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为了解医学检验专业毕业生实习基地及就业情况,本文以问卷调查形式对石河子大学医学院医学检验专业72名应届本科毕业生进调查,根据调查结果分析新疆兵团检验专业毕业生就业的影响因素并探讨对策,希望为学校教学改革及加强学生实习基地管理、提升学生就业质量提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:了解助产专业本科毕业生的就业现状,更好的完善助产实习安排,指导在校本科生择业.方法:采用问卷调查和团体访谈的方法,对2010至2012届助产专业本科毕业生进行调查.结果:3届毕业生就业情况比较,差异无统计学意义,就业方向是否与助产专业相关具有统计学意义(P=0.002).学生对从事助产相关工作有喜欢、不喜欢、无所谓3种反馈.结论:在教学和实习中培养学生的专业意识,增加助产实习基地数量,提高助产专业学生选择助产相关工作的比例.  相似文献   

目的通过调查本科护理毕业生就业期望,探讨影响其就业的相关因素。方法运用自行设计的问卷调查表对220名即将赴临床实习的应届护理本科生进行就业期望及相关因素的调查。结果护理本科生对于未来工作的期望值与社会现状有差距,专业思想、就业心态及有计划的就业指导都将对护理本科生就业产生影响。结论了解护理本科毕业生就业的影响因素,有目的地进行就业指导等工作,对提高护理本科毕业生就业及培养高素质护理人才都具有现实意义。  相似文献   

黄灵  许虹 《中华护理教育》2011,8(9):396-398
目的 调查杭州市护理本科毕业生的就业价值取向及其影响因素.方法 自行设计问卷,对杭州市5所医学院校的150名护理本科应届毕业生进行调查.结果 76.00%的毕业生选择护士职业,10.66%选择护理教师职业.88.00%选择到东南沿海城市就业.职业价值的评价标准以实现自我价值(50.00%)和薪酬福利好(40.67%)...  相似文献   

目的了解民办高校护理专业毕业生就业情况,为更好地开展学生就业指导提供借鉴。方法针对学生和就业单位设计书面调查问卷,回收后进行统计和分析。结果学生就业、目前工作情况及用人单位对毕业生的反应均较好。结论进一步完善就业工作机制,通过各种途径加强就业指导工作,注重综合能力的培养是解决就业问题的主要措施。  相似文献   

杨红军  沈杰 《中国误诊学杂志》2011,11(17):4283-4284
近年来,社会对护士需求量上升,护理就业岗位相对宽裕,但相当多的护理大毕业生表现出无所适从的现象,有的盲目跟从;有的过分强调到大医院就业;有的对自己估价过高,眼高手低[1]。因而,加强对护理大专毕业生的就业指导就显得尤为重要。本文通过用自行设计的调查问卷对76名大专生进行调查,了解目前护理大专生的就业观及其影响的因素,找出在就  相似文献   

目的调查某护理学院护理学专业社区方向本科生就业现状及影响因素。方法采用问卷和团体访谈方法对33名护理学专业社区方向本科毕业生进行调查。结果 33名学生中没有到社区卫生服务机构就业的。学生都认可社区卫生服务机构是专业对口单位,但"社区卫生服务机构不招聘或招聘时间太晚""发现工作内容与意愿不一致"以及社区实习教学中存在的问题影响学生的就业选择。结论护理学专业社区方向本科毕业生没有选择对口的社区卫生服务机构就业,应引起护理教育者足够的重视,并采取措施解决问题。  相似文献   

毕业实习是医学检验教学过程中理论联系实践的最重要的阶段。要求学生通过毕业实习 ,使所学的基础理论密切联系临床实际 ,巩固和提高所学的专业知识。医学检验是技术性强的一门学科 ,要求学生熟练掌握常用检验操作技能 ,基本掌握现代专业理论和先进技术 ,培养分析问题 ,解决问题的独立工作能力 ,毕业后能胜任临床检验医 (技 )师工作。1 我系实习基地建设的现状和面临的挑战高等学校教育可分为招生、培养、就业三个环节。随着我系招生规模的不断扩大 ,毕业生就业形势严峻。必须注重提高“培养”环节的质量 ,才能拓宽就业渠道。就业率的高低 …  相似文献   

