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A five-tube most probable number (MPN) method, with the pre-enrichment and enrichment stages, was used in a study of the incidence of salmonella contamination of British fresh sausages and the ingredients used in their manufacture. All samples were taken from a large factory in the course of routine production. There was an incidence of 65% contamination of pork (n = 20) and 55% (n = 20) in pork and beef sausages. The incidences of contamination of uncooked ingredients varied from 95% for mechanically recovered meat (n = 20) to 10% for another type of meat. Cooked and/or dried ingredients were rarely contaminated with these organisms, and when contamination occurred, coliforms were also important. The numbers of salmonellas isolated ranged from 7-40 for pork sausages, from 8-24 for beef and pork sausages and from 0.8-378 organisms/g for ingredients. The following salmonella serotypes were isolated (ranked in descending order or incidence): S. derby, S. dublin, S. newport, S. stanley. S. typhimurium, S. heidelberg, S. infantis and S. agona.  相似文献   

Between 1969 and 1974, 1467 packets (3309 samples) of pork sausages and sausage meat produced by two large and two medium sized manufacturers and several local butchers were examined for the presence of salmonellas. Of these, 435 packets (786 samples) were found to contain salmonellas, but there was a wide variation in the isolation rates according to the producer. The salmonella incidence in samples from several small and two medium sized producers was low (0-11%) while the results from the two large producers investigated showed a striking difference, the rate of salmonella contamination in the product of one was low (about 2%) and in that of the other consistently high (40-60%). A comparison of liquid enrichment media, incubation temperatures and selective agar media was also carried out to determine the most efficient combination for the isolation of salmonellas from minced meat products. The results showed that (a) incubation of enrichment cultures at 43 degrees C. yielded a consistently greater number of salmonella isolations that at 37 degrees C., regardless of plating medium, (b) tetrathionate broth A (Rolfe) was superior to selenite broth as en enrichment medium at both 37 and 43 degrees C. and (c) brilliant green agar gave better results than deoxycholate citrate sucrose agar and bismuth sulphite agar as a selective medium.  相似文献   

525 strains of moulds were isolated from 8 samples of red pepper (Capsicum annuum) and from 3 samples of black pepper (Piper nigrum). These spices were commonly added to the various kinds of spanish sausages, specially to the spanish "chorizo". Of these 525 isolated moulds, 100 belonged to the Aspergillus flavus group. 69 were isolated from red pepper and 31 from black pepper. Of these strains, 28 strains isolated from red pepper were found positive in producing aflatoxin B1 while only 8 of the strains isolated from black pepper produced aflatoxin B1. 16 of the strains isolated from red pepper also produced aflatoxin G1. After experimental contamination by these aflatoxicogenic strains of moulds of various kinds of spanish sausages, and after drying them under similar storage conditions used in the sausage industry, the presence of aflatoxin were detected only on the skin but not in the meat of the sausage.  相似文献   

目的对不同饲料原料中真菌污染状况进行研究。方法从全国不同地区的代表性饲料生产企业采集豆粕、棉籽粕、麦麸和玉米干酒糟及其可溶物(DDGS)4种饲料原料样品,采用平板稀释法接种,对影响真菌分离的关键因素进行筛选,并对各样品的真菌污染状况进行分析。结果含氯霉素0.1 g/L的马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂、10-1稀释度分别为从饲料中分离真菌的最适培养基和稀释度。饲料原料中真菌污染率范围为31%(DDGS)~88%(麦麸);不同地区同种饲料原料、同一地区不同种类的饲料原料样品受真菌污染的程度各异。不同地区、不同种类饲料原料中重要产毒真菌黄曲霉和镰刀菌的污染水平也各不相同,东北地区黄曲霉和镰刀菌的污染水平最高,华南地区最低;麦麸和棉籽粕污染水平最高,DDGS最低;各种饲料中黄曲霉的平均污染水平(25%)高于镰刀菌(11%)。结论我国饲料原料样品受黄曲霉和镰刀菌的污染值得关注,需在饲料生产加工过程中,加强对真菌污染的控制。  相似文献   

