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Summary These data indicate that the observed change following an abrupt change in myocardial O2 consumption, occurs too slowly to participate in the initial adjustment in metabolic coronary flow change, which is essentially complete within 30 sec. Also, the magnitude of response is insufficient to conclude that CO2 can provide the major cause of flow regulation. However, CO2 could act as a back-up regulator. These conclusions may be modified if further information becomes available.  相似文献   

To prevent drastic climate change due to global warming, it is necessary to transition to a carbon-neutral society by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in all industrial sectors. This study aims to prepare measures to reduce the greenhouse gas in the cement industry, which is a large source of greenhouse gas emissions. The research uses supercritical CO2 carbonation to develop a carbon utilization fixation technology that uses concrete slurry water generated via concrete production as a new CO2 fixation source. Experiments were conducted using this concrete slurry water and supernatant water under different conditions of temperature (40 and 80 °C), pressure (100 and 150 bar), and reaction time (10 and 30 min). The results showed that reaction for 10 min was sufficient for complete carbonation at a sludge solids content of 5%. However, reaction products of supernatant water could not be identified due to the presence of Ca(HCO3)2 as an aqueous solution, warranting further research.  相似文献   

The use of laser technology for materials processing has a wide applicability in various industrial fields, due to its proven advantages, such as processing time, economic efficiency and reduced impact on the natural environment. The expansion of laser technology has been possible due to the dynamics of research in the field. One of the directions of research is to establish the appropriate cutting parameters. The evolution of research in this direction can be deepened by determining the efficiency of laser cutting. Starting from such a hypothesis, the study contains an analysis of laser cutting parameters (speed, power and pressure) to determine the linear energy and cutting efficiency. For this purpose, the linear energy and the cutting efficiency were determined analytically, and the results obtained were tested with the Lagrange interpolation method, the statistical mathematical method and the graphical method. The material chosen was Hardox 400 steel with a thickness of 8 mm, due to its numerous industrial applications and the fact that it is an insufficiently studied material. Statistical data processing shows that the maximum cutting efficiency is mainly influenced by speed, followed by laser power. The results obtained reduce energy costs in manufacturing processes that use the CO2 laser. The combinations identified between laser speed and power lead to a reduction in energy consumption and thus to an increase in processing efficiency. Through the calculation relationships established for linear energy and cutting efficiency, the study contributes to the extension of the theoretical and practical basis.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas is an established alternative to iodine contrast during angiography in patients with risk of postcontrast acute kidney injury and in those with history of iodine contrast allergy. Different CO2 delivery systems during angiography are reported in literature, with automated delivery system being the latest. The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and learning curve of an automated CO2 injection system with controlled pressures in peripheral arterial interventions and also to study the patients’ tolerance to the system.From January 2018 to October 2019 peripheral arterial interventions were performed in 40 patients (median age-78 years, interquartile range: 69–84 years) using an automated CO2 injection system with customized protocols, with conventional iodine contrast agent used only as a bailout option. The pain and tolerance during the CO2 angiography were evaluated with a visual analog scale at the end of each procedure. The amount of CO2, iodine contrast used, and radiation dose area product for the interventions were also systematically recorded for all procedures. These values were statistically compared in 2 groups, viz first 20 patients where a learning curve was expected vs the rest 20 patients.All procedures were successfully completed without complications. All patients tolerated the CO2 angiography with a median total pain score of 3 (interquartile range: 3–4), with no statistical difference between the groups (P = .529). The 2 groups were statistically comparable in terms of comorbidities and the type of procedures performed (P = .807). The amount of iodine contrast agent used (24.60 ± 6.44 ml vs 32.70 ± 8.70 ml, P = .006) and the radiation dose area product associated were significantly lower in the second group (2160.74 ± 1181.52 μGym2 vs 1531.62 ± 536.47 μGym2, P = .043).Automated CO2 angiography is technically feasible and safe for peripheral arterial interventions and is well tolerated by the patients. With the interventionalist becoming familiar with the technique, better diagnostic accuracy could be obtained using lower volumes of conventional iodine contrast agents and reduction of the radiation dose involved.  相似文献   

To reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, its conversion to different value-added chemicals plays a very important role. Nevertheless, the stable nature of this molecule limits its conversion. Therefore, the design of highly efficient and selective catalysts for the conversion of CO2 to value-added chemicals is required. Hence, in this work, the CO2 adsorption on Pt4-xCux (x = 0–4) sub-nanoclusters deposited on pyridinic N-doped graphene (PNG) was studied using the density functional theory. First, the stability of Pt4-xCux (x = 0–4) sub-nanoclusters supported on PNG was analyzed. Subsequently, the CO2 adsorption on Pt4-xCux (x = 0–4) sub-nanoclusters deposited on PNG was computed. According to the binding energies of the Pt4-xCux (x = 0–4) sub-nanoclusters on PNG, it was observed that PNG is a good material to stabilize the Pt4-xCux (x = 0–4) sub-nanoclusters. In addition, charge transfer occurred from Pt4-xCux (x = 0–4) sub-nanoclusters to the PNG. When the CO2 molecule was adsorbed on the Pt4-xCux (x = 0–4) sub-nanoclusters supported on the PNG, the CO2 underwent a bond length elongation and variations in what bending angle is concerned. In addition, the charge transfer from Pt4-xCux (x = 0–4) sub-nanoclusters supported on PNG to the CO2 molecule was observed, which suggests the activation of the CO2 molecule. These results proved that Pt4-xCux (x = 0–4) sub-nanoclusters supported on PNG are adequate candidates for CO2 adsorption and activation.  相似文献   

