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Background and aimsFood preferences are often modified in populations during stressful, unanticipated events. We examined how a U.S. population's food choices changed during the beginning of the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, specifically during the spring of 2020.Methods and resultsDaily dietary intake data from a digital behavior change weight loss program, which includes an interface for logging meals, beverages, and snacks, were analyzed to assess self-reported food choices from March 5-March 11, 2020 ("Start-COVID") and during the first week of the COVID-19 lockdown (March 12-March 18, 2020; "during-COVID"). The final sample consisted of 381,564 participants: 318,076 (83.4%) females, the majority who were aged 45–65 years (45.2%). Results indicate that self-reported servings of fresh fruit and vegetable intake decreased from start-to during-COVID, while intake of red meat and starchy vegetables increased. More men than women increased their intake of red meat and processed meat. Less overall change in fruit and vegetable consumption was seen in those 66 and older, compared to aged 18–35. Lean meat and starchy vegetable intake increased in older participants, but the change was negligible in younger subjects. More subjects aged 18–35 years reduced their intake of caffeine, desserts, lean meat, and salads compared to older participants. No changes were observed in snack or alcohol intake logged.ConclusionThis study revealed that particular food groups were altered according to age and gender during the first weeks of COVID lockdown. Understanding changes in food choices during a crisis may be useful for preparing supply chains and public health responses.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Obesity is a fast-growing threat to public health in the U.S., but information on trends in professional advice to lose weight is limited. OBJECTIVE: We studied whether rising obesity prevalence in the U.S. was accompanied by an increasing trend in professional advice to lose weight among obese adults. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: We used the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, a cross-sectional prevalence study, from 1994 (n = 10,705), 1996 (n = 13,800), 1998 (n = 18,816), and 2000 (n = 26,454) to examine changes in advice reported by obese adults seen for primary care. MEASUREMENTS: Self-reported advice from a health care professional to lose weight. RESULTS: From 1994 to 2000, the proportion of obese persons receiving advice to lose weight fell from 44.0% to 40.0%. Among obese persons not graduating from high school, advice declined from 41.4% to 31.8%; and for those with annual household incomes below 25,000 dollars, advice dropped from 44.3% to 38.1%. In contrast, the prevalence of advice among obese persons with a college degree or in the highest income group remained relatively stable and high (> 45%) over the study period. CONCLUSIONS: Disparities in professional advice to lose weight associated with income and educational attainment increased from 1994 to 2000. There is a need for mechanisms that allow health care professionals to devote sufficient attention to weight control and to link with evidence-based weight loss interventions, especially those that target groups most at risk for obesity.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to examine whether baseline sleep duration predicts weight loss outcomes in a randomized controlled trial examining a behavioral weight loss (BWL) intervention among overweight and obese (OW/OB) women with urinary incontinence; and whether participation in the BWL intervention is associated with changes in sleep duration.


Longitudinal, clinical intervention study of a 6-month BWL program.


Three hundred sixteen OW/OB women, with urinary incontinence (age: 30–81 years, body mass index (BMI; 25–50 kg m−2) enrolled from July 2004–April 2006.


Measured height and weight, self-report measures of demographics, sleep and physical activity.


Neither self-reported total sleep time (TST) nor time in bed (TIB) at baseline significantly predicted weight loss outcomes among OW/OB women in a BWL treatment. BWL treatment was successful regardless of how much subjects reported sleeping at baseline, with an average weight loss of 8.19 kg for OW/OB women receiving BWL treatment, versus a weight loss of 1.44 kg in the control condition. Similarly, changes in weight, BMI and incontinence episodes did not significantly predict changes in sleep duration or TIB across the treatment period.


Although epidemiological and cross-sectional studies support a relationship between short sleep and increased BMI, the present study found no significant relationship between TST or TIB and weight loss for OW/OB women participating in a BWL treatment.  相似文献   

