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女性绝经后,雌激素的缺乏会引发一系列严重危害生命质量的健康事件.根据目前平均寿命,女性近30年的时间将处于雌激素缺乏状态,而绝经激素治疗(menopausal hormone therapy,MHT)是全面解决绝经相关症状及疾病的唯一方案.虽然近年来我国医务工作者和大众对MHT的认识有所提高,但MHT的知晓率和使用率在...  相似文献   

绝经激素治疗(MHT)是改善女性更年期症状的重要治疗手段,对于健康的绝经后女性而言,MHT可以使其长期获益。但是不同人群应用MHT的安全性与获益性不尽相同,对于合并2型糖尿病(T2DM)的绝经后女性是否可以进行MHT仍存在争议。因此,确定MHT对T2DM患者的有益或不利影响十分必要。本文将对MHT对T2DM患者的影响作...  相似文献   

绝经激素治疗(menopausal hormone therapy,MHT)是对卵巢功能衰退的女性进行外源性雌激素补充以解决与雌激素不足相关的健康问题,MHT对于缓解绝经症状、防治泌尿生殖道萎缩相关疾病和预防骨质疏松的获益是毋庸置疑的.近80年来,医学界对MHT获益与风险的认识经历了跌宕起伏、崎岖发展的过程.特别是21...  相似文献   

《中国绝经管理与绝经激素治疗指南(2018)》由中华医学会妇产科学分会绝经学组的全体专家在2012版指南基础上修订, 并采纳了国内相关学术领域专家的修改意见, 旨在指导医疗保健专业人士优化绝经过渡期及绝经后妇女的健康管理。本指南综合了本领域近年来的研究进展, 也借鉴了近几年全球各大绝经学会相应指南中的重要信息, 并纳入了证据水平和建议等级; 保留了2012版指南中的规范绝经激素治疗(menopause hormone therapy, MHT)诊疗流程, 并有所改进; 增加了绝经的分期系统——生殖衰老研讨会分期+10, 便于理解生殖衰老过程的临床、生物学、内分泌变化; 肯定了MHT的最佳适应证是治疗血管舒缩症状(vasomotor symptoms, VMS)、生殖泌尿道萎缩相关问题和预防绝经相关的低骨量及骨质疏松症。MHT的风险取决于药物类型、剂量、使用时间、管理方式、启动时间以及是否使用孕激素。MHT应依据现有最好的证据个体化进行, 定期重新评估是否继续或停止MHT, 以获得最大收益及最小风险。对年龄小于60岁或绝经10年内无MHT禁忌证的妇女, 针对VMS、骨量丢失和骨折, 启动MHT治疗的收益风险比最高。只要无禁忌证, 早发性卵巢功能不全患者应给予激素补充治疗至普通女性自然绝经的平均年龄, 之后按照绝经后MHT原则进行。  相似文献   

目的研究影响绝经后女性失眠的相关因素。方法选取2018年1月至2020年5月首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院2188例40~83岁的绝经后女性为研究对象,其中787例应用绝经激素治疗(menopausal hormone therapy,MHT),972例未应用MHT,429例受试者未回答是否应用MHT。应用改良Kupperman评分对失眠情况进行调查,应用简单和非条件logistic回归方法分析失眠的影响因素。结果绝经后女性失眠的患病率为66.72%,其中轻度35.38%,中度21.83%,重度9.51%。失眠发生率随着受教育程度降低而升高(OR=1.502~1.618,P<0.05);失眠发生率随着食用豆制品次数增多而降低,但仅当次数≥7次/周时,差异有显著性(OR=0.366,95%CI 0.221~0.607,P<0.05);失眠发生率随着每日运动强度降低而增加(OR=1.775~2.141,P<0.05)。与规律应用MHT相比,不用MHT会增加失眠发生率(OR=1.602,95%CI 1.105~2.321,P<0.05),而每日运动量、抽烟、饮酒、月经初潮年龄、孕次、产次及分娩方式与失眠均无关。结论规律应用MHT有助于改善失眠,部分社会环境因素与绝经后女性失眠相关,应给予足够重视。  相似文献   

目的 了解恩施市基层医务人员对绝经及其治疗的认知现况。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法抽取恩施市4家基层医疗单位的医务人员进行问卷调查。结果 有效调查医务人员219名,对围绝经期症状认知及绝经远期危害知识知晓率占67.12%、59.91%;当女性出现绝经症状时认为需要治疗占73.51%,会向患者推荐使用绝经激素治疗(MHT)占52.51%。不会推荐MHT的理由:不了解相关知识占43.27%,担心性激素治疗的副作用占39.42%,没有必要占17.31%。接受过绝经相关知识培训的医务人员占11.87%。结论 恩施市基层医务人员对绝经知识的知晓程度一般,对MHT的认知存在误区,培训率低。应普及恩施地区基层医务人员对绝经及其治疗知识。  相似文献   