目的了解学生在求职中的需求,确定就业指导课程的内容与形式,提高就业率。方法通过问卷调查和与学生交谈的方式确定学生在就业过程中的需求和存在的问题,确定毕业生就业指导工作计划。结果学生对就业指导工作需求排列在前3位的分别是:①面试技巧,占93.6%;②面试时应做好哪些准备,占88.9%;③介绍各家医院劳动合同关系,占87.8%。对面试技巧、个人简历的书写和用人单位的情况表现出了很高的需求度。结论深入细致的就业指导工作是学生思想政治工作的重要环节。重视毕业生就业工作,体现就业工作的科学性、实效性、针对性、方向性,是创造和谐社会的具体体现。  相似文献   

郭盈  范宇莹 《护理研究》2011,25(8):677-679
[目的]了解护理本科毕业生就业质量现状,为护理教育改革提供依据。[方法]采用信访调查方式对我校2005级已就业的护理本科生就业质量进行调查。[结果]2005级护理本科毕业生就业质量得分(90.01±2.73)分,且学生就业质量与就业单位等级不相关(P>0.05),而与学生在校成绩和性格相关(P<0.05)。[结论]通过对护理本科生就业质量指标体系的构建,获取了基本的信息,为今后进一步的研究提供了信息资料库;对护理本科生就业质量的分析,为护理教育改革与发展提供了可借鉴的信息。  相似文献   

The concept of evidence-based practice has gained increased attention throughout the 1990s as a strategy for linking the best scientific findings with clinical judgment to improve health outcomes. Because the concept implies finding, evaluating, summarizing, and using research results, a high level of clinical reasoning skills is required. Effective evidence-based practice also requires the incorporation of new practices into clinical and organizational settings, thereby demanding advanced leadership skills. Competencies in clinical reasoning, leadership, and clinical practice are critical for advanced practice nurses. This article describes a master's-level curriculum supportive of evidence-based practice and includes recommendations for developing curricula of this type.  相似文献   

This report describes the challenges for advanced practice nurses (APNs) relative to supply and demand issues. The article also includes opportunities with the Balanced Budget Act, physician acceptance of Advanced Practice Nurses, and expanding practice opportunities. The challenges include the nursing shortage (both in nursing students and faculty), the aging of the nursing workforce, and a lag in nursing salaries; increased demand for nursing based on aging baby boomers, increasing patient acuity and technology, and new arenas for practice. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 provided new opportunities for advanced practice nurses, including enhanced autonomy to provide services and bill independently of physicians. With these changes come new opportunities for advanced practice nurse entrepreneurs in the areas of independent practice, including opportunities to positively impact the health of families and communities in alignment with the Federal government's vision for "Healthy People 2010." As physician acceptance of advanced practice nurses continues to grow and in light of the changes in medical practice and education (residency reduction), opportunities to expand collaborative practice arrangements also exist. APNs are best suited to make the most of these changes. One example of an opportunity for independent practice, a Community Wellness Center, is developed as an entrepreneurial venture benefiting both the APN and the health of a community. Who better than registered nurses (RNs), especially those practicing at the advanced level, can ensure that these opportunities and challenges are addressed in an ethical manner and focused on the needs and health of the community?  相似文献   

Advanced practice nurses, including midwives, are well positioned to conduct, participate, or both in both basic and translational research to improve the outcomes and processes of perinatal care. This article contains suggestions for future research by perinatal advanced practice nurses, conceptualized around a scale to promote balance in outcomes. More research is needed in a number of areas, examples include collaborative practice, normal birth, and translation of the evidence concerning skin-to-skin practice. Health disparities; maternal, neonatal, and infant morbidity and mortality; formula feeding; and other vulnerabilities need more research to decrease these problematic outcomes. Advanced practice nurses are encouraged to be actively involved in perinatal research, to help confront and reduce health disparities, and to apply evidence in practice, broadly promoting wellness for women and their families.  相似文献   

