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The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of biexponential T relaxation mapping of human knee cartilage in vivo. A three‐dimensional, customized, turbo‐flash sequence was used to acquire T‐weighted images from healthy volunteers employing a standard 3‐T MRI clinical scanner. A series of T‐weighted images was fitted using monoexponential and biexponential models with two‐ and four‐parametric non‐linear approaches, respectively. Non‐parametric Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U‐statistical tests were used to evaluate the regional relaxation and gender differences, respectively, with a level of significance of P = 0.05. Biexponential relaxations were detected in the cartilage of all volunteers. The short and long relaxation components of T were estimated to be 6.9 and 51.0 ms, respectively. Similarly, the fractions of short and long T were 37.6% and 62.4%, respectively. The monoexponential relaxation of T was 32.6 ms. The experiments showed good repeatability with a coefficient of variation (CV) of less than 20%. A biexponential relaxation model showed a better fit than a monoexponential model to the T relaxation decay in knee cartilage. Biexponential T components could potentially be used to increase the specificity to detect early osteoarthritis by the measurement of different water compartments and their fractions.  相似文献   

A high degree of structural order by white matter (WM) fibre tracts creates a physicochemical environment where water relaxations are rendered anisotropic. Recently, angularly dependent longitudinal relaxation has been reported in human WM. We have characterised interrelationships between T1 relaxation and diffusion MRI microstructural indices at 3 and 7 T. Eleven volunteers consented to participate in the study. Multishell diffusion MR images were acquired with b-values of 0/1500/3000 and 0/1000/2000 s/mm2 at 1.5 and 1.05 mm3 isotropic resolutions at 3 and 7 T, respectively. DTIFIT was used to compute DTI indices; the fibre-to-field angle (θFB) maps were obtained using the principal eigenvector images. The orientations and volume fractions of multiple fibre populations were estimated using BedpostX in FSL, and the orientation dispersion index (ODI) was estimated using the NODDI protocol. MP2RAGE was used to acquire images for T1 maps at 1.0 and 0.9 mm3 isotropic resolutions at 3 and 7 T, respectively. At 3 T, T1 as a function of θFB in WM with high fractional anisotropy and one-fibre orientation volume fraction or low ODI shows a broad peak centred at 50o, but a flat baseline at 0o and 90o. The broad peak amounted up to 7% of the mean T1. At 7 T, the broad peak appeared at 40o and T1 in fibres running parallel to B0 was longer by up to 75 ms (8.3% of the mean T1) than in those perpendicular to the field. The peak at 40o was approximately 5% of mean T1 (i.e., proportionally smaller than that at 54o at 3 T). The data demonstrate T1 anisotropy in WM with high microstructural order at both fields. The angular patterns are indicative of the B0-dependency of T1 anisotropy. Thus myelinated WM fibres influence T1 contrast both by acting as a T1 contrast agent and rendering T1 dependent on fibre orientation with B0.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the T2 age dependence is of importance for MRS clinical studies involving subject groups with a wide age range. A number of studies have focused on the age dependence of T2 values in the human brain, with rather conflicting results. The aim of this study was to analyze the age dependence of T2 values of N‐acetyl aspartate (NAA), creatine (Cr) and choline (Cho) in the human brain using data acquired at 3T and 4T and to assess the influence of the macromolecule (MM) baseline handling on the obtained results. Two distinct groups of young and elderly controls have been measured at 3T (TE = 30–540 ms, 9 young and 11 elderly subjects) and 4T (TE = 10–180 ms, 18 young and 14 elderly subjects) using single‐voxel spectroscopy. In addition, MM spectra were measured from two subjects using the inversion‐recovery technique at 4T. All spectra were processed with LCModel using basis sets with different MM signals (measured or simulated) and also with MM signals included for a different TE range. Individual estimated T2 values were statistically analyzed using the R programming language for the age dependence of T2 values as well as the influence of the MM baseline handling. A significant decrease of T2 values of NAA and Cr in elderly subjects compared with young subjects was confirmed. The same trend was observed for Cho. Significantly higher T2 values calculated using the measured MM baseline for all studied metabolites at 4T were observed for both young and elderly subjects. To conclude, while the handling of MM and lipid signals may have a significant effect on estimated T2 values, we confirmed the age dependence of T2 values of NAA and Cr and the same trend for Cho in the human brain. