is from private clinic of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine,which accounts for 8.8% ;the last is from special psychi-atric department,which accounts for 4.4%. The ways are mainly influenced by the level of education, distance,the forms and characters of occurring illnesses, attitude of society, knowledge about this kind of illnesses and guidance of doctors. Conclusion The important strategies to seek treatment in a right way and become healthy in time are to strengthen the cooperation of general hospital , the communtity health service institutions and psychiatric health special bodies ;to improve the diagnoising and discerning ability of non-specialista and to give guidance to psychiatric about the ways.  相似文献   

孙玉梅 《中国医药》2006,4(1):483-486
Objective To investigate the status of treatment of patients with mental disorders in Liaocheng and the impact factors for medical intervention of mental illness. Methods From November 2004 to November 2005, 4800 ≥ 18-year-old population were enrolled from four counties (districts), eight townships (streets), 33 villages(neighborhood committees). General health questionnaire(GHQ-12), mental retardation/dementia diagnosis Scale(MMSE), clinical registration forms, such as SCID-P and the spirit of the United States Institute of DSM-IV diagnosis(DSM-IV) were used as diagnostic tools. Results Four thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight people completed the survey. Mental illness prevalence rate was 14. 20%, with a total prevalence rate of 15.31%. The first way of seeking treatment is from the internal department and neurology department of general hospital, which accounts for 62.9% ;the second is to turn to superstition and magic,which accounts for 18.2% ;the third is from private clinic of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine,which accounts for 8.8% ;the last is from special psychi-atric department,which accounts for 4.4%. The ways are mainly influenced by the level of education, distance,the forms and characters of occurring illnesses, attitude of society, knowledge about this kind of illnesses and guidance of doctors. Conclusion The important strategies to seek treatment in a right way and become healthy in time are to strengthen the cooperation of general hospital , the communtity health service institutions and psychiatric health special bodies ;to improve the diagnoising and discerning ability of non-specialista and to give guidance to psychiatric about the ways.  相似文献   

孙玉梅 《中国医药》2009,4(1):483-486
Objective To investigate the status of treatment of patients with mental disorders in Liaocheng and the impact factors for medical intervention of mental illness. Methods From November 2004 to November 2005, 4800 ≥ 18-year-old population were enrolled from four counties (districts), eight townships (streets), 33 villages(neighborhood committees). General health questionnaire(GHQ-12), mental retardation/dementia diagnosis Scale(MMSE), clinical registration forms, such as SCID-P and the spirit of the United States Institute of DSM-IV diagnosis(DSM-IV) were used as diagnostic tools. Results Four thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight people completed the survey. Mental illness prevalence rate was 14. 20%, with a total prevalence rate of 15.31%. The first way of seeking treatment is from the internal department and neurology department of general hospital, which accounts for 62.9% ;the second is to turn to superstition and magic,which accounts for 18.2% ;the third is from private clinic of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine,which accounts for 8.8% ;the last is from special psychi-atric department,which accounts for 4.4%. The ways are mainly influenced by the level of education, distance,the forms and characters of occurring illnesses, attitude of society, knowledge about this kind of illnesses and guidance of doctors. Conclusion The important strategies to seek treatment in a right way and become healthy in time are to strengthen the cooperation of general hospital , the communtity health service institutions and psychiatric health special bodies ;to improve the diagnoising and discerning ability of non-specialista and to give guidance to psychiatric about the ways.  相似文献   

目的:探讨应付方式和人格特征对酒精所致精神障碍患者生活质量的影响。方法:运用应付方式(CSQ)、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)和生活质量综合评定问卷(GQOLI-74)对55例酒精所致精神障碍患者(研究组)和43名无酗酒史的当地市民(对照组)进行问卷调查及统计分析。结果:①研究组应付方式是以自责、幻想和退避为特点,个性是以精神质为特征;②研究组GQOLI-74各维度和总分除物质生活外均显著低于对照组,两组间差异有统计学意义(p〈0.01)。③研究组GQOLI-74总分与解决问题、求助、内外向、掩饰程度呈正相关,但仅求助具有统计学意义(P〈0.01);GQOLI-74总分与呈负相关的因子中,仅合理化、退避、精神质具有统计学意义(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。结论:酒精所致精神障碍患者的生活质量受其自身的心理特征影响,根据其心理特征给予相应的心理治疗,有助于提高酒精所致精神障碍患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