Ide P  Fleming C 《AORN journal》1999,70(5):805-8, 811-3
A practice model that combines shared governance and patient care teamwork to achieve optimal surgical patient care provided the framework for a successful Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations visit at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, a university-affiliated teaching hospital. This article describes ways to implement this practice model. Clinical practice, quality improvement, and development councils are explained, as well as membership criteria for the councils and how they function. The need for more sharing of such quality improvement data from other hospitals is needed to establish national standards for measuring nursing performance.  相似文献   

Faculty practice can promote a collaborative partnership mutually beneficial to both nursing education and service. However, little is known about its implementation in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to explore the potential for introducing faculty practice within the cultural milieu of Karachi, Pakistan. Focus groups of nursing faculty, staff and students were conducted in various settings: government, semigovernment and private institutions to elicit the data. Data analysis revealed that a more comprehensive definition of faculty practice is needed that will provide the foundation for a culturally acceptable model of faculty practice in Pakistan. Hierarchy dominates the current cultural milieu and must be addressed before faculty practice can be implemented.  相似文献   

By examining the knowledge used in the conduct of practice, the knowledge required for practice can be shown to be completely reducible to science, ethics, and logic. Consequently, all notions of a practice theory in nursing are likely to represent some combination of these kinds of knowledge. As a result, no need for a practice theory exists.  相似文献   

护生标准预防及职业防护专项实践教育研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
周惠  聂岚  牛瑞丽 《护士进修杂志》2006,21(10):890-892
目的研究护生实践期对标准预防及职业防护知识与技能的掌握。方法采用自行设计的问卷,通过对护生专项实践教育后试卷重测及实践后期职业防护技能考核进行统计分析。结果实施专项实践教育前、后,护生整体知晓率有显著不同,中专与大专以上护生实践教育前有区别,实践后无差异,技能考核正确率85.84%。结论研究表明:对护生开展专项实践教育是十分必要,方法也是可行的。培养了护生双向防护能力并自觉地将其整合到护理流程中,加强了医院感染管理的环节控制,但防护意识的提高和良好习惯的形成需要持之以恒的教育。  相似文献   

The theory-theory gap: the challenge for nurse teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper begins with a review of the nature of theory-based practice and how it is evidenced This is then used to demonstrate that theory is based upon practice and that there is not a gap between theory and practice but rather there is a theory-theory gap which is evidenced by a lack of experiential knowledge The paper continues by exploring ways in which theory can be integrated in practice to provide the student with experiential knowledge and the challenge this creates for nurse teachers It finishes with a proposal for the way in which the nurse teacher might develop his/her clinical role to address the gap whilst securing their basis for the future in higher education  相似文献   

Despite past progress in the development of nursing theory, a theoretical nursing perspective is not yet common to the practice of nursing administration. Such a perspective could serve as a catalyst both to advance knowledge development for administrative nursing practice and to align clinical and administrative practice within a common framework. In this article assumptions, concepts, and questions common to both clinical and administrative nursing practice are identified. Select domain concepts are used to exemplify the themes shared by nurse clinicians and nurse administrators. The article concludes with a five-item agenda as a guide for future theory development.  相似文献   

boomer c.a. & mccormack b. (2010) Journal of Nursing Management  18, 633–644
Creating the conditions for growth: a collaborative practice development programme for clinical nurse leaders Aim To evaluate a 3-year practice development (PD) programme for clinical nurse leaders. Background The development of effective leaders is a key objective to progress the modernization agenda. This programme aimed to develop the participants alongside development of the culture and context of care. Methods Programme evaluation methodology to determine the ‘worth’ of the programme, inform the experience of the participation, effect on workplace cultures and determine effectiveness of the process used. Results Created the conditions for growth under two broad themes: process outcomes demonstrating growth as leaders contributing to cultural shifts; and general outcomes demonstrating practice changes. Conclusions Developing communities of reflective leaders are required to meet demands within contemporary healthcare. PD provides a model to develop leaders to achieve sustainable changes and transform practice. Implications for nursing management Active collaboration and participation of managers is crucial in the facilitation of and sustainability of cultural change. Approaches adopted to develop and sustain the transformation of practice need to focus on developing the skills and attributes of leaders and managers as facilitators.  相似文献   

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