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介绍了实时分布式系统的一种转化设计方法。系统的形式化需求规范用时段演算DC(Duration Calculus)描述,系统的设计用规范语言SL(Specification Language)表示。一组标准的转换规则可将系统从形式化需求规范转化为设计规范。系统设计的正确性可由转换过程本身得以保证。多用户多媒体通信系统的设计实例展示了转换设计方法的具体过程。  相似文献   

介绍了分布式实时系统设计的一种扩展方法。在转化设计的基础上,支持系统的扩展及系统规范的改变。新的系统需求规范使用轨迹逻辑(Trace logic)描述系统轨迹,用DCI(Duration calculus implementalble)描述其对时间的要求,在原有的系统设计规范的基础上应用一组标准的扩展规则得到新的设计规范。系统设计的正确性可由扩展过程本身得以保证。多用户多媒体通信系统的设计实例展示了扩展设计方法的具体过程。  相似文献   

目前,医院信息化建设已成趋势,现有的管理系统不能满足应用要求,医院信息管理系统设计成为迫待解决的问题。文章首先使用UML建模工具对系统进行了分析,介绍了UML的静态和动态建模机制,给出了UML分析过程主要模型及相互关系图。并就其中一个重要组成部分-门诊子系统进行了详尽的设计和实现。在此过程中,进行了问题领域的分析,确定了医院管理系统功能模块图,采用了用例建模、顺序图建模的方法,来完成系统各模块层的实现,同时对用户界面层的功能进行了介绍,最后对系统的未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

在成人教育中倡导“SDL”法的必要性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
“SDL”(Self-directed-learning)即自我导向学习。在学习日趋社会化的今天,人们要赢得学习的主动权,必须具有“SDL”的能力。尤其是现代教育已在时间上扩大到人的一生,在空间上扩大到社会生活的各个领域,培养学生的“SDL。”能力将成为成人教育治学的重要方面。因此,开展对“SDL。”的研究,对成人教育具有极其重要的现实意义。一、“SDL”的涵义“SDL”的概念是由美国成人教育家艾伦·陶(A·M·Tough)首先提出的[1]。他认为自我导向学习是“由学习者负起计划和引导学习活动进行的自我教育”。这个说法有点儿过于抽象和笼统。后来…  相似文献   

UML是一种得到广泛应用的系统建模语言,但是由于它缺乏形式化语义和严格的推理机制,从而影响了系统建模的准确性和开发效率。TCOZ是一种将Object—Z和TCSP相结合的形式化语言,具有丰富的建模能力。基于TCOZ,本文建立了UML视图的一种形式化模型,对类图和协作图等提出了转换规则,使得TCOZ中的推理可用于分析UML视图。通过某学校信息系统的实例,阐述了UML视图的形式化建模方法和分析技术。  相似文献   

徐琨  胡和平   《中国医学工程》2006,14(1):105-105,108
统一建模语言是一种面向对象、定义明确的可视化系统建模语言。在信息系统的分析和设计中已逐渐被采用,并以住院收费信息系统为例,分析了UML在实际中的应用。  相似文献   

UML(Unified Modeling Language)是Rational Software公司研制的用于描述、可视化和构架软件系统以及商业建模的语言,它是一种定义良好、易于表达、功能强大且普遍适用的建模语言。它涵盖了面向对象的分析、设计和实现,融合了早期面向对象建模方法和各种建模语言的优点,为面向对象系统的开发、软件自动化工具与环境提供了丰富的、严谨的、扩充性强的表达方式。  相似文献   

程序系统分析方案 整个系统采用面向对象方法开发系统,在分析过程中采用统一建模语言(UML)技术为系统建模和代码生成强有力的支持。UML在软件开发过程中,采用面向对象技术设计系统时,首先是描述需求,然后根据需求建立系统的静态模型,构造系统的结构。其中主要用例图、类图、对象图、构件图和部署图等5个图形表现。通过静态建模,描述所建立的模型是否可以执行或者执行时的时序状态和其交互关系,  相似文献   

