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目的探讨同种异体韧带重建内侧髌股韧带(Medial patellofemoral ligament,MPFL)治疗复发性髌骨脱位(Recurrent dislocation of knee-cap,RDP)的疗效。方法采用同种异体韧带重建内侧髌股韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位21例,男9例,女12例;平均年龄33.9岁,根据Lysholm膝关节功能评定表评估膝关节功能来评价疗效。结果术后随访6~24个月,平均随访9.7月,优良19例,可差2例,优良率90.4%。结论同种异体韧带重建内侧髌骨韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位安全,可靠。  相似文献   

背景:以自体腘绳肌腱重建内侧髌股韧带是现在较流行的修复方式。目的:观察重建内侧髌股韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位的中期临床疗效。方法:回顾性研究2006年9月至2009年9月因复发性髌骨脱位而接受内侧髌股韧带重建的患者24例(25膝)资料,随访时间2-5年,平均3.1年,观察临床疗效、膝关节功能恢复及CT评估髌骨位置。结果与结论:随访结果显示,IKDC评分优良率为92%,2例(8%)患者再次发生髌骨脱位,需要再次手术治疗,随访时IKDC评分、Tenger评分、Lycholm评分明显高于术前(P0.01)。结果证实,自体腘绳肌腱重建内侧髌股韧带治疗髌骨脱位中期临床疗效较好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨关节镜辅助下应用异体韧带悬吊式重建内侧髌股韧带(MPFL)、外侧支持带Y形松解,结合股内侧肌成形治疗儿童髌骨固定型脱位临床疗效。 方法 回顾分析2014年1月至2017年1月收治10例12膝儿童髌骨固定型脱患者资料,男6例8膝,女4例4膝;年龄为4~9岁,平均6.6岁。所有患者均采用关节镜辅助下应用异体韧带悬吊式重建内侧髌股韧带(MPFL)、外侧支持带Y形松解,结合股内侧肌成形治疗儿童髌骨固定型脱位,术后随访根据髌骨稳定度及Kujala 评分评定膝关节功能恢复情况。 结果 10例儿童术后获得6~18个月(平均随访12个月)随访。所有儿童末次随访髌骨稳定度满意,Kujala 评分由术前的(42.12±14.37)分增加到随访时的(95.68±9.42)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 关节镜辅助下应用异体韧带悬吊式重建内侧髌股韧带(MPFL)、外侧支持带Y形松解,结合股内侧肌成形治疗儿童髌骨固定性脱位临床疗效满意,可以有效增加髌骨稳定性,改善膝关节功能,对骨骺不造成损害,是一种有效的治疗儿童髌骨固定型脱位的手术方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨关节镜辅助下外侧支持带松解联合内侧髌股韧带(medial patellofemoral ligament,MPFL)重建手术治疗复发性髌骨脱位的临床效果。 方法 对我院2012年1月-2015年1月收治的19例复发性髌骨脱位患者,采取关节镜辅助下行外侧支持带松解、内侧髌股韧带重建联合手术。术后定期随访,记录术前和术后影像学结果、Lysholm 膝关节功能综合评分和 Kujala 髌股关节评分,观察重建韧带长度变化。 结果 19例均获随访,时间( 25.7±8. 56) 月(12~48月),术后无髌骨再脱位及恐惧征,无髌股关节疼痛加重,X线显示Q角在正常范围,膝关节CT(屈膝45°)显示患者髌骨外侧关节面张开角从术前平均(-1.2±6.8)°(-16°~8°)提高至术后(11.2±5.1)°(5°~18°),较术前有显著性差异(P<0.01)。术后1年Lysholm 评分及Kujala 髌股关节评分较术前有明显改善。重建韧带长度术后即刻平均为(57.81±6.76)mm,术后1年为(58.36±6.87)mm,无明显松弛。 结论 关节镜辅助下二联手术治疗复发性髌骨脱位,能有效恢复髌股关节位置和功能,预防复发,术后1年韧带无明显松弛,疗效满意。  相似文献   

