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Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and produces substantial health-related economic costs to society. This report presents the annual estimates of the disease impact of smoking in the United States during 1995-1999. CDC calculated national estimates of annual smoking-attributable mortality (SAM), years of potential life lost (YPLL), smoking-attributable medical expenditures (SAEs) for adults and infants, and productivity costs for adults. Results show that during 1995-1999, smoking caused approximately 440,000 premature deaths in the United States annually and approximately $157 billion in annual health-related economic losses. Implementation of comprehensive tobacco-control programs as recommended by CDC could effectively reduce the prevalence, disease impact, and economic costs of smoking.  相似文献   

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and reducing quality of life and life expectancy. This report assesses the health consequences and productivity losses attributable to smoking in the United States during 1997-2001. CDC calculated national estimates of annual smoking-attributable mortality (SAM), years of potential life lost (YPLL) for adults and infants, and productivity losses for adults. The findings indicated that, during 1997-2001, cigarette smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke resulted in approximately 438,000 premature deaths in the United States, 5.5 million YPLL, and 92 billion dollars in productivity losses annually. Implementation of comprehensive tobacco-control programs as recommended by CDC can reduce smoking prevalence and related mortality and health-care costs.  相似文献   



To establish the impact of tobacco smoking on mortality is essential to define and monitor public health interventions in developing countries.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the ages of death caused by tobacco smoking and alcohol risk drinking. METHODS: Smoking rates from the largest population survey, alcohol drinking data from the National Health Survey and data from the vital statistics from Germany are used and attributable fractions computed. RESULTS: Alcohol-attributable deaths occurred at the youngest age, followed by tobacco- plus alcohol-attributable cases, whereas death cases attributable to tobacco smoking only occur latest. CONCLUSION: The overlap in the two substance-use behaviours has to be taken into account when considering attributable mortality data.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have highlighted the disparate impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on racial and ethnic minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, but data at the neighborhood-level is sparse. The objective of this study was to investigate the disparate impact of COVID-19 on disadvantaged neighborhoods and racial/ethnic minorities in Chicago, Illinois. Using data from the Cook County Medical Examiner, we conducted a neighborhood-level analysis of COVID-19 decedents in Chicago and quantified age-standardized years of potential life lost (YPLL) due to COVID-19 among demographic subgroups and neighborhoods with geospatial clustering of high and low rates of COVID-19 mortality. We show that age-standardized YPLL was markedly higher among the non-Hispanic (NH) Black (559 years per 100,000 population) and the Hispanic (811) compared with NH white decedents (312). We demonstrate that geomapping using residential address data at the individual-level identifies hot-spots of COVID-19 mortality in neighborhoods on the Northeast, West, and South areas of Chicago that reflect a legacy of residential segregation and persistence of inequality in education, income, and access to healthcare. Our results may contribute to ongoing public health and community-engaged efforts to prevent the spread of infection and mitigate the disproportionate loss of life among these communities due to COVID-19 as well as highlight the urgent need to broadly target neighborhood disadvantage as a cause of pervasive racial inequalities in life and health.  相似文献   

目的 探索山东省心脑血管疾病死亡的特点,为开展有针对性的预防和干预措施提供科学依据。方法 采用粗死亡率、标化死亡率、潜在减寿年数(potential years of life lost,PYLL)、平均减寿年数(average years of life lost,AYLL)等指标对山东省全人群死因监测点2007-2013年居民心脑血管疾病的死亡资料进行分析。利用ArcGIS软件呈现山东省心脑血管疾病死亡率的地域分布。结果 2007-2013年山东省居民监测点心脑血管疾病死亡率由2007年的252.42/10万上升至2013年的323.48/10万,心脑血管疾病死亡率有上升趋势,各年份间、性别间差异均有统计学意义;心脑血管疾病死亡率随年龄增长呈上升趋势,从65~岁年龄组开始明显升高;心脑血管疾病的PYLL和AYLL均呈波动性上升趋势且男性的PYLL、AYLL和女性相比差异有统计学意义(ZPYLL=5.79,P<0.05;ZAYLL=5.68,P<0.05)。山东省西北和中部地区心脑血管疾病死亡率较高。结论 2007-2013年山东省心脑血管疾病死亡率呈波动性上升趋势,且具有年龄、地域等相关性,严重影响山东省居民健康。  相似文献   

