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The developmental potential in vitro and in vivo of preimplantation mouse embryos biopsied at the 4-cell, 8-cell and morula stages were investigated. Biopsy had the least impact when performed at the 8-cell stage. There was no effect of biopsy on the development of 8-cells of blastocysts in vitro (95% compared with 99% of controls) or the implantation rate after transfers (82 versus 87%, P greater than 0.05); however, fewer embryos (52 versus 71%, P less than 0.05) resulted in viable fetuses. There was no effect of biopsy at the 8-cell stage on fetal weight on day 17. Blastocyst formation in vitro was significantly less for 4-cell biopsies compared with their controls (76 versus 90%, P less than 0.001) and biopsy also affected the implantation rate (44 versus 59%, P less than 0.01). Biopsy was most detrimental when performed on morulae, reducing the implantation rate from 65% for controls to 21% for biopsies (P less than 0.001). Fetal viability was also markedly affected with a reduction on day 17 from 42 to 26% accompanied by a significant reduction (24%, P = 0.02) of the mean fetal weight. Handling of embryos for biopsy at the morula stage, which involved removal of the zona pellucida, was a significant but not complete cause of the reduced implantation potential observed (sham-controls and intact-controls: 34 and 65%, P less than 0.001), while puncture of the zona during the biopsy of 4-cell and 8-cell embryos had no effect. Therefore, the 8-cell mouse embryo is the most suitable state for embryo biopsy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sperm motility evaluation is associated with fertility in IVF programmes. The visual estimation of sperm motility is extremely subjective. Hence, alternative methods are required. Among them, determination of mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsi(m)) changes of spermatozoa using potentiometric dyes may be a reliable test to determine sperm quality. However, the use of the potentiometric dyes in sperm samples has not been compared. METHODS: We have studied sperm samples from 28 infertile patients enrolled in an IVF programme in flow cytometry after staining of spermatozoa with four commonly used potentiometric dyes. Sperm motility was evaluated visually. RESULTS: As expected, JC-1 seems to detect specifically Deltapsi(m) changes, CMX-Ros, DiOC(6)(3) and TMRE fluorescence is easily analysed and the latter three fluorochromes are particularly suitable for multiparametric staining. Irrespective of the Deltapsi(m)-dependent fluorochromes used to stain spermatozoa, a positive correlation was found between the percentage of Deltapsi(m)(high) cells and forward motility and also with high fertilization rates after IVF. CONCLUSION: The four fluorochromes may be useful for evaluation of sperm samples from infertile patients. The choice of the potentiometric dyes will depend on their fluorescence characteristics in order to use them in combination with other fluorescent markers.  相似文献   

