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目的:了解金华市农村已婚妇女生殖保健需求及服务现况,探索适应我国国情的农村生殖保健需求及服务的改进措施。方法:采取随机整群抽样的方法,对金华市农村的鞋塘、含香……六个乡镇的2205名已婚农村妇女进行问卷式调查。结果:农村已婚妇女的文化程度普遍偏低,尽管生殖保健服务可得性好,但她们对生殖保健知识方面的了解尚有很多欠缺,自我保护意识尚较差,对妇女生殖保健服务的需求也不够强烈。结论:应该大力开展生殖保健的宣传教育,调整健康服务取向,以促进传统的妇女保健、计划生育模式向以提供连续性社区生殖健康综合服务模式转变。  相似文献   

目的 了解0~6岁住院患儿家属儿童健康保健知识水平及其健康教育需求,为临床开展有针对性的儿童健康保健教育提供依据.方法 方便性抽样选择中山市博爱医院儿科住院患儿家属105名,采用自行设计的调查问卷进行调查,内容包括对0~6岁儿童健康保健知识的认知程度及健康保健知识教育内容和形式的需求,对所得数据进行统计学分析.结果 仅有55%的患儿家属接受过儿童健康保健知识教育,知识来源广泛但不够专业;健康保健知识总体知晓率偏低(71.2%),且医学急救和健康行为知识欠缺明显;对儿童保健知识需求强烈,希望从多种途径获得更专业的指导.结论 患儿家属儿童健康保健知识知晓率偏低,建议成立多学科多专科参与的儿童健康教育中心,以提供系统全面的儿童健康教育内容,提高家长的相关知识水平.  相似文献   

[目的]了解太原市杏花岭区已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染(RTI)现状及影响因素,探索一种新型的生殖健康服务模式,为社区医疗机构制订干预措施提供理论依据.[方法]选取太原市杏花岭区社区卫生服务机构为研究现场,对杏花岭区25岁~50岁的已婚育龄妇女进行问卷调查、妇科检查和实验室检查.[结果]杏花岭区已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染的总检出率为32.8%,其中外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(VVC)检出率为12.7%,细菌性阴道病(BV)检出率为10.0%,滴虫性阴道炎检出率为5.5%,支原体性阴道炎检出率为2.8%,混合感染检出率为1.8%.外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病患病率最高.生殖道感染与年龄、工作压力、卫生习惯、性生活频率、就医态度、避孕方式等都有密切关系.[结论]基层社区已婚育龄妇女有较高的生殖道感染率,应加强已婚育龄妇女生殖保健服务,建立新型的社区生殖服务模式,保护妇女生殖健康权利,提高妇女自我保健意识和生殖健康水平.  相似文献   

目的了解基层社区女性乳房自检现状及对乳腺疾病相关知识的认知情况,为开展社区健康宣教提供参考。方法采用自编问卷,选取河北省邯郸市某社区209名女性进行调查,数据资料采用SPSS18.0软件行描述性统计分析。结果 54.5%的受访者关注乳房保健并认为乳房自检很有必要;定期进行乳房自检者占调查总人数的13.4%;了解乳房自检方法和乳腺癌早期症状者分别为2.9%和7.2%;很了解乳房保健知识的女性占1.9%,不了解、不太了解、不确定是否了解乳房保健知识者占82.8%;网络、电视是社区女性获取乳房保健知识的主要渠道,占55.5%,通过健康讲座获取相关知识者占8.1%,书籍、杂志途径占14.4%,亲属、朋友占22.0%。结论基层社区女性乳房自检率及对乳腺疾病相关知识的认知程度较低,获得乳房保健健康宣教的机会较少,社区卫生机构应加强对女性乳房保健的健康宣教,积极维护广大女性的身心健康。  相似文献   

目的:调查乳腺疾病患者对乳房保健知识的认知程度及需求情况,便于临床上正确科学地开展乳房健康保健。方法:采用自设问卷对300例乳腺疾病在院患者进行乳房保健知识调查,并针对其需求提供护理对策。结果:本组患者乳房保健知识知晓率低于52%;对乳腺癌的临床表现、乳房自查的正确方法需求率为100%;现有乳房保健知识以来自书报、杂志为主;患者需求方面希望通过多种形式的健康教育获得保健知识。结论:乳腺疾病患者对乳房保健知识的认知度较低,需加强对乳腺疾病的科普教育工作,可通过多种途径加强宣传教育,尤其是来自医务人员的健康指导。  相似文献   

