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To examine associations between recent partner violence and sexual HIV risk behaviors and their implications for HIV prevention among women in methadone treatment, we conducted structured interviews covering demographics, drug use, trauma history, partner violence, and sexual risk behavior with 147 sexually active women who were at risk of HIV infection. Almost one third (30.5%) of the women reported that they had been physically or sexually abused by a spouse or boyfriend during the previous year. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that after adjusting for potential confounders, recently abused women were less likely to report using condoms (OR = 0.41, CI = 0.17, 0.99) and more likely than non-recently abused women to report having contracted a sexually transmitted disease (STD) (OR = 3.6, CI = 1.6, 8.5), exchanged sex for money (OR = 2.4, CI = 1.1, 5.4), and having had sex with an HIV-infected partner (OR = 2.5, CI = 1.0, 6.1). The study findings underscore the importance of developing HIV-risk reduction strategies that target the specific needs of abused women in drug treatment.  相似文献   

This study describes the associations between intimate partner violence (IPV) and HIV risk among urban, predominantly minority women. Interviews were conducted with 1,590 women, predominantly African American and Latina, attending hospital-based health care clinics. Approximately 1 in 5 women reported experiencing IPV in their current primary heterosexual relationships; about 1 in 8 women reported experiencing IPV in the preceding 6 months. Compared to women who reported no IPV in their primary relationships, women reporting past or current IPV perpetrated by their primary partners were more likely to report having multiple sexual partners, a past or current sexually transmitted infection (STI), inconsistent use or nonuse of condoms, and a partner with known HIV risk factors. These findings indicate that urban minority women experiencing IPV are at elevated risk for HIV infection, results that carry important implications in the efforts to improve HIV and IPV risk assessment protocols and intervention/prevention strategies for women in primary health care settings.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent of childhood sexual abuse and its relationship to risky sexual and drug-using behaviors, condom use, and lifetime sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in women volunteering for the WINGS intervention in New York City, Baltimore, and Seattle. Responses to structured interviews from 825 eligible women recruited from the community, clinics, and drug programs in 1995 and 1996 were analyzed. Thirty-eight percent to 66% of women across sites reported childhood sexual abuse before age 18. Q statistics and t tests measured the bivariate relationships between sexual abuse and outcomes. Then regression analysis was used to control for ethnicity and race, age, age at first intercourse, and site in predicting the adjusted effects of sexual abuse. Compared to nonabused women, abused women reported more lifetime partners, more episodes of different STDs, lower odds of using condoms at most recent sexual intercourse with main partners, and increased odds of using drugs or alcohol before sex. Researchers need to develop and test STD and HIV interventions tailored for victims of early sexual abuse and compare them with more general interventions for at-risk women.Correspondence should be addressed to Judith Greenberg, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd., N.E. (E44), Atlanta, Georgia 30333  相似文献   

Commercial sex is believed to play a role in the steadily increasing heterosexual transmission of HIV in China, but little attention has been paid to female sex workers working in the entertainment industry. From October to December 2000, we conducted a cross-sectional survey of 482 women in Baise City, Guangxi Autonomous Region, bordering Yunnan Province. Although no participants had antibodies to HIV infection, 4% of study participants tested positive for markers for syphilis and 21% reported being diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases in the past year. Women reported low rates of consistent condom use with customers (17%), a spouse or fiancé (9%), and casual partners (13%). A substantial proportion experienced condom failure (20% slippage and 13% breakage). Multivariate analyses found that consistent condom use with customers was related to multiple sexual partnerships, higher condom knowledge, and higher condom-use negotiation skills. Multiple sexual partnerships and higher condom-use negotiation skills predicted consistent condom use with casual partners, whereas higher condom-use negotiation skills did so for consistent condom use with a spouse or fiancé. Our data suggest the need for condom education, condom skills training, and the distribution of reliable condoms among female sex workers. HIV prevention efforts must target these women as well as their clients and sex partners to prevent the further spread of HIV to the general population in China.  相似文献   