为探讨双歧杆菌的完整肽聚糖(WPG)对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞线粒体膜电位的影响,首先分离培养昆明小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞,然后以WPG刺激巨噬细胞,用四甲基罗丹明乙酯(TMRE)标记线粒体膜电位,最后用激光共聚焦显微镜检测巨噬细胞内荧光强度的变化。和对照组相比,WPG刺激巨噬细胞后,巨噬细胞内反映线粒体膜电位的荧光强度明显增强。双歧杆菌的WPG在激活巨噬细胞的过程中可提高其线粒体膜电位。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Current outcome results with embryos derived from thawed MII human oocyes are significantly lower than with embryos cryopreserved at the pronuclear stage. Here, we investigated whether freezing-thawing was associated with changes in oocyte mitochondrial polarity (DeltaPsim) that could influence competence by altering ATP levels or the ability of the cytoplasm to regulate intracellular Ca2+. METHODS: Fresh and thawed uninseminated and unfertilized MII oocytes were stained with the DeltaPsim-specific probe JC-1 to detect clusters of high-polarized mitochondria (J-aggregate positive) and with the Ca2+- specific probe Fluo-4 to measure changes in intracellular levels of this cation. ATP content per oocyte was measured directly and cortical granules were visualized with a cortical granule-specific probe. RESULTS: A significant difference between fresh and thawed MII oocytes existed for pericortical J-aggregate fluorescence and for the ability of the cytoplasm to increase free Ca2+ in response to ionophore exposure. No significant difference in ATP contents was measured and cryopreservation was not associated with an apparent release of cortical granules. CONCLUSION: Irreversible loss of high DeltaPsim in thawed oocytes may be associated with defects in Ca2+ signalling after insemination and could have downstream consequences for normal embryogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sperm cell death appears to be a cause of male infertility. The objective of this study was to determine the most reliable method for the evaluation of sperm quality in semen samples during sperm preparation for IVF. METHODS: Conventional analysis of semen samples was compared with several cytofluorometric methods detecting death-associated changes. Neat semen from infertile patients and sperm prepared by PureSperm gradient were studied by conventional microscopy and analysed for mitochondrial membrane potential (Delta Psi(m)), generation of reactive oxygen species, DNA fragmentation and cell viability. RESULTS: In neat semen, a positive correlation was found between the percentage of Delta Psi(m)(high) sperm cells and standard semen parameters (concentration/motility). Sperm cells depicting Delta Psi(m)(high) and cells with low DNA fragmentation displayed high fertilization rate after IVF. The only changes that could be detected in prepared sperm were changes in Delta Psi(m), with Delta Psi(m)(high) sperm positively correlated with forward motility and also with high fertilization rates after IVF. CONCLUSION: Analysis of mitochondrial membrane potential is the most sensitive test by which to determine sperm quality. These findings promise development of a test that may help to predict successful IVF.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial distribution pattern has been monitored innormally cleaving and developmentally arrested preimplan tatlonmouse embryos in vitro and compared with the distribution foundimmediately after flushing from the oviduct in vivo. Mitochondriain normally cleaving embryos in vitro and in vivo were foundto be homogeneously distributed throughout the cytoplasm ofthe blastomeres during interphase. In developmentally arrestedembryos in vitro the mitochondrla became progressively aggregatedand localized in the perinuclear region and the area of thecytocortex immediately adjacent to the plasma membrane. Injectionof G2 cell cyde cytoplasmic factor(s) from a cycling 2-cellembryo into an arrested embryo resulted in the re-initiationof normal deavage. Concomitant with the re-initiation of cleavage,a re-distribution of the aggregated mitochondria to the pattern,associated with normally cycling embryos, was observed. Specificmitochondrial translocatiofts to the mitotic spindle were observedduring deavage. The results have shown that observation of themltochoiidrial distribution using the vital stain Rhodamlne123, provides an accurate and reliable prediction of an embryo'sability to proceed through the next cleavage stage and developin vitro and suggests that the specific association of mitochondriawith the mitotic spindle is a prerequisite for normal deavage.  相似文献   

The chromosome constitution of five haploid, 178 diploid and11 triploid embryos fertilized in vitro was determined afterfixation on day 2 or day 3 of development. Karyotype analysisof 178 diploid embryos revealed abnormalities in 40 (22.5%)cases: 34 (19.1%) aneuploids, four (2.2%) mosaic embryos andtwo (1.1%) structural anomalies were identified. The majorityof aneuploid karyotypes (28/34) involved a single chromosomebut six embryos had aneuploidy of two or three chromosomes.The E group was most frequently involved in aneuploid karyotypes(10/23 hyperdiploid embryos) and trisomy 16, the most commonsingle anomaly in diploid embryos, was detected in 2.2% (4/178)of cases. Only one case of sex chromosome monosomy was identified.An excess of female karyotypes was detected in abnormal cases(sex ratio 0.48); this ratio was significantly (p< 0.05)different from that observed in normal cases (74: 64, XY: XX).The incidence of aneuploidy increased with maternal age butthis did not reach statistical significance. Embryo morphologyand growth rate, assessed by embryo development rating (EDR),did not distinguish between normal (mean score 7.9; mean EDR96.1) and aneuploid (mean score 8.1; mean EDR, 92.1) embryos.Numbers of hyperploid (n = 17) and hypoploid (n= 11) embryos(non-mosaic cases involving single chromosomes) were not statisticallydifferent. The relative proportions of chromosomes involvedin trisomic karyotypes showed a remarkable similarity to thepattern in spontaneous abortions. Pronuclear status was an unreliablepredictor of ploidy. Small numbers of karyotyped triploid embryosrevealed equal proportions of XXX, XXY and XYY embryos  相似文献   