绝经激素治疗(menopausal hormone therapy,MHT)是以雌激素补充为核心的治疗,在有子宫的女性治疗中往往需联合雌激素和孕激素。妇科内分泌和乳腺外科专家就围绝经期MHT是否增加乳腺癌风险展开讨论并达成共识:MHT可增加乳腺癌风险,应用时需全面评估风险与收益;MHT存在用药窗口期、用药指征、禁忌证,应用前需告知患者相关风险并取得知情同意。对天然孕激素、替勃龙及单雌激素治疗是否增加乳腺癌发生风险等问题仍存在争议。  相似文献   

目的探讨绝经后激素补充治疗(MHT)对绝经女性阴道微生态的影响。方法选择妇科门诊就诊的绝经女性322例,按绝经时间分为≤5年组、5年且11年组和≥11年组;按照MHT使用与否分为使用MHT组(n=104)与未使用MHT组(n=218);取阴道分泌物进行微生态检测,比较各组阴道微生态的数据。结果细菌性阴道病在不同绝经时间组中的发病率最高,在≤5年组为21.1%、5年且11年组为19.3%、≥11年组为16.0%;使用MHT组菌群/功能异常的阳性率明显低于未使用MHT组(P0.05);使用MHT组菌群正常率显著高于未使用MHT组(P0.01)。结论细菌性阴道病是绝经女性常见的阴道感染性疾病之一。MHT有助于阴道微生态的改善。  相似文献   

绝经激素治疗(menopausal hormone therapy, MHT)是否会增加乳腺癌的发病风险一直存在争议。2019年9月,Lancet发表了一篇荟萃分析,汇集了世界范围内关于MHT与乳腺癌发病风险的证据。此研究结果表明,除阴道应用雌激素外,所有方式应用MHT均增加乳腺癌发病风险,且该风险随MHT应用时间的延长逐渐升高。其中雌激素、孕激素联合治疗风险更高,停药后额外风险可持续10年以上。小剂量应用MHT或选择天然孕激素等并不能回避乳腺癌发病风险的增加。本文对该荟萃分析进行解读,强调应用MHT需考虑乳腺癌风险,全面评估患者风险与获益。  相似文献   

【目的】分析未绝经女性冠心病患者的临床特点。【方法】对136例女性冠心病患者分为未绝经女性冠心病组(29例)与已绝经女性冠心病组(107例),分析两组患者的冠心病危险因素、临床发病及冠脉造影特点。【结果】未绝经冠心病组高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症的发生率及冠心病传统危险因素个数均显著低于已绝经冠心病组(P〈0.05);未绝经冠心病组6.9%的患者只合并抑郁;未绝经冠心病组以急性冠脉综合征(ACS)起病比例显著高于已绝经冠心病组(72.4%比30.8%,P〈0.01);未绝经冠心病组单支病变比例高于已绝经冠心病组(65.5%比28.0%,P〈0.05),且以前降支更容易受累。【结论】未绝经冠心病组冠心病传统危险因素少于已绝经冠心病组,抑郁情绪可能与冠心病的发病有关,多以ACS起病,临床工作中,应注意避免未绝经女性冠心病患者的漏诊。  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the number one cause of cancer death among women in the United States Virgin Islands. Consequently, the Bureau of Health has identified breast cancer as a priority health concern. Within the medical community, increasing emphasis is being placed on the importance of hereditary, familial, environmental, and behavioral risk factors to breast cancer control. Little research has been conducted regarding these factors, however, to explore their influence on breast cancer detection and breast cancer risk management. This report highlights the outcomes of a study undertaken to explore the associations between breast cancer risk, risk assessment, risk communication, screening, and receptivity to the management of breast cancer risk among women from the United States Virgin Islands. Results of this study suggest a need within the territory to expand the systems that are responsible for monitoring and reporting breast cancer trends; forums to discuss concerns of women relative to breast health; forums to discuss communication with health-care providers; and, research efforts that address breast cancer detection and control among women in the United States Virgin Islands.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in Canadian women. As a result of increased screening and improved treatment, more women are becoming long-term breast cancer survivors. However, due to either their treatment or prolonged survival, many of these women now have to face the consequences of premature menopause and prolonged estrogen deprivation. Hormone replacement therapy/estrogen replacement therapy (HRT/ERT) has, in the past, been recommended to healthy women at menopause not only for relief of short-term menopausal changes, particularly hot flashes, but also for its benefits on bone density, fracture reduction, and genitourinary symptoms. Recent studies have demonstrated that not only is HRT associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer, but it also has been shown to increase the risk of recurrence in those with a breast cancer history. Until the safety of HRT/ERT in breast cancer patients can be more fully clarified, it would be wise to develop alternative strategies for the management of menopausal symptoms in these patients. This paper will discuss nonestrogen-based therapies for hot flashes, osteoporosis, and genitourinary symptoms, with emphasis on efficacy and safety in breast cancer survivors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To review literature relevant to defining and managing hot flashes in women with breast cancer. DATA SOURCES: Published literature on hot flashes in women with breast cancer and in healthy women. CONCLUSIONS: The etiology of hot flashes is influenced by several breast cancer treatment-related factors. Hot flashes are a prevalent, severe problem that can negatively impact quality of life. Certain women are at higher risk for hot flashes following breast cancer treatment. Little research supports the safety or effectiveness of treatments in women with breast cancer. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Implications include the need to improve patient education, perform comprehensive symptom assessments, and counsel women about various treatment alternatives.  相似文献   

