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Nonformulary-drug requests were used to evaluate a restrictive formulary system in a large university hospital, and a telephone survey of eight similar hospitals was conducted to assess the restrictiveness of their formulary systems. Nonformulary-drug requests were evaluated by two drug information pharmacists over a 12-month period (January-December 1984) to assess the frequency with which nonformulary items were ordered, the costs associated with the procurement of nonformulary drug products, and the rationales given by physicians when ordering nonformulary products. Of all nonformulary requests, 65% were for drugs previously evaluated by the pharmacy and therapeutics committee and denied admission to the formulary. A cost savings of $1887 would have resulted if formulary alternates had been used instead of nonformulary products. Excluding 22% of nonformulary items that were requested for the continuation of preadmission drug therapy, only 13% of the rationales for the remaining requests were appropriate. Although the eight other hospitals surveyed said they had restrictive formularies, all had frequent requests and procedures for procuring nonformulary items and some formularies included most available drugs. The formulary system at the study hospital was considered restrictive, but procedures for nonformulary-drug requests limited the effectiveness of the system. If any benefit is to result from formulary systems, hospitals must strengthen their enforcement of formulary restrictions.  相似文献   

The American healthcare market is currently estimated at more than 900 billion US dollars with double digit rising costs per year. Psychotropic agent costs have more than kept pace with market increases. Medication acquisition costs are an obvious focus for limiting costs in various care systems. Restrictive formularies are a common method of attempting to limit costs. To support our opinion that a single agent is ill advised, we explored the available evidence on the intended and unintended consequences of having a single or exclusive selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) on a formulary. Central to this position is an assumption of the interchangeability of SSRIs; we examined the evidence for and against this through a model to determine the probability of interchangeability. We conclude that the practice of having a single SSRI on the formulary for a healthcare plan seems ill founded. Patients who switch antidepressants remain in treatment 50% longer and cost approximately 50% more to treat in a more costly treatment setting. Giving the primary care physician several antidepressant choices can provide more options to continue treatment of his or her patient in the less expensive primary care setting. In terms of cost containment, formulary restrictions are far more likely to have the opposite effect.  相似文献   

浅谈处方集发展的历史、现状与构建原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄敬群  杨娟  姜伟 《中国药事》2009,23(10):1030-1032
目的探讨在我国建立和推行处方集制度的问题。方法借鉴国外的相关政策和经验,就其医疗机构药品处方集系统的历史、现状、构建原则作简要介绍。结果面对不断增加的医疗费用,世界上许多国家的健康保险机构和卫生保健系统已经采取了一系列措施抑制药品费用,包括由消费者承担费用比例的增加和对开处方者采用限制性处方集。结论我国医院处方集的编制还处于探索阶段,希望国外的经验能对在我国推行处方集制度起到一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

We describe results from a postal questionnaire sent to all GPs (general practitioners) in two East London primary care trusts investigating perceived influences of prescribing and their attitudes towards the local formulary The strongest influencing factors on prescribing are: “the drug is recommended by a specialist or peer”, “guidelines”‘ and “GP's own previous experience of the drug” The weakest influencing factors are: “visits from drug representatives”, “advertisements in journals and magazines” and “internet information” GPs need, agree and comply with local formularies but they do not use them much; still, GPs are influenced by local formularies but the influence of pharmaceutical advisers remains uncertain The more we know about what influences prescribing, the better we can design steering interventions so that drugs are being prescribed wisely and cost effectively  相似文献   

We conducted a prospective, randomized, controlled trial to assess whether hospital formulary restrictions involving limiting dosage strengths of levothyroxine affect physicians' ability to manage patients effectively and provide pharmacy cost savings in a tertiary care federal government research hospital. Thirty-three endocrinologists were randomly assigned to prescribe levothyroxine from a restrictive (dosage strengths of 25, 50, 100, 125, and 150 μg) or a nonrestrictive (dosage strengths of 25, 50, 75, 100, 112, 125, 150, 175, 200, and 300 μg) formulary through a central computer system. Their 241 respective outpatients' laboratory results and drug compliance were outcome measures. Achievement of treatment objectives was measured by thyroid function tests (free and total thyroxine, total triiodothyronine, thyrotropin), number of clinic visits, and compliance (survey method). Additional measures were drug distribution patterns, drug costs, and pharmacy inventory costs. Restriction of levothyroxine's dosage strength did not significantly alter therapeutic outcomes. However, the restricted formulary was associated with more complex dosing regimens, and resulted in no significant cost savings. It is not known whether such restriction would adversely affect the care of patients of nohspecialists. Prospective studies are required to verify presumed cost-containment measures before such measures are adopted for widespread application.  相似文献   

