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Objectives. Seizure is a frequent reason for activating the Emergency Medical System (EMS). Little is known about the frequency of seizure caused by hypoglycemia, yet many EMS protocols require glucose testing prior to treatment. We hypothesized that hypoglycemia is rare among EMS seizure patients and glucose testing results in delayed administration of benzodiazepines. Methods. This was a retrospective study of a national ambulance service database encompassing 140 ALS capable EMS systems spanning 40 states and Washington DC. All prehospital calls from August 1, 2010 through December 31, 2012 with a primary or secondary impression of seizure that resulted in patient treatment or transport were included. Median regression with robust and cluster (EMS agency) adjusted standard errors was used to determine if time to benzodiazepine administration was significantly related to blood glucose testing. Results. Of 2,052,534 total calls, 76,584 (3.7%) were for seizure with 53,505 (69.9%) of these having a glucose measurement recorded. Hypoglycemia (blood glucose <60 mg/dL) was present in 638 (1.2%; CI: 1.1, 1.3) patients and 478 (0.9%; CI: 0.8, 1.0) were treated with a glucose product. A benzodiazepine was administered to 73 (11.4%; CI: 9.0, 13.9) of the 638 hypoglycemic patients. Treatment of seizure patients with a benzodiazepine occurred in 6,389 (8.3%; CI: 8.1, 8.5) cases and treatment with a glucose product occurred in 975 (1.3%; CI: 1.2, 1.4) cases. Multivariable median regression showed that obtaining a blood glucose measurement prior to benzodiazepine administration compared to no glucose measurement or glucose measurement after benzodiazepine administration was independently associated with a 2.1 minute (CI: 1.5, 2.8) and 5.9 minute (CI: 5.3, 6.6) delay to benzodiazepine administration by EMS, respectively. Conclusions. Rates of hypoglycemia were very low in patients treated by EMS for seizure. Glucose testing prior to benzodiazepine administration significantly increased the median time to benzodiazepine administration. Given the importance of rapid treatment of seizure in actively seizing patients, measurement of blood glucose prior to treating a seizure with a benzodiazepine is not supported by our study. EMS seizure protocols should be revisited.  相似文献   

Introduction: Pain is the most common symptom in patients presenting for prehospital (PH) care. Research in civilian emergency medical systems has shown wide variability in PH pain assessment and analgesic practices, yet a minimal amount is known about pain assessment and analgesic intervention practices in the military, particularly when PH care is delivered in a combat zone. Objective: To describe prehospital (PH) pain care practices for U.S. military personnel injured in Iraq and Afghanistan 2010–2013 and explore potential relationships to explain variation. Methods: An exploratory retrospective, cross-sectional study of Department of Defense Trauma Registry data from 2010 to 2013 was performed. Demographic, clinical, or health system variables for associations with three outcomes: 1) pain assessment documentation; 2) pain severity (0–10 scale); and 3) analgesic administration (yes/no). Including only variables with significant associations, backward stepwise regression was used to develop explanatory models for each outcome. Results: Patient records (n = 3,317) were evaluated for documentation of PH pain assessment and analgesic administration. The prevalence of PH pain score documentation was 37.8% (n = 1,253). Overall, the proportion of records with PH pain scores increased over time: 19.8% (2010), 35.1% (2011), 58.2% (2012), and 62.2% (2013). Severity of pain scores ranged 0–10; mean = 5.5 (SD = 3.1); median = 6 (IQR = 3–8). Analgesics were reported for 50.8% (n = 1,684), of whom 38.3% had a pain severity score documented. The pain assessment documentation model included any documented vital signs, injury year, and mechanism of injury and explained 19.3% of the variance in documentation. The pain severity model included vital signs and injury severity score (ISS) and explained 5.0% of the variance in severity. The analgesic model included any vital signs, pain severity, trauma type, mechanism of injury, ISS, and year. Conclusions: Pain assessment and treatment documentation improved each year, but remain suboptimal. Available data yielded poor prediction of the outcomes of interest, emphasizing the importance of individual assessment. Analgesic effectiveness could not be evaluated.  相似文献   



Chronic infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a leading cause of liver disease and infectious disease deaths. While recent and emerging treatment options for HCV patients have enabled higher rates of sustained virologic response (SVR), the demographic, clinical, geographic, and payer characteristics of the estimated 3.4 million chronic HCV patients in the USA are poorly understood. The goal of this study was to create a dataset describing the current HCV patient landscape in the USA.


