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A spinal intradural hemorrhage due to a neurinoma is very rare and requires emergency surgery. We report the first case of a spinal intradural hemorrhage due to a neurinoma in an early puerperal woman. The patient had a history of intermittent episodes of lower back pain for 3 years. The antenatal course to that time had been uneventful. Two days after a normal vaginal delivery, she presented with sudden onset of spinal lesion with severe symptoms and an emergency laminectomy was performed to remove an intradural hemorrhagic lesion due to a neurinoma. In this case, we speculate that clots in the intratumoral vessels spontaneously occurred during pregnancy and obstructions of these vessels followed by necrosis and hemorrhage of distal tissues occurred in the early postpartum stage. Moreover, the change in posture caused by the change in the maternal center of gravity following delivery, as well as the frequent bending required for the care of the newborn, may have been contributing factors. Mild but repetitive traction force caused by the change in posture and frequent bending may have created exertion on the vascular attachment to the nerve roots, causing the intradural hemorrhage.  相似文献   

We reviewed the records of all patients who had received an epidural catheter for management of chronic cancer pain in a 3-year period (1993–1996). Patients with nervous system infections were identified, and pertinent clinical, radiological (magnetic resonance imaging), and bacteriological data were analyzed. We identified 11 patients who developed spinal epidural abscess (SEA). All of these had back pain; radicular signs occurred in seven patients and spinal cord compression in two patients. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed SEA in all 11 patients. SEA was iso- to hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images relative to spinal cord. After gadolinium administration seven lesions showed characteristic rim enhancement while three showed minimal enhancement. No signs of diskitis or osteomyelitis were present, and the abscess was always localized to the posterior epidural space. Cultures were positive in all cases and revealed Staphylococcus epidermidis in eight and S. aureus in three. All patients were treated with intravenous antibiotics, and four had an additional decompressive laminectomy. Two patients died within 1 week of diagnosis from overwhelming septicemia despite apparently adequate antibiotic treatment. Within 4 weeks after diagnosis of SEA two patients died from widely metastatic disease, although infection may have contributed. One patient developed septicemia while receiving appropriate antibiotics and underwent emergency laminectomy. The neurological deficits recovered in all patients who survived the acute infectious episode. We conclude that patients with chronic epidural catheters for cancer pain require prompt neurological evaluation and magnetic resonance imaging when SEA is suspected. Early evaluation and treatment may lead to full recovery. Received: 21 December 1998 Received in revised form: 23 February 1999 Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SEH) has not been reported under anti-thrombotic therapy with acetyl-salicylic acid (ASA) in a dosage of 50 mg/d. METHODS: Spinal MRI, emergency laminectomy. RESULTS: A 77-yo, HIV-negative female under longterm treatment over three years with ASA 50 mg/d for varicositas, prescribed by her general practitioner, experienced sudden onset back pain with radiation towards both knees after getting up in the morning. One-and-a-half hours later she also developed ascending hypesthesia and weakness originating from both distal lower limbs. Three hours after onset, hypesthesia had reached the T10-level bilaterally and she had become paraplegic. There was reduced intestinal motility, stool incontinence, and urinary hesitancy. MRI of the thoraco-lumbar spine demonstrated a SEH T9-L1 indenting the dural sack and compressing the myelon. Immediately after emergency laminectomy T10-12 with micro-surgical evacuation of the clot, 12 h after onset, she could move both legs again and was able to walk with support 7 days after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: This case shows that SEH occurs under a minimal dose of ASA and that such patients rapidly recover upon immediate surgical decompression and evacuation of the hematoma.  相似文献   

Introduction and objective  Spinal epidural hematoma (SEH) is an uncommon complication in hemophilic children. It can produce rapidly progressive neurological deficits. We aim to discuss the different management options for these patients. Case report  A 13-year-old boy with a history of hemophilia A was admitted with acute onset of localized spine pain and weakness. No trauma was reported on review of the history. Recombinant factor VIII aggressive replacement therapy was started. Spinal magnetic resonance imaging revealed an extradural mass lesion extending from D5 to D6 level. Emergency hemilaminectomies of D5 and D6 and evacuation of the clot were done. The patient made excellent recovery following surgery. Conclusion  Early diagnosis and immediate aggressive replacement therapy are mandatory in the management of SEH. Prompt surgical decompression to avoid any permanent neurological deficit is a safe and effective treatment option for an SEH in selected hemophilic children. Commentaries on this paper are available at doi: and doi:.  相似文献   