While lifestyle modifications are currently used as firstline treatment for subjects with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the pathogenetic role of lifestyle factors and consequently, the efficacy of lifestyle measures is controversial. Our aim was to systematically review the pathogenetic link between overweight/ obesity, dietary habits, physical activity and GERD, and the beneficial effect of specific recommended changes, by means of the available literature from the 1999 to the present. Obesity, in particular, abdominal obesity, plays a key role in determining GERD symptoms and complications through mechanical and metabolic effects. Controlled weight loss (by diet or surgery) is effective in improving GERD symptoms. No definitive data exist regarding the role of diet and, in particular, of specific foods or drinks, in influencing GERD clinical manifestations. Moderate physical activity seems to be beneficial for GERD, while vigorous activity may be dangerous in predisposed individuals. In conclusion, being obese/overweight and GERD-specific symptoms and endoscopic features are related, and weight loss significantly improves GERD clinical-endoscopic manifestations. The role of dietary behavior, mainly in terms of specific dietary components, remains controversial. Mild routine physical activity in association with diet modifications, i.e. a diet rich in fiber and low in fat, is advisable in preventing reflux symptoms.  相似文献   

Consumption of fast food, which have high energy densities and glycemic loads, and expose customers to excessive portion sizes, may be greatly contributing to and escalating the rates of overweight and obesity in the USA. Whether an association exists between fast food consumption and weight gain is unclear. Sixteen studies (six cross sectional, seven prospective cohort, three experimental) meeting methodological and relevance criteria were selected for inclusion in this systematic review. While more research needs to be conducted specifically in regard to effects of fast food consumption among subpopulations such as children and adolescents, sufficient evidence exists for public health recommendations to limit fast food consumption and facilitate healthier menu selection. As the fast food industry continues to increase both domestically and abroad, the scientific findings and corresponding public health implications of the association between fast food consumption and weight are critical.  相似文献   

This is meant to alert people to potentially major effects of construction projects on research results. Because we study the effects of stress on regulation of ACTH and corticosterone secretion and of serotonin receptors and stress on energy balance, we serve as an early warning system when things go awry. Most of our experiments include taking daily, or twice daily, measurements of rat or mouse weights and food intake as well as stress hormone levels. We are highly sensitized to environmental disruption and we’ve shown previously the effects of construction on stress hormones (1). However, we did not anticipate the change and disruption in energy balance that may occur in response to environmental perturbation. We provide two examples of these, below.  相似文献   

Aging and the neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction and body weight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aging in men is associated with a decline in trophic factors such as testosterone (T), alterations in body composition and impaired energy and body weight regulation. We performed studies to investigate the mechanisms underlying age-related changes in the neuroendocrine control of testis function, body composition, food intake and body weight in the Brown Norway (BN) rat. We found that similar to aging men, male BN rats demonstrate both primary and secondary testicular failure with aging without confounding age-related tumors, hormonal changes and systemic illnesses. With aging, these animals have blunted circadian variations in luteinizing hormone (LH) and T, and decreased hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) synthetic capacity with preserved pituitary gonadotropin responses to GnRH. We found that aging male BN rats have increased peripheral and visceral adiposity associated with increased insulin and leptin levels, and decreased relative lean body mass and muscle mass. We found that these rats exhibit reduced food intake and body weight gain associated with decreased hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) gene expression in the arcuate nucleus (ARC), both during ad-libitum feeding and after a 72-h fast. Recently, we found that old male BN rats treated chronically with troglitazone, an insulin sensitizer, lowered high insulin and leptin levels, decreased body fat, and corrected the blunted food intake and body weight gain response to fasting without affecting basal ARC NPY gene expression. These findings suggested that hyperinsulinemia and/or hyperleptinemia associated with aging may contribute to the age-related impairment in energy and weight regulation. Our studies suggest that the aging male BN rat is an excellent model to investigate the mechanisms underlying the age-associated changes in the neuroendocrine control of body composition, energy intake and body weight.  相似文献   

