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目的观测肝门静脉的形态特征和分支分布规律,为诊断和治疗肝脏疾病提供更为详尽的形态学资料。方法 50例肉眼观察无病变的成人肝标本,对肝门静脉分支分型等形态特征进行解剖观察,测量肝门静脉主干及其主要分支的相关数据并进行统计学分析。结果肝门静脉主干54.0%在肝实质外分叉,其分叉点距肝实质的垂直距离为(8.94±3.17)mm;34.0%紧贴肝实质分叉。左支主干长(47.44±7.23)mm;左支横部长(23.90±5.29)mm,外径为(7.43±1.09)mm,矢部长(24.02±4.97)mm,外径为(7.07±1.36)mm,角部角度为(114.18±22.59)°;右支主干长(20.63±6.59)mm,外径为(9.26±1.77)mm。依据肝门静脉的分支情况可将其分为8型。结论肝门静脉变异情况并不少见,其分叉点距肝实质的垂直距离及左、右支主干径值与分支等均存在一定的变化,在肝外科手术实施时,对肝门静脉主干分支各型应给予高度的重视。。  相似文献   

胆囊床内血管的应用解剖   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
目的:为腹腔镜胆囊切除手术提供形态学基础.方法:对128例肝脏标本进行解剖,观察胆囊床内血管的位置、行程,测量其在胆囊床内的长度和直径.结果:胆囊床内血管有:(1)胆囊动脉深支及分支,占71.1%(91例);(2)肝中静脉及其属支,占12.5%(16例),其突入形式分①肝中静脉主干,②右前叶支、或左内叶支、或两者一起突出,③右前叶支属支、左内叶支属支、或两者一起突出3种类型;(3)肝门静脉右支及其分支,分主干和分支两类,主干占39.8%(51例),肝门静脉右支的分支占14.8%(19例);(4)肝门静脉左支的分支,占2.34%(3例);(5)胆囊静脉,在胆囊附着面有小静脉与肝中静脉、肝门静脉左、右支的分支相连.结论:切除胆囊时应注意胆囊床左、右缘,以及具有肝门右切迹的病例,保护突入胆囊床内的肝中静脉及其属支,以防止出血.  相似文献   

右半肝内门静脉的断层影像解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 探讨右半肝内门静脉的走行、分布规律及门静脉肝裂和肝静脉的关系,进而为肝段的划分提供断层解剖学依据. 方法使用30例上腹部连续断层标本(10例横断面、20例冠状面)以及20例多层螺旋CT图像和三维图像,探讨右半肝内门静脉的分支类型和常见变异以及肝内门静脉和肝静脉之间的关系. 结果 50例标本和图像中,右半肝内门静脉均可分为前上和后下两组分支.76%(38150)的门静脉右前支的分支向后分布至肝右静脉后方的部分区域.40%(20/50)的门静脉右后支的起始部向尾侧发出的第一分支分布至肝右静脉前的部分区域.门静脉右前支的分布区域,越过肝中静脉偏向左侧,在15例无门静脉右支主干的标本和图像中尤其明显.肝右前叶无明显横裂存在.门静脉的亚段分型有显著的个体差异,且无优势分支类型. 结论右半肝可分为右前上叶和右后下叶,两叶之间为一弯曲的"裂隙".肝右前上叶有一恒定的纵裂存在.肝右静脉不是右叶间裂的准确定位标志,尤其在其上份和下份.肝中静脉不是正中裂的准确识别标志,尤其在门静脉右支主干缺如的人群中.  相似文献   

目的探讨CT仿真内窥镜(CTvirtual endoscopy,CTVE)在精确区分肝门静脉变异类型中的应用价值。方法对CT门静脉血管成像(CTportal angiology,CTPA)病例中筛选出MIP、VR显示为肝门静脉主干3分叉的15例病人和右支主干显示为3分叉的17例病人用CTVE分析。重点分析3分叉处的管腔结构,例如肝门静脉主干处,右前支-左支(RAPV-LPV)短共干或者是右前支-右后支(RAPV-RPPV)短共干很容易被误认为主干3分叉。以评价CTVE在分辨短共干与3分叉中的价值,纠正原始方法观察分支的欠缺。结果肝门静脉主干3分叉中60%(9例)经CTVE分析为短RAPV-LPV共干或短RAPV-RPPV共干。17例右支主干3分叉中,35%(6例)为右支主干先分出右后上支,然后分为右后下支和右前支,12%(2例)例为正常解剖(I型变异)。经CTVE分析后,32例病人只有47%(15例)是真正3分叉,阳性率仅为0.47,统计学有显著差异。结论由于短共干分支外观上极易与真正3分叉混淆,而CTVE可以真实显示腔内分叉的顺序,从而清晰鉴别3分叉与短共干。此方法可用于肝门静脉解剖的研究,纠正原始方法的不足,获得更加准确的数据。  相似文献   

