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采用RITQ综合评定婴儿气质的报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Carey的RITQ为4-8个月婴儿气质的测查工具,结合专人问卷与观察,对400名婴儿的气质进行了综合评定,结果表明:九个气质因子的重测信度为0.77-0.90,多数气质因子间存在着显著的相关,相关系数为0.10-0.59。大、小婴儿活动水平、接近-退缩、适应及反应强度四个气质因子存在差异。气质类型与国外同龄婴儿及国内学前儿童的分布相接近。提示采用RITQ综合评定婴儿气质的信度和效度较好,可用于我国婴儿的气质测查及研究。  相似文献   

婴儿心理发展与家庭环境的相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:探讨婴儿发展与家庭环境的关系,以便为儿童的早期干预提供科学的依据。方法:随机抽取年龄为1岁的正常婴儿83名,采用贝利婴儿发展量表进行评估,用家庭环境评定量表(HOME)等工具观察其家庭环境。结果:(1)精神发展指数(MDI)与HOME评分显著相关,与家庭结构、经济收入、父母亲受教育程度关系不明显;(2)运动发展指数(PDI)与家庭结构有关;3)婴儿心理行为和情绪与多项家庭环境变量有联系。结论:婴儿发展与家庭环境存在显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

目的:分析自行编制的一套婴幼儿测试行为评定量表集中反映了哪些行为倾向,并探讨测试行为与智力与运动能力之矧的关系。方法:对象为227名6—12个月的正常婴儿(男130名,女97名),采用贝利婴幼儿发展量表(BSID)和自编的婴儿测试行为评定量表作为研究工具。应用因子分析、方差分析和相关分析的统计学方法进行统计分析。结果:提取出目标定向性,觉醒状态,负性情绪,正性情绪,反应性,活动量共6个因子,方差贡献率为65.43%。目标定向性、觉醒状态、正性情绪、反应性与智力发育指数(MDI)存在明显的相关,目标定向性,正性情绪,反应性与运动发育指数(PDI)存在明显的相关。结论:婴儿测试行为与智力发展相关。  相似文献   

婴儿气质影响因素的探讨   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
本研究以婴儿气质修订问卷(RITQ)为气质测查工具,对400名4~8个月婴儿的气质进行了综合评定,并对其环境因素进行了调查。经单因素及多因素分析发现:父母的职业、学历、年龄、父亲吸烟、父亲嗜酒、母亲孕期疾病、精神创伤、看电视时间,家庭结构,居住面积及喂养方式与婴儿的气质存在显著相关。  相似文献   

神经心理测验和轻性痴呆   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用简易痴呆筛查量表(BSSD)、简易智力检查表(MMSE)、常识记忆注意测验(IMCT)、长谷川痴呆量表(HDS)、Fuld物体记忆测验(FOM)、言语流畅性测验(RVR)、积木测验(BD)、数字广度测验(DS)、日常生活功能量表(ADL)检测3075例社区老人,结果发现对轻性痴呆诊断敏感的指标有(1)由BSSD、MMSE、HDS筛选出的4个因子:时间定向、计算/注意、常识/图片理解、名词即刻记忆;(2)FOM、RVR、BD、DS中2项或2项以上阳性  相似文献   

婴儿气质与产科抑郁的关系研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
作者主要采取纵向追踪的方式,采用MMPI和R-ITQ分别测试了125位母亲的心理状态及其4-8个月婴儿气质,探讨了婴儿气质与母亲产前、产后抑郁的关系。结果提示:是否有产前抑郁对婴儿气质的特点有影响,产前抑郁可使婴儿发生气质困难的危险性明显增加;产后抑郁对婴儿气质因子的影响明显,但对婴儿气质类型的影响不确定。另外,婴儿气质与母亲产后抑郁之间存在相互作用关系。提示保持孕期及产后情绪愉快,对于小儿的健康成长与发育具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

早期干预对婴儿发展影响的研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
随机抽取年龄为42天至3个月的正常婴儿60名为干预组,35名为对照组。干预组入组后即接受早期干预。婴儿一岁时,干预组51名、对照组32名,两组婴儿均采用贝利婴儿发展量表进行评估,结果发现:干预组婴儿的MDI高于对照组,且情绪更愉快、适应性更好,但两组的PDI及躯体发育却无显著差异。本结果提示:早期干预能促进婴儿的心理发展。  相似文献   

自知力与治疗态度问卷的信效度测定   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
采用自知力与治疗态度问卷(ITAQ),对81例精神分裂症患者进行临床评定。结果:重测信度r=0.869(p<0.001),评定者间的信度为0.80,分半信度0.903,与临床经验对自知力的大体评估结果及BPRS之间的效度分别为0.7075和-0.40,这符合ITAQ的理论预测,说明ITAQ具有良好的信度和效度  相似文献   