Data from two large national laboratory companies representing the majority of US patients screened for HCV antibody and/or tested for HCV RNA from 2013 through 2016 were organized into the present study dataset. Age, gender, payer channel, 3-digit ZIP code and ordering physician specialty, and 3-digit ZIP code information were available for all patients. Among RNA-positive patients, additional clinical characteristics included HCV genotype, fibrosis stage, renal function, and HIV status. Initiating treatment and attaining cure were imputed using data-driven algorithms based on successive RNA viral load measurements.


The number of RNA-positive HCV patients increased from 200,066 patients in 2013 to 469,550 in 2016. The availability of clinical data measurements and rates of treatment initiation increased over the study period, indicating improved care engagement for HCV patients. Treatment and cure rates varied by age, disease severity, geographic location, and payer channel. Sensitivity and specificity of the cure prediction algorithms were consistently above 0.90, validating the robustness of the data imputation approach.


This is the largest, most comprehensive dataset available to describe the current US HCV patient landscape. Our results highlight that the epidemiology of HCV is evolving with an increasing number of patients who are younger and have milder disease than described in previous years. Results of this study should help guide efforts toward the elimination of HCV in this country. Future work will focus on factors associated with varying treatment and cure patterns and describing recent changes in the HCV patient landscape.



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Post hoc analyses (two single-arm studies) were conducted to determine the impact of once-monthly injection of paliperidone palmitate on functioning in adult patients with schizophrenia in the Asia–Pacific region.


Study 1 enrolled hospitalized patients with acute exacerbation of schizophrenia, and study 2 enrolled patients with recently diagnosed schizophrenia unsatisfactorily treated with oral antipsychotics. Patients received paliperidone palmitate, 150 mg eq. on day 1, 100 mg eq. on day 8, then once monthly (50–150 mg eq.) (study 1, days 36 and 64; study 2, 18 months). Functional status was evaluated by Personal and Social Performance score in both studies and employment only in study 2.


In study 1, 54 of 184 patients (29.4%) with an unfavorable level of functioning at the baseline improved to a favorable level (Personal and Social Performance score greater than 70) at day 92. This improvement was significantly greater among patients with recently diagnosed schizophrenia (5 years or less) compared with patients with chronic schizophrenia (more than 5 years): 40% versus 22% (p < 0.0001). Improvements were observed in all four domains (socially useful activities, personal and social relationships, self-care, disturbing/aggressive behavior). In study 2, significant (p < 0.0001) improvement in functioning was observed at all visits, beginning at week 5. Almost half (48.7%, 247/507) of patients showed clinically meaningful improvement in functioning (i.e., 10 point or greater increase in Personal and Social Performance score) at month 18. The proportion of patients fully/partially employed was greater at all postbaseline visits (134 of 280, 47.9%, at month 18) as compared with the baseline.


Functioning, including employment, was improved after short-term, once-monthly paliperidone palmitate injection, and was sustained to 18 months in Asia–Pacific patients with schizophrenia.


Janssen-Cilag Asia–Pacific Medical Affairs.

Context: Although national poison center data show that pesticides were the 8th most commonly reported substance category (3.27%) for children aged ≤5 years in 2014, there is limited information on childhood and adolescent pesticide exposures.

Objective: This study assessed pesticide-related poison center exposures in children and adolescents aged ≤19 years from 2000–2013 in Texas to characterize the potential burden of pesticides.

Materials and methods: Pesticide-related poison center exposures among children and adolescents aged ≤19 years reported to Texas poison centers were identified. The distribution of exposures was estimated by gender, age category, medical outcome, management site, exposure route, and pesticide category.