This report describes among 360 family planning clients in an HIV epicenter, women's HIV/STD risk characteristics, the barriers and facilitators of condom use within the context of relationships, and the use of alternative strategies for protection. Women attending the clinic were recruited for an HIV/STD preventive intervention and interviewed at baseline. At least 1 risk factor was reported by 77%, including a diagnosis of an STD within the last year for 30%. Recent STD diagnosis was associated with having a risky partner, but not with number of current partners. Women reporting consistent condom use had higher quality of couple communication, stronger intentions to prevent pregnancy, more positive reactions to condoms themselves and from their partners. Alternative risk reduction strategies, including using a barrier method other than condoms, refusing sex, engaging in nonpenetrative sex, leaving a relationship due to STD concerns, or undergoing mutual HIV testing had been used by 39% of women in the past 3 months.  相似文献   

The rate of women entering the criminal justice system, particularly from drug-related crimes, is increasing. This study examined the characteristics and HIV risk behaviors of drug-using women arrestees in 13 California counties (N = 532). The injecting drug users (IDUs) (18%) were compared with the noninjecting drug users. The IDUs were older, more often White than African American, and were more likely to have a history of STDs, previous arrest, and polydrug use. Although the IDUs were at higher risk for HIV from their injection drug use and greater involvement in sex work, a substantial number of non-IDUs also engaged in high-risk sexual behaviors. Only a small percentage of the women sampled tested positive for HIV antibodies, however, the generally high-risk profile of this sample of drug-using women arrestees suggests that they would benefit from interventions that link them with needed treatment and services.  相似文献   

We describe prevalence and risk factors for HIV infection among 1,059 inmates in two prisons in Sorocaba, Brazil. Sociodemographics, prison history, and sexual and drug exposures were assessed by interviewer–administered questionnaire. HIV infection was detected in 115 (12.6%) inmates. Seroprevalence was 35% among those with a history of IDU (OR = 11.4, 95% CI 5.58–23.5). Sex with female visitors was reported by 66%, and homosexual practices with other inmates by 10%. Independent predictors of HIV infection were age <35 years (OR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.1–3.4), birthplace (natives of Sorocaba; OR = 2.1, 95% CI 1.2–3.8), and number of previous incarcerations (1 compared to 0) (OR = 1.7, 95% CI 1.07–2.7). Prevalence of HIV infection among these inmates is comparable to rates in metropolitan Sao Paulo and other prison populations internationally. The use of injecting drugs is the most important risk exposure in this population. These findings indicate an urgent need to institute prevention programs for this population both inside and outside prisons.  相似文献   

Injection risk practices and unprotected sex between injection drug users (IDUs) and their sexual partners are responsible for a high proportion of AIDS cases and new HIV infections in the United States. The purpose of this study was to investigate the links between drug use behaviors and psychosocial factors with high-risk sexual behaviors among male and female IDUs. Understanding the determinants of sexual risk practices among drug users can lead to the development of more effective programs to prevent sexual HIV and STD transmission. This study enrolled a community sample of 101 IDUs (males = 65, females = 36), primarily African American and unemployed, who injected drugs and had unprotected sex in the past 3 months. The sample was categorized into highest sexual risk (multiple partners and intercourse without condoms) and lower sexual risk subgroups. Univariate analyses showed that IDUs at highest sexual risk had lower sexual risk reduction self-efficacy (p =.01) and were more likely to be African American (p =.02). Drug users at highest sexual risk also used noninjected cocaine and crack more frequently (p =.05), were less likely to inject heroin (p =.04), and tended to more often inject cocaine (p =.05). IDUs at highest sexual risk also tended to more often use crack and methamphetamines. Logistic regression analyses showed that injecting cocaine or crack, sexual risk reduction self-efficacy, and race were independent predictors of sexual risk behavior levels. Sexual risk reduction programs for this population are needed, with HIV prevention programs tailored to specific IDU risk reduction needs.  相似文献   

Women represent one of the fastest growing groups of U.S. AIDS cases. This study examined women with risky male sexual partners drawn from a national/urban probability telephone sample. Our analyses use a matched control design to profile women with risky sexual partners and their male partners. We used the multifaceted model of HIV risk (MMOHR) as a framework for examining how women with risky partners differed from matched controls. Compared to matched controls, women with risky partners (n = 209) were young, poor, sexually unassertive, in troubled relationships, and were cognizant of their health risks. We found two distinct groups of women: women whose only risk was through their partner (single risk) and women who had additional risks of their own (multiple risk). Single-risk women were more conservative, more guilty about sex, and in traditional relationships. Interventions should build on women's recognition of their risk and focus on the relationships that support risky behavior.  相似文献   