基于UML的电子病历系统分析与建模   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以电子病历的开发为例,以UML为工具对电子病历系统进行初步分析,并在此基础上对电子病历系统的功能进行设计规划,将电子病历系统划分为五大模块,即登录认证和加密模块、数据录入模块、数据库管理模块、电子病历管理模块、电子病历发布和远程调用模块。分析过程采用UML语言进行建模的方法,并以具体的实例介绍UML的八类图。最后阐述UML语言作为一种统一建模语言在复杂项目的合作开发上的重要意义。  相似文献   

肾素——血管紧张素系统(RAS)在高血压的发生、发展中起着重要作用,在心肌局部组织所产生的血管紧张素Ⅲ(AⅢ)是致心功能损害的重要因素.血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)是该系统的关键酶。Ondetti等在1977年设计合成了第一个血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI),即可口服、高效的卡托普利(Captopril),  相似文献   

基于TCOZ,本文建立了UML视图的一种形式化模型,不仅为UML提供了一种精确的数学描述,也为其正确性分析和验证奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的对地市级教育电子政务管理系统进行研究和设计。方法UML语言和J2EE技术。结果生成类,类和类之间的关系图和数据库。结论本研究对电子政务系统的应用和发展有研究意义。  相似文献   

Supplement 23 to DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications for Medicine), Structured Reporting, is a specification that supports a semantically rich representation of image and waveform content, enabling experts to share image and related patient information. DICOM SR supports the representation of textual and coded data linked to images and waveforms. Nevertheless, the medical information technology community needs models that work as bridges between the DICOM relational model and open object-oriented technologies. The authors assert that representations of the DICOM Structured Reporting standard, using object-oriented modeling languages such as the Unified Modeling Language, can provide a high-level reference view of the semantically rich framework of DICOM and its complex structures. They have produced an object-oriented model to represent the DICOM SR standard and have derived XML-exchangeable representations of this model using World Wide Web Consortium specifications. They expect the model to benefit developers and system architects who are interested in developing applications that are compliant with the DICOM SR specification.The DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications for Medicine) standard1 is a non-proprietary data interchange protocol, digital image format, and file structure for image and image-related information. It is typically used in radiology, cardiology, and similar imaging-intensive departments. DICOM is used in these contexts to integrate and facilitate communication among image-acquisition, waveform, archiving, and information system components. Nevertheless, for applications to handle information from DICOM objects, DICOM tools are required for decoding and encoding the messages. Systems in departments other than these often do not support DICOM but use other proprietary or standard communication protocols, and the number of such systems outnumbers systems that directly support DICOM.The elusive goal of an integrated electronic medical record is facilitated by object-oriented representations and Web-based interfaces. These will enable physicians to use off-the-shell technologies such as browsers to access patient information. Likely scenarios would include the retrieval by a radiologist of images stored in a picture archiving and communication system and their display for diagnostic interpretation or post-processing, with demographic and study information originally obtained from a hospital information system and radiology information system. At the workstation, the radiologist can then create structured reports that can be mapped from DICOM to open technologies such as XML (Extensible Markup Language).2 These XML-based reports can offer enterprise access to the key study information and related images via a mobile device or a light-weight viewing terminal using a browser or thin client. In this way vital information can be passed seamlessly from system to system, within and across departments, and made available as needed at the point of care, with the aggregated value of hierarchically structured information as opposed to natural language format.It has been documented that clinicians prefer an outline report with hierarchic standardized vocabularies and structures over a natural language format.3 Nevertheless, the current actual usage of standard formats for this purpose is minimal at best, with most of the effort going instead into voice recognition and capture of narrative reports. The DICOM Structured Reporting (SR) specification,4 a supplement to the DICOM standard, is intended to address the structuring of captured data, supporting and structuring conventional free-text reports commonly used in diagnosis. It provides the capability to structure information to enhance the precision, clarity, and value of clinical documents. The DICOM SR specification supports a semantically rich representation of image and waveform content that enables experts to share textual and coded data linked to images and waveforms, as well as knowledge about non-linguistic evidence.5 The purpose of DICOM SR is to improve the expressiveness, precision, and comparability of documentation of diagnostic images and waveforms, so that critical features can be denoted unambiguously by the observer and retrieved selectively by reviewers. This way, findings can be expressed as textual or coded information, numeric measurement values, and references to spatial or temporal regions of interest.6One main challenge for DICOM SR is to truly interoperate within a health care enterprise, in different clinical scenarios, with different information-exchange standards. Other health care standardization bodies, such as Health Level Seven (HL7),7 are working on using XML to provide well-structured hierarchies to patient records* and also to facilitate the integration of image and non-image medical information into the broader health care context.We have produced an object-oriented model based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML)8 that represents the DICOM SR standard Information Object Definition (IOD) hierarchy, macro representation, its characteristics of recursion, and some of the constraints specified in the standard that can be represented by the current state of UML modeling technologies. We have also derived an open exchangeable representation of this model using XML Document Type Definition (DTD) and have identified some of the issues derived from semantic limitations in current XML technologies. We expect developers, analysts, and system architects who are interested in creating applications that are compliant with the DICOM SR specification to benefit from this work.This document is organized as follows: Section 1 offers a brief introduction to this document. Section 2 explains the rationale for modeling the DICOM SR in UML. Section 3 describes the DICOM SR UML modeling decisions. Section 4 describes the XML DTD representation of the UML model. Section 5 presents conclusions, lessons learned, and future work on the subject.  相似文献   