上海市闵行区2002~2003年居民主要死因及减寿年数分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解闵行区居民主要死亡原因及变化动态 ,为制订疾病预防干预措施、评价其效果提供依据 ,我们应用死亡率 ,潜在减寿年数 (PYLL)、平均减寿年数 (AYLL)和减寿率 (YPLLR )等指标对 2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 3年闵行区居民死亡资料进行分析 ,并对 1994~ 1995年新建的闵行区的居民死亡资  相似文献   

Occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica occurs in construction, mining, manufacturing, and other industries and can result in silicosis and other lung diseases. Classic (chronic) silicosis results from exposure to relatively low concentrations of respirable crystalline silica for >/=years. Exposure to higher concentrations of silica for 5-10 years can cause accelerated silicosis, and symptoms of acute silicosis can sometimes develop within weeks of initial exposure to extreme concentrations of silica. Deaths in young adults from acute or accelerated silicosis generally reflect more recent and intense exposures. Silicosis is incurable, but preventable through effective control and elimination of exposure to respirable crystalline silica. To characterize recent trends in premature mortality attributed to silicosis in the United States, CDC analyzed annual mortality data from 1968-2005, the most recent years for which complete data were available. Years of potential life lost before age 65 years (YPLL) and mean YPLL were calculated using standard methodology. During 1968-2005, total annual YPLL attributed to silicosis (17,130) declined 90.2%, from 1,441 (mean per decedent: 7.7 YPLL) to 141 (mean per decedent: 11.8), with an annual average of 8.6 YPLL per decedent for the period. However, the proportion of YPLL attributable to young silicosis decedents increased; an estimated 3,600-7,300 new silicosis cases occur annually. Hazard surveillance, workplace-specific interventions, and further silicosis prevention and elimination efforts, especially among young adults, are needed.  相似文献   

目的 了解2015-2018年陕西省居民心血管病的死亡现状及潜在寿命损失情况,为确定疾病防治重点,制定防控策略和措施提供参考依据。方法 收集2015-2018年陕西省死因监测数据,计算不同性别、城乡、年龄组心血管病的死亡率、标化死亡率和构成比,计算疾病负担指标潜在减寿年数(PYLL)、标化潜在减寿年数(SPYLL)、潜在减寿率(PYLLR)、标化潜在减寿率(SPYLLR)和平均减寿年数(AYLL)。结果 2015-2018年陕西省居民心血管病平均粗死亡率333.25/10万(标化死亡率326.61/10万),占全人群死亡的54.01%,其中平均粗死亡率男性(353.73/10万)高于女性(311.66/10万)(〖XC小五号.EPS;P〗=280.679,P<0.001);农村(341.15/10万)高于城市(328.26/10万)(〖XC小五号.EPS;P〗=25.018,P<0.001)。前2位心血管病死因分别是脑血管病和缺血性心脏病。心血管病死亡率随年龄增长而升高,75岁以后增长迅速。全死因期望寿命77.01岁,且女性高于男性、农村高于城市;全人群去心血管病死因后提高了11.90岁。因心血管病死亡导致的PYLL为440072人年(SPYLL为404212人年)、PYLLR为20.88‰(SPYLLR为19.17‰)、AYLL为6.26年,且男性PYLL、PYLLR、AYLL均明显高于女性。结论 心血管病是危害陕西省居民身体健康和生命安全的主要疾病之一,造成的寿命损失较为严重,政府相关部门应重点关注心血管病高危人群的预防与控制措施,从而减少心血管病的发生和死亡。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The study of mortality differentials by class or socio-economic group is underdeveloped in Ireland in comparison to other countries. The work that has been done has used a standardized mortality ratio (SMR) methodology to measure deaths. There has been no previous work exploring the social gradient in years of potential life lost (YPLL) in Ireland. METHODS: The aim is to investigate socio-economic mortality differentials for men aged between 15 and 69 in Ireland, using YPLL as a measure of premature mortality. The design is a mortality trends study. The study is based on mortality data supplied by the Central Statistics Office in Ireland and population data taken from the Census for the years 1981 and 1991. The data covers all male deaths aged 15-69 in the years 1981 and 1991. Social position is measured by a 12-category socio-economic group (SEG) framework and by a more aggregate four-category occupational classification system. RESULTS: When age at death is taken into account through YPLL, injury and poisoning is a major cause of premature mortality in Ireland for all socio-economic groups. The results also show significant differentials in YPLL by 12-category SEG in Ireland. There was a widening of the social gap during the period 1981 to 1991 as measured by the YPLL ratio between lower manual/upper non-manual occupational groups. The use of YPLL as a measure of premature mortality highlights the importance of respiratory disease and injury and poisoning as the major sources of health inequality in 1981 and 1991. CONCLUSIONS: YPLL is an important indicator of general mortality and for monitoring mortality differentials by socio-economic group. Current health inequalities as measured by YPLL are unacceptably high in Ireland. A comprehensive government strategy to reduce inequalities in mortality is required, having the primary objective of improving the economic and social circumstances of people in the lower manual occupational category. There is also a need to develop measurable priorities and programmes for the reduction of premature mortality in the injury and poisoning category for all social groups, and especially for people in the lower manual group. This means action now to prevent future deaths from road accidents, accidents at work and suicides.  相似文献   

