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本文应用电镜酶细胞化学方法对6例肝癌癌周淋巴结淋巴细胞酶活性进行了研究。结果表明:酶反应颗粒在细胞膜下方,内质同及线粒体膜表面以及核膜下方,染色质等部位定位清晰。ATP酶、G-6-P酶活性明显减弱,而5’-ND活性明显增强。结果提示:1,ATP酶、G-6-P酶活性减弱可能是肝癌免疫功能降低的主要原因之一,并可反映患者免疫状态。2,5’-ND活性增强在肝癌诊断方面有一定意义。  相似文献   

食管小细胞癌的临床病理,免疫组化及电镜观察   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
云径平  林汉良 《癌症》1998,17(4):251-253,F003
目的:探计食管小细胞瘤的临床病理特征、抗原表达及超微结构特点。方法:收集食管小细胞癌28例,分析统计临床病理资料,每例均采用SLAB方法做7项免疫学标记,分别为CK、LCA、S-100,CD56(神经细胞粘连分子)、CHA(铬粒素)、NSE(神经特异性烯醇化酶)、HHF35,5例取新鲜组织做电镜观察。结果:患者年龄以中老年多见,部位在中下段,病情发展快、转移早,预后差。林体形态为溃疡型、隆起型,镜  相似文献   

大肠癌是消化系统最常见的恶性肿瘤之一 ,近年来发病率呈上升化、年轻化趋势。以手术治疗为主 ,辅以化疗、放疗等综合治疗 ,但疗效不满意 ,5年生存率在 5 0 %左右。大肠癌的发生、发展和转归与细胞凋亡有密切关系 ,其实质是细胞增殖与凋亡的失衡 ,即增殖过度或凋亡不足。有关大  相似文献   

肿瘤间质中的肥大细胞对肿瘤生长和宿主预后有何影响,学者们的意见分歧颇大。本研究试图通过一组食管癌病例的组化及超微结构观察,了解癌间质肥大细胞反应与肿瘤分级、浸润、转移以及预后等关系,为探讨机体抗肿瘤反应提供组织学参考指标。材料与方法 100例食管癌病例是从1976~1985年间经病理诊断的708例食管癌中随机选取的;21例对照观察病例选自尸解或非癌性食管组织;12例电镜观察标本均为新鲜组织,癌肿、癌旁1cm及5cm处各取1块  相似文献   

乙酰肝素酶的外源性表达对大肠癌HT29细胞侵袭性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu Y  Ding YQ  Xin XY  Han LF  Liang L 《癌症》2005,24(12):1427-1430
背景与目的:乙酰肝素酶(heparanase,Hpa)基因表达与恶性肿瘤及肿瘤细胞的侵袭、转移和血管生成能力密切相关。本研究旨在通过增强肿瘤细胞中外源性Hpa基因的表达,探讨该基因对大肠癌细胞HT29转移侵袭能力的影响。方法:Hpa全长基因真核表达载体转染HT29细胞,MTT法检测转化细胞增殖能力,Boyden小室体外侵袭实验比较转染前后细胞侵袭能力的变化,通过转化细胞裸鼠异种接种成瘤和实体瘤回盲部原位种植转移模型建立,观察Hpa基因外源性表达对HT29细胞侵袭性的影响。结果:转染Hpa基因细胞HT29-Hpa较未转染细胞HT29和转染空载细胞HT29-KZ生长速度明显加快;Boyden小室体外侵袭实验显示,HT29-Hpa细胞穿膜数(45.5±0.5)较HT29细胞(29.3±0.1)和HT29-KZ细胞(30.1±0.2)增多,差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。转染细胞裸鼠皮下瘤生长速度明显加快,同期内HT29-Hpa细胞形成的皮下瘤(12mm×9mm×10mm)较HT29细胞皮下瘤(6mm×8mm×6mm)大,HT29-Hpa细胞皮下瘤回盲部原位种植致肝转移率(71.43%)较HT29细胞肝转移率(14.29%)增高,两者间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:Hpa基因外源性的表达能促进肿瘤细胞的生长、侵袭和转移。  相似文献   

为了研究腺苷酸环化酶(ACL)对糖原型胃癌糖代谢的影响,采用光镜、电镜和酶细胞化学技术研究了56例糖原型和非糖原型胃癌的形态学和ACL活性。发现糖原型胃癌ACL活性明显下降。可以认为ACL活性下降导致癌细胞信号传导途径中第二信使cAMP产生障碍,其最终结果是糖原的累积  相似文献   