We present a rare case of symptomatic cystic lumbar spinal epidural lipomatosis that required surgical treatment via a minimally invasive tubular laminectomy. To our knowledge this is the first pathology confirmed report of compressive cystic lumbar spinal epidural lipomatosis available in literature.  相似文献   

A case of spinal epidural meningioma in a 14-year-old girl is presented. Myelographic and computed tomographic findings led to the preoperative diagnosis of a metastatic lesion. Histological examination revealed the tumor to be a meningioma. Total resection was accomplished and the patient made a very good neurological recovery. A review of the literature reveals that these tumors have rarely been reported, especially in childhood.  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid leakage may commonly occur during spinal surgeries and it may cause dural tears. These tears may result in hemorrhage in the entire compartments of the brain. Most common site of such hemorrhages are the veins in the cerebellar region. We report a case of hemorrhage, mimicking aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage due to a cerebrospinal fluid leakage following lumbar spinal surgery and discuss the possible mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the neurological system have been investigated. Evidence of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) cases associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection have recently been reported. A 34-year-old multiparous woman with COVID-19 infection at her 37th (4/7) gestational week was presented here. She was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome at postpartum. As we know recently this was the first case mentioned in the literature. The clinical course of GBS with COVID-19 after childbirth may be similar to GBS patients not infected with COVID-19.  相似文献   



Venous thromboembolism (VTE) after spinal surgery affects a patients'' postoperative recovery and also carries a mortality risk. Some studies recommended chemical prophylaxis for high-risk patients and for those after complex spinal surgeries. However, chemoprophylaxis for VTE in spinal surgery is underemployed and there is no agreement on the use of VTE prophylaxis in spinal surgery. The aim of this study was to document the incidence of VTE after an elective instrumental spinal surgery, among those receiving preoperative chemoprophylaxis as compared with patients who did not receive it.


This study was carried out on eighty-nine patients allocated randomly to receive either low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or no prophylaxis before elective instrumental spinal surgery. All patients received postoperative compression stockings. A compression Doppler ultrasonography was performed for all patients to detect postoperative deep vein thrombosis. In addition, further imaging studies were performed for patients suspected of VTE.


Three (3.3%) patients were diagnosed with VTE. One of them had received preoperative chemoprophylaxis. There were no significant difference in incidence of VTE between the two groups (p>0.95; 95% confidence interval, 0.06-8.7). Laterality of gender and postsurgical recumbence duration were all independent predictors of VTE (p=0.01 and p<0.001, respectively).


The difference in the incidence of thromboembolic complications between the two groups was not significant. Moreover, we found that preoperative prophylactic LMWH injection has no major bleeding complications altering postoperative course; still, the issue concerning the initiation time of chemoprophylaxis in spinal surgery remains unclear.  相似文献   



The risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is higher during pregnancy, with an incidence between 0.05 and 0.2%, and among persons with sickle cell disease (SCD), yet the rates and risk factors, such as pneumonia, vasooclusive crisis (VOC), and acute chest syndrome (ACS), associated with pregnancy-related VTE are not firmly established in SCD.


Inpatient hospital discharge data from 2007-2011 were obtained from the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council to estimate the rate of VTE among African American delivery hospitalizations with SCD and to compare pregnancy complications and medical comorbidities among pregnant women with SCD.


Among 212 hospitalized deliveries in African-American women with SCD, 6 (2.8%, 95% CI 1.0%-5.9%) had VTE compared to 0.05 to 2.0% in the general population. Risk factors for VTE included pneumonia and diabetes mellitus. Overall, the prevalence of VTE, among hospitalized deliveries in SCD women with pneumonia, VOC, and/or ACS, 6.6%, was significantly greater than among those without these conditions, 2.2%, p < 0.001.