There has been growing interest in understanding energy metabolism in human embryos generated using assisted reproductive techniques (ART) for improving the overall success rate of the method. Using NMR spectroscopy as a noninvasive tool, we studied human embryo metabolism to identify specific biomarkers to assess the quality of embryos for their implantation potential. The study was based on estimation of pyruvate, lactate and alanine levels in the growth medium, ISM1, used in the culture of embryos. An NMR study involving 127 embryos from 48 couples revealed that embryos transferred on Day 3 (after 72 h in vitro culture) with successful implantation (pregnancy) exhibited significantly (p < 10‐5) lower pyruvate/alanine ratios compared to those that failed to implant. Lactate levels in media were similar for all embryos. This implies that in addition to lactate production, successfully implanted embryos use pyruvate to produce alanine and other cellular functions. While pyruvate and alanine individually have been used as biomarkers, the present study highlights the potential of combining them to provide a single parameter that correlates strongly with implantation potential. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a vital role in the metabolism of energy-containing compounds in the oocyte cytoplasm to provide adenosine trisphosphate for fertilization and preimplantation embryo development. In this study, ratiometric confocal microscopy with the mitochondrion-specific membrane potential-sensitive fluorescence dye JC-1 (5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolyl-carbocyanine iodide) was used to measure the activity of mitochondria in human oocytes and developing preimplantation embryos. Mitochondria in oocytes and embryos were characterized by distinct localized aggregation patterns. These patterns however did not determine localized regions of heterogeneity in mitochondrial activity. Mitochondrial activity was analysed during oocyte maturation and after fertilization. The activity of mitochondria in fresh metaphase II oocytes was negatively correlated with maternal age. This trend continued when the activity of developing embryos was analysed. Mitochondrial activity was strongly correlated with the rate of embryo development on day 3 after fertilization, but not on day 2. Partial regression analysis showed that the rate of cleavage of preimplantation embryos was more highly correlated with embryo mitochondrial activity than maternal age. These data suggest that the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration in oocytes and preimplantation embryos is closely correlated with the programmed rate of embryo development, and suggest that maternal age further influences this factor. The loss of mitochondrial activity in oocytes obtained from ageing couples may therefore contribute to lower embryo development and pregnancy rates observed during cycles of IVF.  相似文献   

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) studies of human preimplantation embryos have demonstrated a high proportion of chromosomal mosaicism. To investigate the different timings and nature of chromosomal mosaicism, we developed single cell multiplex fluorescent (FL)-PCR to distinguish meiotic and mitotic cell division errors. Chromosome 21 was investigated as the model chromosome as trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome) represents the most common chromosomal aneuploidy that reaches live birth. Sister blastomeres from a total of 25 chromosome 21 aneuploid embryos were analysed. Of these, 13 (52%) comprised cells with concordant DNA fingerprints indicative of meiotic non-disjunction errors. The remaining 12 (48%) aneuploid embryos comprised discordant sister blastomere allelic profiles and thus were mosaic. Errors at all stages including metaphase (MI) (12%) and first (38%), second (31%) and third (19%) mitotic cleavage divisions were identified from the types and proportion of different allelic profiles. In addition, three embryos showed combined meiotic and mitotic cell division errors including non-disjunction and anaphase lag, suggesting that diploid cells had resulted from an aneuploid zygote. However, the majority of the mosaic aneuploid embryos showed mitotic gains and losses from a diploid zygote occurring prior to the activation of the embryonic genome. Allelic profiling of amniocytes from 15 prenatal diagnosis samples displayed only meiotic errors. There appears to be a large difference between the proportion of mosaic mitotic-derived trisomy 21 embryos and fetuses. These findings indicate that mosaic mitotic error of chromosome 21 is associated with non-viability.  相似文献   

Coculture studies using preimplantation embryos have led toa number of conflicting studies. In the human, ethical considerationshave led to the preferential use of epithelial cell lines asdistinct from human Fallopian tube cells. In an attempt to isolatefactors influencing embryo development we have cultured 2-cellOF1 mouse embryos in media [Ménézo's B2 and Whittingham'sT6 supplemented with vitamins and amino acids (T6VA)] conditionedon two types of kidney epithelial cells (MBDK and Vero). Differentmolecular weight fractions of conditioned medium were used toshow the absence or presence of specific embryotrophic factors.With MDBK cells, B2 conditioned medium enhanced embryo developmentup to the blastocyst stage, while no blastocysts developed inB2 alone. When using T6VA medium, both the control and conditionedmedia showed a high percentage of blastocyst formation (57.0and 54.0% respectively), while the different molecular weightfractions showed no added improvement. With Vero cells, B2 alone,B2 conditioned medium and fractions were all detrimental toembryo development. A high percentage of blastocyst formation(between 64.7 and 75.8%) was observed in T6VA alone, T6VA conditionedmedium and fractions. Low blastocyst formation in a controlmedium can show strong positive results when medium is conditionedby cells. In contrast, a good base medium, such as T6VA, canequal the results using conditioned medium. Different cellsin contact with different types of medium show variability inthe pattern of responses, highlighting the presence of falsepositives in coculture studies.  相似文献   