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Knowledge of proton T2 relaxation time of metabolites is essential for proper quantitation of metabolite concentrations in localized proton spectroscopy, especially at moderate to long TEs. Although the T2 relaxation time of singlets, such as that of creatine and N-acetylaspartate, has been characterized in several studies, similar information is lacking from coupled spin resonances of cerebral metabolites. In this study, the T2 relaxation time of coupled spin resonances and singlet resonances of cerebral metabolites was measured in rat brain in vivo at 9.4 T. Spectra were acquired at 11 TEs using the SPin ECho, full Intensity Acquired Localized (SPECIAL) spectroscopy method. Data analysis was performed in the frequency domain with the LCModel software using simulated TE-specific basis sets. The T2 relaxation times in compounds showing singlet resonances were 113 +/- 3 ms (total creatine), 178 +/- 29 ms (total choline) and 202 +/- 12 ms (N-acetylaspartate). The T2 values of J-coupled metabolites ranged from 89 +/- 8 ms (glutamate) to 148 +/- 14 ms (myo-inositol).  相似文献   

The glycerol methylene proton resonances (4–4.5 parts per million, ppm), which arise from the triglyceride backbone, are relevant to fat composition assessment and can be measured with proton MRS. The purpose of the presented work is to determine long TE (echo time) point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) and stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM) values at 3 T to resolve the glycerol resonances from that of overlapping water. The response of the glycerol methylene protons of nine edible oils as a function of PRESS and STEAM TE (mixing time, TM = 20 ms) was investigated. In addition, high resolution NMR spectra of the oils were acquired at 16.5 T. Long TE values where J‐coupling losses were lowest were selected, namely a TE of 180 ms for PRESS (first echo time 17 ms) and a TE of 100 ms for STEAM (mixing time 20 ms). Oil olefinic (≈5.4 ppm) to glycerol ratios were calculated from the long TE spectra and correlated with 16.5 T ratios. The two techniques yielded olefinic/glycerol ratios that correlated with 16.5 T ratios (R2 = 0.79 for PRESS and 0.90 for STEAM). The efficacy of the sequences in resolving the glycerol resonance from that of water was verified in vivo on tibial bone marrow of four healthy volunteers. In addition, the potential for using the glycerol methylene signal normalized to the methyl signal (≈0.9 ppm) to assess changes in free fatty acid content was demonstrated by measuring differences in spectra acquired from a triglyceride peanut oil phantom and from a phantom composed of a mixture of peanut oil and free fatty acid oleic acid.  相似文献   

Point‐resolved spectroscopy (PRESS), characterized by two TEs (TE1 and TE2), can be employed to perform animal magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies at 9.4 T. Taurine (Tau) and choline (Cho) are relevant metabolites that can be measured by MRS. In this work, the response of the J‐coupled protons of Tau as a function of PRESS TE1 and TE2 was characterized at 9.4 T to achieve two objectives. The first was to determine two TE1 and TE2 combinations that could be used to obtain T2‐corrected measures of Tau (3.42 ppm) that were minimally influenced by J coupling. The second was to exploit the Tau J coupling to find a timing combination that minimized the 3.25‐ppm Tau signal to enable the Cho (3.22 ppm) resonance to be resolved from the overlapping Tau signal. The response of Tau protons was investigated both numerically and experimentally. It was numerically determined that the timings {TE1, TE2} = {17 ms, 10 ms} and {TE1, TE2} = {80 ms, 70 ms} yielded similar 3.42‐ppm Tau resonance areas (5% difference), rendering them suitable for Tau T2 determination. {TE1, TE2} = {25 ms, 50 ms} was found to yield minimal 3.25‐ppm Tau signal, reducing its interference with Cho. The efficacy of the timings was demonstrated on phantom solutions and in vivo in four Sprague Dawley rats. LCModel was employed to analyse the in vivo spectra and Tau T2 values were estimated by fitting the Tau peak areas obtained with {TE1, TE2} = {17 ms, 10 ms} and {TE1, TE2} = {80 ms, 70 ms} to a monoexponentially decaying function. An average Tau T2 of 106 ms (standard deviation, 12 ms) was obtained. LCModel analysis of rat spectra obtained with {TE1, TE2} = {25 ms, 50 ms} demonstrated negligible levels of Tau signal, compared with that obtained with short TE.  相似文献   