背景:对于髌骨不稳的治疗,临床上一般分为保守和手术治疗,其中手术治疗方法众多,每种方法各有侧重,对于使用何种方法治疗髌骨不稳,目前仍没有形成统一的共识。 目的:探讨应用自体移植肌腱双束解剖重建内侧髌股韧带治疗髌骨脱位。 方法:选择安徽医科大学第一附属医院骨科行膝关节镜辅助下内侧髌股韧带重建髌骨脱位患者46例,所有患者均采用自体移植肌腱双束解剖重建。 结果与结论:重建后随访2~16个月,观察患者关节稳定性及灵活度。46例患者随访期间未见严重并发症,患膝轻度伸直受限1例,重建后均未见髌骨复发脱位。重建后随访Lysholm膝关节评分和Kujala评分均高于重建前(P < 0.01)。结果证实,采用膝关节镜辅助下自体移植肌腱双束解剖重建内侧髌股韧带治疗髌骨脱位效果较好。   相似文献   

背景:临床上创伤性髌骨脱位合并内侧髌股韧带股骨止点或体部撕裂多采用内侧髌股韧带重建手术,为促进内侧髌股韧带重建术后的腱骨愈合,研究者采用了包括生长因子、干细胞、富血小板血浆在内的多种生物治疗技术。目的:探讨自体富白细胞-血小板纤维蛋白凝胶联合腘绳肌腱重建内侧髌股韧带修复创伤性髌骨脱位的临床疗效。方法:选择2019年2月至2021年2月秦皇岛市第一医院诊治的创伤性髌骨脱位患者37例,采用随机数字表法分为试验组(n=18)与对照组(n=19),试验组接受自体富白细胞-血小板纤维蛋白凝胶联合自体腘绳肌腱重建内侧髌股韧带手术,对照组接受单纯自体绳肌腱重建内侧髌股韧带手术。两组患者术后随访12个月,通过目测类比评分、Lysholm评分、Kujala髌股关节评分及膝关节活动度评估患者膝关节疼痛及功能状态,通过MRI及CT片测量髌股关节髌骨倾斜角、髌骨适合角及髌骨外移率,评估髌股关节的稳定性及改善情况。结果与结论:(1)两组术后6,12个月的目测类比评分均低于术前(P <0.05),术后6,12个月的Lysholm评分、Kujala髌股关节评分均高于术前(P <0.05);试验组术后6个...  相似文献   

目的:探讨外侧支持带松解内侧髌股韧带重建术治疗习惯性髌骨脱位及半脱位的手术方法及临床疗效.方法:经对10例(13膝)经临床检查确诊的髌骨脱位及半脱位患者,在行髌外侧支持带松解内侧髌股韧带紧缩的的基础上,配合胫骨结节内移等手术治疗.手术前后均对患者的膝关节功能进行Lysholm评分.结果:10例患者随访3~15个月(平均9个月),术后膝关节稳定性增加,无髌骨再脱位发生,恐惧试验均为阴性.Lysholm评分术前平均(69.6±3.9),术后平均(94.1±3.7).结论:髌外侧支持带松解内侧髌股韧带紧缩为主的综合术式治疗髌骨脱位能有效减轻症状防止复发,,对维持髌骨的稳定有重要作用.  相似文献   

背景:内侧髌股韧带重建是目前治疗髌骨外侧脱位最常用的方法,最终目的是将髌骨调整到正常的解剖位置,恢复髌骨轨迹,目前内侧髌股韧带重建的主要核心问题在于其股骨端固定点的选取上。目的:运用有限元方法分析膝关节不同屈曲角度时重建内侧髌股韧带对髌骨的限制作用,模拟不同股骨端固定点重建内侧髌股韧带对髌骨的限制作用,为内侧髌股韧带重建时股骨端固定点的选取提供帮助。方法:依据提取的膝关节CT与MRI数据建立包含骨骼及软组织的膝关节有限元模型,在模拟膝关节30°与60°屈曲角度时,选取不同的股骨端固定点构建内侧髌股韧带,比较不同点位时髌股关节间接触应力与接触面积,以及对髌骨横向约束力的大小。对不同屈曲角度时相同股骨端固定点所构建的内侧髌股韧带等长性进行验证,以研究各种内侧髌股韧带重建位置的效果。结果与结论:(1)建立了30°与60°屈曲角度时膝关节的三维有限元模型,构建了不同股骨端固定点的内侧髌股韧带,不同屈曲角度时相同股骨端位置构建的内侧髌股韧带具有可用的等长性;(2)对髌骨向外侧施加位移后,在横向方向上,不同股骨端固定点构建的内侧髌股韧带对髌骨产生了不同的横向约束力,在前端10 mm处时横向约束力最...  相似文献   