目的:探讨气质与家庭刺激质量的相互关系及其对儿童智力发展的作用。方法:对象为211名6~8月龄正常婴儿(男110,女101),平均月龄7.03±0.81。采用Carey气质问卷评定婴儿的气质,以家庭环境评定量表评价家庭刺激质量,以贝利婴儿发展量表评价智力和运动能力。结果:气质与家庭刺激质量之间存在明显的相关;易养型婴儿的家庭刺激质量评分比难养型婴儿的高;两种不同气质类型的婴儿,其家庭刺激的具体类型对智力发展的作用不同,另外,家庭刺激质量的作用比气质的作用更大。结论:气质与家庭环境之间存在交互作用,二者相互作用共同影响儿童智力的发展。  相似文献   

目的 检验理性/情绪性防御量表(R/ED)中文版在我国女性乳腺癌患者中的适用性.方法 选取276名女性乳腺癌患者完成理性/情绪性防御量表,同时采用C型行为量表作为校标测量工具.结果 理性/情绪性防御量表全量表的Cronbach'sα系数为0.92,两因子的α系数均在0.90以上;全量表条目间的平均相关系数为0.50;间隔两周全量袁的重测信度为0.95,两因子的重测信度均在0.90以上;与C型行为愤怒内向和合理化因子的相关分析也发现理性/情绪性防御量表具有良好的校标关联效度;验证性因素分析结果支持两因子结构.结论 理性/情绪性防御量表中文版能有效评估我国女性乳腺癌患者的情绪抑制行为.  相似文献   

The relation between indices of neonatal iron status and individual differences in neonatal temperament were investigated in a sample of 148 low-income Peruvian women and their newborn infants. Using cord blood, at birth we obtained measures of neonatal ferritin, serum iron, and hemoglobin. While neonates were still in the hospital, their behavior during a structured anthropometry examination was videotaped and subsequently coded on four temperament dimensions: activity level, negative emotionality, alertness, and soothability. The same dimensions were coded using a videotape obtained during a subsequent visit to the neonates' homes. Results indicated that lower levels of neonatal hemoglobin and serum iron were related to higher levels of negative emotionality and to lower levels of alertness and soothability. A similar pattern was found for ferritin, but only for females. For the most part, relations between neonatal iron measures and neonatal temperament were linear, operating across the full range of iron values. Our pattern of iron-temperament results could not be attributed to variation in family demographics, low birth weight, gestational age, maternal dietary intake, or markers of neonatal illness and maternal diabetes. Our findings are consistent with prior research with older infants relating iron deficiency to temperament. These results support the importance of increased research on the early functional-behavioral consequences of individual differences in iron status as well as on the mechanisms that underlie such consequences.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic status (SES) appears to be an important contextual factor in children's developmental outcomes, including their responses to stress. However, some children are more susceptible to its effects than others. Hair cortisol is a newer method of assessing the activity of the HPA axis, providing cumulative cortisol levels. The present article examined whether temperament (negative emotionality) moderates the association between an SES index and the hair cortisol concentration (HCC) of infants. Sixty infants from 6 to 15 months of age were recruited, of which 49 had sufficient hair for cortisol analysis. The SES index was calculated from the education levels of the mothers, family income, and a scale measuring the quality of the home environment. Negative emotionality was measured with the three sub‐scales of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire (falling reactivity, distress to limitations, and fear). Among infants low in negative emotionality, there was no association between SES and cortisol. In contrast, among those high in negative emotionality, a significant association was obtained. These infants showed lower levels of HCC in lower‐SES environments. The findings suggest that there are individual differences in reacting to the environment, and low levels of cortisol (not high) were found in susceptible infants in lower‐SES families.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between maternal depression and infant temperament in a Japanese population, a prospective questionnaire survey was administered in the postpartum period. Postnatal depression was assessed by Zung's (1965) Self-Rating Depression Scale on two occasions (5 days and 12 months after delivery). At 6 months and 18 months after birth, infant temperament was assessed using the Revised Infant Temperament Questionnaire (RITQ; Carey & McDevitt, 1978) and the Toddler Temperament Scale (TTS; Fullward, McDevitt, & Carey, 1984), respectively. Of the five temperamental dimensions of the RITQ and TTS, "rhythmicity" and "attention span and persistence" showed reciprocal relationships with postnatal depression. Unidirectional effects of maternal depression on infant temperament were found for "frustration tolerance" and "fear of strangers and strange situations."  相似文献   

Carey的1个月~12岁儿童气质系列问卷的应用评价   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:44  
目的:引进Carey等人的1个月 ̄12岁全套五个年龄阶段的儿童气质问卷,探讨它们的应用情况,以进一步完善气质工具在国内的使用。方法;对原问卷进行翻译、修订后,随机选择上海市有代表性地区的儿童进行测试,由家长填写问卷,对五个年龄阶段的气质问卷分别做重测信度的内部一致性分析。结果:各问卷的平均重测信度分别为0.59 ̄0.81,Chronbach Alpha内部一致性各问卷的维度平均值为0.48 ̄0.5  相似文献   