目的探讨降低体质量对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)伴超重或肥胖者治疗的影响及临床意义。方法采用低热量饮食(84~105kJ/kg)和(或)运动减重后,观察治疗组与对照组自体症状、睡眠监测及血液生化等各项指标的变化情况,并对年龄、性别、治疗前体质量指数(BMI)、呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)、吸烟、高血压、糖尿病、高血脂、脑梗死、服药多因素进行Logistic回归分析。结果治疗组与对照组前后差值比较,鼾声、嗜睡评分、憋气、憋醒、记忆力下降、全身不适、胸闷、心悸症状均有改善;颈围、腰围、臀围较对照组有明显差异;呼吸暂停次数、AHI、呼吸暂停指数(AI)也较对照组有明显差异;低通气次数及低通气指数(Hl)无明显差异。血氧饱和度(SaO2低于95%、低于85%及低于80%所占的时间百分比较对照组有明显差异;最低血氧饱和度(LSaO2)及最长呼吸暂停时间较对照组有显著性差异。红细胞(RBC)、血红蛋白(Hb)、红细胞压积(HCT)也有明显差异。Logistic回归分析表明BMI、体质量减少、脑梗死、高脂血症影响OSAHS伴超重或肥胖者的治疗效果。结论减重对OSAHS伴超重或肥胖者的治疗是有效的,可使OSAHS者的严重程度得到改善,并使部分轻度OSAHS者治愈。减重后缺氧、RBC的改善对预防心脑血管病有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Dietary fibres are believed to reduce subjective appetite, energy intake and body weight. However, different types of dietary fibre may affect these outcomes differently. The aim of this review was to systematically investigate the available literature on the relationship between dietary fibre types, appetite, acute and long‐term energy intake, and body weight. Fibres were grouped according to chemical structure and physicochemical properties (viscosity, solubility and fermentability). Effect rates were calculated as the proportion of all fibre–control comparisons that reduced appetite (n = 58 comparisons), acute energy intake (n = 26), long‐term energy intake (n = 38) or body weight (n = 66). For appetite, acute energy intake, long‐term energy intake and body weight, there were clear differences in effect rates depending on chemical structure. Interestingly, fibres characterized as being more viscous (e.g. pectins, β‐glucans and guar gum) reduced appetite more often than those less viscous fibres (59% vs. 14%), which also applied to acute energy intake (69% vs. 30%). Overall, effects on energy intake and body weight were relatively small, and distinct dose–response relationships were not observed. Short‐ and long‐term effects of dietary fibres appear to differ and multiple mechanisms relating to their different physicochemical properties seem to interplay. This warrants further exploration.  相似文献   

Currently, there is a significant percentage of the population who are or will be classified as obese, necessitating novel strategies to facilitate sustainable weight loss. Reductions in basal metabolic rate occur in the face of weight loss and pose formidable barriers to individuals attempting to sustain meaningful weight reductions. Here, we discuss the mechanisms by which non‐shivering thermogenesis may provide insight into metabolic pathways that can become druggable targets to facilitate sustainable weight loss. Specifically, we highlight the fact that non‐shivering thermogenesis results in activation and expansion of brown and beige adipose tissues as well as activates pathways in skeletal muscle which increase metabolic flux and activity of muscle fibres through futile calcium cycling across the endoplasmic reticulum all facilitating an increase in metabolism. Finally, we highlight the fact there are sexual dimorphisms with respect to these metabolic processes in keeping with the National Institutes of Health mandate of treating sex as a biologic variable.  相似文献   

Predictors of weight gain: the biological-behavioural debate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rapidly increasing prevalence of obesity, in spite of an unchanged gene pool, makes it interesting to search for biological factors which increase the susceptibility at the individual level as well as searching for the responsible environmental factors. Among the identified metabolic factors is a low resting metabolic rate for given body size and composition, a high respiratory quotient RQ) indicating a low fat oxidation and a low spontaneous physical activity, all factors which are regarded as being under substantial genetic influence. Among the environmental factors, it is low levels of physical activity, increasing inactivity and a high fat diet that are probably the most important ones. In this review we have focused on controversies in this area. Understanding the interaction between the constitutional biological factors and the environmentally determined lifestyle factors it is important to produce better options for both the prevention and treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

The protein nucleobindin 2 (NUCB2) or NEFA (DNA binding/EF‐hand/acidic amino acid rich region) was identified over a decade ago and implicated in intracellular processes. New developments came with the report that post‐translational processing of hypothalamic NUCB2 may result in nesfatin‐1, nesfatin‐2 and nesfatin‐3 and convergent studies showing that nesfatin‐1 and full length NUCB2 injected in the brain potently inhibit the dark phase food intake in rodents including leptin receptor deficient Zucker rats. Nesfatin‐1 also reduces body weight gain, suggesting a role as a new anorexigenic factor and modulator of energy balance. In light of the obesity epidemic and its associated diseases, underlying new mechanisms regulating food intake may be promising targets in the drug treatment of obese patients particularly as the vast majority of them display reduced leptin sensitivity or leptin resistance while nesfatin‐1's mechanism of action is leptin independent. Although much progress on the localization of NUCB2/nesfatin‐1 in the brain and periphery as well as on the understanding of nesfatin‐1's anorexic effect have been achieved during the past three years, several important mechanisms have yet to be unraveled such as the identification of the nesfatin‐1 receptor and the regulation of NUCB2 processing and nesfatin‐1 release.  相似文献   