[目的]调查邯郸市社区护士健康教育培训需求,探索针对性的培训措施,同时也为开展社区健康教育师资培养途径提供参考。[方法]采用问卷调查形式调查邯郸市四区20个社区卫生服务中心、44个社区卫生服务站的社区护士。[结果]邯郸市社区护士近3年健康教育培训率为84.17%;护士要求培训的内容主要是沟通技巧、慢性病知识宣教、预防保健知识及社区康复指导等;社区护士职称和学历水平偏低,不能满足社区健康教育需要。[结论]应加快邯郸市社区健康教育师资和社区护士健康教育能力的培养,促进社区健康教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

[目的]调查女性乳腺健康状况及保健服务需求.[方法]通过健康体检了解女性乳腺健康状况,并应用调查方法对女性乳腺保健服务需求进行调查.[结果]女性乳腺疾病的患病率高达61.52%,其中乳腺增生占57.81%,乳腺纤维瘤及其他乳腺肿物占3.64%;对乳腺保健知识的需求以希望掌握正确的乳腺自查方法和乳腺疾病的预防保健措施为主;保健知识的需求途径多样,以来自医务人员为主;在健康体检中希望通过多种形式的健康教育而获得保健知识.[结论]女性乳腺健康状况值得关注,应通过多种途径加强乳腺保健知识的宣传教育,尤其注意体检过程中医务人员的健康指导.  相似文献   

目的了解本区城中村流动人口育龄妇女生殖健康现状及服务需求,为进一步开展计划生育维权服务、生殖健康服务、避孕药具服务和生育关怀服务提供依据。方法制定生殖健康调查实施方案和调查问卷,组织、培训调查人员,从流动人口较多的9个城中村中,随机抽取1500例流动人口育龄妇女,进行匿名填卷调查。结果调查对象性生活满意度59.6%,二胎率42.5%,引产及流产率17.7%;阴道炎64.4%,宫颈炎40.2%,盆腔炎29.5%,月经不调24.9%,乳腺增生12.4%;首选就诊:个体诊所50.9%,妇幼保健站21.6%,民营专科医院14.2%;影响生殖健康的主要问题:经常患妇科疾病48.4%,经济困难29.0%,居住工作环境差16.4%,家庭矛盾大2.1%,夫妻感情不和1.1%;服务需求:生殖健康科普知识、避孕节育措施和生殖保健服务。结论本区流动人口育龄妇女性生活满意度较低,二胎率、引产流产率、妇科疾病发病率较高,生殖健康知识较缺乏,应加强对流动人口育龄妇女的生殖健康教育、关怀,在防病治病、避孕药具等方面提供更优质的服务,以提高流动人口育龄妇女的生殖健康水平。  相似文献   

女性乳腺健康状况及保健服务需求的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]调查女性乳腺健康状况及保健服务需求。[方法]通过健康体检了解女性乳腺健康状况,并应用调查方法对女性乳腺保健服务需求进行调查。[结果]女性乳腺疾病的患病率高达61.52%,其中乳腺增生占57.81%,乳腺纤维瘤及其他乳腺肿物占3.64% 对乳腺保健知识的需求以希望掌握正确的乳腺自查方法和乳腺疾病的预防保健措施为主 保健知识的需求途径多样,以来自医务人员为主 在健康体检中希望通过多种形式的健康教育而获得保健知识。[结论]女性乳腺健康状况值得关注,应通过多种途径加强乳腺保健知识的宣传教育,尤其注意体检过程...  相似文献   

近年来,生殖道感染作为一个严重危害妇女生殖健康的卫生问题,越来越受到人们的重视,为了解社区内已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染现状,探讨有效的干预措施。我中心依托社区资源对辖区内农村妇女进行生殖健康检查,对坦洪社区农村408例育龄妇女进行妇科检查、实验室检查,结果统一录入生殖健康档案,以了解生殖道感染患病情况和就医情况,积极开展生殖健康知识的宣传,提高咨询服务水平,加强医患沟通。  相似文献   

目的了解合肥市某银行职工的健康状况,以便有针对性的制定健康教育对策,积极预防疾病发生。方法 2012年5月~7月对合肥市某银行571名职工集中进行健康体检,将体检结果采用顺位及构比法,按各年龄段主要异常结果检出率、部分异常结果男女检出率进行综合分析。结果571人体检其合格率为18.21%,检出有异常者467人,阳性病征检出率较高的为幽门螺旋杆菌(Hp)抗体阳性205人(35.90%),高脂血症137人(23.99%),脂肪肝123人(21.54%),颈椎退行性变117人(20.49%),心电图异常96人(16.81%),甲状腺疾病87人(15.24%),高血压71人(12.43%),肝功能异常60人(10.51%),高尿酸51人(8.93%),胆囊疾病49人(8.58%),血糖升高(包括糖尿病)44人(7.71%),泌尿系结石32人(5.60%)。各年龄段Hp抗体阳性、高脂血症、脂肪肝、高血压、血糖升高的检出率随着年龄的增长而增加。高脂血症、脂肪肝、高血压、高尿酸血症、血糖升高、肝功能异常的检出率男性明显高于女性,而甲状腺疾病的检出率女性高于男性。结论本调查对象的健康状况较差,加强职工的健康教育,指导建立良好的生活方式,对预防疾病发生,改善健康状况,提高生活质量意义重大。  相似文献   