减寿年数指标计算探讨   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
谢维 《上海预防医学》2002,14(8):363-365
[目的 ] 对减寿年数 (PYLL)的计算和标化 (SPYLL)做详细的探讨 ,以便广大死因统计人员鉴别使用。  [方法 ] 讨论PYLL的定义 ,推导计算公式 ,阐述PYLL的实质。  [结果 ] 推算出PYLL计算的精确方法和利用中位数计算的方法 ,探讨了PYLL标准化的计算方法和选取标准。  [结论 ] 利用中位数计算PYLL、SPYLL准确度提高 ,选取的标准人口构成应尽量与目标人群分布接近  相似文献   

目的 分析天津市宫颈癌死亡长期趋势,为开展相关研究和预防工作提供参考。方法 计算1999-2015年天津市宫颈癌的死亡率、标化死亡率、累积死亡率(0~74岁)、截缩死亡率(35~64岁)和过早死亡损失寿命年(YLL),应用Joinpoint回归分析宫颈癌死亡率、YLL率的趋势和年度变化百分比(APC),并分析不同年龄组变化趋势。结果 1999-2015年天津市户籍居民因宫颈癌死亡1 741人,平均粗死亡率为2.15/10万,中国人口标化率为1.47/10万,世界人口标化率为1.50/10万,平均每年YLL为3 347.97人年。宫颈癌死亡者中,0~34岁占3.10%,35~64岁占57.84%,≥ 65岁占39.06%;城市宫颈癌死亡率高于农村,城乡比为1.37:1。1999-2015年宫颈癌年龄别死亡率随年龄的增加而上升。2014-2015年年龄别死亡率呈现双峰分布的特征,50岁为第一个高峰,75岁为第二个高峰;1999-2011年天津市女性宫颈癌死亡率呈稳定状态(APC=-0.2%,P=0.80),2011-2015年呈快速上升趋势(APC=21.6%,P<0.01);20~49岁组1999-2015年呈上升趋势(APC=6.9%,P<0.01);50~69岁组1999-2007年呈下降趋势(APC=-9.2%,P<0.01),2007-2015年呈上升趋势(APC=14.5%,P<0.01);≥ 70岁组1999-2009年呈下降趋势(APC=-10.2%,P<0.01),2009-2015年变化差异无统计学意义(APC=7.8%,P=0.10)。自2008年开始,50~70岁组宫颈癌的YLL率超过≥ 70岁组,并且差距逐渐扩大。结论 自2011年天津市地区宫颈癌死亡率呈快速上升趋势,50~70岁人群将是宫颈癌寿命损失的主要群体。  相似文献   



To estimate state-level diabetes-attributable deaths and years of life lost (YLL) in the Unites States.