Pregnancy-related VTE in women with SCD appears to be 1.5 to 5 times greater than pregnancy-related VTE in the general population. The higher prevalence of VTE among pregnant women with pneumonia, VOC, and/or ACS, and their potential clinical overlap, suggests that VTE may be missed in such women. We conclude that VTE in pregnant women with SCD may be more common than previously reported, and such women might be candidates for thromboprophylaxis.  相似文献   

BackgroundFluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences are previously described for the evaluation of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and demonstrated good sensitivity. This study was designed to find the diagnostic accuracy of FLAIR in detection of acute SAH in patients presenting with severe headache considering the fact that controversy has been observed in previous studies.ObjectiveTo determine diagnostic accuracy of FLAIR in detection of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage in patients presenting with severe headache using lumber puncture as gold standard.MethodologyA total of 245 patients fulfilling selection criteria were enrolled in the study through the emergency department of Combined Military Hospital, Lahore. MRI was performed by Philips Intera Achieva 1.5 T super conducting MR unit (Philips Medical Systems, the Netherlands), with the use of a head coil. FLAIR examination was performed at 6700/150 (TR/TE) with an inversion time (TI) of 2200 ms, a field of view 230 mm, matrix 189 × 256, scan time of 3 min 50s and section thickness 5 mm in axial plane. Following MRI, patients underwent lumbar puncture for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination after 8–12 h from the onset of event. MRI and CSF analysis results were then compared.ResultsOut of 245 cases, 49.39% (n = 121) were between 20–55 years of age while 50.61% (n = 124) were between 56–70 years of age, mean ± sd was calculated as 52.13 ± 10.45 years, 53.88% (n = 132) were male while 46.12% (n = 113) were females, frequency of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage in patients presenting with severe headache was recorded as 5.71%(n = 14), diagnostic accuracy of FLAIR in detection of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage in patients presenting with severe headache taking lumbar puncture as gold standard as 78.57% sensitivity, 96.53% specificity, 57.89% positive predictive value, 98.67% negative predictive value and accuracy rate was calculated as 95.29%.ConclusionDiagnostic accuracy of FLAIR in detection of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage in patients presenting with severe headache taking lumbar puncture as gold standard is higher and reliable.  相似文献   

Hydrocephalus has varied presentations in patients with a history of spinal dysraphism. This is a unique case of post-subarachnoid hemorrhage hydrocephalus presenting as cauda equina syndrome. We report on a 32-year-old woman with remotely repaired spinal defect who experienced subarachnoid hemorrhage and underwent anterior communicating artery aneurysm clipping. Post-operatively, she developed urinary and fecal incontinence as the sole presenting symptom of communicating post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus. New neurological deficits in this population can also be attributed to recurrent cord tethering or syrinx, both of which were demonstrated on her lumbar spine MRI, but her incontinence resolved with external ventricular drain placement and cerebrospinal fluid diversion. There are few case reports of patients with closed neural tube defects and hydrocephalus and none in the adult population to our knowledge. Neurological change in patients with any history of spinal dysraphism may reflect altered cerebrospinal fluid dynamics affecting either end of the neuraxis.  相似文献   

Background and purpose: Spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) may arise at any level from the foramen magnum to the sacrum. Only a few case series of DAVFs at the foramen magnum have been reported, especially with patients presenting with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). We performed a retrospective study of four such cases and summarize experiences in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of a DAVF at the foramen magnum. Methods: Four male patients, aged from 35 to 51 years, were admitted with severe headache. The cranial computerized tomography scans of all four patients showed SAH, with hemorrhage in the fourth ventricle with or without hemorrhage in the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles. Pre‐operative digital subtraction cerebral angiography showed a DAVF at the foramen magnum draining to medullary veins and/or the straight sinus and the confluence of sinuses. Two DAVFs were fed by the vertebral artery, whilst the others were fed by dural branches of the occipital artery and/or the ascending pharyngeal artery. Results: Three patients underwent direct microsurgical electrocoagulation and disconnection of the arteriovenous shunt via an enlargement of the foramen magnum and a hemilaminectomy at C1 by the far lateral suboccipital approach. Post‐operative angiography confirmed complete obliteration of the fistula. Conclusions: Cerebral digital subtraction angiography is an effective and accurate method for examination of a DAVF at the foramen magnum. It can be treated effectively and with minimal surgical trauma by microsurgical electrocoagulation and disconnection of the shunt.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been high prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) infection among soldiers in the Israeli military, with devastating sequelae in several cases. Emergency department physicians have developed a high level of suspicion for spinal epidural abscess (SEA) in patients presenting known risk factors; however, SEA is a particularly elusive diagnosis in young healthy adults with no history of drug abuse. We review three cases of SEA secondary to methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) infection in young healthy soldiers without known risk factors. We retrospectively reviewed clinical files of soldiers treated at our Medical Center from 2004–2015 to identify patients diagnosed with SEA. Those aged less than 30 years with no history of intravenous drug use, spine surgery or spine trauma were included in the study. Three young army recruits met the inclusion criteria. These young men developed SEA through extension of MSSA infection to proximal skin and soft tissue from impetigo secondary to skin scratches sustained during “basic” training. All presented with mild nuchal rigidity and severe persistent unremitting lancinating radicular pain. Although healthy at baseline, they had a severe, rapidly progressive course. Following urgent surgery, two patients recovered after rehabilitation; one remained with paraparesis at late follow-up. Neurological deficits and systemic evidence of S. aureus infection progressed rapidly in these young healthy SEA patients with no history of drug abuse, emphasizing the critical role of timely MRI, diagnosis, and surgery.  相似文献   



Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an effective means of treatment of chronic neuropathic pain from failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). Because the success of trial stimulation is an essential part of SCS, we investigated factors associated with success of trial stimulation.


Successful trial stimulation was possible in 26 of 44 patients (63.6%) who underwent insertion of electrodes for the treatment of chronic pain from FBSS. To investigate factors associated with successful trial stimulation, patients were classified into two groups (success and failure in trial). We investigated the following factors : age, sex, predominant pain areas (axial, limb, axial combined with limbs), number of operations, duration of preoperative pain, type of electrode (cylindrical/paddle), predominant type of pain (nociceptive, neuropathic, mixed), degree of sensory loss in painful areas, presence of motor weakness, and preoperative Visual Analogue Scale.


There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of age, degree of pain, number of operations, and duration of pain (p>0.05). Univariate analysis revealed that the type of electrode and presence of severe sensory deficits were significantly associated with the success of trial stimulation (p<0.05). However, the remaining variable, sex, type of pain, main location of pain, degree of pain duration, degree of sensory loss, and presence of motor weakness, were not associated with the trial success of SCS for FBSS.


Trial stimulation with paddle leads was more successful. If severe sensory deficits occur in the painful dermatomes in FBSS, trial stimulation were less effective.  相似文献   

Paraplegia following spinal epidural anesthesia is extremely rare. Various lesions for neurologic complications have been documented in the literature. We report a 66-year-old female who developed paraplegia after left knee surgery for osteoarthritis under spinal epidural anesthesia. In the recovery room, paraplegia and numbness below T4 vertebra was checked. A magnetic resonance image (MRI) scan showed a spinal thoracic intradural extramedullary (IDEM) tumor. After extirpation of the tumor, the motor weakness improved to the grade of 3/5. If a neurologic deficit following spinal epidural anesthesia does not resolve, a MRI should be performed without delay to accurately diagnose the cause of the deficit and optimal treatment should be rendered for the causative lesion.  相似文献   

目的研究脑出血患者离子水平相关的临床规律及其与外科手术的关系并探讨其临床意义。方法搜集并分析219例脑出血患者(手术患者77例和非手术患者142例)入院时及复查、术前及术后的血清K+,Na+,Ca2+,Mg2+及无机磷的数值、入院时血肿体积(根据头部CT影像计算)。结果丘脑-基底节区脑出血术后患者钾钠紊乱发生率明显低于保守治疗患者。经皮尔逊相关性分析,钙离子、镁离子、无机磷浓度与血肿量呈负相关,无机磷组的相关性最强。经多元逐步线性回归分析,血肿量与血清钙、磷呈多元线性相关。结论外科手术治疗丘脑-基底节区脑出血可减轻钾钠离子紊乱,而非丘脑-基底节区脑出血患者的钾钠紊乱不受手术影响。脑出血患者的血肿量越大,血清钙磷镁的浓度越低。  相似文献   

Osmotic demyelinating syndromes consisting of central pontine and extra-pontine demyelination are very uncommon disorders characterized by non-inflammatory lesions involving the pons and sometimes spreading to other areas. Rapid changes in serum sodium concentration are usually regarded as the main pathophysiological mechanism. We report herein the case of a 23-year-old woman in the 24th week of pregnancy, who demonstrated both central pontine and extra-pontine demyelination occurring at the time of a recently introduced treatment with lithium. The disorder was related to the rapid correction of pregnancy-related hyponatremia, as a consequence of lithium-induced diabetes insipidus. Hence, lithium toxicity is a rare cause of osmotic demyelinating syndromes and appears to correlate with disturbances in sodium homeostasia.  相似文献   

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