The incidence of breast cancer in Austria has been evaluated between 1971 and 1982. The incidence and mortality rates for this disease are comparable to the figures for Western Europe and the United States. A significant increase was observed in the overall incidence of breast cancer, which was, however, restricted to the age group before the 40th and after the 70th year of age. The incidence of breast cancer between 40 and 70 did not change significantly. The evaluation of high risk groups (first parity later than 30 years of age, nulliparity) showed decreasing incidence, whereas the frequency of women with early parity (earlier than 20 years of age)--representing a low-risk group--increased. Therefore, change of risk factors did not show any concordance with increasing breast cancer rate. Changes in diet in Austria over the past 30 years are discussed as a possible risk factor for increasing breast cancer rate.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a critical examination of two aspects of culture and biomedicine that have helped to shape the meaning and practice of genetic testing for breast cancer. These are: (1) the cultural construction of fear of breast cancer, which has been fuelled in part by (2) the predominance of a 'risk' paradigm in contemporary biomedicine. The increasing elaboration and delineation of risk factors and risk numbers are in part intended to help women to contend with their fear of breast cancer. However, because there is no known cure or foolproof prevention for breast cancer, risk designations bring with them recommendations for vigilant surveillance strategies and screening guidelines. We argue that these in effect exacerbate women's fears of breast cancer itself. The volatile combination of discourses of fear, risk and surveillance have significant ethical and social consequences for women's lives and well-being. Genetic testing decisions are made within this context; if nurses understand this context they can play an important role in helping women to cope with the anxiety and fear of breast cancer risk.  相似文献   

乳腺癌是全世界女性中最为常见的恶性肿瘤之一,发病率正逐年递增,严重威胁女性健康。淋巴结转移是乳腺癌预后的重要指标,传统影像学检查方法在乳腺癌患者淋巴结转移状态的术前评估方面仍存在很大挑战,影像组学作为一种高通量提取特征的新技术,可提取图像深层次信息并用于建立临床诊断、预后和预测模型,在临床诊疗中得到了广泛应用和研究。目前,基于MRI、超声和钼靶的影像组学技术已逐步开始应用于乳腺癌淋巴结转移的预测,成为学术研究的一大热点。本文介绍了影像组学的定义、工作流程,并对影像组学在乳腺癌淋巴结转移的研究进展进行综述,分别从基于MRI的和非MRI影像的影像组学两方面展开分析,影像组学有望为乳腺癌患者的个体化精准诊疗提供可靠依据。   相似文献   

Recent success of chemoprevention with tamoxifen has opened a new era wherein prevention of breast cancer is much more emphasized than treatment of established breast cancer. Since tamoxifen has been shown to reduce the risk of estrogen receptor (ER)-positive, but not ER-negative, breast cancer in the chemoprevention trial (P-1), it seems to be important to develop risk factors for ER-positive breast cancer in order to select the candidates for chemoprevention more appropriately. Estrogens, the major risk factors for breast cancer, are speculated to affect breast cancer risk through ER, thus, genetic polymorphisms of the genes involved in the estrogens biosynthesis and metabolism are expected as risk factors for ER-positive breast cancer. Significance of polymorphisms of the genes involved in estrogens biosynthesis (CYP17, CYP19) and metabolism (CYP1A1, CYP1B1, COMT) in modulating the susceptibility to breast cancer is reviewed. The ethnic difference of the variant allele frequencies between Caucasian women and Asian women is also discussed.  相似文献   

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