哮喘儿童气质特征的对照研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的试图探讨儿童气质与哮喘之间的关系,为在哮喘的综合治疗手段中进行心理干预提供一些理论依据.方法以1~3岁幼儿气质量表和3~7岁学龄前儿童气质量表为工具,对深圳市儿童医院儿童哮喘门诊连续收集就诊的80例哮喘患儿进行研究,对照组来自一所幼儿园随机抽取的80例正常儿童.结果哮喘儿童组在趋避性、适应性和情绪性质气质维度得分比正常儿童组高(P<0.05或0.01).在哮喘组,发动缓慢型、麻烦型和中间偏烦型等气质类型的比例明显偏高(P<0.01).结论哮喘儿童具有对新刺激消极回避、适应性差和倾向负性情绪的气质特点.较多的出现麻烦型、中间偏烦型和发动缓慢型气质类型.结果提示对哮喘儿童进行治疗时应该进行心理干预处理.  相似文献   

上海市1个月-12岁儿童气质特点研究   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:46  
目的 :探讨儿童气质的变化特点 ,并为建立常模提供依据。方法 :选取有代表性的上海市 1个月— 12岁的儿童 ,有效例数 2 15 3人 ,采用Carey的EITQ、RITQ、TTS、BSQ、MCTQ进行儿童气质的研究 ,分别按年龄和性别进行分析。结果 :1岁以内气质的性别差异无或很小 ;1-3岁儿童中男孩较女孩反应强烈 ;3 -7岁儿童中男孩活动量较高、节律性较强、反应阈较高 ;8-12岁儿童中男孩的活动量较高、可预见性较低、反应较强烈、坚持性较低。 1岁内儿童的活动水平随年龄而增高 ,1岁以后的儿童总体上表现为高年龄组儿童的活动水平降低、适应性更强的倾向 ,3岁以后的儿童表现出随年龄增加而反应强度下降、坚持性增高的倾向 ,1-7岁之间儿童的注意分散度逐渐下降。气质特点约从 7岁左右开始更稳定。结论 :儿童气质的性别差异随年龄增长而逐渐显现出来 ,高年龄组中差异显著的维度较低年龄组多。气质特点随年龄变化的趋势与儿童的神经心理发育密切相关。  相似文献   

A model of the effects of children's temperament (negative and positive emotionality, impulsivity and attention focusing) on post-divorce threat appraisals, coping (active and avoidant), and psychological symptoms (depression and conduct problems) was investigated. The study utilized a sample of 223 mothers and children (ages 9 to 12 years) who had experienced divorce within the last two years. Evidence was found of direct effects of child-report negative emotionality on children's threat perceptions and of child-report positive emotionality and impulsivity on children's coping. Indirect effects of negative emotionality on active and avoidant coping through threat appraisal were found. Direct effects of the temperament variables on symptoms were also found. Cross group analyses indicated that the models were robust to age differences, but gender differences were found in the relation between negative emotionality and depression. The results of this study indicate that temperament and threat appraisals are important predictors of children's post-divorce symptoms, and that temperament is a predictor of children's appraisal and coping process.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prenatal cocaine exposure is a marker of developmental risk. Social environmental risk factors may include maternal stress and maternal perceptions of difficult infant temperament. OBJECTIVES: To examine factors that may predict or moderate maternal ratings of parenting stress and difficult temperament in cocaine-exposed (CE) infants. METHOD: Neonatal behavior, infant temperament, parenting stress, and maternal psychopathology were measured in a large sample of infant-mother dyads with prenatal CE and a nonexposed comparison sample. Participants were drawn from an existing longitudinal data set (Maternal Lifestyle Study). RESULT: Relations between neonatal behavior and infant temperament ratings were moderated by mothers' ratings of parenting stress. Relations between neonatal cry and parenting stress were moderated by maternal psychopathology ratings. Results were unrelated to drug exposure history. CONCLUSIONS: For mothers of at risk infants (with or without prenatal CE), psychological distress affects the degree to which infant behavioral characteristics are experienced as stressful or difficult. Implications for treatment and outcome are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation of negative emotionality in infancy to child social and cognitive developmental outcomes among low birth weight (LBW) preterm infants participating in the Infant Health and Development Program (IHDP), a comprehensive compensatory education intervention beginning in infancy and lasting through age 3 years. In this analysis, intervention effects at age 36 months on maternal report of child behavior as assessed by the Child Behavior Checklist externalizing and internalizing scales and on intelligence as measured by the Stanford-Binet scale were largest among children characterized by higher levels of negative emotionality in infancy. Findings indicate that for LBW preterm infants characterized by negative emotionality at age 12 months the intervention was associated with a twofold decrease in the occurrence of clinically meaningful levels of behavior problems at age 3 years and a fourfold decrease in the occurrence of a high-risk profile in which both internalizing and externalizing scores are in the clinically meaningful range. The intervention was also associated with a fivefold decrease in the occurrence of IQ < or = 75 at age 3 years among children with higher levels of negative emotionality and heavier LBW (2001-2500 g). However, specific aspects of temperamental difficulty such as fearfulness and anger were related to internalizing and externalizing, respectively, in both the intervention and control groups. Findings are consistent with research linking negative emotionality in infancy with social and cognitive developmental outcomes in early childhood among normal birth weight infants. Results suggest the need for further attention to child temperament in early intervention research.  相似文献   

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