张慧  周庭永  刘晖  吕发金 《解剖学报》2020,51(6):919-923
目的 观测门静脉肝内段二级分支的形态特征和分支分布规律,为诊断和治疗肝脏疾病提供更为详尽的解剖学及影像学资料。 方法 100例无肝病的成人多排螺旋CT(64-MSCT)增强扫描肝门静脉获得数据,利用CT自带的GE ADW 4.5工作站对其进行三维重建,并结合50例成人肉眼无病变尸肝对肝门静脉进行解剖剥离,观测及比较肝门静脉分支规律并采集相关数据进行统计学分析。结果 影像重建和大体解剖的近第1肝门处肝门静脉内径分别为(11.20±1.48)mm和(10.86±2.01)mm;左、右支主干夹角分别为(93.58±24.03)°和(105.59±13.82)°;左支横部长分别为(29.50±6.51)mm和(23.90±5.29)mm,中点内径分别为(7.70±1.55)mm和(7.43±1.09)mm;右支主干长分别为(21.77±10.35)mm和(20.63±6.59)mm;中点内径分别为(9.10±1.66)mm和(9.26±1.77)mm。依据肝门静脉的分支情况可将其分为4型。结论 肝门静脉变异情况并不少见,其分支的直径与夹角等均存在一定的变化,在肝外科手术实施时,对门静脉主干分支各型应给予高度的重视。  相似文献   

目的 应用256排螺旋CT行上腹部血管造影,描述右半肝门静脉与肝静脉的CT表现、两者解剖关系和肝分段的再定义,探讨其临床意义。方法 随机收集100例受检者CT平扫及三期增强扫描图像,观察三维重建后右半肝门静脉分支、肝静脉属支的分布情况,并对相关数据进行统计学分析。结果 门静脉分布情况:S5段分为4型,A型66%,B型10%,C型8%,D型16%;S6段分为6型,A型56%,B型15%,C型4%,D型17%,E型4%,F型4%;S7段分为3型,A型73%,B型23%,C型4%;S8段分为5型,A型67%,B型3%,C型2%,D型8%,E型20%。肝静脉分布情况:肝左静脉、肝中静脉、肝右静脉分别汇入下腔静脉有45%,肝左静脉与肝中静脉形成共干汇入下腔静脉有55%;36%出现肝右下后静脉,11%肝右静脉细小,由发达的肝中静脉代偿性引流右半肝;15%肝中静脉主干位于门静脉主干分叉处上方,41%肝中静脉位于Rex-Cantlie线右侧。肝静脉与门静脉解剖关系分为4型,以A型最多,占64%,D型最少,占3%。结论 右半肝肝静脉和门静脉解剖形态复杂多样,门静脉主干变异时肝静脉与门静脉空间分布也随之发...  相似文献   

目的:观测肝门静脉左支的形态特征和分支分布规律,为诊断和治疗肝疾病提供更为详尽的形态学资料.方法: 50例肉眼观察无病变的成人尸体肝并进行剥离解剖,对肝门静脉左支的形态结构进行观察,测量其主干及主要分支的相关数据并进行统计学分析.结果: 左支横部、矢部长分别为(23.90±5.29)mm, (24.02±4.97)mm;内径分别为(7.43±1.09)mm, (7.07±1.36)mm;角部角度为114.18°±22.59°.左外叶上段支长(48.57±17.51)mm,其根部、1/2处、末端的内径分别为(3.72±1.16)mm, (3.08±0.91)mm, (2.53±0.77)mm.左外叶下段支长(39.42±14.57)mm,其根部、1/2处、末端的内径分别为(3.98±1.05)mm, (3.40±0.98)mm, (2.87±1.11)mm.20.0%的左支矢状部被肝实质覆盖,平均范围为(25.0±11.89)mm,厚度为(19.3±5.96)mm.结论:肝门静脉左支主干的径值和角度变动范围较大,除分支供应左半肝外,尚可发出右前叶支至右前叶;固有尾状叶的血供主要来自肝门静脉左支主干,其分支分布直接影响到左半肝分叶分段,具体定界应结合实际情况而定.  相似文献   