China is challenged with the simultaneous goals of improving air quality and mitigating climate change. The “Beautiful China” strategy, launched by the Chinese government in 2020, requires that all cities in China attain 35 μg/m3 or below for annual mean concentration of PM2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm) by 2035. Meanwhile, China adopts a portfolio of low-carbon policies to meet its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) pledged in the Paris Agreement. Previous studies demonstrated the cobenefits to air pollution reduction from implementing low-carbon energy policies. Pathways for China to achieve dual targets of both air quality and CO2 mitigation, however, have not been comprehensively explored. Here, we couple an integrated assessment model and an air quality model to evaluate air quality in China through 2035 under the NDC scenario and an alternative scenario (Co-Benefit Energy [CBE]) with enhanced low-carbon policies. Results indicate that some Chinese cities cannot meet the PM2.5 target under the NDC scenario by 2035, even with the strictest end-of-pipe controls. Achieving the air quality target would require further reduction in emissions of multiple air pollutants by 6 to 32%, driving additional 22% reduction in CO2 emissions relative to the NDC scenario. Results show that the incremental health benefit from improved air quality of CBE exceeds 8 times the additional costs of CO2 mitigation, attributed particularly to the cost-effective reduction in household PM2.5 exposure. The additional low-carbon energy polices required for China’s air quality targets would lay an important foundation for its deep decarbonization aligned with the 2 °C global temperature target.

China is facing serious air pollution problems, particularly for ambient PM2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm) which has harmful effects on human health (13). To protect human health, strengthened air pollution control policies were recently implemented in China targeting 35 μg⋅m−3 or less for all cities by 2035 (4). The Action Plan on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, released in 2013, has resulted in noticeable reductions in urban ambient PM2.5 concentrations (5, 6). In 2018, however, China’s national PM2.5 standard of 35 μg⋅m−3 annual average was exceeded in 217 of China’s 338 cities at the prefecture or higher level, not to mention exceedance of the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline (annual mean PM2.5 concentration <10 μg⋅m−3). A big challenge for future improvement is that advanced end-of-pipe control technologies have already been widely applied in electric and industrial sectors (7, 8). For example, over 90% of coal-fired power plants had installed end-of-pipe control technologies by 2018 (8). Therefore, the potential for further reductions using end-of-pipe control measures might be limited, and implementation of low-carbon energy policies to constrain total energy consumption and promote a transition to clean energy is expected to be an inevitable option for further reducing air pollution (9).The impacts of climate change on humans and ecosystems have also received considerable attention in China over the past few decades, and strategies for mitigating these impacts have been adopted (10). In 2016, China officially signed its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in the Paris Commitment, which pledges for CO2 emissions per unit of GDP in 2030 to fall by 60 to 65% compared to 2005. A big concern arises as to whether China will continue its carbon reduction even under a pessimistic international situation after the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in 2019. Previous studies (1118) have suggested that climate mitigation-oriented low-carbon energy policies can result in a reduction in air pollution.Therefore, there is a question as to whether China needs the application of low-carbon energy technologies and fuels to meet its air quality target. Such synergy is important, since many developing countries (e.g., China, India) are currently experiencing serious air pollution problems, and reducing air pollution is typically a more pressing national concern than climate mitigation (19). This could lead to continuous reductions in CO2 emissions even under a pessimistic international situation for mitigating climate change.Here, we project future air quality attainment in China through 2035, assess the CO2 reduction cobenefits associated with attaining the ambient PM2.5 standards, and evaluate the health and climate impacts associated with air quality attainment-oriented energy policies. We accomplish this by coupling an integrated assessment model [GCAM, the Global Climate Assessment Model (20)], tuned with a detailed bottom-up emission inventory (21), and an air quality model [CMAQ, the Community Multiscale Air Quality model (22)] to evaluate future air quality and CO2 emissions, and an integrated exposure−response (IER) model to evaluate the health effects due to the long-term ambient O3 and both ambient and household PM2.5 exposures in China. This integrated approach captures the nonlinearities among energy, emissions, concentrations, and health, thus allowing us to assess the cobenefits of air quality attainment on protecting health and mitigating CO2 in an internally consistent framework.This study investigates future emissions of air pollutants and CO2 in China under three future pathways with different considerations of two energy scenarios and two end-of-pipe control levels (Table 1). We first designed the NDC−current legislation (CLE) pathway to represent the CO2 intensity reduction targets outlined by China’s NDC to meet the Paris Commitment (23), with CLE level of end-of-pipe controls. This pathway represents the current ongoing energy policies and end-of-pipe control measures to be conducted in China following CLE. For the purpose of air quality attainment, we first designed the NDC−maximum feasible reduction (MFR) pathway to represent the same ongoing energy policies as the NDC−CLE scenario, but with MFR level realized by end-of-pipe controls. Additionally, to achieve the air quality attainment in 2035, we also introduce the CBE−MFR pathway, in which low-carbon energy policies beyond the NDC requirements are implemented (i.e., the cobenefit energy scenario [CBE]) with the MFR level of end-of-pipe controls.Table 1.Design of future projection of air pollutant and CO2 emissions
PathwayEnergy scenarioEnd-of-pipe control levels
(1) NDC−CLEBaseline scenario which considers only CO2 intensity reduction to meet the Paris Commitment*CLE
(2) NDC−MFRSame as energy scenario in NDC−CLE.MFR
(3) CBE−MFRCobenefit energy scenario with implementation of low carbon policies related to energy conservation (e.g., improvement of energy efficiency)§MFR
Open in a separate window*The NDC scenario refers to the CLE of energy policies and plans conducted in China. Such an NDC scenario has a relatively conservative CO2 target, as it only requires a peak in CO2 emissions before 2030 and this has already been implemented in current Chinese plans. Following Fawcett et al. (23), we set the CO2 emissions to peak in 2030 at about 12 Gt (excluding agriculture and land use) and decrease by 4.5% every 5 y after 2030.At the CLE level, we assume that only the currently existing control policies are in place, including the Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky War from 2018 to 2020 and the 13th Five-Year Plan during 2015–2020. For example, the ultralow emission standard will be applied for all existing coal-fired units nationwide, and newly built coal-fired units in eastern China will be required to have emission rates equivalent to those of gas-fired units (SI Appendix, Text S6). Furthermore, the ultralow emission standard will be implemented for key industries, including iron and steel, cement, plate glass, coking, nonferrous metal, and bricks (SI Appendix, Text S7). Strengthened emission standards are also applied to the transportation sector, reducing total emissions from the transport fleet despite growing travel demand (SI Appendix, Text S8). Advanced, low-emissions stoves will replace traditional household coal and biomass heating and cooking stoves in the commercial and household sector (SI Appendix, Text S9).At the MFR level, all of the feasible control policies will be applied to realize the maximal application of end-of-pipe controls. For example, desulfurization and denitrification efficiencies in coal-fired power plants reach their highest levels (99.0% and 91.5%, respectively) (SI Appendix, Text S6); maximal application rates of advanced desulfurization, denitrification, and dedusting technologies are also applied in the industrial sector (SI Appendix, Text S7); and advanced stoves with low emissions are fully adopted to replace traditional bulk coal and biomass use in the buildings (SI Appendix, Text S9).§The CBE scenario is designed for air quality attainment only, with no further constraints from the long-term climate goals (i.e., to meet the 2 °C global temperature target set out by Paris Agreement).Both energy scenarios are projected under the same future socioeconomic assumptions (SI Appendix, Text S1), and their assumptions about low-carbon energy policies for the industry, building (i.e., residential and commercial), transportation, and electric sectors are detailed in SI Appendix, Texts S2S5, respectively. As presented in Fig. 1A, the total energy uses in NDC and CBE in 2035 are estimated to be 150 and 126 exajoules (EJ), respectively. These values represent increases of 24% and 4%, respectively, from 2015, driven by the future growth of the economy and population (SI Appendix, Fig. S1). The total CO2 emissions in NDC and CBE are estimated as 11.3 and 8.8 Gt, respectively, in 2035. Two levels of end-of-pipe control are applied to the electricity, industry, transportation, and building and non−energy-related sectors, which are detailed in SI Appendix, Texts S6S9. The emission factors for PM2.5, NOx (in terms of NO2), and SO2 have been greatly reduced with the application of end-of-pipe controls in 2035, compared to 2015 (Fig. 1B). Note that the removal efficiencies of control technologies are less than 50% for domestic and agricultural sectors, which are difficult to control. The challenge to reducing the future emissions includes the continuous growth of activities (Fig. 1A), as well as limited reduction potentials of end-of-pipe control measures (Fig. 1B). For example, the end-of-pipe controls cannot be feasibly applied to domestic stoves. There are still over 200,000 industrial boilers which cannot be well controlled because current available end-of-pipe control techniques for small boilers have relatively lower SO2 and NOx removal efficiency compared with power plants. In addition, the NMVOCs (nonmethane volatile organic compounds) and NH3 emissions are very hard to control by current available end-of-pipe control technologies.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.The energy consumption in units of exajoules (EJ) and CO2 emissions of two energy scenarios (A) and emission factors in two end-of-pipe control levels (B) compared with that in 2015.  相似文献   