Results: From 2000 to 2013, there were 61,147 pesticide-related poison center exposures in children and adolescents aged ≤19 years. The prevalence was highest among males at 864.24 per 100,000 population. The prevalence of unintentional exposures was highest among children aged ≤5 years at 2310.69 per 100,000 population, whereas the prevalence of intentional exposures was highest among adolescents aged 13–19 years at 13.82 per 100,000 population. A majority of medical outcomes reported were classified as having no effect (30.24%) and not followed, but minimal clinical effects possible (42.74%). Of all the exposures, 81.24% were managed on site. However, 57% of intentional exposures were referred to or treated at a health-care facility. The most common routes of exposure were ingestion (80.83%) and dermal (17.21%). The most common pesticide categories included rodenticides (30.02%), pyrethrins/pyrethroids (20.69%), and other and unspecified insecticides (18.14%).

Discussion: The study found differences in the frequency of exposures by intent for sex and age categories, and identified the most common medical outcomes, management site, exposure route, and pesticide category.

Conclusion: Through characterizing pesticide-related poison center exposures, future interventions can be designed to address groups with higher prevalence of exposure.  相似文献   

 The antiemetic efficacy of granisetron, ondansetron and tropisetron was evaluated in patients treated with cisplatin–Adriamycin (CDP/ADM) and ifosfamide (IFO) by continuous infusion (CI). In all, 90 patients with osteosarcoma were randomly assigned to receive granisetron (2 mg/m2), or ondansetron (5.3 mg/m2), or tropisetron (3.3 mg/m2) plus dexamethasone 8 mg/m2. Chemotherapy consisted of CDP (120 mg/m2, 48-h CI) followed by ADM (75 mg/m2, 24-h CI) and then, in the second cycle, delivered 3 weeks later, IFO 15 g/m2 (120-h CI). Complete protection (CP) from emesis was obtained on 59% of the 717 days of treatment, without significant differences among the three study drugs. A significantly higher rate of CP was obtained during chemotherapy with IFO than with CDP/ADM (69% vs 44%; P<0.0001). The rate of CP declined from the first to the last day of treatment for both CDP/ADM (61% to 27%, P<0.0001) and IFO (95% to 43%) cycles (P<0.0001). When CDP/ADM and IFO are delivered on multiple days by CI, granisetron, ondansetron and tropisetron have the same antiemetic efficacy, which declines from the first day onward through successive days. Published online: 5 October 1999  相似文献   



The efficacy and safety of vedolizumab, a gut-selective α4β7 integrin antibody, were demonstrated in the GEMINI 1 and GEMINI 2 clinical trials of adults aged 18–80 years. We investigated the efficacy and safety of vedolizumab in patients stratified by age from the GEMINI trials.


Safety and efficacy, including clinical response, clinical remission, and corticosteroid-free remission, at week 6 and/or 52 were determined post hoc in patients aged <35, 35 to <55, and ≥55 years.


At baseline, 353, 412, and 130 ulcerative colitis (UC) and 582, 443, and 90 Crohn’s disease (CD) patients were aged <35, 35 to <55, and ≥55. Of these patients, 56 were aged ≥65 years (UC: 33, CD: 23). Trends favoring vedolizumab over placebo were observed for most efficacy endpoints irrespective of patient age; some variability between subgroups was observed. Safety profiles of vedolizumab and placebo were similar in all age groups. Vedolizumab-treated patients aged ≥55 had the lowest incidence of serious infections (0.9 per 100 person–years) and adverse events leading to hospitalization (14.8 per 100 person–years). There were no age-related differences in the incidence of adverse hematological events, malignancy, or death.


The safety and efficacy of vedolizumab in patients with UC or CD were similar for all age groups. The number of patients in the oldest age group in these analyses was small; thus further studies of vedolizumab in larger cohorts of elderly patients are warranted.


Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (d/b/a Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co.).