目的:64-MSCT重建肝门静脉左支,观测肝内门静脉左支的形态特征和分支分布规律,以及左半肝的分叶分段,为诊断和治疗肝脏疾病提供更为详尽的形态学资料。方法:100例无肝脏疾病的成人64-MSCT增强扫描肝门静脉数据,重建肝门静脉左支,观察肝门静脉左支的形态结构,测量其主干及主要分支的相关数据并进行统计学分析。结果:肝门静脉左支横部的长和中点内径分别为(29.50±6.51) mm、(7.70±1.55)mm,矢状部的长度和中点内径分别为(18.74±4.22)mm、(6.98±1.41)mm;角部角度为(118.16±13.73)°。左外叶上段支长为(36.31±16.87)mm,其1/2处的内径为(2.93±0.87)mm;左外叶下段支长(28.46±13.56)mm,其1/2处的内径为(3.21±0.87)mm。左内叶支形态变化较大。结论:肝内门静脉主干左支的长度、内径和角部的角度变动范围较大,除供应左半肝外,还可发出分支至右前叶。其分支分布直接影响到左半肝分叶分段,具体定界应结合实际情况而定。  相似文献   

目的 :对CT三维重建下肝门静脉分支进行追踪、分类统计,并探讨其放射学特征及临床意义。方法 :回顾性研究2021~2022年因腹部病变在山东省立医院行CT腹部增强检查的患者。为便于国内外研究比较,根据Covey等和Atasoy等的分类方法对肝门静脉分支的走行进行分类统计。结果 :肝门静脉主干共有6种变异类型,其中肝门静脉右支有2种变异类型,变异率高于以往研究。结论 :肝门静脉的解剖变异是复杂多样的,特别是肝门静脉右支,其在CT上的影像表现值得进一步探讨,这些研究结果为提高肝右前叶影像学定位诊断和制定肝移植手术计划提供了重要的解剖学依据。  相似文献   

在45例7-10个月胎儿肝的ABS铸型标本中,发现脐静脉连于门静脉右支伴门静脉分支变异一例,现报道如下:脐静脉连于门静脉右支,脐切迹亦偏右,致使肝左外叶约占整个肝的2/3大小,左内叶极小。门静脉主干在脐静脉的左侧。门静脉左支较短,只有横部,其末端直接发出左外叶上、下段支。门静脉右支为出现横部、角部、矢状部和囊部,与正常的左支相同,由各部的分支多而细,在角部发出右前叶支和右后叶上段支;右后叶下段支约8小支,发自矢状部和囊部;囊部亦发出4小支至左外叶。左内叶门静脉支纤  相似文献   

The ramification of the portal vein in the right hemiliver was studied by anatomic dissection in 36 formalin-fixed human livers. In 28/36 (77.8%) cases, the portal vein bifurcated into a right branch and a left branch and the right branch bifurcated into anterior and posterior segmental branches. The anterior segmental branch terminated in the anterosuperior subsegment (S(8)) in two types: bifurcated when it divided into anterior P(8) and posterior P(8 )branches towards the respective regions of S(8) (24/28 cases) and monopodal when it had a single pedicle (4/28 cases). The maximum anteroinferior subsegmental branch (P(5 )maximum) originated either from the anterior segmental branch (16/28 cases) or from the anterior P(8) branch (12/28 cases). The posterior segmental branch vascularized the posteroinferior (S(6)) and the posterosuperior (S(7)) subsegments, and was terminated in three types: fan-shaped (16/28), bifurcated (9/28) and tripodal (3/28). In 4/36 (11.1%) cases the portal vein bifurcated into a right branch and a left branch but the posterior segmental branch was not present. In 4/36 (11.1%) the right branch of the portal vein was not present. These anatomical variations are explained separately and finally all cases are considered as a whole.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝内叶、段胆管的解剖结构及肝内胆管结石的手术入路。方法 通过研究12例成人肝脏标本的肝内胆管与血管的位置、毗邻关系,设计出经肝的脏面显露左右肝管,经肝的膈面显露肝内叶、段胆管相对合的手术入路,并结合治疗56例复杂性肝内胆管结石患者。结果 左右肝管均位于肝脏脏面门静脉左右干的前上缘;左内叶、右前叶胆管位于相应门静脉的前内侧。右后叶胆管位于门静脉右前支或右前叶下段支脏面测侧者占66.7%(8/12);位于门静脉右后支脏面深侧或后上缘者占83.3%(10/12)。左外叶胆管位于门静脉矢状部脏面深侧者占91.7%(11/12)。选择经肝的脏面显露左右肝管,经肝的膈面显露肝内叶、段胆管相结合的手术入路,治疗复杂性肝内胆管结石患者56例,临床疗效满意。结论 选择经肝的脏面与膈面相结合的手术方式,较易取出结石。  相似文献   