Unlike the prevalence rate of AIDS diagnoses for men, the prevalence rate for women has not reached a plateau. Moreover, the rate of AIDS diagnosis for African-American women is 17 times higher than for White women. In the context of considerable stress, these women must grapple with the question of to whom they can disclose their HIV diagnosis with minimal risk of negative consequences. This study examines patterns of disclosure to significant others, predictors of disclosure, and the relationship between disclosure and psychological functioning. Analyses indicated that women disclosed at varying rates to six different categories of others. Disclosure to mothers (66%) was most common, followed by disclosure to partners (56%). Rates of disclosure to children (28%) and fathers (25%) were lowest. Women's illness status predicted disclosure to father and friends. Only disclosure to partner was significantly related to women's psychological functioning: Fewer symptoms of depression were evident in women who had disclosed their HIV status to their partners compared to those who had not disclosed.Correspondence should be directed to Lisa Armistead, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, University Plaza, Atlanta, Georgia 30303  相似文献   

HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are spreading rapidly in China. However, little is known about HIV risk among STD patients. In October–November 1997, we recruited a consecutive sample of 1,371 STD clinic patients from 16 different provinces and municipalities across the country and examined their sexual practices and condom use. We found that the median age for sexual initiation was 22 years for men and 21 years for women, and only a small proportion of men (12%) and women (15%) had used a condom during this first sexual intercourse. Eighty-one percent of men and 53% of women had two or more sexual partners in the past year. During the same period, 78% of men and 44% of women had both steady and nonsteady partners; of those with both types of partners, only 1% of men and 7% of women always used a condom with these partners. Multiple sexual partnerships in the past year were more common among men, older men (over 35 years), and those who had initiated sex at an earlier age. More frequent condom use was associated with being younger, having nonsteady partners, and having used a condom during a first sexual encounter. Our findings underline a need for patient education and condom promotion among STD clinic patients as a part of efforts to prevent the spread of HIV in China.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have found that a significant number of HIV+ individuals are engaging in unsafe sexual practices. This study was conducted to explore the correlates of high-risk sex among a sample of 360 HIV+ adults recruited from outpatient medical care facilities. The study showed that 34% of all respondents reported at least 1 occasion of unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse in the previous 6 months. Consistent with other research, there were multiple correlates of high-risk sex: lower income, an elevated number of sexual partners, negative attitudes about condoms, lack of risk avoidance strategies, and recreational and intravenous drug use prior to sex. However, contrary to other research, no association was found between low self-esteem, depression/anxiety, or the use of alcohol with unprotected sex. Unlike most studies that have focused exclusively on gay and bisexual men, this study included an additional sample of women and poorer, ethnically diverse individuals. Although there were some gender and ethnic differences, neither gender nor ethnicity moderated any of the significant relationships between psychosocial variables and sexual behavior, suggesting the commonality of issues confronting people living with HIV/AIDS in maintaining safer sex practices. Implications for designing interventions for HIV+ persons are discussed.  相似文献   

This study, based on data from a random sample of 322 men on methadone, examines whether traditional male gender role beliefs, male substance use, and couple drug-involvement lead to male psychological dominance, which in turn leads to perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual HIV risk behavior. Structural equation modelingindicated that male psychological dominance is directly associated with perpetrating both physical IPV and sexual HIV risk; however, physical IPV did not lead to sexual HIV risk as predicted originally. Stronger endorsement of traditional male gender role beliefs was associated with male psychological dominance. Couple drug-involvement was also directly associated with male psychological dominance as well as sexual HIV risk. Male substance use led to couple drug-involvement, but not to physical or sexual HIV risk as hypothesized. Study findings highlight the significance of couple drug-involvement and male psychological dominance as pathways leading to physical IPV and sexual HIV risk behavior. Implications for HIV prevention efforts targeting drug-involved men and their sexual partners are discussed.  相似文献   



Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) significantly impact the health of people living with HIV/AIDS, increasing HIV infectiousness and therefore transmissibility. The current study examined STIs in a community sample of 490 HIV‐positive men and women.