Background. In 1986, the World Health Organisation's (WHO) Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion sought to create a framework that conveyed the notion of capacity building, related to specific settings, and a structured process for health promotion action. It provided the platform from which the health promoting hospital movement was later launched. Nearly two decades on, the health promoting hospital (HPH) movement has grown considerably and continues to expand, against the backdrop of having to adapt to the changing needs and demands of clients and the evolving social context of their communities. Many nurses, it is argued here, are often unaware of health promoting hospitals concepts or, when they are, do little to contribute to them. Method. A critical review of the available health promoting hospital and related literature has been conducted for discussion. Findings. The literature revealed that hospitals are being urged to reject practices based purely on health‐limiting and limited biomedical frameworks, in favour of moving towards models based on health promoting hospitals and public health‐orientated hospitals. This requires radical reform that focuses on the social and health policy context of organizations, the socio‐political empowerment of its employers and clients, and the personal/collective positive health and welfare of its employers and clients. Many health service agencies are beginning to emphasize population health within communities as part of a concerted move away from an original primary focus on acute inpatient hospital‐based service provision. Conclusion. Hospitals need to adapt and expand their efforts to focus on health promotion activities, in collaboration with the ever‐widening community networks of health and social agencies. This requires the commitment of all health care professional groups. Nurses who practice in the hospital setting should be aiming to initiate and promote radical health promotion reform as set out in the health promoting hospital movement. This paper argues that nursing per se could be making much larger inroads and efforts to affect and implement wide‐ranging health promotion activities in hospital organizations. Nurses should view the HPH movement as another opportunity truly to embrace evolving broad‐based health promotion concepts, as a means to forge and own their own health agenda, and also as a means to move beyond the traditional reliance of a limited health education role. Relevance to clinical practice. Hospitals and their employees must be seen to advocate, support and implement wide‐reaching social and community‐based reform, as part of a necessary commitment to ‘seamless’ health care provision. The health promoting hospital movement represents a collective vehicle for enabling such activities. If nurses wish to be at the forefront of current health service strategies they must be seen to embrace the radical health promotion reforms that are emerging from the current literature and put forward in this article.  相似文献   



Recent health care organizational changes have been associated with stress and musculoskeletal disorders in nurses. However, studies are lacking on what factors are the most important predictors of poor self-assessed health among nurses.


To describe and identify the self-assessed predictors of physical and mental health of nurses.

Participants and design

A cross-sectional design was used with a sample of 394 nurses, drawn from the registry of the Icelandic Nurses’ Association, representing 17% of the workforce of Icelandic nurses.


Data were collected with a self-administered questionnaire, addressing symptoms, illness and treatment, lifestyle and sleep, work and working environment, family and quality of family life. Data were analysed according to nurses’ assessment of their physical and mental health (very good/good; poor/very poor) by use of analysis of variance, chi-square and stepwise multiple linear regression.


21.7% of participants assessed their physical health as poor or very poor and 14.3% assessed their mental health as such. Those who assess their physical or mental health poor/very poor, as compared to the others, reported more symptoms in general, less regular exercise, as well as more use of medication, more visits to physicians, trouble with sleeping, conflicts between work and family life, work absence, and they experience their work as more strenuous. Experiencing symptoms is an important predictor of both physical and mental health of nurses.


Various factors, including work-, family- and socio-cultural environment, play a role in how nurses assesses their health. During our present time of nurse shortage it is imperative that the authorities take special measures in order to improve the work environment of nurses.  相似文献   

Research linking health literacy to health knowledge, health behaviors, health outcomes, health disparity, health status, and increasing health-care costs is prevalent around the globe. Given the importance of health literacy, it is prudent to examine the tools available to assure that patients are health-literate. This article provides an integrative review in order to investigate what has been developed to evaluate health literacy in the health-care setting. The research questions considered include: (i) Which instruments or screening tools are available to assess or measure health literacy in the clinical setting?; and (ii) What are the psychometric properties, advantages, and limitations of the identified tools? A number of databases are utilized to locate research specific to this topic. The research is analyzed, the findings are summarized, and the limitations are mentioned. The implications, recommendations, and the need for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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