目的分析内侧髌股韧带(MPFL)重建+胫骨结节内移+远端移位的综合手术治疗复发性髌骨不稳的临床效果。方法回顾性分析2012年4月至2016年9月四川省绵阳市中心医院骨科收治的60例(60膝)复发性髌骨不稳患者的临床资料,均给予膝关节镜、下肢X射线片、CT、MRI检查,实施MPFL重建+胫骨结节内移+远端移位等综合手术治疗,术后至少随访1年,分析术前、术后末次随访物理学指标、影像学检查指标及膝关节功能评价结果。结果 60例患者术后随访显示恐惧试验均为阴性、髌骨倾斜试验对称,Q角恢复正常;屈伸活动、运动能力较术前有明显改善,未发生骨折、髌骨再脱位,影像学显示髌股关节对位良好。与术前相比,60例患者术后末次随访髌股适合角、髌骨外移度、外侧髌骨角显著降低,胫骨结节-股骨滑车间距(TT-TG)显著缩小,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),且均恢复到正常范围。术后末次随访Lysholm评分、Kujala评分显著高于术前,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论内侧髌股韧带(MPFL)重建+胫骨结节内移+远端移位治疗复发性髌骨不稳的临床效果满意,对缓解症状和恢复膝关节功能有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过国人内侧髌股韧带形态学的观察并测定纤维束应变,为临床重建内侧髌股韧带提供生物力学参考。观察10例新鲜冰冻膝关节标本内侧髌股韧带在膝关节屈伸过程中的紧张-松弛模式,并利用数字图像相关法分别测量在髌骨外推实验下屈膝0°、30°、60°、90°和120°等5个角度时纤维束应变。结果表明,内侧髌股韧带在膝关节屈曲过程中呈交替紧张-松弛。在髌骨外推实验条件下,同一纤维束在不同角度之间应变平均值差异具有统计学差异。研究结果揭示了内侧髌股韧带力学行为特点,为临床重建提供生物力学参考。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is considered the primary soft tissue restrain to lateral translation of the patella during the first 15–30 degrees of knee flexion. The primary restraint thereafter is the slope of the lateral wall of the trochlea. A plenty of procedures are described in literature for MPFL reconstruction with different types of graft, angle of knee flexion for fixation and rehabilitation protocols. In this study we used MPFL reconstruction with doubled autologous gracilis tendon with the Schottle’s technique. The aim of our study is to evaluate outcomes at medium-long term follow up of MPFL reconstruction.MethodsPatients who underwent arthroscopic MPFL reconstruction for recurrent patellar dislocation were followed up for a minimum of 2 to 10 years. Patient-reported outcomes including the Kujala, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score were collected preoperatively and postoperatively. Clinical complications such as loss of ROM, recurrent sub-luxation or dislocation were recorded.ResultsA total of 38 patients with recurrent patellar dislocation were treated with MPFL reconstruction and data were available for final follow up (mean 72.3 months, SD 33.6). Mean age at time of surgery was 23.4 (SD 7.8). Mean number of dislocations before surgery was 7.1 (SD 10.5). Recurrent dislocations were not observed in any of the patients treated at last follow-up. Significant clinical improvements were also noted with Kujala and VAS score. Patellar tilt angle decreased significantly from pre to post-operative.ConclusionOur study demonstrated that MPFL reconstruction with patellar suture anchors fixation using autologous gracilis tendon is an effective, safe and reliable method for treating recurrent patellar dislocation.  相似文献   