肠道脱落细胞检查在大肠癌筛检中的意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
吴显文  李世荣 《癌症》1997,16(5):386-387,F002
肠道脱落细胞检查在大肠癌筛检中的意义吴显文李世荣王志红吴霞晨智敏武子涛关键词大肠肿瘤脱落细胞免疫组化中图号R735.34为了提高大肠癌普查过程中人群筛检方法的特异性,我们对126例肠镜检查患者和部分大肠癌术前患者进行了肠道脱落细胞学的研究,报告如下:...  相似文献   

CD15抗原在大肠癌中的表达及免疫电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:探讨CD15抗原在大肠癌组织表达及分布特点,与肿瘤发生发展、转移的关系。方法:应用微波LSAB免疫组化法,对90例大肠癌组织及癌旁粘膜组织进行CD15 抗原检测,并进一步用胶体金免疫电镜技术对CD15抗原的分布特征进行观察。结果:90 例大肠癌中,75例呈CD15阳性表达,阳性率83.3% ,癌旁粘膜亦呈CD15 弱阳性表达。CD15 表达阳性率在伴有淋巴结转移的大肠癌中为94.1% ,显著高于无转移者(69.2% )(P< 0.005)。免疫电镜显示,CD15抗原主要分布于大肠癌细胞浆的界膜、内质网、高尔基体及近细胞核膜处和癌旁粘膜上皮细胞浆的界膜处。结论:本实验结果提示大肠癌的发生发展及其肿瘤的生物学行为与CD15的表达相关,CD15可能是通过改变其糖基构型而参与肿瘤的形成或转移过程  相似文献   

Lipid metabolism in hormone-dependent (HD) GR mouse mammary tumors was compared to that in hormone-independent (HI) tumors and normal mammary tissues. HD tumors, like normal mammary tissue but unlike HI tumors, synthesized medium-chain-length fatty acids (MCFA). However, when treated with hormones (estrone and progesterone), the HI tumors were induced to produce MCFA. The activity of thioesterase II correlated positively with the synthesis of MCFA and was influenced by the hormones administered. The activities of NADP+-linked malate dehydrogenase, citrate lyase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and fatty acid synthetase, although lower in tumors than in normal glands, were not different in HD as compared to HI tumors. Whereas the predominating lipids synthesized in normal glands were triglycerides, phospholipids comprised about half of the lipid synthesized in the tumors, with no difference between HD and HI tumors. The conversion of D-[U-14C]glucose to 14CO2 was higher in HD tumors than in HI tumors but increased in HI tumors treated with hormones in vivo. By a comparison of the 14CO2 produced from D-[1-14C]glucose and from D-[6-14C]glucose in the presence and absence of an electron acceptor (methylene blue), it was demonstrated that regeneration of NADP+ from NADPH was a rate-limiting step for the pentose phosphate pathway in the tumors. Hence, while differences in the lipid metabolism can be demonstrated between HD and HI GR mouse mammary tumors, some of the changes are due to the hormone treatment rather than to a specific alteration in the tumor itself.  相似文献   

Tissue samples from 12 patients with pancreatic carcinoma were studied by light and electron microscopy. Ten were diagnosed as adenocarcinoma by light microscopy. However, three different electron microscopic findings were observed among these ten adenocarcinomas. One showed that the tumour cells had large nuclei with poorly developed intracellular organelles. Many mucinous granules, well developed cellular projections and intracellular microcysts were observed. In the second findings were different in that these cells had no granules. The intracellular organelles were developed poorly and abundant microvilli and cellular projections were observed. These observations suggest that the tumour cells may arise from pancreatic ductular cells. The third specimen showed a completely different appearance. There were pleomorphic nuclei with enlarged nucleoli and the cytoplasm contained swollen mitochondria, a well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and varying numbers of zymogen-like granules. Occasionally, the zymogen-like granules were absent. These characteristics resemble the de-differentiation of acinar cells which has been repeated in experimental pancreatic carcinoma. These results suggest that careful examination of human pancreatic carcinoma may show more cells of acinar origin.  相似文献   

Glycolytic enzyme activities in breast cancer metastases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activities of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, aldolase, enolase and pyruvate kinase were studied in breast cancer metastases occurring at various sites and compared with the enzyme activities in a series of primary breast cancers. The activities of all enzymes studied were significantly higher in the metastases compared to the primary tumors (p less than or equal to 0.05). However, no changes in the isoenzyme patterns of enolase and pyruvate kinase were observed when the metastases were compared with primary breast cancers. Differences in location of the metastases did not lead to differences in enzyme activities. Our data suggest an association of an increasing rate of glycolysis with tumor progression.  相似文献   