We estimated diabetes-attributable all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths by age, sex, and state, using the attributable fraction approach. Data on diabetes prevalence were collected from Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Relative risks for people with and without diabetes were estimated using the National Health Interview Survey. State-sex-age–specific deaths were obtained from CDC WONDER. YLL were calculated by multiplying the number of people with diabetes by the difference in life expectancy between people with and without diabetes using the life table approach.


Nationally, estimated diabetes-attributable all-cause deaths and CVD deaths were 293,224 and 90,953, respectively. Diabetes resulted in a total of 109,707,000 YLL with an average 4.4 years of life lost per person with diabetes. Most state variation in total deaths was explained by state population size and diabetes prevalence. All-cause deaths ranged from 415 in Alaska to 28,538 in California, and CVD deaths ranged from 113 in Alaska to 8908 in California. Across all states, the average diabetes-attributable death rate per 100,000 was 125 for males and 105 for females for all-cause deaths and 40 for males and 31 for females for CVD deaths.


Mortality attributable to diabetes is greatly underestimated when looking only at diabetes listed as an underlying cause of death. These results can be used to track state differences in deaths due to diabetes and to monitor the success of public health activities.  相似文献   

家庭损失年数指标在流行病学的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究死亡的家庭损失评价及其在流行病学上的应用。方法:设计家庭损失年数(FYPLL)、家庭损失指数和家庭损失归因危险百分比指标。应用这些指标排列死因顺位,描述疾病家庭损失的时间、地点和人群分布,比较不同地区的差异,探索危险因素。结果:FYPLL可用于排列死因家庭损失顺位,描述其时间、地点和人群分布;家庭损失指数能比较家庭损失的地点差异,家庭损失归因危险百分比能用于分析危险因素。结论:FYPLL计算简单,具有可加性,而且考虑到死亡年龄,把超前死亡对家庭的危害程度加以量化,是一个较好的流行病学和社会学指标。  相似文献   

黄石市1981~1996年死亡率与YPLL的动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解疾病模式的变化规律及主要疾病因子,为疾病的预防与控制提供决策依据。方法 采用死亡率(MR)、减寿年(YPLL)、减寿率(YPLLR)及其标化率等指标分析人群健康状况与疾病的动态变化。结果 人群平均MR为398.80/10万,标化死亡率(SMR)482.38/10万;人群平均YPLLR为49.90‰,标化减寿率(SYPLLR)51.28‰;SMR、SYPLLR分别从1981年的765.77  相似文献   

Diabetes is a chronic disease with a U.S. prevalence of 18 cases per 10,000 youths aged <20 years. With proper management and access to care, morbidity and mortality from diabetes are preventable, particularly in the pediatric population. Although diabetes is more common among non-Hispanic white youths, some studies report higher death rates among racial/ethnic minorities and among those in lower socioeconomic strata. In 2004, age-adjusted diabetes death rates for black persons in the United States were approximately twice those for white persons. However, no recent studies on racial disparities that focus specifically on the pediatric population have been conducted. To assess racial disparities in diabetes mortality among youths, CDC analyzed data on deaths with an underlying cause of diabetes among persons aged 1-19 years for the period 1979-2004. This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which determined that, during 1979-2004, diabetes death rates for black youths were approximately twice those for white youths. During 2003-2004, the annual average diabetes death rate per 1 million youths was 2.46 for black youths and 0.91 for white youths. Further study is needed to discern the specific reasons for increased diabetes mortality in black youths. Better identification and management of the disease among youths, especially among black youths, might help decrease racial disparities and prevent deaths from diabetes.  相似文献   

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