ObjectivesExamine trends in mental health-related emergency department (ED) visits, changes in disposition and length of stay (LOS), describe disposition by age and estimate proportion of ED treatment hours dedicated to mental health-related visits.MethodsRetrospective analysis of ED encounters in the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Visit Survey with a mental health primary, secondary or tertiary discharge diagnosis from 2009 to 2015. We report survey-weighted estimates of the number and proportion of ED visits that were mental health-related and disposition by age and survey year. We estimate the proportion of ED treatment hours dedicated to mental health-related visits. We analyze trends in disposition and LOS for mental health and non-mental health-related visits using multivariate regression analysis.ResultsMental health-related ED visits increased by 56.4% for pediatric patients and 40.8% for adults, accounting for over 10% of ED visits by 15–64 year-olds and nearly 9% by 10–14 year-olds in 2015. Mental health-related visit disposition of admission or transfer declined from 29.8% to 20.4% (p < .001); predicted median ED LOS for admissions or transfers increased from 6.5 to 9.0 hours while median LOS for discharges was stable at 4.4 hours. During the study period, mental health-related visits accounted for 5.0% (95% CI 4.6–5.3) of all pediatric and 11.1% (95% CI 11.0–11.3) of adult ED treatment hours.ConclusionsMental health-related visits account for an increasing proportion of ED visits and a considerable proportion of treatment hours. A decreasing proportion of mental health-related visits resulted in inpatient disposition and ED LOS increased for admissions and transfers.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe work of healthcare professionals (HCPs) in the emergency department (ED) involves effective communication and efficient teamwork, which may be perceived differently by patients and HCPs. Therefore, it is important to explore patient perspectives of information exchange and clinical assessment.AimTo evaluate experiences of care, communication, and teamwork from ED patients’ perspectives.MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 patients who were assessed in a Swedish ED during Spring 2021. Thematic analysis was used.ResultsParticipants’ experiences reflected the complex environment of the ED. Findings emphasize the importance of information exchange in relation to a caring approach. Three themes emerged: the need for a caring approach by HCPs towards patients’; the need for dialogue between patient and HCPs; and the need for information on ED environment constraints.ConclusionsPatients felt comforted when they experienced a caring empathic approach from the HCPs. For example, patients valued an individual holistic approach rather than feeling that they were being objectified by their medical conditions. This was important in coping with the anxiety caused by a stressful ED environment. There is a critical need for effective exchange of information between patients and HCPs.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the symptomatology of fibromyalgia (FM) are not fully understood. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship of weight status with pain, fatigue, and stiffness in Spanish female FM patients, with special focus on the differences between overweight and obese patients. The sample comprised 177 Spanish women with FM (51.3 ± 7.3 years old). We assessed tenderness (using pressure algometry), pain and vitality using the General Health Short-Form Survey (SF36), and pain, fatigue, morning tiredness, and stiffness using the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). The international criteria for body mass index was used to classify the patients as normal weight, overweight, or obese. Thirty-two percent were normal-weight, 35% overweight, and 32% obese. Both overweight and obese patients had higher levels of pain than normal-weight patients, as assessed by FIQ and SF36 questionnaires and tender point count (p < .01). The same pattern was observed for algometer score, yet the differences were not significant. Both overweight and obese patients had higher levels of fatigue, and morning tiredness, and stiffness (p < .05) and less vitality than normal-weight patients. No significant differences were observed in any of the variables studied between overweight and obese patients. In conclusion, FM symptomatology in obese patients did not differ from overweight patients, whereas normal-weight patients significantly differed from overweight and obese patients in the studied symptoms. These findings suggest that keeping a healthy (normal) weight is not only associated with decreased risk for developing FM but might also be a relevant and useful way of improving FM symptomatology in women.  相似文献   

Cognitive Therapy and Research - In Wells’ (1997) metacognitive model of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), two types of metacognitive beliefs are considered central: thought-fusion...  相似文献   