The glaciations of the Neoproterozoic Era (1,000 to 542 MyBP) were preceded by dramatically light C isotopic excursions preserved in preglacial deposits. Standard explanations of these excursions involve remineralization of isotopically light organic matter and imply strong enhancement of atmospheric CO2 greenhouse gas concentration, apparently inconsistent with the glaciations that followed. We examine a scenario in which the isotopic signal, as well as the global glaciation, result from enhanced export of organic matter from the upper ocean into anoxic subsurface waters and sediments. The organic matter undergoes anoxic remineralization at depth via either sulfate- or iron-reducing bacteria. In both cases, this can lead to changes in carbonate alkalinity and dissolved inorganic pool that efficiently lower the atmospheric CO2 concentration, possibly plunging Earth into an ice age. This scenario predicts enhanced deposition of calcium carbonate, the formation of siderite, and an increase in ocean pH, all of which are consistent with recent observations. Late Neoproterozoic diversification of marine eukaryotes may have facilitated the episodic enhancement of export of organic matter from the upper ocean, by causing a greater proportion of organic matter to be partitioned as particulate aggregates that can sink more efficiently, via increased cell size, biomineralization or increased C∶N of eukaryotic phytoplankton. The scenario explains isotopic excursions that are correlated or uncorrelated with snowball initiation, and suggests that increasing atmospheric oxygen concentrations and a progressive oxygenation of the subsurface ocean helped to prevent snowball glaciation on the Phanerozoic Earth.  相似文献   