Using an indirect immunofluorescent technique, expression ofcell surface fibronectin and a cell surface fibronectin-bindingmolecule was studied during mouse embryo preimplantation development.We also studied the expression of fibronectin on immunosurgicallyisolated inner cell masses (ICMs) and regenerated mouse blastocysts.Fibronectin and the fibronectin-binding molecule were not detectedat the morula stage. From the early to late blastocyst stage,fibronectin expression increased on the trophectoderm. Expressionof the fibronectin-binding molecule was found only in the polartrophectoderm region of the early blastocyst, then in the polarand mural trophectoderm regions of the middle blastocyst. Inthe late blastocyst stage, this fibronectin-binding moleculewas only present in the mural trophectoderm. Fibronectin expressionby ICMs of early blastocysts was more intense than that of lateblastocysts. After 24 h of culture, 10% of ICMs isolated fromearly blastocysts regenerated a trophectoderm which stainedintensively for fibronectin in the mural and polar trophectodermregions. After 48 h of culture, regenerated blastocyst-likestructures closely resembled the normally obtained late blastocystsand stained for fibronectin in the mural and polar trophectodermregions. The significance of the results is discussed in relationto mouse embryo development, trophectoderm formation and blastocystimplantation.  相似文献   

Although the composition of Reichert's membrane, a thick multilayered basement membrane between the parietal endoderm cells and the trophoblast cells of rodents, has often been investigated, the site of its production remains a subject of controversial discussion. In particular, the role of the trophoblast cells is unclear. In the present work we examined the initial development of Reichert's membrane in the early mouse embryo, using glutaraldehyde fixation with tannic acid. In the early blastocyst the occurrence of a tannic-acid-positive layer located at the inner surface of the mural trophoblast indicated the onset of basement membrane formation by the trophoblast cells. In the peri-implantation phase, this basement membrane extended into lateral areas of the inner cell mass separating the newly differentiated ectoderm and endoderm cells from each other. In these lateral regions, where the recently formed primitive endoderm cells had been attached to the monolayered basement membrane of the mural trophoblast, the membrane began to reveal the typical multilayered structure of Reichert's membrane. Our findings indicate that the initial formation of Reichert's membrane begins with the formation of a basement membrane of the mural trophoblast cells, followed by an apposition of basement membrane material, probably synthesized by primitive endoderm cells, along this primary membrane.  相似文献   

目的:超抗原葡萄球菌肠毒素A(SEA)诱导Molt-4细胞活化与线粒体膜电位变化的关系。方法:应用CCK-8法体外检测不同浓度和时间SEA刺激传代T细胞株Molt-4细胞增殖活性,应用JC-1标记细胞线粒体,利用流式细胞术测定比较不同时间点SEA刺激对Molt-4细胞线粒体膜电位的影响。结果:经CCK-8检测,SEA的浓度在1 mg/L时Molt-4细胞的增殖最显著,以该浓度的SEA作用于Molt-4细胞180、60、30、10 min,10 min时间点膜电位升高明显高于其他时间点。SEA刺激10、30 min后线粒体膜电位升高低于有丝分裂原PHA刺激的结果。结论:SEA可诱导Molt-4细胞线粒体膜电位升高,且升高作用主要发生在细胞增殖的早期阶段。其升高作用略低于有丝分裂原PHA。  相似文献   

Pyruvate and glucose uptake by 73 individual human oocytes andpreimplantation embryos was measured non-invasively, using anultramicrofluorescence assay to analyse changes in substratelevels in mkrodroplets of culture medium. The uptake of bothsubstrates was measured over successive daily incubations betweendays 1 (unfertilized oocytes) or 2 (‘spare’ embryoswhich were not transferred) and day 6 (day 0 = day of insemination).Under these conditions, 58% (25/43) of fertilized embryos withtwo pronuclei on day 1 developed to the blastocyst stage byday 6. The pyruvate uptake of these embryos increased from –28to a maximum of 40 pmol/ embryo/h between days 2.5 and 4.5.Similarly, glucose uptake increased from 8 to 14 pmol/embryo/hbetween days 2.5 and 4.5, but then increased further to 24 pmol/embryo/hon day 5 at the blastocyst stage. The pyruvate uptake of fertilizedembryos which arrested at cleavage stages was significantlylower than for those which developed to the blastocyst stage.Polyspermk and parthenogenetic embryos, and unfertilized oocytesalso had lower pyruvate uptakes at later stages. The glucoseuptake of unfertilized oocytes and abnormal embryos never reachedthe level of fertilized embryos at the blastocyst stage on day5.5. Non-invasive measurement of pyruvate uptake before embryotransfer may provide a valuable functional criterion for theselection of viable embryos capable of developing to the blastocyststage.  相似文献   