Vertebral bone marrow fat quantification using single‐voxel MRS is confounded by overlapping water–fat peaks and the difference in T2 relaxation time between water and fat components. The purposes of the present study were: (i) to determine the proton density fat fraction (PDFF) of vertebral bone marrow using single‐voxel multi‐TE MRS, addressing these confounding effects; and (ii) to investigate the implications of these corrections with respect to the age dependence of the PDFF. Single‐voxel MRS was performed in the L5 vertebral body of 86 subjects (54 women and 32 men). To reliably extract the water peak from the overlying fat peaks, the mean bone marrow fat spectrum was characterized based on the area of measurable fat peaks and an a priori knowledge of the chemical triglyceride structure. MRS measurements were performed at multiple TEs. The T2‐weighted fat fraction was calculated at each TE. In addition, a T2 correction was performed to obtain the PDFF and the T2 value of water (T2w) was calculated. The implications of the T2 correction were investigated by studying the age dependence of the T2‐weighted fat fractions and the PDFF. Compared with the PDFF, all T2‐weighted fat fractions significantly overestimated the fat fraction. Compared with the age dependence of the PDFF, the age dependence of the T2‐weighted fat fraction showed an increased slope and intercept as TE increased for women and a strongly increased intercept as TE increased for men. For women, a negative association between the T2 value of bone marrow water and PDFF was found. Single‐voxel MRS‐based vertebral bone marrow fat quantification should be based on a multi‐TE MRS measurement to minimize confounding effects on PDFF determination, and also to allow the simultaneous calculation of T2w, which might be considered as an additional parameter sensitive to the composition of the water compartment. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to develop and validate a three-dimensional (3D) free-breathing cardiac T1-mapping sequence using SAturation-recovery and Variable-flip-Angle (SAVA). SAVA sequentially acquires multiple electrocardiogram-triggered volumes using a multishot spoiled gradient-echo sequence. The first volume samples the equilibrium signal of the longitudinal magnetization, where a flip angle of 2° is used to reduce the time for the magnetization to return to equilibrium. The succeeding three volumes are saturation prepared with variable delays, and are acquired using a 15° flip angle to maintain the signal-to-noise ratio. A diaphragmatic navigator is used to compensate the respiratory motion. T1 is calculated using a saturation-recovery model that accounts for the flip angle. We validated SAVA by simulations, phantom, and human subject experiments at 3 T. SAVA was compared with modified Look-Locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) and saturation-recovery single-shot acquisition (SASHA) in vivo. In phantoms, T1 by SAVA had good agreement with the reference (R2 = 0.99). In vivo 3D T1 mapping by SAVA could achieve an imaging resolution of 1.25 × 1.25 × 8 mm3. Both global and septal T1 values by SAVA (1347 ± 37 and 1332 ± 42 ms) were in between those by SASHA (1612 ± 63 and 1618 ± 51 ms) and MOLLI (1143 ± 59 and 1188 ± 65 ms). According to the standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV), T1 precision measured by SAVA (SD: 99 ± 14 and 60 ± 8 ms; CV: 7.4% ± 0.9% and 4.5% ± 0.6%) was comparable with MOLLI (SD: 99 ± 25 and 46 ± 12 ms; CV: 8.8% ± 2.5% and 3.9% ± 1.1%) and superior to SASHA (SD: 222 ± 89 and 132 ± 33 ms; CV: 13.8% ± 5.5% and 8.1% ± 2.0%). It was concluded that the proposed free-breathing SAVA sequence enables more efficient 3D whole-heart T1 estimation with good accuracy and precision.  相似文献   