The elevation and extent of coastal marshes are dictated by the interplay between the rate of relative sea-level rise (RRSLR), surface accretion by inorganic sediment deposition, and organic soil production by plants. These accretion processes respond to changes in local and global forcings, such as sediment delivery to the coast, nutrient concentrations, and atmospheric CO2, but their relative importance for marsh resilience to increasing RRSLR remains unclear. In particular, marshes up-take atmospheric CO2 at high rates, thereby playing a major role in the global carbon cycle, but the morphologic expression of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, an imminent aspect of climate change, has not yet been isolated and quantified. Using the available observational literature and a spatially explicit ecomorphodynamic model, we explore marsh responses to increased atmospheric CO2, relative to changes in inorganic sediment availability and elevated nitrogen levels. We find that marsh vegetation response to foreseen elevated atmospheric CO2 is similar in magnitude to the response induced by a varying inorganic sediment concentration, and that it increases the threshold RRSLR initiating marsh submergence by up to 60% in the range of forcings explored. Furthermore, we find that marsh responses are inherently spatially dependent, and cannot be adequately captured through 0-dimensional representations of marsh dynamics. Our results imply that coastal marshes, and the major carbon sink they represent, are significantly more resilient to foreseen climatic changes than previously thought.Coastal marsh extent and morphology are directly controlled by rate of relative sea-level rise (RRSLR) and the soil accretion rate, the latter associated with inorganic sediment deposition and organic soil production by plants. Previous studies observed that CO2 fertilization increases marsh plant biomass productivity through increased water use efficiency and photosynthesis (1), and hypothesized that, as a consequence, marsh resilience should increase via increased organic accretion (2, 3). However, this hypothesis has not yet been tested, and the observed increased plant productivity in response to the CO2 fertilization effect has not been translated into its actual geomorphic effects. In fact, direct CO2 effects on vegetation and marsh accretion (as opposed to its indirect effects, e.g., via the increase in temperature) have not yet been incorporated into marsh models, and their importance relative to other leading forcings of marsh dynamics (e.g., inorganic deposition, RRSLR, nutrient levels) remains unknown. Here we use existing data and a 1D ecomorphodynamic model to assess the direct impacts of elevated CO2 on marsh morphology, relative to ongoing [e.g., RRSLR, and suspended sediment concentration (SSC)] and emerging [nutrient levels (46)] environmental change.  相似文献   

The application of dense gases in particle formation processes has attracted great attention due to documented advantages over conventional technologies. In particular, the use of dense CO2 in the process has been subject of many works and explored in a variety of different techniques. This article presents a review of the current available techniques in use in particle formation processes, focusing exclusively on those employing dense CO2 as a solute, co-solute or co-solvent during the process, such as PGSS (Particles from gas-saturated solutions®), CPF (Concentrated Powder Form®), CPCSP (Continuous Powder Coating Spraying Process), CAN-BD (Carbon dioxide Assisted Nebulization with a Bubble Dryer®), SEA (Supercritical Enhanced Atomization), SAA (Supercritical Fluid-Assisted Atomization), PGSS-Drying and DELOS (Depressurization of an Expanded Liquid Organic Solution). Special emphasis is given to modifications introduced in the different techniques, as well as the limitations that have been overcome.  相似文献   

Carbonation seriously deteriorates the durability of existing reinforced concrete structures. In this study, a thermodynamic model is used to investigate the carbonation reactions in cement-based materials. The effects of the concentration and amounts of CO2 on the carbonation behaviors of mortar are discussed. The simulation results show that the mechanisms of the carbonation reaction of cement-based materials at different CO2 concentrations may be different. Nearly all of the hydrate phases have a corresponding CO2 concentration threshold, above which the corresponding carbonation reaction can be triggered. The thresholds of the C-S-H phases with different Ca/Si ratios are different. The calculation results also show that the phase assemblages in cement paste after being completely air-carbonated, primarily consist of a low-Ca/Si ratio C-S-H, strätlingite, CaCO3 and CaSO4. The pH of the pore solution exhibits a significant decrease when a higher Ca/Si ratio C-S-H phase is completely decalcified into a lower Ca/Si ratio C-S-H phase, by increasing the CO2 uptake. Additionally, the experimental results and the previously published investigations are used to validate the simulation results.  相似文献   

Electrocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into specific renewable fuels is an attractive way to mitigate the greenhouse effect and solve the energy crisis. AunCu100-n/C alloy nanoparticles (AunCu100−n/C NPs) with tunable compositions, a highly active crystal plane and a strained lattice were synthesized by the thermal solvent co-reduction method. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show that AunCu100−n/C catalysts display a subtle lattice strain and dominant (111) crystal plane, which can be adjusted by the alloy composition. Electrochemical results show that AunCu100−n/C alloy catalysts for CO2 reduction display high catalytic activity; in particular, the Faradaic efficiency of Au75Cu25/C is up to 92.6% for CO at −0.7 V (vs. the reversible hydrogen electrode), which is related to lattice shrinkage and the active facet. This research provides a new strategy with which to design strong and active nanoalloy catalysts with lattice mismatch and main active surfaces for CO2 reduction reaction.  相似文献   

This paper deals with optimizing embedded carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions using surrogate modeling, whether it is the deck of a post-tensioned cast-in-place concrete slab bridge or any other design structure. The main contribution of this proposal is that it allows optimizing structures methodically and sequentially. The approach presents two sequential phases of optimization, the first one of diversification and the second one of intensification of the search for optimums. Finally, with the amount of CO2 emissions and the differentiating characteristics of each design, a heuristic optimization based on a Kriging metamodel is performed. An optimized solution with lower emissions than the analyzed sample is obtained. If CO2 emissions were to be reduced, design recommendations would be to use slendernesses as high as possible, in the range of 1/30, which implies a more significant amount of passive reinforcement. This increase in passive reinforcement is compensated by reducing the measurement of concrete and active reinforcement. Another important conclusion is that reducing emissions is related to cost savings. Furthermore, it has been corroborated that for a cost increase of less than 1%, decreases in emissions emitted into the atmosphere of more than 2% can be achieved.  相似文献   

Improving global yields of important agricultural crops is a complex challenge. Enhancing yield and resource use by engineering improvements to photosynthetic carbon assimilation is one potential solution. During the last 40 million years C(4) photosynthesis has evolved multiple times, enabling plants to evade the catalytic inadequacies of the CO(2)-fixing enzyme, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco). Compared with their C(3) ancestors, C(4) plants combine a faster rubisco with a biochemical CO(2)-concentrating mechanism, enabling more efficient use of water and nitrogen and enhanced yield. Here we show the versatility of plastome manipulation in tobacco for identifying sequences in C(4)-rubisco that can be transplanted into C(3)-rubisco to improve carboxylation rate (V(C)). Using transplastomic tobacco lines expressing native and mutated rubisco large subunits (L-subunits) from Flaveria pringlei (C(3)), Flaveria floridana (C(3)-C(4)), and Flaveria bidentis (C(4)), we reveal that Met-309-Ile substitutions in the L-subunit act as a catalytic switch between C(4) ((309)Ile; faster V(C), lower CO(2) affinity) and C(3) ((309)Met; slower V(C), higher CO(2) affinity) catalysis. Application of this transplastomic system permits further identification of other structural solutions selected by nature that can increase rubisco V(C) in C(3) crops. Coengineering a catalytically faster C(3) rubisco and a CO(2)-concentrating mechanism within C(3) crop species could enhance their efficiency in resource use and yield.  相似文献   