BackgroundWe aimed to prospectively investigate the clinical outcomes of medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction using polyester high-strength suture tape with knotless anchors.MethodForty-three patients (65 knees) were followed for at least 1 year postoperatively, with 27 patients (43 knees) followed for 2 years postoperatively. All patients underwent MPFL reconstruction using polyester high-strength suture tape (FiberTape®; Arthrex) with knotless anchors (SwiveLock®; Arthrex). Repeated dislocation and residual patellar apprehension signs were recorded, and congruence and tilting angles were measured. Changes in Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scale (KOOS) scores and their associations with the preoperative tibial tubercle–trochlear groove (TT-TG) distance were analyzed.ResultsNo repeat dislocations (0%) were observed. One (2.4%) residual positive patellar apprehension sign was noted. The mean tilting angle decreased from 24.8° to 10.7° (P < 0.001), and the mean congruence angle decreased from 24.9° to 4.3° (P < 0.001). At 2 years follow up, all KOOS subscales had improved: pain (92.0 ± 12.9), symptoms (90.2 ± 11.9), activities of daily living (95.7 ± 7.3), sports activity (85.7 ± 16.9), quality of life (87.7 ± 12.9), and patellofemoral (89.0 ± 9.6) outcomes. KOOS subscale scores improved regardless of the preoperative TT-TG distance (21.1 ± 3.5 mm; range, 13.8–29.9 mm).ConclusionsMPFL reconstruction using FiberTape and knotless SwiveLock anchors was performed without sacrificing autologous tissue. No recurrent patellar dislocation was observed during the 2-year follow up period. All KOOS subscale scores improved using FiberTape and SwiveLock anchors in MPFL reconstruction.  相似文献   

BackgroundTo describe a novel ‘four-in-one’ procedure – including tibial tubercle proximalization, extensive lateral release, tibial tubercle medialization, and medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction – for treating severe habitual patellar dislocation (HPD) in adults, and to report its early clinical outcomes.MethodsThirteen patients (13 knees) with severe primary HPD received this procedure. Results of the physical examinations, including apprehension tests and patellar tracking throughout full range of motion, were recorded pre-operatively and at final follow-up. Radiological assessments included standard anteroposterior view, true lateral view at 30° knee flexion, axial views of the patellofemoral joint at both 30° and maximum angle of knee flexion, and computed tomography scans at full knee extension pre-operatively and at final follow-up. Subjective patellofemoral functions were evaluated with the Kujala functional score before the index procedure and at final follow-up visit.ResultsAll 13 patients were followed for an average period of 35.5 months (range, 25–49). After the index ‘four-in-one’ procedure no patient reported reoccurrence of patellar dislocation at the final follow-up visit. Radiographically, there was a statistically significant improvement in the congruence angle from 75.2 ± 16.3° pre-operatively to ? 7.2 ± 5.4° postoperatively (P < 0.01) and in the lateral patellofemoral angle from ? 66.3 ± 8.3° pre-operatively to 6.3 ± 2.6° postoperatively (P < 0.01). The average pre-operative Kujala functional score was 41.4 and average postoperative score was 94.9 (P < 0.05).ConclusionThe novel ‘four-in-one’ procedure effectively treated HPD in adults with severe quadriceps contracture.  相似文献   

目的 探讨自体半腱肌肌腱双束重建内侧髌股韧带(MPFL)治疗不伴有骨性畸形的复发性髌骨脱位的临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析2015年6月—2017年12月芜湖市中医院采用自体半腱肌肌腱双束解剖重建MPFL的12例不伴有骨性畸形的复发性髌骨脱位患者的临床资料,其中男2例、女10例,年龄14~46(27.75±10.14)岁。所有患者术中髌骨侧采用2枚带线锚钉固定移植物,关节镜下调节张力后股骨侧采用界面挤压螺钉固定移植物。术后定期进行随访,主观评价髌股关节摩擦感、髌骨异常活动、髌骨外推试验及外推恐惧试验、膝关节活动度、肌力检测,影像学(X线片及CT)评估测量骨道位置,采用Lysholm、Tegner和Kujala主观评分评价手术前后膝关节功能。结果 12例患者手术均顺利,术后随访12~24个月,平均13.5个月。术后均无髌骨再脱位、髌骨错动,0°位和屈膝30°位髌骨外推试验和外推恐惧试验均为阴性。Lysholm评分术前为(66.00±4.71)分、末次随访为(92.67±3.23)分,Tegner评分术前为(3.33±0.89)分、末次随访为(5.33±0.78)分,Kujala主观评分术前为(53.67±3.23)分、末次随访为(91.50±2.68)分,差异均有统计学意义(t=16.248、32.176、89.350, P值均<0.01)。结论 对于不伴有骨性畸形的复发性髌骨脱位的患者,自体半腱肌肌腱双束解剖重建MPFL,是一种安全、有效、可靠的治疗方法,能够获得满意的临床效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨早期手术治疗急性创伤性髌骨脱位的效果。方法对22例急性创伤性髌骨脱位患者行关节镜下内侧髌骨股骨韧带(MPFL)修补或重建,同时部分病例行关节镜下髌外侧支持带松解和(或)胫骨结节内移截骨。结果术后平均随访25.5个月,术后所有病例均未出现髌骨再次脱位,无髌骨错动或半脱位。患者主观Kujala评分、Lysholm评分、Tegner运动等级评分与受伤前比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论早期手术治疗急性创伤性髌骨脱位能够明显改善髌骨稳定性,患者的术后主观评分和运动等级均能够达到受伤前水平,对于患者术后膝关节功能和运动水平的恢复有积极的作用。  相似文献   