Assessments were performed using confidential computerized interviews in a community research setting.


Fourteen per cent of the people living with HIV/AIDS in this study had been diagnosed with a new STI in a 6‐month period. Individuals with a new STI had significantly more sexual partners in that time period, including non‐HIV‐positive partners. Participants who had contracted an STI were significantly more likely to have detectable viral loads and were less likely to know their viral load than participants who did not contract an STI. Multivariate analysis showed that believing an undetectable viral load leads to lower infectiousness was associated with contracting a new STI.


Individuals who believed that having an undetectable viral load reduces HIV transmission risks were more likely to be infectious because of STI coinfection. Programmes that aim to use HIV treatment for HIV prevention must address infectiousness beliefs and aggressively control STIs among people living with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

Determinants of safer sexual behaviors (abstinence or consistent condom use) among female partners of HIV-infected adult men with hemophilia were examined. A model was proposed predicting that emotional adjustment, communication skills, self-efficacy, and perceived advantages of condom use would influence the practice of safer sexual behaviors. Confidential surveys were completed by 119 seronegative female partners of men with hemophilia and HIV infection who received care from one of 27 hemophilia treatment centers across the United States. The proposed model was tested using LISREL, and the model explained 40% of the variance in safer sexual behaviors. Emotional adjustment was a significant predictor of both intimate and emotional communication skills. Intimate and emotional communication skills were related to self-efficacy for communicating about safer sex, which in turn influenced both communication about safer sex and perceived advantages of condom use. Communication about safer sex with a partner and perceived advantages of condom use had direct effects on safer sexual behaviors. HIV prevention interventions with women known to have seropositive partners should be multifaceted. Skill-building interventions emphasizing communication skills, increasing self-efficacy for communication about safer sex with a partner, and promoting positive attitudes about safer sex should be considered.  相似文献   

The frequency of male Mexico-US migration has been associated with increased HIV risk for sexual partners awaiting their return in Mexico. This study examined the association between sexual partner characteristics and condom use among a sample of 354 male migrants from two Mexican municipalities. Migrants were interviewed about their past year's sex practices. Results indicated that migrants were more likely to use condoms with their non-spousal partners, partners with less education than the migrant, and partners with higher employment status. Condom use was greater among younger migrants and residents of the more densely populated municipality. Findings suggest the coexistence of a traditional cultural orientation that does not support condom use and another one that does provided the sex partner is formally employed. Prevention programs must strengthen the structural conditions fostering greater equality between the sexes and adapt their approaches for different population density, age and partner types.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to assess the confidence in their ability to use condoms among at-risk women and identify predictors for the women's condom use self-efficacy. Structured interviews were conducted with 250 adult women in Atlanta, Georgia, between August 1997 and August 2000. Overall, the women reported feeling moderately to moderately–strongly confident in their ability to use condoms consistently. Multivariate analysis showed women with higher condom use self-efficacy were significantly younger, experienced childhood neglect, had higher self-esteem, communicated better with their sex partner, and had fewer drug problems. Findings suggest the importance of addressing condom use self-efficacy in HIV risk reduction programs with a specific focus on women and the need to be attuned to tailored needs for specific subgroups such as older women or women who encountered childhood neglect.  相似文献   

Partner notification (PN) is an essential element of local and state-level HIV/STI prevention and control programs. The current study quantitatively assessed the psychosocial and behavioral predictors of PN use among men who have sex with men (MSM) (n = 189) using multivariable logistic regression procedures. STI history or being HIV-infected were significant predictors of having notified past sexual partners of HIV/STI exposure; engaging in unprotected insertive anal sex and using poppers during sex in the 12 months prior to enrollment resulted in greater odds of PN. Symptoms of social anxiety and having a drinking problem were significant predictors of future willingness to use state department of public health PN services. Efforts to increase PN acceptability should focus on HIV-uninfected MSM, particularly those with STI history. Results suggest how to increase acceptability and use of PN as a public health strategy and underscore the need for counseling as part of the notification process.  相似文献   

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