Self-directed learning (SDL) has become popular in medical curricula and has been advocated as an effective learning strategy for medical students to develop competence in knowledge acquisition.


The primary aim was to find out if there was any benefit of supplementing self-directed learning activity with a traditional lecture on two different topics in physiology for first-year medical students.


Two batches of first-year Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) (Batch A and Batch B) comprising 125 students each, received an SDL session on Morphological classification of anaemia. The students belonging to Batch A received a one-hour lecture on the same topic three days prior to the SDL session. The students were given a 10 multiple choice questions (MCQ) test for a maximum of 10 marks immediately following the SDL session. The next topic, Conducting system of the heart, disorders and conduction blocks was taught to both batches in traditional lecture format. This was followed by an SDL session on the same topic for Batch A only. The students were evaluated with a MCQ test for a maximum of 10 marks.


The mean test scores on the first topic were 4.38±2.06 (n=119) and 4.17±1.71 (n=118) for Batch A and Batch B, respectively. The mean test scores on the second topic were 5.4± 1.54 (n=112) and 5.15±1.37 (n=107) for Batch A and Batch B, respectively. There was no significant difference between the groups.


For first-year medical students, SDL is an effective teaching strategy for learning physiology. However, no additional benefit is gained by supplementing SDL with a lecture to facilitate learning physiology.  相似文献   

This paper concerns itself with the beneficial effects of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a nonproprietary object modeling standard, in specifying, visualizing, constructing, documenting, and communicating the model of a healthcare information system from the user's perspective. The author outlines the process of object-oriented analysis (OOA) using the UML and illustrates this with healthcare examples to demonstrate the practicality of application of the UML by healthcare personnel to real-world information system problems. The UML will accelerate advanced uses of object-orientation such as reuse technology, resulting in significantly higher software productivity. The UML is also applicable in the context of a component paradigm that promises to enhance the capabilities of healthcare information systems and simplify their management and maintenance.  相似文献   

根据医院实际需求,采用对象建模语言(UML)开发了医院检验信息管理系统。本文详细介绍了该系统各模块的功能及其应用效果。该系统的应用提高了检验科设备的利用率,缩短了标本控制时间及故障响应时间,提高了医院检验设备的工作效率。  相似文献   

传统医学教育的挑战:自主学习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在复习国外有关文献的基础上,通过对自主学习的定义、自主学习的发展历程和益处、怎样开展自主学习、自主学习对医学教育的意义等方面的阐释,向国内医学教育界工作者介绍了有关自主学习的背景情况,旨在加强其转变教育思想的意识,并从理论上认识到当今在本科医学教育中,已经不再是是否开展自主学习的问题,而是如何开展好自主学习的问题。  相似文献   

对RBAC的角色激活过程增加情景约束,建立了感知情景的存取控制策略;利用D ata-log逻辑语言来建立感知情景存取控制策略模型的形式化规范;使用一阶逻辑语言描述策略的一致性、完整性等性质,借助D atalog实现了一个控制策略自动决策原型系统。  相似文献   

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