陈骧 《中国医药指南》2012,10(6):143-144
目的探讨老年患者发生脑血管意外后精神障碍的发生情况。方法对在我院治疗的126例老年脑血管意外的患者,确诊后采用精神量表测验,1年后随访搜集患者资料,并进行综合分析。观察患者发生脑血管意外后精神障碍的发生情况。结果病后1个月发生精神障碍的有60例,占47.62%,病后1年发生精神障碍的患者有86例,占68.25%,其中表现为抑郁的患者有34例,占26.98%;焦虑患者有28例,占22.22%;恐惧患者有10例,占7.94%;易激惹患者有8例,占6.35%,;患有抑郁和焦虑的患者有13例,占10.32%。不同部位发生脑血管意外发生精神障碍患者比较,发现χ2=23.06,P<0.01。结论老年脑血管意外患者较易发生精神障碍,以抑郁为主,同时脑血管意外的部位与发生精神障碍有关。  相似文献   

目的分析儿科新人院患者的护理服务需求,从而改进护理工作以满足患儿及家长的需要。方法随机选择2011年08月至2012年08月在本院儿科收住的患者220例,对患儿及其家长发放调查问卷,根据问卷结果进行统计、分析。结果新人院的患儿及其家长认为医院的护理服务质量存在着很多方面的不足,需要以后在工作中不断改进。结论应根据患儿及其家长提出的意见进行改进,以提高患者的满意度,树立医院良好社会形象。  相似文献   

前列腺增生症患者的入院评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前列腺增生症是老年男性常见疾病,随着我国人均寿命的增长,前列腺手术已成为泌尿外科最常见的手术之一。通过对前列腺增生症患的入院评估,了解患的疾病情况、心理状态和对疾病的认知态度,为围手术期的治疗、护理打下良好的基础,现将有关入院评估的内容报告如下。  相似文献   

海洛因依赖患者的其它精神障碍   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的··:了解海洛因依赖者的其它精神障碍诊断情况。方法·· :应用《DSM -Ⅲ -R用定式临床检查手册》和《DSM -Ⅲ -R人格障碍用定式临床检查手册》 ,调查了216名海洛因依赖者DSM -Ⅲ -R轴I其它精神障碍和DSM -Ⅲ -R轴Ⅱ人格障碍的诊断情况。结果:·· 轴I非精神活性物质使用障碍性精神障碍的终生患病率为23.6 %,情感障碍终生患病率为15.7 % ,轴Ⅱ人格障碍为80.6 % ,反社会人格障碍47.7 %。结论·· :海洛因依赖者合并精神障碍较多 ,有必要对海洛因依赖者进行其它精神障碍的评估以及对其进行相应的治疗  相似文献   

我科从 1 998年 4月~ 2 0 0 1年 3月共收治部队男性精神病 5 1 8例。现将这些患者入院情况作一分析 ,旨在提高部队对精神病的早期发现、早期治疗、防止复发及预防的能力 ,从而保持部队战斗力。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料 本组 5 1 8例 ,均为男性现役军人 ;年龄 1 8~ 4 0岁 ;人员构成 :战士 2 5 5例 ,士官 1 0 8例 ,在职干部 1 0 6例 ,学员 37例 ,退休干部 1 2例 ;军种 :陆军4 95例 ,空军 5例 ,海军 3例 ,武警 1 5例 ;民族 :汉族 4 97例 ,蒙族 8例 ,回族 7例 ,满族 5例 ,壮族 1例 ;婚姻 :已婚 1 78例 ,未婚 340例。1 2 方法 对每位住院…  相似文献   

沈佼 《中国药业》2015,(6):67-68
目的了解鼻炎患者入院前的用药情况。方法收集2010年1月1日至2014年1月1日在医院就诊的鼻炎患者的入院前调查表,统计用药种类、用药原因、购药地点、错误用药等情况。结果入院前所用药物的种类主要分为中药(14种)和西药(29种)两大类,其中西药包括糖皮质激素类药物(5种)、抗组胺类药物(8种)、特异性免疫治疗药物(8种)、缓解鼻黏膜充血药物(4种)和其他(4种)等;按给药途径可分为口服(19种)和外用(16种)两大类;用药原因以自我诊断用药(64.58%)和药店推荐(29.86%)为主;错误用药占86.11%,用药发生不良反应的占57.29%。结论鼻炎患者入院前用药种类较复杂,错误用药风险较高,应给予关注。  相似文献   

前列腺增生症是老年男性常见疾病,随着我国人均寿命的增长,前列腺手术已成为泌尿外科最常见的手术之一.通过对前列腺增生症患者的入院评估,了解患者的疾病情况、心理状态和对疾病的认知态度,为围手术期的治疗、护理打下良好的基础,现将有关入院评估的内容报告如下.  相似文献   

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