Sleep is emerging as a modifiable risk factor in counteracting harmful weight gain. Electronic and mobile devices offer a channel for wide‐reaching intervention delivery. This systematic review aimed to determine the efficacy of interventions that included sleep behaviour as part of health promotion for preventing weight gain. Seven databases were searched from 1 January 2000 until 28 June 2019. Eligible studies were controlled trials of weight gain prevention programs that addressed sleep in healthy participants aged 13 to 44 years of age. The primary outcome was change in measured or self‐reported weight. From 824 publications located, only six eligible trials with a total of 3,277 participants were identified and all addressed multiple behaviours. One study demonstrated a decrease in weight for the intervention group, and two other studies showed a decreased prevalence of overweight and obesity. Only one trial showed improved sleep duration but failed to show differences in weight. No definitive conclusions concerning the efficacy of electronic weight gain prevention interventions that include sleep can be made, but future trials should provide more detail about intervention techniques used, employ objective sleep and physical activity measures and undertake mediation analysis to judge the contributions of changes in sleep to study outcomes. PROSPERO REGISTRATION: CRD42019121879.  相似文献   

Curbing the obesity epidemic is likely to require a suite of interventions targeting the obesogenic environment as well as individual behaviour. Evidence suggests that the effectiveness of behaviour modification programmes can be enhanced by financial incentives that immediately reward weight loss behaviour. This systematic review investigated the effectiveness of incentives with a focus on assessing the relative effectiveness of incentives that target different behaviours as well as factors of importance when implementing these programmes in real‐world settings (health insurer settings). A narrative review of the academic and grey literature including a variety of study designs was undertaken. Twenty studies met inclusion criteria and were assessed using the Effective Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. Results suggest that incentivizing weight loss is effective in the short term while the incentives are in place. There are various incentive designs, and although the relative effectiveness of each of these on weight loss is not clear, it appears that positive incentives increase the uptake into programmes and may reduce dropouts. As with other weight loss initiatives, there is a need to explore ways to maintain weight loss in the longer term – incentives for weight maintenance could play a role.  相似文献   

Evaluate the impact of switching to an anti-retroviral regimen containing tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) on weight and the development of metabolic complications compared to remaining on a non-TAF containing regimen.Single-center retrospective case-control study.We evaluated people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLWH) who were on an anti-retroviral regimen not containing TAF and were switched to a regimen containing TAF between January 1, 2016 and September 30, 2018. The control group included PLWH on a TAF free regimen throughout the study period. The primary outcome was change in weight from baseline to 12 months postswitch. Secondary outcomes included percent change in weight, change in body mass index (BMI), change in BMI class, and new diagnoses of diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia (HLD) during the study period.PLWH switched to TAF (n = 446) demonstrated significantly greater mean increase in weight compared to the control group (n = 162) (1.97 vs 0.88 kg, P = .01), however the effect was only seen in those switched from tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Those that switched to TAF also had a significantly higher percent increase in weight, increase in BMI, and BMI class. We observed a higher rate of new diagnosis of HLD in the control group compared to the TAF switch group during the study period.PLWH switched to TAF had greater increases in weight after 1 year as compared to those continuing on a TAF free regimen. However, this did not translate to higher rates of obesity related illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, and HLD during the follow up period.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have shown a strong decrease in protein consumption as rats grow old. This result could be induced by an impaired regulation of feeding behaviour. Present study investigated the ability of ageing rats to adapt their protein intake to protein requirements. Four groups of self-selecting LOU/c/jall male and female rats (4, 16, 22, 28 months at the beginning of the experiments) were submitted to 4-days of protein deprivation periods while their macronutrient intakes were monitored. Moreover, they were submitted to a 4-day fasting period. After reintroduction of proteins, old and senescent rats were able to increase their protein intake in response to the specific protein need created by the protein deprivation. They were also able to increase caloric intake after the fasting period. These results led to the conclusion that the loss of appetite for protein observed with ageing reflects rather an adaptation than an impairment of the regulation of macronutrient choice. Another important observation was that older animals did not recover initial body weight after a body weight loss even if they ate as many calories as younger animals. This data supports a decrease in the efficacious utilization of body fuels in old and senescent rats.  相似文献   

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