Thermochemical adsorption energy storage is a potential energy utilization technology. Among these technologies, the composite energy storage material prepared by K2CO3 and expanded vermiculite (EVM) shows excellent performance. In this paper, the influence of the preparation process using the impregnation method and vacuum impregnation method on K2CO3/EVM composite material is studied. The preparation plan is further optimized with the solution concentration and the expanded vermiculite particle size as variables. In the experiment, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) is used to measure the porosity and other parameters. Additionally, with the help of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the morphological characteristics of the materials are obtained from a microscopic point of view. The effects of different preparation parameters are evaluated by comparing the experimental results. The results show that the K2CO3 specific gravity of the composite material increases with the increase of the vacuum degree, up to 70.440 wt.% (the vacuum degree is 6.7 kPa). Expanded vermiculite with a large particle size (3~6 mm) can carry more K2CO3, and content per cubic centimeter of K2CO3 can be as high as 0.466 g.  相似文献   

Photo-catalysts based on titanium dioxide, and modified with highly dispersed metallic nanoparticles of Au, Ag, Pd and Pt, either mono- or bi-metallic, have been analyzed by multiple characterization techniques, including XRD, XPS, SEM, EDX, UV-Vis and N2 adsorption/desorption. Mono-metallic photo-catalysts were prepared by wet impregnation, while bi-metallic photocatalysts were obtained via deposition-precipitation (DP). The relationship between the physico-chemical properties and the catalyst’s behavior for various photo-synthetic processes, such as carbon dioxide photo-reduction to liquid products and glucose photo-reforming to hydrogen have been investigated. Among the tested materials, the catalysts containing platinum alone (i.e., 0.1 mol% Pt/TiO2) or bi-metallic gold-containing materials (e.g., 1 wt% (AuxAgy)/TiO2 and 1 wt% (AuxPtz)/TiO2) showed the highest activity, presenting the best results in terms of productivity and conversion for both applications. The textural, structural and morphological properties of the different samples being very similar, the main parameters to improve performance were function of the metal as electron sink, together with optoelectronic properties. The high activity in both applications was related to the low band gap, that allows harvesting more energy from a polychromatic light source with respect to the bare TiO2. Overall, high selectivity and productivity were achieved with respect to most literature data.  相似文献   

