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简介人口学资料明确显示:老年人口占总人口的百分率正逐年增加。当前,有关老年男性雄激素缺乏的问题逐渐成为令人感兴趣、但又充满争议的世界性话题。已经有横向和纵向的研究资料表明,随着年龄增大,成年男子的雄激素水平逐渐降低,且相当一部分年龄超过60岁男性的血清睾酮水平已降  相似文献   

男性迟发性性腺功能减退症的雄激素补充治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迟发性性腺功能减退症(late-onsethypogonadism,LOH)主要依据临床表现和血清生物睾酮水平进行诊断。由于靶器官敏感性不同造成血清睾酮水平存在很大的个体差异。2009年,中国雄激素治疗委员会参照国内外LOH指南,讨论后推荐睾酮补充治疗(TST)标准如下。  相似文献   

中老年男性迟发性性腺功能减退症(late-onset hypogonadism,LOH)的发病机制是多种机制损害雄激素的正常分泌和生物活性,包括雄激素水平下降和雄激素受体异常,是原发性和继发性因素共同作用的结果.综述LOH的发病机制、发病率及危险因素,后者包括疾病和药物的影响、过度肥胖、不良生活方式、环境与遗传因素的影响、精神心理因素、社会经济因素和文化教育水平.  相似文献   

中老年男性迟发性性腺功能减退症(late-onsethypogonadism,LOH)的发病机制是多种机制损害雄激素的正常分泌和生物活性,包括雄激素水平下降和雄激素受体异常,是原发性和继发性因素共同作用的结果。综述LOH的发病机制、发病率及危险因素,后者包括疾病和药物的影响、过度肥胖、不良生活方式、环境与遗传因素的影响、精神心理因素、社会经济因素和文化教育水平。  相似文献   

代谢综合征主要表现为腹型肥胖、糖耐量异常、高血压、血脂异常以及炎症和血栓状态.血清睾酮水平低下与代谢综合征密切相关,是糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化、心血管疾病的独立危险因素.横断面流行病学研究结果表明,血清睾酮和胰岛素敏感性有直接关系,患者的低睾酮水平增加其患2型糖尿病的风险,血清睾酮和性激素结合球蛋白水平低下能预测代谢综合征...  相似文献   

代谢综合征主要表现为腹型肥胖、糖耐量异常、高血压、血脂异常以及炎症和血栓状态。血清睾酮水平低下与代谢综合征密切相关,是糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化、心血管疾病的独立危险因素。横断面流行病学研究结果表明,血清睾酮和胰岛素敏感性有直接关系,患者的低睾酮水平增加其患2型糖尿病的风险,血清睾酮和性激素结合球蛋白水平低下能预测代谢综合征发生率较高。睾酮补充治疗能减少体脂含量、减少胰岛素抵抗和改善血糖控制,能抑制糖尿病和动脉粥样硬化的发展。血清低睾酮水平应该作为代谢综合征定义的要素之一。  相似文献   

AMS 量表和ADAM问卷是目前筛查或诊断迟发性性腺功能减退症(LOH)时应用最广 泛、权威性最高的评价工具,重点阐述国内外关于AMS 量表和ADAM 问卷验证研究的现状和热点,研究 者从多种角度、利用多种方法对不同语言版本筛查量表的适用性和有效性进行了验证研究。多数研究结 论认为,AMS 量表和ADAM 问卷是良好的LOH筛查工具,具有普遍的适用性和较高的有效性。指出目前 筛查量表验证研究存在的问题和不足。  相似文献   

AMS量表和ADAM问卷是目前筛查或诊断迟发性性腺功能减退症(LOH)时应用最广泛、权威性最高的评价工具,重点阐述国内外关于AMS量表和ADAM问卷验证研究的现状和热点,研究者从多种角度、利用多种方法对不同语言版本筛查量表的适用性和有效性进行了验证研究。多数研究结论认为,AMS量表和ADAM问卷是良好的LOH筛查工具,具有普遍的适用性和较高的有效性。指出目前筛查量表验证研究存在的问题和不足。  相似文献   



There is a dearth of research to inform sexual education programs to address sexual health disparities experienced by adolescent males who are interested in sex with males (AMSM). The current study sought to determine where AMSM receive sexual health information, clarify their preferences, and explore relations with sexual behavior.


AMSM (N?=?207; ages 14–17) in the United States completed an online sexual health survey. Bivariate associations between sexual education exposure/preferences by sexual behavior were assessed using Fisher's exact tests and one-way analyses of variance.


Eighty-nine (43%) participants reported no sexual contact with male partners, 77 (37%) reported sexual contact without condomless anal sex, and 41 (20%) reported condomless anal sex. Participants received sexual health information from their parents/guardians (n?=?122, 59%), formal sources (n?=?160, 78%), and the Internet (n?=?135, 65%). The most commonly covered topics by parents/guardians and formal sources were how to say no to sex, how to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and methods of birth control. The most common online-researched topics were how to safely have anal sex, the types of sex you can have with a male partner, how to use a condom, and how to use lubrication. Participants noted preferring a sexually-explicit online sexual health program that addresses male–male sex.


Online sexual education programs that explicitly address male–male sex are needed. Tailored programs can help AMSM develop healthy sexual behaviors and decrease their HIV/STI risk.  相似文献   

目的:了解中国中老年男性对雄激素及相关问题的认知和态度,以及知识需求、雄激素治疗和应用情况。方法:采用统一的结构式问卷调查中老年男性1498人,共获得有效问卷1461份。结果:中老年男性调查对象对"雄激素"和"男性更年期"知晓率分别为27.71%和67.39%。城镇组无人检测过血清睾酮水平,农村组有2人做过检测;医生给城镇组、农村组开具使用雄激素处方和补充过雄激素的各有1人、4人。5年内意外摔倒出现骨折率为4.18%,共有13人做过骨密度检测。结论:中老年男性调查对象的雄激素知晓率和认知水平较低,雄激素使用率、原发性骨质疏松症骨折患病率、骨密度检测率很低,对"男性更年期"知晓率较高,需要加强宣传、教育以及相关疾病的筛查、监测等工作。  相似文献   

Behaviorally maladjusted students represent a serious problem for schools. A short-term group counseling program was initiated as an alternative to out-of-school suspensions for male students in a middle school (grades six-eight). Thirteen adolescents were identified for group treatment. All received a standard psychiatric interview, and standard measures of self-concept, anxiety, cognitive complexity, and sexual maturity. Eleven students referred to the program had conduct disorders supported by Devereux Behavior profiles. Compared to 48 males of similar age (m = 12.5 years) without behavior problems, no significant differences were noted in self-concept or anxiety. Boys with behavior problems were less cognitively mature (p = .02) and were significantly (p = .001) more advanced in Tanner sexual maturity rating than the comparison group. A behavior management system using group rewards and consequences for individual behavior was utilized. Disciplinary problems decreased in the classroom during treatment but no long-term changes were noted following cessation of treatment. The data raises the question whether early sexual maturation modifies an adolescent's risk for psychological problems. Short-term group treatment may be effective in improving classroom behavior of behaviorally disturbed adolescent males.  相似文献   

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