In vivo water‐ and fat‐suppressed 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and 31P magnetic resonance adiabatic multi‐echo spectroscopic imaging were performed at 7 T in duplicate in healthy fibroglandular breast tissue of a group of eight volunteers. The transverse relaxation times of 31P metabolites were determined, and the reproducibility of 1H and 31P MRS was investigated. The transverse relaxation times for phosphoethanolamine (PE) and phosphocholine (PC) were fitted bi‐exponentially, with an added short T2 component of 20 ms for adenosine monophosphate, resulting in values of 199 ± 8 and 239 ± 14 ms, respectively. The transverse relaxation time for glycerophosphocholine (GPC) was also fitted bi‐exponentially, with an added short T2 component of 20 ms for glycerophosphatidylethanolamine, which resonates at a similar frequency, resulting in a value of 177 ± 6 ms. Transverse relaxation times for inorganic phosphate, γ‐ATP and glycerophosphatidylcholine mobile phospholipid were fitted mono‐exponentially, resulting in values of 180 ± 4, 19 ± 3 and 20 ± 4 ms, respectively. Coefficients of variation for the duplicate determinations of 1H total choline (tChol) and the 31P metabolites were calculated for the group of volunteers. The reproducibility of inorganic phosphate, the sum of phosphomonoesters and the sum of phosphodiesters with 31P MRS imaging was superior to the reproducibility of 1H MRS for tChol. 1H and 31P data were combined to calculate estimates of the absolute concentrations of PC, GPC and PE in healthy fibroglandular tissue, resulting in upper limits of 0.1, 0.1 and 0.2 mmol/kg of tissue, respectively.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle inflammation/necrosis and fat infiltration are strong indicators of disease activity and progression in many neuromuscular disorders. They can be assessed by muscle T2 relaxometry and water‐fat separation techniques, respectively. In the present work, we exploited differences between water and fat T1 and T2 relaxivities by applying a bi‐component extended phase graph (EPG) fitting approach to simultaneously quantify the muscle water T2 and fat fraction from standard multi‐slice multi‐echo (MSME) acquisitions in the presence of stimulated echoes. Experimental decay curves were adjusted to the theoretical model using either an iterative non‐negative least‐squares (NNLS) procedure or a pattern recognition approach. Twenty‐two patients (age, 49 ± 18 years) were selected to cover a large range of muscle fat infiltration. Four cases of chronic or subchronic juvenile dermatomyositis (age, 8 ± 3 years) were investigated before and 3 months following steroid treatment. For control, five healthy volunteers (age, 25 ± 2 years) were recruited. All subjects underwent the MSME sequence and EPG fitting procedure. The EPG fitting algorithm allowed a precise estimation of water T2 and fat fraction in diseased muscle, even in the presence of large B1+ inhomogeneities. In the whole cohort of patients, there was no overall correlation between water T2 values obtained with the proposed method and the fat fraction estimated inside muscle tissues (R2 = 0.02). In the patients with dermatomyositis, there was a significant decrease in water T2 (‐4.09 ± 3.7 ms) consequent to steroid treatment. The pattern recognition approach resulted in a 20‐fold decrease in processing time relative to the iterative NNLS procedure. The fat fraction derived from the EPG fitting approach correlated well with the fat fraction derived from a standard three‐point Dixon method (≈1.5% bias). The bi‐component EPG fitting analysis is a precise tool to monitor muscle tissue disease activity and is able to handle bias introduced by fat infiltration and B1+ inhomogeneities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that shorter sleep duration in childhood is associated with higher body mass index (BMI), and have proposed that it is due to an effect of sleep on adiposity. There is little evidence about the association of sleep with fat‐free mass. This study examined the association between child's sleep duration at age 3 years and fat and fat‐free mass at 4 years of age in a prospective cohort study of 302 boys and 285 girls. Study participants were taking part in the Southampton Women's Survey, a longitudinal study of mothers and children from preconception onwards. Total sleep duration at age 3 years was derived from parental report of night sleep and nap duration. Body composition was assessed by Dual‐energy X‐ray Absorptiometry (DXA) at 4 years. Mean total sleep duration was 11.5 hours. In linear regression analyses, adjusted for potentially confounding factors (maternal educational attainment, prepregnancy BMI, smoking during pregnancy, child's gestational age at birth, age at DXA, sex, age last breastfed, dietary quality at 3 years, TV watching and hours actively on the move and parental social class), shorter sleep in hours was associated with higher BMI (kg/m2) [β: ?0.2340, 95% confidence interval (CI): ?0.373 to ?0.096], a