A very efficient electrogenerated Fe0 porphyrin catalyst was obtained by substituting in tetraphenylporphyrin two of the opposite phenyl rings by ortho-, ortho''-phenol groups while the other two are perfluorinated. It proves to be an excellent catalyst of the CO2-to-CO conversion as to selectivity (the CO faradaic yield is nearly quantitative), overpotential, and turnover frequency. Benchmarking with other catalysts, through catalytic Tafel plots, shows that it is the most efficient, to the best of our knowledge, homogeneous molecular catalyst of the CO2-to-CO conversion at present. Comparison with another Fe0 tetraphenylporphyrin bearing eight ortho-, ortho''-phenol functionalities launches a general strategy where changes in substituents will be designed so as to optimize the operational combination of all catalyst elements of merit.The reductive conversion of CO2 to CO is an important issue of contemporary energy and environmental challenges (110). Several low-oxidation-state transition metal complexes have been proposed to serve as homogeneous catalyst for this reaction in nonaqueous solvents such as N,N''-dimethylformamide (DMF) or acetonitrile (1123).Among them, electrochemically generated Fe0 complexes have been shown to be good catalysts, provided they are used in the presence of Brönsted or Lewis acids (1719). More recent investigations have extended the range of Brönsted acids able to boost the catalysis of the CO2-to-CO conversion by electrogenerated Fe0TPP (Scheme 1) without degrading the selectivity of the reaction. They have also provided a detailed analysis of the reaction mechanism (24, 25).Open in a separate windowScheme 1.Iron-based catalysts for CO2-to-CO reduction.This is notably the case with phenol, which gave rise to the idea of installing prepositioned phenol groups in the catalyst molecule as pictured in Scheme 1 under the heading “CAT.” The result was indeed a remarkably efficient and selective catalyst of the CO2-to-CO conversion (26). At first blush, the comparison with the role of phenol in the case of FeTPP would entail attributing this considerable enhancement of catalysis to a local concentration of phenol much larger than can be achieved in solution. In fact, as analyzed in detail elsewhere (27), the role played by the internal phenol moieties is twofold. They indeed provide a very large local phenol concentration, favoring proton transfers, but they also considerably stabilize the initial Fe0–CO2 adduct through H bonding. Although the favorable effect of pendant acid groups has been noted in several cases (see ref. 27 and references therein), this was, to our knowledge, the first time their exact role was deciphered. The difference in the role played by the phenol moieties takes place within the framework of two different mechanisms (see Scheme 2 for CAT and FCAT and Scheme 3 for FeTPP) (27). With FeTPP, the first step is, as with CAT and FCAT, the addition of CO2 on the electrogenerated Fe0 complex (et1 in Schemes 2 and and3).3). The strong stabilization of the Fe0–CO2 adduct formed according to reaction 1 (in Schemes 2 and and3)3) in the latter cases compared with the first has a favorable effect on catalysis, but one consequence of this stabilization is that catalysis then required an additional proton (reactions 21 and 22 in Scheme 2), the final, catalytic loop-closing step being the cleavage of one of the C–O bonds of CO2 concerted with both electron transfer from the electrode and proton transfer from one of the local phenol groups (et2 in Scheme 2). In the FeTPP case, the C–O bond-breaking step (reaction 2 in Scheme 3) is different: it involves an intramolecular electron transfer concerted with proton transfer and cleavage of the C–O bond. The catalytic loop is closed by a homogeneous electron transfer step (et2 in Scheme 3) that regenerates the initial FeI complex.Open in a separate windowScheme 2.Mechanism for the reduction of CO2 with CAT and FCAT.Open in a separate windowScheme 3.Mechanism for the reduction of CO2 with FeTPP.The object of the present contribution is to test the idea that introduction of different substituents on the periphery of the porphyrin ring may improve the efficiency of the catalysis of CO2-to-CO conversion. In such a venture, we will have to take into account both the overpotential at which the reaction takes place and the catalytic rate expressed as the turnover frequency as detailed in the following sections. Taking these two aspects simultaneously into consideration is essential in view of the possibility that substitution may improve one of the two factors and degrade the other, or vice versa. As a first example, we examined the catalytic performances of the FCAT molecule (Scheme 1), in which four of the eight phenol groups have been preserved in the same ortho-, ortho''- positions on two of the opposite phenyl rings, while the two other phenyl rings have been perfluorinated (the synthesis and characterization of this molecule is described in SI Text). A query that first comes to mind is as follows. The inductive effect of the fluorine atoms is expected to ease the reduction of the molecule to the Fe0 oxidation state, and thus to be favorable to catalysis in terms of overpotential. However, will this benefit be blurred by a decrease of its reactivity toward CO2? Indeed, the same inductive effect of the fluorine atoms tends to decrease the electronic density on the Fe0 complex and might therefore render the formation of the initial Fe0-CO2 adduct less favorable. Change in the rates of the follow-up reactions of Scheme 1 may also interfere. A first encouraging indication that the fluorine substitution has a globally favorable effect on catalysis derives from the comparison of the cyclic voltammetric responses of FCAT and CAT as represented in Fig. 1: the peak potential is slightly more positive for FCAT [−1.55 V vs. normal hydrogen electrode (NHE)] than for CAT (−1.60 V vs. NHE), whereas the apparent number of electrons at the peak at 0.1 V/s is clearly larger in the first case than in the second (120 vs. 80) (26). However, a deeper analysis of the meaning of these figures in terms of effective catalysis is required. The mechanism of the reaction (Scheme 2) has been shown to be the same with FCAT as with CAT, and the various kinetic parameters indicated in Scheme 2, whose values are recalled in 26, 27). Comparison of the two catalysts may then be achieved more rationally based on the determination, in each case, of the catalytic Tafel plots, which relates the turnover frequency (TOF) to the overpotential (η). The latter is defined, in the present case of reductive processes, as the difference between the apparent standard potential of the CO2/CO conversion, ECO2/CO0 and the electrode potential, E:η=EECO2/CO0.Large catalytic currents correspond to “pure kinetic conditions” in which a steady state is achieved by mutual compensation of catalyst transport and catalytic reactions. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) responses are then S-shaped independent of scan rate. They are the same with other techniques such as rotating disk electrode voltammetry and also during preparative-scale electrolyses. The fact that peaks instead of plateaus are observed at low scan rate, as in Fig. 1, derives from secondary phenomena related to the observed high catalytic efficiencies, such as substrate consumption, inhibition by products, and deactivation of the catalyst. These factors and the ways to go around their occurrence to finally obtain a full characterization of the mechanism and kinetics of the catalysis process are discussed in detail elsewhere (27). Under pure kinetic conditions, the active catalyst molecules are then confined within a thin reaction-diffusion layer adjacent to the electrode surface. During the time where the catalyst remains stable, the TOF is defined asTOFNproduct/Nactive?cat, where Nproduct is the number of moles of the product, generated per unit of time, and Nactive?cat is the maximal number of moles of the active form catalyst contained in the reaction–diffusion layer rather than in the whole electrochemical cell (for more information on the notions of pure kinetic conditions, reaction–diffusion layer, and on the correct definition of TOF, see refs. 23, 26, 28). For the present reaction mechanism (Scheme 2) as well as for all reaction schemes belonging to the same category, the TOFη relationships are obtained from the following equations (28, 29), using the notations defined in Scheme 2 and the data listed in TOF=TOFmax{1+ipl2FSCcat0kf2ndETexp(α2fE)+ipl2FSCcat0Dcatk1[CO2]exp[FRT(EE10)]},withTOFmax=11k1[CO2]+1k2ap,k2ap=k21k22[PhOH]k21+k22[PhOH].The S-shaped catalytic wave is characterized by a plateau current ipl that may be expressed asipl=2FSDcatCcat0k1[CO2]1+k1[CO2]k2,ap(1+k2,apk1[CO2])[1+k2,apk2,2CZ0],[1]where S is electrode surface area; Ccat0 and Dcat are concentration and diffusion coefficient of the catalyst, respectively.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.CV of 1-mM FCAT (Lower Left) and CAT (Lower Right) in neat DMF + 0.1 M n-Bu4NPF6 at 0.1 Vs−1. The same, Upper Left and Upper Right, respectively, in the presence of 0.23 M CO2 and of 1 M PhOH. ip0, the peak current of the reversible FeII/FeI wave is a measure of a one-electron transfer.

Table 1.