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most aggressive and deadly malignancies. Recently, the deubiquitinating protease USP9X has been shown to behave as an oncogene in a number of neoplasms, including those of breast, brain, colon, esophagus and lung, as well as KRAS wild-type PDAC. However, other studies suggest that USP9X may function as a tumor-suppressor in a murine PDAC model when USP9X expression is depleted during early pancreatic development. To address the conflicting findings surrounding the role of USP9X in PDAC, we examined the effects of knocking down USP9X in five human PDAC cell lines (BxPC3, Capan1, CD18, Hs766T, and S2-013). We demonstrate that knocking down USP9X in each of the PDAC cell lines reduces their anchorage-dependent growth. Using an inducible shRNA system to knock down USP9X in both BxPC3 and Capan1 cells, we also determined that USP9X is necessary for the anchorage-independent growth. In addition, knockdown of USP9X alters the cell cycle profile of BxPC3 cells and increases their invasive capacity. Finally, we show that an inhibitor of deubiquitinating proteases, WP1130, induces significant cytotoxicity in each of the five PDAC cell lines tested. Overall, our work and the work of others indicate that the function and role of USP9X is highly context-dependent. Although USP9X may function as a tumor-suppressor during the establishment of PDAC, data presented here argue that USP9X promotes cell growth in advanced PDAC cells when PDAC is typically diagnosed. Hence, USP9X may be a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of advanced PDAC.  相似文献   

目的:评价沙利度胺对晚期肺腺癌并CACS治疗的有效性和安全性。方法:选取210例体重减轻10%以上的,确诊晚期肺腺癌并发恶液质的患者,随机分为实验组和对照组。治疗组每晚服用沙利度胺100 mg,维持治疗8周,同时两组均给予营养支持,主要评价标准是体重和营养状况的变化。结果:用药8周后,204例(对照组104例,实验组100例)用于评估,治疗组在治疗前后平均体重、食欲、ECOGPS评分、乏力的改善均具有统计学意义。便秘、过度镇静在两组间有统计学差异(P=0.002 和P=0.004),其他症状均无统计学差异。结论:沙利度胺对缓解晚期肺腺癌并发恶液质患者治疗有效,且耐受良好。  相似文献   

It has been reported that surface glycoconjugates in tumour cells have more complex and more heavily sialylated sugar chains in glycoproteins. Here, we analysed CMP-NeuAc:asialofetuin sialyltransferase activities in total cell membranes from colorectal cancer tissue with respect to normal adjacent tissue, finding enhanced sialyltransferase activities. Determination of the kinetic parameters for the donor substrate, CMP-NeuAc, revealed that the apparent K(m) in tumour tissue was decreased as regards to the normal value. Furthermore, we failed to find any correlation between this activity and the characteristics of the samples such as the age or sex of the patient, or Dukes' stage of the tumour. In order to know which sialyltransferase activity was altered, we studied the incorporation of NeuAc into N- and O-linked chains from asialofetuin. The results allow us to conclude that it is on N-linked chains where the activity is enhanced. With respect to alpha(2,3)- and alpha(2,6)-NeuAc linkages, we observed that enhanced activity in tumour tissues affects both linkages equally.  相似文献   

目的 研究人角化层糜蛋白酶(SCCE)在子宫颈腺癌中的表达及临床意义.方法 采用免疫组织化学SP法检测子宫颈腺癌45例、子宫颈腺上皮内瘤变(CGIN) 24例和正常子宫颈组织24例中SCCE、雌激素受体(ER)、癌胚抗原(CEA)及波形蛋白(Vimentin)的表达情况.结果 子宫颈腺癌、CGIN和正常子宫颈组中,SCCE的阳性表达率分别为84.44%(38/45)、58.33%(14/24)和8.33%(2/24),子宫颈腺癌组中SCCE表达率明显高于正常子宫颈组(P< 0.012 5),CGIN组中SCCE表达率高于正常子宫颈组(P<0.0125),子宫颈腺癌组与CGIN组SCCE表达率差异无统计学意义(P>0.0125).结论 SCCE可以作为子宫颈腺癌早期筛查中的一项新指标,并可作为判断预后的指标.  相似文献   

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