greater fat mass index (kg) (β: ?0.1182, 95% CI: ?0.218 to ?0.018) and a greater fat‐free mass index (kg) (β: ?0.100, 95% CI: ?0.185 to ?0.015). Previous research suggested that the association between shorter sleep and higher body mass index is due to an effect on adiposity. Our findings are novel, suggesting that the relationship between sleep and BMI is also determined by an effect on muscle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a time‐efficient inversion technique to measure the T1 relaxation time of the methyl group of lactate (Lac) in the presence of contaminating lipids and to measure T1 at 3 T in a cohort of primary high‐grade gliomas. Three numerically optimized inversion times (TIs) were chosen to minimize the expected error in T1 estimates for a given input total scan duration (set to be 30 min). A two‐cycle spectral editing scheme was used to suppress contaminating lipids. The T1 values were then estimated from least‐squares fitting of signal measurements versus TI. Lac T1 was estimated as 2000 ± 280 ms. After correcting for T1 (and T2 from literature values), the mean absolute Lac concentration was estimated as 4.3 ± 2.6 mm . The technique developed agrees with the results obtained by standard inversion recovery and can be used to provide rapid T1 estimates of other spectral components as required. Lac T1 exhibits similar variations to other major metabolites observable by MRS in high‐grade gliomas. The T1 estimate provided here will be useful for future MRS studies wishing to report relaxation‐corrected estimates of Lac concentration as an objective tumor biomarker. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The compartment-specific lipid changes in femoral-tibial bone of healthy controls and mild osteoarthritis (OA) patients were quantified at 3.0 T. Healthy volunteers [Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) grade = 0; n = 15, 4 females, 11 males, mean age 39 ± 16 years, age range = 24-78 years] and mild OA patients (KL = 1, 2; n = 26, 12 females, 14 males, mean age 61 ± 14 years, age range = 27-80 years) were scanned on a 3 T scanner. Clinical proton density (PD)-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) images in the sagittal (without fat-saturation), axial and coronal (fat-saturation) planes were acquired for cartilage Whole-Organ MR Imaging Score (WORMS) grading. A voxel of 10 × 10 × 10 mm(3) was positioned in the medial and lateral compartments of the tibia [medial tibial (MT) and lateral tibial (LT)] and femur [medial femoral (MF) and lateral femoral (LF)] for MRS measurements using the single voxel-stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM) pulse sequence. All MRS data were processed with Java-based Magnetic Resonance User Interface (JMRUI). Wilcoxon's rank sum test and mixed model two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed to determine significant differences between different compartments as well as examine the effect of OA grade and compartment, and their interactions. Generally, the MF compartment index of unsaturation was increased in healthy subjects compared with OA subjects (whether graded by KL or WORMS score). Differences between MF at KL0 and all other compartments at KL1 except LF approached statistical significance (p < 0.05). Differences in saturated lipids signals could be observed predominantly in the 2.03 p.p.m. frequency shift. Healthy controls in the MF compartment had the lowest saturated lipid signals, and mild OA patients with KL2 and WORMS5-6 in the MF compartment had the highest saturated lipid signals compared with other compartments at 2.03 p.p.m. (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

目的 建立胰岛紊诱导基因2(INSIG2)稳定表达细胞系,观察过表达INSIG2后对脂肪代谢的影响.方法 构建INSIG2真核表达质粒,经脂质体转染313-L1细胞,RT-PCR、免疫细胞化学法鉴定INSIG2阳性细胞株及检测胰岛素诱导基因1(INSIG1)、脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)mRNA表达;ELISA检测细胞培养液中游离脂肪酸(FFA)的含量;油红"O"染色检测脂肪细胞的分化.结果 pcDNA3.1( )-INSIG2成功转染3T3-L1细胞,过表达INSIG2后,INSIG1、FAS mRNA表达均下调,细胞培养液中游离脂肪酸含量降低,脂肪细胞分化明显抑制.结论 获得了INSIG2稳定表达细胞系,过表达INSIG2对脂肪代谢具有抑制作用.  相似文献   