Estimates of expenditure provide an index of overall forest industry commitment to research and development that underpins sustainable forestry. This article reports on research expenditure and capacity for 2013 and is an extension of a sequence of five-yearly assessments on research undertaken since 1985. Expenditure in 2013 on forestry research was estimated to be about $38 million (m) and on forest products research about $10.1 m, or $48 m in total, which is a reduction from about $122 m (Australian dollars in 2013) in the mid-1980s. These estimates do not include administrative costs and overhead charges. The number of staff (scientists, technicians, support and graduate students) involved in forestry and products research was about 276 in 2013 compared with 794 in the mid-1980s. The structure and type of research being undertaken has undergone major changes since the initial assessment. At the time of the initial assessment (1985) both forest resources and research were largely under the stewardship of state governments and further research was supported by the Commonwealth Government through CSIRO and universities, with strong links between the timber producers and the timber processors. Research was considered fundamental to supporting the development and improvement of all aspects of forest management and production. The loss of linkages between forest management and research organisations, the move away from state and Commonwealth support for forestry and the shift from science-based management, has reduced support for continued research. For research to develop there need to be well-defined, long-term industry objectives with an understanding that such objectives may be achieved with the support of research. It is concluded that commitment to maintain a strong scientific basis for forestry in Australia is greatly diminished and there is no evidence that contraction will not continue further.  相似文献   

《Clinical therapeutics》2020,42(4):e82-e86
l-Asparaginase (l-Asp) is a critical component of chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). However, toxic effects associated with l-Asp, such as hepatic dysfunction, pancreatitis, hypercholesterolemia, and hyperglycemia, have occurred. In addition, acute pancreatitis is a significant life-threatening adverse event associated with ALL. We describe 2 patients with ALL who had l-Asp–associated pancreatitis (AAP), with one patient presenting with hyperglycemia and the other presenting with hypoglycemia during induction treatment. When octreotide was administered to both of these patients, the clinical findings and laboratory data were improved. AAP was not repeated after treatment with pegylated asparaginase. Although AAP has a high risk of mortality and morbidity in childhood, APP treatment with appropriate agents, such as octreotide, can be successful.  相似文献   

Background: Climate change effect on flora and fauna has been scientifically documented, but the effect on North American venomous snakebites is unknown. The objectives were to examine Californian snakebite incidence and correlate with weather patterns and climate changes.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of snakebites reported to the Californian Poison Control System from 1 September 1997 to 30 September 2017. Venomous snakebite reports were aggregated by caller zip code, and correlated per county with weather data, air temperature, precipitation, population data, eco-regions, and land characteristics. Time series decomposition by seasonality and trend, regression, and autocorrelation were used to assess association between climate variables and incidence.

Results: There were 5365 reported venomous snakebites during the study period, with a median age of 37 years (22–51) with 76% male (p?p?=?.65). The snakebite incidence per million people rose after a period of no drought and declined during drought (r?=??0.41, p???.01). Snakebite incidence decreased by 6-month prior drought (?3.8% for each 10% increase in drought), and increased by 18-month prior precipitation (+3.9% for each 10% increase in precipitation).

Conclusions: Patterns of precipitation and drought had a significant and predictive effect on snakebites in California over a 20-year period. Snakebite incidence decreased following drought, and increased after precipitation.  相似文献   

Only one natural venomous snake—the adder viper—lives in the central European region and its bite is usually associated only with mild course of envenoming. Cases of envenoming caused by exotic snakes among their breeders are clinically more important. Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiological and clinical aspects of registered venomous bites caused by exotic snakes in the Czech Republic over a period of 15 years (1999–2013). Materials and methods. This is an observational case series. Data have been collected retrospectively from a database and medical charts of the Toxinology Center belonging to the General University Hospital in Prague. Results. In total, 87 cases of exotic snakebites caused by 34 venomous snake species were registered during the study period, coming from 18 genera of Elapinae, Viperinae, and Crotalinae subfamilies. In the cohort, 29 patients (33.3%) developed systemic envenoming and 17 (19.5%) were treated with antivenom. Ten cases of envenoming (11.5%) were considered as potentially life threatening. No patient died due to envenoming caused by exotic snake bites during the study period. Four illustrative cases of envenoming (Echis pyramidum, Dendroaspis polylepis, Protobothrops mangshanensis, and Proatheris superciliaris) are described in detail. Conclusion. Bites caused by exotic snakes resulted in serious and life-threatening envenomings in some patients. Early transfer to the Center, antivenom administration, and support of failing organ functions contributed to favorable outcome of victims.  相似文献   

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