目的:为肝内微小病变精确定位诊断和外科治疗提供冠状断层解剖学依据。方法:采用30例上腹部连续冠状断层标本、20例肝内门静脉和肝静脉解剖正常的薄层MSCT断层图像及其三维重建图像,在冠状断层上对其门静脉肝段进行精确划分。结果:经胆囊、门静脉左支及肝左静脉的冠状断面上,肝中静脉主干是划分右前上叶和左前下叶的识别标志,门静脉左支角部是左前下叶的段间裂识别标志,亦是右前上叶和左前下叶的亚段间裂识别标志。经肝门静脉主干的冠状断面上,门静脉右前支主干是右前上叶的段间裂识别标志,该层面以前为右前上叶的腹侧段,该层面以后则为右前上叶的背侧段。经网膜孔的冠状断面上、下腔静脉的右缘是划分尾状叶和右半肝的识别标志,门静脉右后支主干是划分右前上叶背侧段和右后下叶下段的标志,经下腔静脉和肝右静脉的冠状面上,肝右静脉主干是划分右前上叶的背侧段和右后下叶上段的标志;门静脉右后支主干是右后下叶的段间裂识别标志。结论:国人门静脉肝段在冠状断面上的精确划分,不仅有利于肝内微小病变的精确定位,且有利于探索新的和更加安全的外科术式。  相似文献   

We describe the pattern of intrahepatic vessel ramification in the right posterior hepatic sector in a population of 197 adults. Each specimen was dissected from its visceral (inferior) surface in order to demonstrate variations in the distribution of the portal vein branches to the hepatic segments of the right lobe, especially to segments VI (S6) and VII (S7) as described by Couinaud. We also examine whether three hepatic veins, i.e., the right hepatic vein (RHV), middle hepatic vein (MHV), and the short hepatic vein (SHV), aid the identification of segmental portal branches in the lower posterior sector. Four major patterns of branching of the posterior sectorial trunk of the portal vein system are described. In group A (32.0%) a single posterior trunk formed an arch‐like pattern sending multiple branches to S6 and S7 (P6 and P7). We named the multiple branches to the apparent S6 the inferoposterior portal branches. It was difficult to identify which of these branches were equivalent to P6. In group B (27.9%), the posterior sectorial trunk bifurcated to form P6 and P7. In most of the specimens in this group, therefore, we were able clearly to identify both S6 and S7 based on the portal vein system. In group C (6.6%), the trunk trifurcated to form P6, P7, and an intermediate branch, which supplied both segments or a gray zone between them. Group D (33.5%) included variations of the anterior segmental branches, and in specimens of this group, the anteromedial border of the sector was difficult to identify. Notably, the three‐dimensional interdigitating topographical relationship of the hepatic veins and the portal branches was not evident in the lower posterior sector, since tributaries of the RHV and the portal branches followed similar courses and paralleled each other in the region and since the territory of the SHV was usually restricted to the superficial parenchyma near the inferior surface. In group A, tributaries of the RHV/SHV (>3 mm in diameter) passed between the inferoposterior portal branches in only 22.2%/14.3% of the specimens. Thus the hepatic veins often did not reveal which of the multiple inferoposterior branches was P6. Moreover, in the subset of Group B in which the segments were identified based on the portal vein ramification, tributaries of the RHV/SHV (>3 mm in diameter) showed the intersegmental interdigitating arrangement in only 32.0%/6.0% of the specimens. In addition, a thick tributary of the MHV, sometimes arising from S6, did not run along, but penetrated the S5/S6 border plane from the lateral to the medial side. Therefore, the three hepatic veins (RHV, SHV, MHV) often did not aid the identification of the liver segments in the region. Consequently, the less than ideal combinations of irregular configurations of the portal and hepatic venous systems suggest that the right posterior segments cannot be conclusively identified anatomically in 30–40% of cases. Other means of identification, such as the conventional proportional manner (the upper and lower halves of the posterior sector roughly correspond to S6 and S7) may be required. Clin. Anat. 12:229–244, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:探讨活体左肺上叶前段静脉(V3)在多层螺旋CT(MSCT)上的分布特点。方法:利用Volume Wizard图像后处理工作站对160例成年男性肺部MSCT图像进行重建,并分析左肺上叶前段静脉与周围结构的关系。结果:①前段静脉(V3)的属支有上、下两部,上部汇入尖后段静脉(V1+2)或尖段静脉(V1),下部直接汇入左上肺静脉或与低位后段静脉(V2)汇合后再注入左上肺静脉;②上部属支多为1条,下部属支一般有1-6条,其中前支较粗大。除尖支和下支外,余均呈水平或近水平位排列。结论:MSCT后处理技术可以很好地显示段和亚段级肺静脉,可为临床医生提供较为确切的影像学资料;左肺前段静脉的属支数目和配布类型与传统观点有较大差异。  相似文献   