T2 measurement of J-coupled metabolites in the human brain at 3T   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proton T2 relaxation times of metabolites in the human brain were measured using point resolved spectroscopy at 3T in vivo. Four echo times (54, 112, 246 and 374 ms) were selected from numerical and phantom analyses for effective detection of the glutamate multiplet at ~ 2.35 ppm. In vivo data were obtained from medial and left occipital cortices of five healthy volunteers. The cortices contained predominantly gray and white matter, respectively. Spectra were analyzed with LCModel software using volume‐localized calculated spectra of brain metabolites. The estimate of the signal strength vs. TE was fitted to a monoexponential function for estimation of apparent T2 (T2?). T2? was estimated to be similar between the brain regions for creatine, choline, glutamate and myo‐inositol, but significantly different for N‐acetylaspartate singlet and multiplet. T2?s of glutamate and myo‐inositol were measured as 181 ± 16 and 197 ± 14 ms (mean ± SD, N = 5) for medial occipital cortices, and 180 ± 12 and 196 ± 17 ms for left occipital cortices, respectively. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two spectral editing techniques for the simultaneous detection of glutathione (GSH) and lactate (Lac) in the human brain at 3 T are described and evaluated. These methods, ‘sMEGA’ (sinc‐MEscher and GArwood) and ‘DEW’ (Double Editing With), were optimized to detect GSH and Lac simultaneously at 3 T using density‐matrix simulations and validation in phantoms. Simulations to test for co‐edited metabolites within the detected GSH region of the spectrum were also performed. In vivo data were acquired in the midline parietal region of seven subjects using both methods, and compared with conventional MEGA‐PRESS (MEscher and GArwood‐Point RESolved Spectroscopy) acquisitions of GSH and Lac. Simulations and phantom experiments showed that sMEGA and DEW had a high editing efficiency for both GSH and Lac. In the phantom, the editing efficiency of GSH was >88% relative to a conventional GSH MEGA‐PRESS acquisition, whereas, for Lac, the editing efficiency was >95% relative to a conventional Lac MEGA‐PRESS acquisition. Simulations also showed that the editing efficiency of both methods was comparable with separate MEGA‐PRESS acquisitions of the same metabolites. In addition, simulations and in vivo spectra showed that, at a TE of 140 ms, there was a partial overlap between creatine (Cr) and GSH peaks, and that N‐acetyl aspartate/N‐acetyl aspartyl glutamate (NAA/NAAG) were sufficiently resolved from GSH. In vivo measurements showed that both sMEGA and DEW edited GSH and Lac reliably with the same editing efficiency as conventional MEGA‐PRESS acquisitions of the same metabolites, with measured GSH integrals of 2.23 ± 0.51, 2.31 ± 0.38, 2.38 ± 0.53 and measured Lac integrals of 1.72 ± 0.67, 1.55 ± 0.35 and 1.53 ± 0.54 for MEGA‐PRESS, DEW and sMEGA, respectively. Simultaneous detection of GSH and Lac using sMEGA and DEW is possible at 3 T with high editing efficiency.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) differ in composition, endocrine function and localization in the body. VAT is considered to play a role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and other obesity‐related disorders. It has been shown that the amount, distribution, and (cellular) composition of adipose tissue (AT) correlate well with metabolic conditions. In this study, T1 relaxation times of AT were measured in severely obese subjects and compared with those of healthy lean controls. Here, we tested the hypothesis that T1 relaxation times of AT differ between lean and obese individuals, but also between VAT and SAT as well as superficial (sSAT) and deep SAT (dSAT) in the same individual. Twenty severely obese subjects (BMI 41.4 ± 4.8 kg/m2) and ten healthy lean controls matched for age (BMI 21.5 ± 1.9 kg/m2) underwent MRI at 1.5 T using a single‐shot fast spin‐echo sequence (short‐tau inversion recovery) at six different inversion times (TI range 100–1000 ms). T1 relaxation times were computed for all subjects by fitting the TI‐dependent MR signal intensities of user‐defined regions of interest in both SAT and VAT to a model function. T1 times in sSAT and dSAT were only measured in obese patients. For both obese patients and controls, the T1 times of SAT (275 ± 14 and 301 ± 12 ms) were significantly (p < 0.01) shorter than the respective values in VAT (294 ± 20 and 360 ± 35 ms). Obese subjects also showed significant (p < 0.01) T1 differences between sSAT (268 ± 11 ms) and dSAT (281 ± 19 ms). More important, T1 differences in both SAT and VAT were highly significant (p < 0.001) between obese patients and healthy subjects. The results of our pilot study suggest that T1 relaxation times differ between severely obese patients and lean controls, and may potentially provide an additional means for the non‐invasive assessment of AT conditions and dysfunction. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to investigate the performance of the modified BIR‐4 T2 preparation for T2 mapping and propose a method to remove T2 quantification errors in the presence of large B1 and B0 offsets. The theoretical investigation of the magnetization evolution during the T2 preparation in the presence of B1 and B0 offsets showed deviations from a mono‐exponential T2 decay (two parameter fit). A three parameter fit was used to improve T2 accuracy. Furthermore, a two parameter fit with an additional saturation preparation scan was proposed to improve T2 accuracy and precision. These three fitting methods were compared based on simulations, phantom measurements and an in vivo healthy volunteer study of the neck musculature using a 3D TSE readout. The results based upon the pure two parameter fit overestimated T2 in regions with high B0 offsets (up to 40% in phantoms). The three parameter fit T2 values were robust to B0 offsets but with higher standard deviation (up to 40% in simulations). The two parameter fit with the saturation preparation yielded high robustness towards B0 offsets with a noise performance comparable to that of the two parameter fit. In the volunteer study the T2 values obtained by the pure two parameter fit showed a dependence on the field inhomogeneities, whereas the T2 values from the proposed fitting approach were shown to be insensitive to B0 offsets. The proposed method enabled accurate and precise T2 mapping in the presence of large B1 and B0 offsets.  相似文献   

Nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) is a type of magnetization transfer using cross‐relaxation. It originates from mobile macromolecules, which may have relevance to the evaluation of tumor features. We studied the value of NOE imaging at 7 and 3 T and suggest a utility for diagnosing human brain tumors. Two types of protein solution at different concentrations and pH values, and six normal Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, were used to detect NOE signal with a 7 T scanner. Then, six healthy volunteers and 11 patients with brain tumors (six gliomas and five meningiomas) were included at 3 T. Z‐spectra were measured and NOE weighted (NOE*) images were acquired with a three‐offset measurement. Wide spectral separation was shown at both 7 T and 3 T delineating the NOE peak in the Z‐spectrum. The concentration dependence and pH independence of NOE were confirmed in phantom experiments, and NOE values were greater in white matter than in gray matter in vivo. At 3 T, data indicated that NOE* maps were slightly hypointense in gliomas and were not obviously different from meningiomas. Thus, NOE imaging may help distinguish benign from malignant tumors, and as such may contribute to diagnosing brain tumors.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (31P) MRS is a powerful tool for the non‐invasive investigation of human liver metabolism. Four in vivo 31P localization approaches (single voxel image selected in vivo spectroscopy (3D‐ISIS), slab selective 1D‐ISIS, 2D chemical shift imaging (CSI), and 3D‐CSI) with different voxel volumes and acquisition times were demonstrated in nine healthy volunteers. Localization techniques provided comparable signal‐to‐noise ratios normalized for voxel volume and acquisition time differences, Cramer–Rao lower bounds (8.7 ± 3.3%1D‐ISIS, 7.6 ± 2.5%3D‐ISIS, 8.6 ± 4.2%2D‐CSI, 10.3 ± 2.7%3D‐CSI), and linewidths (50 ± 24 Hz1D‐ISIS, 34 ± 10 Hz3D‐ISIS, 33 ± 10 Hz2D‐CSI, 34 ± 11 Hz3D‐CSI). Longitudinal (T1) relaxation times of human liver metabolites at 7 T were assessed by 1D‐ISIS inversion recovery in the same volunteers (n = 9). T1 relaxation times of hepatic 31P metabolites at 7 T were the following: phosphorylethanolamine – 4.41 ± 1.55 s; phosphorylcholine – 3.74 ± 1.31 s; inorganic phosphate – 0.70 ± 0.33 s; glycerol 3‐phosphorylethanolamine – 6.19 ± 0.91 s; glycerol 3‐phosphorylcholine – 5.94 ± 0.73 s; γ‐adenosine triphosphate (ATP) – 0.50 ± 0.08 s; α‐ATP – 0.46 ± 0.07 s; β‐ATP – 0.56 ± 0.07 s. The improved spectral resolution at 7 T enabled separation of resonances in the phosphomonoester and phosphodiester spectral region as well as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and uridine diphosphoglucose signals. An additional resonance at 2.06 ppm previously assigned to phosphoenolpyruvate or phosphatidylcholine is also detectable. These are the first 31P metabolite relaxation time measurements at 7 T in human liver, and they will help in the exploration of new, exciting questions in metabolic research with 7 T MR. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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