Kinetic characteristics of the reactions in Scheme 2 from ref. 27
Parameters for catalysisFCATCAT
k1(M-1 ? s-1)3 × 105>5 × 106
(k21/k?21)k22(M-1 ? s-1)2.5 × 104
k21(s-1)3 × 1047 × 103
k2ap(s-1)2.1 × 1047 × 103
[PhOH] (M)logkf2ndET (cm s−1)
Open in a separate windowThe k2ap value for FCAT is given for [PhOH] = 3 M. It is independent from the acid concentration in the case of CAT.The logTOF–η plots (Fig. 2) move upward as the phenol concentration increases. They are more favorable for FCAT than for CAT whatever [PhOH]. A more direct comparison between the two catalysts at [PhOH] = 3 M is shown in Fig. 3, where the results of preparative-scale electrolyses are also displayed within the same logTOF vs. η framework, pointing to the superiority of FCAT over CAT. This is confirmed by preparative-scale electrolyses. Fixed-potential electrolyses were performed at −1.08 and −1.14 V vs. NHE with 1 mM FCAT and CAT, respectively, using a carbon crucible as working electrode under 1 atm. CO2 (0.23 M) in the presence of 3 M PhOH. The current density iel/Sel is stable over 3 h with FCAT and 0.5 h with CAT and the production of CO is practically quantitative (faradaic yields of 100 ± 10% and 100 ± 5%, respectively, less than 1% H2 in both cases). iel/Sel= 0.5 and 0.3 mA/cm2 with FCAT and CAT, respectively; Sel, the working electrode surface area of the preparative-scale electrode electrolysis, is much larger (20 cm2) than in CV experiments (0.07 cm2). The corresponding TOF value at the operated overpotential is calculated from TOF = (iel/ipl)TOFmax, in which ipl is the plateau current given by Eq. 1. The TOF values thus obtained are 240 s−1 (at η = 0.39 V) and 170 s−1 (at η = 0.45 V) for FCAT and CAT, respectively. As seen in Fig. 3, they satisfactorily match the TOFη relationships derived from CV taking into account inevitable imperfections in cell configuration leading to residual ohmic drop. Besides catalytic performances evaluated through logTOFη relationship, durability is important in the evaluation of catalyst efficiency. It has been evaluated through estimation of the catalyst degradation over prolonged electrolysis. This estimation is based on recording CVs in the electrolysis solution during electrolysis. It turns out that (see SI Text for details) FCAT is more stable than CAT or simple FeTPP. Complete degradation of the initial 10−5 moles of catalyst is observed after the passage of 575, 200, and 290 coulombs for FCAT, CAT, and simple FeTPP, corresponding to 600, 210, and 300 catalytic cycles for FCAT, CAT and FeTPP, respectively.Open in a separate windowFig. 2.Catalytic Tafel plots for the two catalysts (see text) as a function of the concentration of phenol in the solution, in M, from bottom to top: 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, 3.Open in a separate windowFig. 3.Benchmarking of all catalysts based on catalytic Tafel plots derived from CV experiments. See SI Text. Fig. 3 illustrates the ensuing benchmarking of all catalysts. In terms of preparative-scale electrolyses, the available information indicates that the stability of the catalysts is of the same order as for the two catalysts FCAT and CAT described here.

Table 2.

Comparison of FCAT and CAT with other catalysts of the CO2/CO conversion
ReferenceSolvent + acid ECO2/CO0Catalyst Ecat0k1ap[CO2]k2aplogTOFmax (s−1)logTOF0 (s−1)*
27; this workDMF +3 M PhOHCAT>5 × 1063.8−6.0
−0.69−1.35See 27; this workDMF +3 M PhOHFCAT>5 × 1064.0−5.5
−0.69−1.28See 25DMF +3 M PhOHFe0TPP3.5 × 1044.5−8.0
21DMF +0.1 M HBF4m-(triphos)2Pd2351.5−7.4
20CH3CN +0.8 M CF3CH2OHRe(bpy)(CO)3(py)8752.9−8.0
12CH3CN +1.4 M CF3CH2OHMn(bpytBu)(CO)3Br§6802.8−9.8
23CH3CNN2 = Mn(CO)35 × 1033.7−7.0
Open in a separate windowPotentials in V vs. NHE, first-order or pseudo-first-order rate constants in s−1.*TOF at η = 0.k2ap>>k1ap[CO2].§py = pyridine, tpy = 2,2'':6'',2''''-terpyridine, bpy =2,2''-bipyridine, Mebimpy = 2,6-bis(1-methyl benzimidazol-2-yl)pyridine.Our conclusion is twofold. (i) The title iron porphyrin generated electrochemically under its Fe0 form (FCAT) operated in the presence of 3 M phenol in DMF appears to be the best homogeneous catalyst of the CO2-to-CO conversion to date. This clearly appears after benchmarking of presently available catalyst of this reaction under the form of catalytic Tafel plots relating turnover frequency with overpotential (Fig. 3). Such plot allows optimization of the catalytic reaction by appropriately compromising between rapidity and energy costs. A further advantageous feature of FCAT is that it relies on one of the cheapest and most earth-abundant metals. (ii) Fluorine substitution in passing from CAT to FCAT was designed to favor catalysis in terms of overpotential thanks to the inductive effect of the fluorine substituents. At the same time it could have rendered the follow-up reactions less favorable, possibly annihilating the initial favorable effect of fluorine sub or even making catalysis globally less efficient than with CAT. The observation that this is not the case, and that the substitution has a global positive effect in this case, opens the route to the design and testing of further substituted molecules, which could become even more efficient catalysts of the CO2/CO conversion. It should be particularly fruitful to use the prepositioned phenol functionalities to favor the formation and proton-coupled transformation of the initial Fe0–CO2 adduct and to play with electron withdrawing substituents to improve the capabilities of the catalyst in terms of overpotential.See SI Text for experimental details and data treatment of the other catalysts in   相似文献   

