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二十年来瑞声达听力集团一直致力于推动中国听力事业的发展。为了进一步促进中国听力康复事业的发展,2005年上初瑞声达听力集团会同国家卫生部、中国残疾人联合会共同发起成立了“畅听未来-中国耳聋防治五年计划”项目。该项目的总目标是通过早预防、早发现、早治疗和早康复来减少听力损伤对个人、社会带来的负担,同时提高残疾人的生活质量。  相似文献   

1中国听力康复事业发展回顾听觉功能是衡量生活质量的重要要素之一,听力障碍是所有慢性病中给国家、社会和个人带来第三大负担的疾病,特别是给听力障碍儿童和新生儿带来的负担更加沉重和长期。  相似文献   

All hearing aids and communication devices introduce nonlinear distortion. The perception of distortion by hearing-impaired subjects was studied using artificial controlled distortions of various amounts and types. Subjects were asked to rate the perceived quality of distorted speech and music. Stimuli were subjected to frequency-dependent amplification as prescribed by the ‘Cambridge formula’ before presentation via Sennheiser HD580 earphones. The pattern of the ratings was reasonably consistent across subjects, but two of the eight subjects showed inconsistent results for the speech stimuli. Center clipping and soft clipping had only small effects on the ratings, while hard clipping and ‘full-range’ distortion had large effects. The results indicate that most hearing-impaired subjects are able to make orderly and consistent ratings of degradations in sound quality introduced by nonlinear distortion. The pattern of results could be predicted reasonably well using a model developed to account for the perception of distortion by normally hearing subjects.  相似文献   

All hearing aids and communication devices introduce nonlinear distortion. The perception of distortion by hearing-impaired subjects was studied using artificial controlled distortions of various amounts and types. Subjects were asked to rate the perceived quality of distorted speech and music. Stimuli were subjected to frequency-dependent amplification as prescribed by the 'Cambridge formula' before presentation via Sennheiser HD580 earphones. The pattern of the ratings was reasonably consistent across subjects, but two of the eight subjects showed inconsistent results for the speech stimuli. Center clipping and soft clipping had only small effects on the ratings, while hard clipping and 'full-range' distortion had large effects. The results indicate that most hearing-impaired subjects are able to make orderly and consistent ratings of degradations in sound quality introduced by nonlinear distortion. The pattern of results could be predicted reasonably well using a model developed to account for the perception of distortion by normally hearing subjects.  相似文献   

1 引言 早在100多年前.注意作为人类行为的中枢和心理活动的调节机制就已经受到人们的重视。作为注意的一种形式,视觉注意在视觉知觉和视觉信息加工中起着重要的作用,对听力障碍儿童尤其重要。听力正常儿童能够利用视觉注意自己手边感兴趣的事物,同时使用听觉来注意他人(如父母)说话;听力障碍儿童在这方面的能力则较弱,他们必须不停地在自己感兴趣的事物和“倾听”他人的说话之间转换注意。因此,他们经常需要在交流对象和物体之间切换注意来获得有关物体的视觉交流(手势、姿态或唇读)。同时,视觉注意发展对听力障碍群体其它方面也具有重要意义,如阅读、概念思维和学习成绩.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether participation restrictions and contextual factors could be elicited in an elderly hearing-impaired population using an open-ended questionnaire. The study also tested the value of the World Health Organization's ICF in the classification of the problems experienced by the elderly hearing-impaired. To this end, we administered the 'Life Effects Questionnaire', in which the subjects were asked to list the effects of their hearing loss on their lives. With this approach, significantly more participation restrictions, environmental factors and personal factors were elicited than with a traditional approach. ICF proved useful in classifying these, but the Activity and Participation Scales had a major weakness in terms of non-communication-related hearing problems. Furthermore, a high proportion of the responses came into the personal factors, for which a formal classification does not exist within ICF. This highlights a significant need in that classification.  相似文献   

目的:调查具备助听器适应证的患者未成功验配助听器的原因。方法:回顾性分析2005-2010年2 635例患者验配助听器的资料,对其中助听器验配未验成功者的数据进行分析。结果:2 635例患者中,1 700例成功验配了助听器,验配总成功率为64.52%,验配成功率总体变化趋势为逐年上升。对935例助听器验配失败患者的数据分析结果表明,在影响助听器成功验配的众多因素中,经济因素所占比例最大(23.64%),其次是患者不接受助听器(18.61%),对专业机构的认可度及满意度(10.27%),此外患者对助听器效果不满意占8.13%。听力专科门诊的验配成功率要高于普通耳鼻咽喉科门诊(P<0.05)。935例助听器验配失败的患者中年龄≥50岁者有568例;<50岁者助听器验配成功率(61.29%)低于≥50岁者(66.33%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:针对经济因素、患者对助听器的接受程度、验配机构专业性等诸多影响助听器成功验配的重要因素,在日常工作中,助听器验配人员需要针对性地开展工作,包括加大听力康复知识的宣传力度和提高自身的专业素质和水平。只有这样,才能有效增进患者对助听器验配人员和助听器本身的信任,有效提高助听器验配成功率。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和社会的进步,我国的聋人高等教育也有了很快的发展,取得了值得肯定的成绩,但同时也存在一些问题。主要表现在:教育质量不高,聋人就业困难。为了全面提高聋人高等教育的质量和聋生就业率,构建一个完备的支持系统极为重要。本文从聋人高等教育的现状出发,结合聋人大学生的身心特点,论述聋人高等教育支持系统的构建。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the quality of life of hearing-impaired adults, as assessed by three different utility measures - the EuroQol (EQ-5D), the Health Utilities Index Mark III (HUI3), and the SF-6D (derived from the SF-36 questionnaire). Measuring quality of life in terms of utility enables the benefits of many interventions to be compared on a common scale, where 0 corresponds to death and 1 to perfect health. Utility scores for 915 new referrals (mean age 69 years, 55% male) to four UK audiology clinics were estimated. The mean utility scores on the EQ-5D (0.79), SF-6D (0.77), and HUI3 (0.56) were all significantly different from each other The agreement between measures was most commonly moderate according to the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC =0.36 to 0.58). This suggests that different utility measures will provide different estimates of the effectiveness of hearing aid provision.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate how the effects of maskers combine in hearing-impaired listeners. The levels of two narrow bands of noise separated in frequency were selected so that each band individually produced the same amount of masking of a sinusoidal signal. Thresholds for the signal were then measured in the presence of both bands combined. For normal-hearing listeners, the effect of combining maskers was nonlinear, but, additive. A cube-root transformation of the masking produced by the individual and combined maskers preserved an additive relation among the effects of these maskers. This type of nonlinear additivity also characterized the results from the hearing-impaired listeners when the maskers were restricted to a region of normal sensitivity. In contrast, the effect of combining maskers was linear, additive without transformation, when the maskers were restricted to a region of significant loss. In many instances, the auditory filter model of masking may describe the detection performance of hearing-impaired listeners better than that of normal-hearing listeners.  相似文献   

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