基于肝内肝门静脉解剖的肝脏右前叶分段新概念   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的根据肝内肝门静脉的走形分布,提出肝脏分段的新概念,为影像学和肝脏外科提供资料。方法采用60例正常的活体肝移植供肝影像资料,研究右前叶肝内肝门静脉的走形和分布以及肝静脉及其属支的回流范围,10例Mevis三维软件重建图像,探讨两者之间的关系。结果 Couinaud分段中的Ⅷ段门脉支可大致分为腹侧支和背侧支,最多可达4支;约90%的背侧支越过肝右静脉分布到Couinaud分段中的VII段。V段的门脉分支大多来自右前叶或Ⅷ段门脉的腹侧支。因此,可将右前叶分为腹侧段:Couinaud分段中的Ⅷ段的腹侧段(S8v)和V段(S5)背侧段:Couinaud分段中的Ⅷ段的背侧段(S8d)两个部分。结论新的划分方法不仅有利于肝内病变的精确定位,而且便于肝脏外科实施新的、更安全的术式。  相似文献   

Background  Absence of the horizontal segment of the left portal vein (PV) or absence of bifurcation of the portal vein (ABPV) is extremely rare anomaly. The aim of this study was to study the extra-hepatic PV demonstrating the importance of its careful assessment for the purpose of split-liver transplantation. Method  Human cadaver livers (n = 60) were obtained from routine autopsies. The cutting plane of the liver consisted of a longitudinal section made immediately on the left of the supra-hepatic inferior vena cava through the gallbladder bed preserving the arterial, portal and biliary branches in order to obtain two viable grafts (right lobe—segments V, VI, VII, and VIII and left lobe—segments II, III, and IV) as defined by the main portal scissure. The PV was dissected out and recorded for application of the liver splitting. Results  The PV trunk has been divided into right and left branch in 50 (83.3%) cases. A trifurcation of the PV was found in 9 (15.2%) cases, 3 (5%) was a right anterior segmental PV arising from the left PV and 6 (10%) a right posterior segmental PV arising from the main PV. ABPV occurred in 1 (1.6%) case. Conclusion  Absence of bifurcation of the portal vein is a rare anatomic variation, the surgeon must be cautious and aware of the existence of this exceptional PV anomaly either pre or intra-operatively for the purpose of hepatectomies or even split-liver transplantation.  相似文献   

After preparing threparing the frontal section including the origin of the left portal trunk at the hepatic hilum, 60 human livers (35, entirely; 25, partly) were dissected to reveal segmental configuration and the supplying portal vein branches. We usually observed two combinations of segments, i.e., S2, 4, 5 and 8 or S2, 3, 4, 5 and 8, in the frontal section including the origin of the left portal trunk. However, S8 was sometimes absent in the section when S4 extended to the right and/or upper side. S2 was consistently located dorsal to S3 despite the fact that 11.7% of the specimens carried an unexpected configuration showing a "lower" S2 in combined with an "upper" S3 in the frontal section. The latter case was associated with specific S2 and S3 segmental branches maintaining horizontal courses along a common plane. S4, S5 and S8 were usually arranged from the ventral to the dorsal aspect in this order. Four types of ventral short branches originated at or near the primary portal divisions and supplied the hilar parenchyme adjacent to S4 and/or the anterior segment (S5 or S8). These ventral short branches tended to be associated with the variations of the primary division. Dissection of the liver after frontal section provided a better understanding of the segmental configuration rather than an approach from the hepatic hilum.  相似文献   

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