A high dead space (VD) to tidal volume (VT) ratio during peak exercise (VD/VTpeak) is a sensitive and consistent marker of gas exchange abnormalities; therefore, it is important in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, it is necessary to use invasive methods to obtain VD/VTpeak, as noninvasive methods, such as end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2peak) and PETCO2 adjusted with Jones’ equation (PJCO2peak) at peak exercise, have been reported to be inconsistent with arterial PCO2 at peak exercise (PaCO2peak). Hence, this study aimed to generate prediction equations for VD/VTpeak using statistical techniques, and to use PETCO2peak and PJCO2peak to calculate the corresponding VD/VTpeaks (i.e., VD/VTpeakETVD/VTpeakJ).A total of 46 male subjects diagnosed with COPD who underwent incremental cardiopulmonary exercise tests with PaCO2 measured via arterial catheterization were enrolled. Demographic data, blood laboratory tests, functional daily activities, chest radiography, two-dimensional echocardiography, and lung function tests were assessed.In multivariate analysis, diffusing capacity, vital capacity, mean inspiratory tidal flow, heart rate, and oxygen pulse at peak exercise were selected with a predictive power of 0.74. There were no significant differences in the PCO2peak values and the corresponding VD/VTpeak values across the three types (both p = NS).In subjects with COPD, VD/VTpeak can be estimated using statistical methods and the PETCO2peak and PJCO2peak. These methods may have similar predictive power and thus can be used in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic, achievable, and realistic efficiency limits of solar-driven electrochemical conversion of water and carbon dioxide to fuels are investigated as functions of light-absorber composition and configuration, and catalyst composition. The maximum thermodynamic efficiency at 1-sun illumination for adiabatic electrochemical synthesis of various solar fuels is in the range of 32–42%. Single-, double-, and triple-junction light absorbers are found to be optimal for electrochemical load ranges of 0–0.9 V, 0.9–1.95 V, and 1.95–3.5 V, respectively. Achievable solar-to-fuel (STF) efficiencies are determined using ideal double- and triple-junction light absorbers and the electrochemical load curves for CO2 reduction on silver and copper cathodes, and water oxidation kinetics over iridium oxide. The maximum achievable STF efficiencies for synthesis gas (H2 and CO) and Hythane (H2 and CH4) are 18.4% and 20.3%, respectively. Whereas the realistic STF efficiency of photoelectrochemical cells (PECs) can be as low as 0.8%, tandem PECs and photovoltaic (PV)-electrolyzers can operate at 7.2% under identical operating conditions. We show that the composition and energy content of solar fuels can also be adjusted by tuning the band-gaps of triple-junction light absorbers and/or the ratio of catalyst-to-PV area, and that the synthesis of liquid products and C2H4 have high profitability indices.The rapid changes in the global climate during the last century have been widely attributed to the anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide produced by combustion of fossil-based fuels (1). Today, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 is increasing at a rate of ∼1.8 ppm/y, and this rate is expected to increase unless efforts are made to reduce the consumption of fossil energy fuels and to develop means for producing carbon-based fuels sustainably (2). One means for achieving the latter goal is artificial photosynthesis––a process in which solar radiation is used to drive the reduction of CO2 to fuels (or fuel precursors) and chemicals (3, 4). In an artificial photosynthetic system one or more light absorbers are used to provide photogenerated electrons and holes for the photo/electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide and water to a fuel, which is physically separated from the oxygen produced as a byproduct of water-splitting using an ion-conducting membrane. The overall efficiency with which such a system produces fuel depends on the identification, evaluation, and optimization of the components and system configuration.The efficiency of solar-driven, electrochemical reduction of CO2 can be determined from the intersection of the current–voltage characteristics of the light absorber and the electrochemical load curve (57). This method has been used previously to calculate experimental and achievable solar-to-hydrogen (STH) efficiencies for water-splitting systems (810). The factors affecting the STH efficiency are the activities of the anode and cathode catalysts, the ohmic and Nernstian losses, and the semiconductor current–voltage characteristics (7, 11, 12). By contrast, the factors governing the efficiency of CO2 reduction systems are not well explored and optimized and, therefore, the solar-to-fuel (STF) efficiencies of most systems are typically <7%. For example, the highest reported STF efficiency for formic acid synthesis is 1.8% using a photovoltaic (PV)-electrolyzer (13) and 4.6% using a photoelectrochemical cell (PEC, 14, 15); and the STF efficiency for CO synthesis is 2% using a PV-PEC (16) and 6.5% using PV-electrolyzer (17). The reasons for such low STF efficiencies are (i) higher kinetic overpotential and polarization losses for CO2 reduction, and (ii) improper configuration of light absorbers to provide sufficient photovoltage and photocurrent density to drive CO2 reduction. The factors affecting the STF efficiencies are (i) the catalyst used for the CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR), (ii) the catalyst used for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), (iii) the electrolyte composition and concentration, (iv) the membrane or fuel separator, (v) the mechanism of CO2 supply, and (vi) the current–voltage characteristic of the light absorber(s). The properties of each component and the operating conditions affect the cell voltage and the STF efficiency (18).The objectives of this study were to calculate the thermodynamic, achievable, and realistic STF efficiencies for CO2 reduction to fuels; to determine optimal band-gaps for alternative light-absorber configurations required to achieve efficient CO2 reduction; and to develop strategies for controlling the composition and energy density of solar fuels. The balance of this article is organized as follows. Theory describes the mathematical expressions used to determine the Shockley–Queisser (SQ) limits of multijunction light absorbers, the characteristics of electrochemical load curves for the OER and CO2RR, and how the properties of the light absorber(s) and catalysts are used to define the STF efficiency for CO2 reduction. Results and Discussion presents thermodynamic, achievable, and realistic STF efficiencies for different CO2RR catalysts and device configurations. Conclusions and Perspectives presents conclusions and future directions to overcome present difficulties in making an efficient solar-driven electrochemical device for CO2 reduction.  相似文献   

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