《The Knee》2020,27(1):9-17
BackgroundTo evaluate the clinical outcomes of combined medial and lateral patellar retinaculum plasty for skeletally immature patients with patellar dislocation and low-grade trochlear dysplasia.MethodsFrom December 2014 to December 2016, we reviewed 19 skeletally immature patients who underwent medial and lateral patellar retinaculum plasty at our institution. Clinical evaluations were performed pre- and postoperatively, and included determination of the number of patellar re-dislocation patients, the Kujala and Tegner scores, the patellar tilt angle, lateral patellar shift, and congruence angle. The radiographic evaluation parameters were measured on computed tomography scans.ResultsNo dislocation or subluxation occurred during the mean follow-up of 35.42 months (24–48 months). Postoperatively, the Kujala score improved from 57.6 ± 4.2 to 86.9 ± 8.1 (P < 0.05), and the Tegner activity score improved from 2.6 ± 1.0 to 5.0 ± 1.3 (P < 0.05). Radiographically, the patellar tilt angle decreased from 32.7 ± 5.9° to 13.4 ± 4.28° (P < 0.05), the lateral patellar shift decreased from 15.9 ± 1.1 mm to 8.4 ± 0.6 mm (P < 0.05), and the congruence angle decreased from 29.9 ± 15.3° to − 9.6 ± 15.5° (P < 0.05).ConclusionsMedial and lateral patellar retinaculum plasty is a promising procedure that has the advantage of being a simple operation that induces little trauma. It is a good treatment option for skeletally immature patients with patellar dislocation who have low-grade trochlear dysplasia.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe aim of this study was to develop and validate a finite element (FE) model of the patellofemoral joint to analyze the biomechanics of lateral retinacular release after medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction in patellar malalignment (increased tibial tubercle–trochlear groove distance (TT-TG)). We hypothesized that lateral retinacular release is not appropriate in patellar instability addressed by MPFL reconstruction due to decreased lateral stability and inappropriate adjustment in patellofemoral contact pressures.MethodsA FE in-silico model of the patellofemoral joint was developed and validated. The model was used analyze the effect of lateral retinacular release in association with MPFL reconstruction on patellofemoral contact pressures, contact area, and lateral patellar displacement during knee flexion.ResultsMPFL reconstruction alone results in restoration of patellofemoral contact pressures throughout the entire range of motion (0–90°), mimicking the results from healthy condition. The addition of the lateral retinacular release to the MPFL reconstruction resulted in significant reductions in both patellofemoral contact pressure and contact area. Lateral retinacular release resulted in more lateral patellar displacement during the mid-flexion knee range of motion.ConclusionsCombination of lateral retinacular release with MPFL reconstruction in patients with increased TT-TG is not recommended as MPFL reconstruction alone for first-line management of recurrent patellar instability offers a greater biomechanical advantage and restoration of contact forces to resemble that of the healthy knee. The presented biomechanical data outlines the effect of concomitant MPFL reconstruction and lateral retinacular release to help guide surgical planning for patients with recurrent patellar instability due to malalignment.  相似文献   

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