Introduction Changes in drug treatment are frequently mandatory with hospital admission and discharge because hospital drug formularies are generally restricted to about 3000 drugs as compared to the many times this number – 62,000 in Germany – that are commercially available. Without computerised support, the process involved with switching drugs to a corresponding generic or a therapeutic equivalent is time-consuming and error-prone. Methods We have developed and tested a standardised interchange algorithm for subsequent implementation into a computerised decision support system that switches drugs to the corresponding generic or a therapeutic equivalent if they are not listed on the hospital drug formulary. Results The algorithm was retrospectively applied to the medication regimens of 120 patients (774 prescribed drugs containing 886 active ingredients) at their time of admission to surgical wards. Of the prescribed drugs, 52.8% (409/774) were part of the hospital drug formulary, thereby rendering a switch unnecessary. The 365 drugs not listed consisted of 392 active ingredients that were successfully switched to a corresponding generic (84.7%) or a therapeutic equivalent (10.2%). No specific switching procedures were defined for only 2.3% (20/886) of the active ingredients. In these cases, the drugs were either discontinued (4/20) or special drug classes, current diseases or co-medication required manual switching (8/20), or the drugs were continued unchanged and ordered from a wholesaler (8/20). Conclusion Using a standardised interchange algorithm, pre-admission drug regimens can successfully be switched to drugs on a hospital drug formulary. These findings suggest that a computerised decision support system will likely be useful to support this important practice.  相似文献   

Use of a pharmacy department personal computer (PC) with database management and word processing (WP) systems to maintain a hospital formulary is described. Data input and formatting were accomplished with IBM-PC/XT-compatible equipment, the Nutshell (Leading Edge) database management system, and the Wordperfect (WordPerfect Corporation) WP system. Computer-generated pages were photocopied and placed in loose-leaf binders; reduced copies were made for pocket-size binders. The cost of an outside printing service was eliminated, and the loose-leaf format made it possible to replace only the pages with revisions. The large binders were prominently placed and clearly marked to encourage use by physicians; the number of copies needed was reduced because individual copies were no longer provided to each physician. Excluding first-year one-time costs, the annual formulary maintenance cost (for 250 copies) was projected to be approximately one sixth the cost incurred previously, when 1300 bound formularies were printed annually. Maintaining and printing the hospital formulary on a PC facilitated the updating of the formulary and reduced printing costs.  相似文献   

In an effort to minimize drug costs, many hospital pharmacy services have limited their drug inventories through the development of a formulary. Evaluation of drug products for addition to the formulary is the responsibility of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P & T) Committee. The deletion of rarely used or outdated products is often overlooked. As a means to "clean up" the formulary, Hamot Medical Center (HMC) underwent a total formulary review. Drugs were separated into classes as defined by the American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS). Approximately three drug classes were evaluated each month by the P & C Committee. Evaluation criteria was based on the following factors: current formulary status, usage statistics, negative comments appearing in six current publications, hospital acquisition cost, and number of formularies containing each product. A final compilation of all deletions and additions were distributed to all medical staff department and division chiefs. Following receipt of all their comments, a final draft of the formulary was made and prepared for publication. This system is a simple, uncomplicated means of either revising or beginning a formulary. It evaluates a drug based on efficacy, individual hospital usage, and cost of the drug while allowing for input of the medical staff. The end result is a formulary tailored to best fit each institution.  相似文献   

Rucker TD 《Hospital pharmacy》1982,17(9):465-71, 474-5, 477-9 passim
The drug monograph section of eight superior hospital formularies was examined to (1) determine the type of pharmaceuticals, including dosage forms, listed, (2) delineate patterns of concurrence and divergence in drug acceptance, and (3) ascertain quantitative benchmarks by therapeutic category that may suggest optimum formulary size. The survey also undertook a comparative analysis of marginal drugs and reviewed the role of pharmacy personnel in supporting formulary administration. The critique of pharmaceutical preparations revealed significant patterns of similarity, heterogeneity, perplexity, and redundancy. The investigation also documented problems in dosage form selection and formulary publication. The report concludes that there is a need for more comprehensive studies that incorporate alternative quality assurance methods and focus on the more intangible factors of professional leadership and integrity.  相似文献   