Early embryo cleavage is a strong indicator of embryo quality in human IVF.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
BACKGROUND: In order to decrease multiple birth rates without decreasing birth rates overall, it is important to increase the capability of selecting the most optimal embryos for transfer. It has been shown that human embryos which cleave early, i.e. complete the first mitotic division within 25-27 h post insemination, provide higher pregnancy and implantation rates. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this prospective study, an evaluation of 10 798 scored embryos showed that early cleavage resulted in a significantly higher proportion of good quality embryos compared with late cleavage (62.5 versus 33.4%, P < 0.0001). When examining both day 2 and day 3 transfers together, early-cleaving embryos (306 transfers) gave rise to significantly higher rates of pregnancy/transfer (40.5 versus 31.3%, P = 0.0049), implantation (28.0 versus 19.5%, P = 0.0001) and birth/ongoing pregnancy (34.3 versus 24.0%, P = 0.0009) than did late-cleaving embryos (521 transfers). A stepwise logistic regression of all data showed that the total number of good quality embryos and female age were independent predictors of both pregnancies and birth. For intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) embryos, early cleavage was found to be an independent predictor of birth. CONCLUSIONS: Early embryo cleavage is a strong biological indicator of embryo potential, and may be used as an additional embryo selection factor for ICSI embryos.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: For human ICSI, sperm are normally immobilized immediately prior to injection. However, there are some situations when only sperm of questionable viability are available. There are few evaluations of fertilization or developmental problems in human or animal models using sperm having known intervals between immobilization and injection. METHODS: Immobilized human sperm were maintained for 1-24 h in 10% polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) before injection into mouse oocytes. Mouse sperm heads were similarly maintained in either PVP or a high potassium-containing 'nucleus isolation medium' (NIM) before ICSI and embryo development to the blastocyst stage. RESULTS: Immobilized human sperm activated mouse oocytes comparably to controls even 24 h after immobilization. However, mouse sperm heads showed a decrease in activating ability 6 h after isolation, either in PVP or NIM. A significant reduction in blastocyst development occurred if mouse sperm heads were maintained for even 1 h in PVP. After 6 h, no blastocysts formed, with arrest occurring at the morula stage. NIM provided partial protection for up to 3 h. CONCLUSIONS: Immobilized human sperm maintained oocyte activating activity for 24 h. However, mouse sperm are susceptible to alterations that affect both fertilization and development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A large percentage of in-vitro generated cleavage stage human embryos are chromosomally mosaic, consisting of both normal (diploid) and abnormal (non-diploid) cells. The present study characterized mosaicism at each stage of cleavage division and examined its effect on preimplantation development in vitro. METHODS: A total of 216 normally fertilized (two-pronucleate) embryos which were not selected for transfer to the patients were analysed for chromosomal abnormalities using multi-colour fluorescence in-situ hybridization DNA probes specific for three to five of nine different chromosomes (X, Y, 2, 7, 13, 16, 18, 21, 22). RESULTS: Overall, 48.1% of embryos were mosaic. The frequency of mosaic embryos increased from 15.2 to 49.4 to 58.1%, from the 2-4-cell to 5-8-cell to morula stages respectively, and the types of non-diploid cells detected were mostly aneuploid or chaotic. The incidence of mosaicism at the blastocyst stage was 90.9%; however, most of the mosaicism comprised diploid and polyploid cells. Arrested mosaic embryos had a higher incidence of chaotic abnormalities, and higher proportions of abnormal cells compared with the non-arrested group. CONCLUSIONS: Post-zygotic errors leading to mosaicism may occur, and persist throughout preimplantation development in vitro. Our results suggest that mosaicism involving multiple chromosomal imbalances and/or imbalances affecting a high proportion of cells in an embryo appear to impair development to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

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