So that the actual contamination rate of intravenous fat emulsions, as well as the type of microbial contamination, could be quantified, 103 bottles of 10% fat emulsion were collected near infusion completion from patients' bedsides. All samples were cultured and compared according to actual hanging time, in addition to the amount and type of microbial contamination. Recovered organisms included Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, diphtheroids, and Micrococcus. Sample analysis failed to demonstrate significant differences in extrinsic microbial contamination rate or organism multiplication between samples infusing for less than or equal to 12 hr and those infusing longer. Although these products support microbial growth, the contaminants introduced into the infusate by environmental or touch contamination yielded minimal colony growth. No patient developed signs or symptoms of bacteremia during the study period. Therefore, infusion of intravenous fat emulsion products over extended periods of time in this study did not increase the risk of developing infectious complications.  相似文献   

目的了解开封市超市销售生鲜鸡肉中沙门氏菌带菌情况。方法 按《食品微生物学检验沙门氏菌检验》GB4789.4-2012进行分离鉴定和血清学分型,采用PhoneixTM-100进行生化鉴定。结果共检出沙门氏菌86份,检出率为65.00%;整鸡检出率较高,其次为鸡腿和鸡翅,鸡架检出率最低;共检出4种血清型,主要血清型为印第安纳沙门氏菌和肠炎沙门氏菌。结论沙门氏菌在市售生鲜鸡肉产品中的检出率较高,应加强质量监督。  相似文献   

The growth of salmonellas on cooked cured pork   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An ecologic study was performed to examine the relation between the incidence of leukemias and the occurrence of volatile organic chemical (VOC) contamination of drinking water supplies within a study area comprised of subpopulations differentially exposed to drinking water VOCs (trichloroethylene and related solvents). Populations served by community water supplies were classified into exposure categories according to VOC contamination status based on 1984-85 sampling data. Leukemia incidence data (1979-84) were collected from a population-based cancer registry. For females, the standardized incidence ratio was elevated only in towns in the highest of three exposure categories. No association was observed in males in any of the exposure categories. A Poisson regression analysis of the data, using finer exposure strata, indicated an increase in risk among females with increasing level of contamination which appeared to be distributed evenly across all age strata. The rate ratio for females at the highest exposure stratum for total non-THM VOCs compared to the least exposed stratum was 1.68. The observed association appears to suggest that drinking water contaminated with VOCs may increase the incidence of leukemia among exposed females, but caution is advised in the interpretation of these results because of the uncertainties inherent in ecologic studies.  相似文献   

With data from the Iowa Cancer Registry, age-adjusted sex-specific cancer incidence rates for the years 1969-1981 were determined for towns with a population of 1,000-10,000 and a public water supply from a single stable ground source. These rates were related to levels of volatile organic compounds and metals found in the finished drinking water of these towns in the spring of 1979. Results showed association between 1,2 dichloroethane and cancers of the colon and rectum and between nickel and cancers of the bladder and lung. The effects were most clearly seen in males. These associations were independent of other water quality and treatment variables and were not explained by occupational or other sociodemographic features including smoking. Because of the low levels of the metals and organics, the authors suggest that they are not causal factors, but rather indicators of possible anthropogenic contamination of other types. The data suggest that water quality variables other than chlorination and trihalomethanes deserve further consideration as to their role in the development of human cancer.  相似文献   

Summary In order to determine the incidence and acceptance of BCG scars, 287 high-school children of different ethnic origins, in a London district, were examined for their BCG scars and interviewed for self-appraisal of their scars 6–30 months after vaccination. BCG scars developed in a high proportion of children (89·5%). There was a female predominance among the 10·5% of children who did not develop scars (girls 12·8%, boys 5·9%, P < 0·05). Hypertrophic scars (defined as the largest diameter of scar > 13·24 mm, [i.e. 2 SD above mean]) were found in 3·11% and hypopigmented scars in 67·8% of the children and both tended to occur amongst hyperpigmented races. A high proportion of children found the scars unacceptable (23·4%), mostly girls (girls 35%, boys 7·8%, P < 0·0·004) and they showed a preference for other sites including inner aspect of arm and buttock for vaccination.  相似文献   

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