Muse DN 《PharmacoEconomics》1998,14(Z1):57-67
Medicaid provides health coverage for America's poorest citizens. The number of persons enrolled in Medicaid represents 15% of America's population. The percentage of the Medicaid population in managed-care organisations has risen from 8% in 1990 to 50% in 1996. However, only 8% of the Medicaid programme expenditures on pharmaceuticals is directed to the 50% of the Medicaid population in managed care. Furthermore, more than half of this 8% occurs in loosely organised managed-care organisations that do not have formularies or other significant restrictions on pharmaceutical utilisation generally found in health maintenance organisations. The reason that a larger proportion of Medicaid programme expenditures does not occur in managed-care organisations relates to the difficulty of enrolling the elderly and disabled in such organisations. Barring significant new Federal legislative changes, less than 24% of Medicaid programme expenditures will be in managed-care organisations by the year 2000. Medicaid's transition into managed care is therefore more imaginary than real when one focuses on expenditures.  相似文献   

Restriction of antibiotic use in 112 hospitals that are primary teaching facilities for medical schools was studied by mail questionnaire to pharmacy directors and infectious disease physicians. Questions involved whether use of certain antipseudomonal penicillins, aminoglycosides, and second- and third-generation cephalosporins was restricted, reasons for restrictions, existence of a formal education program on new antibiotics, whether the physician respondents agreed with the practice of antibiotic restriction, what percent of requests for use of restricted agents was denied, formulary status of the drugs, the procedure for authorizing dispensing of restricted agents, and the percent of drug expenditures represented by restricted agents. Direct control (specialist authorization or restricted indications for use) was used in 62 (57%) of 108 institutions responding. Nonformulary status indirectly controlled use in 35 institutions. No significant differences in the prevalence of restrictions were found for hospital size, ownership, physician's view of the restrictions, or presence of an education program. Most (85%) of the physicians agreed with restriction practices. Cost was the reason given most frequently for restriction of the penicillins and cephalosporins, while aminoglycosides were most frequently restricted because of bacterial resistance. The specialist's oral authorization was the most common method of approval for use of restricted agents. Expenditures for restricted drugs varied widely, suggesting that different levels of control were considered "restriction" by the responding institutions. Control of antibiotic use is common in these teaching hospitals associated with medical schools. No best method for antibiotic restriction was evident.  相似文献   

A telephone survey was conducted to determine the policies and procedures of hospital formulary systems. Directors of pharmacy at a random sample of 150 community hospitals were interviewed, and letters were sent to each respondent requesting copies of the formulary and drug evaluation form. One hundred thirty hospitals completed the interview (gross response rate of 87%), and 35 evaluation forms and 49 printed formularies were received. Almost all hospitals had a formulary system and a printed formulary; the most frequently stated purposes were to decrease costs and to ensure appropriate therapy. Most formularies received were simple drug lists with no supporting information. The typical pharmacy and therapeutics committee consisted of 11 members, met every month, and reported to the executive committee. About 80% of the responding institutions had formal procedures for considering formulary additions. Less than half had standardized drug evaluation forms. Most hospitals have a formulary system and a printed version of the formulary; however, the formulary often serves primarily as a drug list, with no supporting information.  相似文献   

The goal of pharmacoeconomics is to define the cost and value of different treatment strategies. The cost-effectiveness analysis, one model used in the study of pharmacoeconomics, considers not only the cost of the drug itself, but also the labor costs associated with physician and pharmacy visits, and expenses for laboratory testing. Drugs that require more intensive medical surveillance, either for dose adjustments or overall management of treatment-related side effects, can escalate costs. In the case of antidepressant drugs, various cost-effectiveness analyses have shown that the total cost of disease management is similar for generic tricyclics and the more expensive selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This outcome is due to the higher labor costs associated with tricyclics that offset their acquisition cost advantage. The application of cost-effectiveness studies in formulary decision-making and clinical practice guidelines, will maximize the use of health care resources.  相似文献   

Pharmacoeconomic assessment of formulary actions has become increasingly common in local, national, and international formulary decision making. Tactics for managing medication use include formulary management and drug policies. Pharmacoeconomic data can provide support for these formulary decisions. For example, pharmacoeconomic data can support the inclusion or exclusion of a drug on or from the formulary and support practice guidelines that promote the most cost-effective or appropriate utilisation of pharmaceutical products. Various strategies can be used to incorporate pharmacoeconomics into formulary decision making. These include using published pharmacoeconomic studies and economic modelling techniques, and conducting local pharmacoeconomic research. Criteria for evaluating the pharmacoeconomic literature, suggestions for employing economic models, and suggested guidelines for conducting pharmacoeconomic projects are discussed. Although most formularies are viewed as cost-containment tools, formularies should not be a list of the 'cheapest' alternatives. Today's formulary should contain agents that optimise therapeutic outcomes while controlling cost. Pharmacoeconomic assessments of formulary decisions help to ensure that the agents promoted by our formularies yield the highest outcome per dollar spent. A discussion of the process for formulary action in a US hospital, the influence of pharmacoeconomics on US formularies, and strategies for incorporating pharmacoeconomics into formulary decision making are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

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